Crawford County, Iowa, IAGenWeb


News from the Schleswig Leader

Oct 15, 1909 - Feb 18, 1910

October 15, 1909

Front Page

Minutes of the Meeting Held Sunday

Meeting called at Schleswig, Iowa, Sunday, Oct. 10. 1909, to ascertain the cause of the sickness said to have been typhoid fever.

Meeting called to order by H. Naeve. Geo. Hoiten was then appointed chairman, and John Nicholsen clerk.

Albert Naeve and Peter Hollander were then appointed by the chairman to read the 29 statements made by the parties who were sick, and by the father of Ella Hansen, who died.

After these statements were read, several letters were read, which had been received from outside parties who were unable to attend the meeting.

Motion made and seconded to appoint a committee of five to act as they see fit, the object being to find whether or not Mr. Wiegand is to blame for defective food served at his hotel on June 23, the date of the Firemen's Tournament here.

If the committee shows that Mr. Wiegand was at fault, the object will be to put this in the hands of the law. If it can be shown by this committee that Mr. Wiegand is not at fault for this defective food, said to have been served at his hotel, the object will be to clear Mr. Wiegand.

The committee chosen is composed of Henry Naeve, John Nicholsen, Geo. Hoiten, Julius Schroeder and Wm. Bielenberg. This committee will have power to act and investigate matters relating to the recent epidemic.

All present were satisfied with this meeting.

October 15, 1909 Local Items

- A. E. Schultz was a Denison caller last Wednesday.
- Henry and Jurgen Krohnke had business at Ricketts Tuesday.
- Jochim Rathje was taken to the hospital at Ida Grove Sunday for treatment.
- John Nicholsen and family returned Saturday from a few days visit with his parents at Denison.

- Emma Baak of Ricketts attended the dance here Saturday night and visited over Sunday at the home of Dr. Schultz.
- Dr. Jones left last Wednesday for Washington state where he was called on business connected with the estate of a deceased brother.
- Alfreda Naeve of Denison attended the dance here Saturday night and visited a couple of days with her sister Mrs. Peter Jepsen near here.

- Broder Petersen and wife and Will Kortum of Ipswick, S. Dak., arrived here Tuesday for a visit with relatives and friends here and in this vicinity.
- Rudolph Linstrom, former section foreman here, but recently stationed at Berne, left Tuesday for Breda where he will relieve the regular agent for a time.

- John Bendixen, who has been clerking in Rickert's store here for some time past, was taken to the hospital at Ida Grove Wednesday to be operated on for appendicitis.
- PICKED UP, at my place about Sept. 25, one black steer, weight about 550. Owner can have same by proving ownership and paying charges. John L. Hansen

- A. M. Lorenzen was a Denison Caller Tuesday night.
- Paul Wellesen, the Kiron butcher, was in town Tuesday between trains.
- John Jensen returned here after a week's visit with relatives and friends in Nebraska.
- Mrs. Geo. Hoiten and daughter Sarah returned Friday from a few days visit with her father at Arcadia, this state.

- Otto Schultz and family of Charter Oak are visiting here at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Schultz Sr.
- Ray Landingham of Moorehead attended the dance here Saturday night and visited Sunday and Monday with H. C. Petersen, the hotel man.

- J. H. Boyl, who has spent the past few weeks here in the interests of the Council Bluffs Remedy Co., spent a few days at the Ak-Sar-Ben last week.
- The dance here Saturday night drew a good crowd despite the bad weather, and all had the usual good time. The Schleswig orchestra furnished the music.

- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Eggers of Andover, this state, who have been visiting here at the home of Henry Naeve, left Monday for Storm Lake where they will visit for a time.
- There has been some corn shelled in this vicinity the past year. Since November last year Abbe Bros. have shelled over 100,000 bushels of corn, which certainly is a good record.

- W. A. McHenry has just received the good news that his cattle on exhibition at the Missouri State fair had received 18 first premiums and six championships. This is certainly a great showing for the McHenry cattle, and Crawford county entire is glad she is on the map in the cattle business. - Bulletin

- Ben Schultz, who has been attending college at Seward, Neb., arrived home last week. The college had been dismissed on account of a curious disease that a couple of the students ere afflicted with. It seems to be a spinal and nerve disease that only attacks young people under the age of eighteen. There is said to be no cure for this disease when a person once has it.

- While working on a hay stack last Friday, Fred Jacobs of this vicinity suffered a serious accident. He was standing on a ladder capping a stack of hay. The rung of the ladder he was standing on broke, allowing him, with the additional weight of a fork full of hay, to fall to the rung below. He was taken to the hospital at Ida Grove where hi is now getting along nicely.

- While driving home from Denison last Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Chas Miller and babe of this vicinity were run into by another team, with the result that their buggy was tipped over and Mrs. Miller's elbow was dislocated. They were driving along slowly and they heard another team approaching rapidly. It was too dark for them to see the other team. Mr. Miller turned out of the road as far as he could and called to the other driver. The other man apparently did not hear the call, or if he did he paid no heed to it, and came on as fast as ever. After his buggy was tipped over, Mr. Miller again called to the other man to stop and help, but no heed was paid to his call. They do not know who this other driver was.

- Theo. Rohwer returned Tuesday from spending a week in looking over Nebraska and Colorado lands. He says the crops in the parts he visited were very good. He brought home some good specimens of corn.

- Mrs. Gus Muhl and son Eddie and Mrs. Julius Muhl of Toronto, this state, visited a week at the home of their sister Mrs. John Thoms near here. They left for their home Tuesday. This item should have been in last week's issue but was inadvertently omitted.

- Thru the courtesy of Mable Mills, one of the graduates, Drs. Jones and Schultz this week received invitations to the graduation exercises at the Presbyterian Hospital of Omaha, that were held Thursday. Miss Mills was one of the nurses at the hospital here during the recent illness.

October 22, 1909

Local Items

- John Krohnke went to Mapleton Tuesday on business.
- Emma Baak and Helen Garber were in town last Thursday night.
- Ella Witt and Alma Lorenzen spent Sunday with friends at Kiron.
- Wm. Miller and wife of Manilla visited here last week with Mrs. H. Miller.
- Louise Schiernbeck of Ida Grove is visiting with her brother near here.

- Harry Allison and Art Girard spent Sunday afternoon and evening in Kiron.
- Will Kuehl and Jacob Stockfleth each shipped a car load of cattle to Chicago Saturday.
- Detlef Wohlert of Ricketts visited here Sunday at the home of his brother-in-law Will Hamann.
- Mrs. Henry Peterson and son, of the Brick Hotel, are visiting this week with her parents at Onawa.

- Mr. and Mrs. Lohmann of Ute spent Monday night here at the home of their daughter Mrs. W. W. VonCourt.
- Ella and Minnie Bendixen, Edna and Albert Naeve called on John Bendixen at the hospital in Ida Grove Friday.
- Dr. Geo. Albertson of Iowa City, who has been practicing here in the absence of Dr. Jones, left Tuesday for his home.

- Invitations are out for the wedding of Andrew Lorenzen to Dora Schmadeke at the home of the bride near here Sunday.
- Fred Spahn, Fred Kuchel and John Nicholsen left Wednesday for Onawa where they will spend a few days hunting ducks.

- Chas. Schmidt and family were Denison callers Saturday.
- Will Jepsen, wife and daughter went to Denison Wednesday.
- Miss McVey of Odebolt was in town Monday tuning pianos.
- J. H. Boyl and Henry Petersen were Kiron visitors Tuesday afternoon.
- Mrs. Simpson of Boone, this state, is visiting here at the home of Abbe Hollander.

- C. M. Quistade and Earnest Claussen of Kiron were in town Sunday evening.
- John Ehler and Fred Schultz, with their wives, autoed to Ida Grove and back Monday.
- H. Boysen and wife of Battle Creek are visiting relatives and friends here and near here.
- Alfred Miller and Otto Jurgensen of near Anthon had business here Tuesday and Wednesday.
- Bernice Bonney, who teaches school near here, is spending her vacation at her home in Buck Grove.

- Mrs. Paul Jepsen and little daughter spent a couple of days the first of the week with Emma Baak at Ricketts.
- W. H. Cose of Deloit won the medal given the best horseshoe pitcher in Crawford county at Denison Wednesday.
- Mrs. Geo. Krohnke and two children of Ricketts spent last Friday afternoon here at the home of Jurgen Krohnke.

- Magnus Hollander spent Wednesday night in Ricketts.
- Frank Lund and W. W. VonCourt were in Kiron Sunday.
- Clara Christiansen is now employed at the Brick Hotel here.
- Miss Maud Palmer of Kansas City, Mo., is visiting here with Mrs. VonCourt.
- Irene Garber, who teaches school near here, spent Saturday with her sister at Ricketts.

- The new press arrived last week Wednesday and was installed Friday. It is a dandy.
- Joe Schmidt and Johan Hamann were chosen for jury duty for the November term of court.
- J. F. Harthun of the Denison Zeitung was in town Wednesday. We acknowledge a pleasant call.
- The G. L. club met last week with Mrs. Geo. Reissen. Lunch was served and all had a good time.
- Miss Anna Niewoehner of Denison visited here last week at the home of her sister Mrs. B. Andresen.

- John Bruggen of York, N. Dak., arrived here Wednesday for a visit with relatives and friends here and in this vicinity.
- F. H. Hain of Manilla is working in this territory canvasing for a picture enlarging firm of Manilla, of which he is a member.

- Dr. Schultz and wife and son Shirley and Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wiegand and children visited at the Aug. Wiegand home near Ida Grove Saturday.
- While looking over some of the clothing of Mrs. H. Hansen, deceased, last Sunday, the children, Henry and Botilda, found $515.00 in currency which they had no idea existed.
- Minnie Hollander, who is learning dressmaking in Denison, spent Sunday at her home here. She was taken to Denison Monday by her sister Laura.

- Frank Reitz of Mapleton delivered a couple loads of fine apples at the Grand Leader store here last week. Mr. Reitz formerly lived in the vicinity of Schleswig.
- The M. G. R. club met last Friday with Mrs. Paul Jepsen. There were many members present and all had the usual good time. The club meets today with Mrs. Emil Boock.

- Chas. Miller of this vicinity, while in the Leader office Wednesday, said that the corn crop this year, his crop at least, was good. He said that he had one field of corn of 50 acres that would go about 70 bushels to the acre. There can surely be no kick on such a yield.

- Otto Jahde, who is working for Henry Schroeder, had the misfortune to break a leg Tuesday in a runaway accident.
- John Krueger, formerly cashier of the German Bank, called on old friends here during the past week. He is now located in Omaha.

- Robt. Simlor of Holstein was in town the first of the week shaking hands with his old friends here. He formerly worked here in the Honas Carstens saloon.
- Mrs. W. W. VonCourt arrived here Monday from Ute. Mr. and Mrs. VonCourt have already started housekeeping in their home in the north part of town.

- Any who have received a 5A puzzle and failed to work it, may find out the correct solution by calling at our harness shop. F. C. & C. G. Spahn.
- Theo. Rohwer and Aug. Rickert went to Ida Grove Sunday to call on John Bendixen, who is in the hospital there. John was operated on last week for appendicitis. At present he is getting along nicely and expects to be home in a couple of weeks.

- Don't forget the dance here Saturday, for the children in the afternoon, and for the older folks in the evening. See big ad on first page for list of prizes to be given to the best dancers.

- Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Schultz went to Omaha Tuesday night where Mrs. Schultz will enter a hospital for treatment. Dr. Schultz took them to Denison in his auto, accompanied by Lorette Schmidt.

- Ehler & Reinking received 120 cattle yesterday (Thursday) at the stock yards here, which they are selling to the farmers in this vicinity. During the past couple of weeks they have sold at least 400 head.

- There was a birth day party at the Julius Schroeder home near here last Tuesday, Oct. 12, the occasion being the 54th birthday of Mr. Schroeder. There were many present and all had a royal good time.

- Rev. Hansen & family left Wednesday for Clarence, this state, where he is to be pastor. Rev. Wetzler of Council Bluffs will fill the pulpit here. He does not plan to move his family here tho until the first of the year.

October 29, 1909

Local Items

- Mary Hinz of Ricketts is now employed at the Brick Hotel here.
- Avery Vickery of Ida Grove spent Sunday evening in town with friends.
- Pearl Buller of Kiron, who has been working at the Brick Hotel here, left Monday.
- Dr. Schultz and family, Lorette Schmidt and Magnus Hollander autoed to Ricketts Monday evening.

- Mrs. W. H. Schultz and Emma Baak were callers in Sioux City Wednesday, going by way of Charter Oak.
- Mrs. Simpson, who has been visiting here at the home of Abbe Hollander, returned Friday to her home at Boone, this state.

- Otto Hollander, former telephone lineman here, but one of the typhoid victims, has resumed work for the Schleswig Telephone Co.
- Jurgen Schroeder and Fritz Witt, with their wives, spent Tuesday night in Denison in attendance at a birthday party at the home of Aug. Ohl.

- Mrs. H. C. Peterson and little son returned to their home here Saturday after a week or more spent with her parent at Onawa, this state.
- Fred Spahn, Fred Kuchel and John Nicholson returned Tuesday from their hunting trip at Onawa. We heard some very large stories, but saw no ducks.
- The following is from the Cedar Rapids (Neb.) Outlook, Oct 21. Mrs. F. J. Branaha and little sons took their departure this morning for a two weeks visit in Denison, Iowa.

- Ella Rusch of this vicinity is learning dressmaking at Ida Grove.
- Dr. Jones returned Wednesday from several weeks trip in the western states.
- The infant twins of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ernst were christened in the church here Sunday.
- Henry Schmidt of this vicinity had a troublesome tumor removed from his leg Monday.

- Hazel Taggert, who teaches school near here, is spending her vacation at her home in Wall Lake.
- J. A. Hansen of Movile, this state, visited relatives and friends here and near here during the past week.
- A crowd gathered at the home of Abbe Hollander Tuesday night to help celebrate the birthday of Marvin Hollander.

- Honas Carstens and wife, and Will Jepsen were in Denison Wednesday. They went to see Mrs. Jepsen who in in the hospital there.
- Chris Kruse returned last Friday from Clarence, this state, where he had gone to help Rev. Hansen get settled in his new home.

- During the past week John Krohnke bought 240 acres of land near Bronson, this state. This farm adjoins the one recently bought by Hugo Wiegand.
- Mrs. Albert G. Schultz, who was taken to a hospital at Omaha a week ago, is improving rapidly and will soon no doubt be able to return home.

- John Schroeder and family of Billings, Mont., visited in town a few days the past week with relatives. They went to Denison Tuesday, and from there home.
- Don't forget the dance here Saturday, for the children in the afternoon, and for the older folks in the evening. See big ad on first page for list of prizes to be given to the best dancers.

- In last weeks issue of the Leader we published an article regarding a sum of money that had been found by Miss Botilda Hansen. We wish to announce that this article was not published by request.
- While putting up a wire fence Wednesday, a piece of iron flew up and hit Alber Iwens in the eye. Altho it is not thot that he will lose the sight of the eye, nevertheless the injury is serious and very painful.

- The dance which was to have been held here last Saturday was postponed on account of the bad weather. It will be held Saturday night. See large ad on first page for prizes.
- Claus Gottburg and Peter Hollander called on John Bendixen at the hospital at Ida Grove last Thursday. John is getting along first rate after his operation and will soon be home again.

- Mrs. Fred Brendes and daughters Ada and Ella of Gregory, S. Dak., left for their home Thursday after five weeks spent here at the home of Aug. Brasse. Mrs. Brendes is a sister to Mr. Brasse.

- J. E. Glau did not get into his new gallery as he expected this week, but he hopes to be there not later than Monday of next week. A new sky light of a more improved kind that the old one is being put in, and as soon as John gets accustomed to this surroundings he will be taking better pictures than ever. - Charter Oak Times.

- Wednesday morning marshal Hugo Wiegand was notified that there was a team standing tied to the fence near the railroad crossing just southwest of town. He got the team and put them in the barn and telephoned to Denison, where he found out that the team belonged to Jacob Saggau of the vicinity of Denison. The team had been taken from the streets at Denison the night before.

November 5, 1909

Front Page


On Monday the 25th of October, John Wittmaach, who is working for Wm. Reinking near here, husked 140 bushels of corn. He went into the field at 6:15 in the morning and quit at 5 in the afternoon. This corn was weighed at the rate of 75 pounds to the bushel and was picked from a field that went 55 bushels to the acre. Mr. Reinking says that John could pick 150 bushels in that time if it came to a show-down.

Dance a Success

The children's dance held Saturday afternoon was a success. There were about 100 couples present, which was indeed good considering the time of year. The young orchestra furnished the music.

The $24 in cash prizes were awarded as advertised, with the exception of the case of Mernie Reinking, who received two prizes. This however was unavoidable. The judges were Mesdames Chas. Burk, Jurgen Schroeder and Moritz Detlefsen.

Following is the list of the successful ones and the amounts each received.

Girls aged from 10 to 15 years.
1st Hilda Miller $1.00
2nd Hattie Reinking .50
3rd Minnie Stender .25

Girls aged from 5 to 10 years.
1st Hartwig Christiansen $1.00
2nd Mernie Reinking .50
3rd Edna Bielenberg .25

Boys aged from 10 to 15 years.
1st Robert Miller $1.00
2nd Emil Peters .50
3rd Eddie Paulsen .25

Boys aged 5 to 10 years.
1st Willie Stender $1.00
2nd Chris Groth .50
3rd Geo. Pipgras .25

Best Couples aged 10 to 15 years.
1st prize Hugo Jensen - Anna Volkmann $2.00
2nd prize Frank Petersen - Anna Slimmer 1.00
3rd prize Ben Jensen - Leone Paulsen .50

Best couples aged 5 to 10 years.
1st prize Raymond Boll - Edna Ehler $2.00
2nd prize Walter Carstens - Delia Kruse $1.00
3rd prize Oren Stock - Mernie Reinking .50

The dance in the evening for older folds was well attended, there being about 200 couples present. Everyone seemed to have a good time.

Council Proceedings

Schleswig, Iowa, Nov. 2, '09

Council met at city hall. Called to order by Mayor Schultz at 7:30. Members present: Stegemann, McGarvey, Braase, Hollander, Schmidt and Rickert.

Minutes of last meeting read, and on motion approved as read. The report of the Committee on Streets and Alleys was on motion accepted and approved.

The following bills were on motion and allowed and ordered paid:

Schleswig Telephone Co.   $6.06
Andrew Hansen  2.55
Neil Koch 3.50
Adolph Koch 3.50
Jurgen Schroeder 4.73
Baxter, Reed & Co. 56.78

Motion made and seconded that $1.50 be returned to Hugo Wiegand for water rent overpaid. [carried].
On motion council adjourned.
H.M. Eifert, Clerk.

November 5, 1909

Local Items

- Julius Andresen was on the sick list a few days this week.
- The Ladies Aid Society met Thursday with Mrs. Jurgen Spahn.
- The G. L. M. club met at the home of Mrs. Peter Ernst Wednesday.
- Frank Stock is spending the week in Council Bluffs visiting with his brother and hunting.
- W. W. VonCourt, the basement barber, had business in Ricketts between trains Thursday.

- Quite a few from here attended the funeral of the late Will Nemitz at the Hanover church Thursday.
- Theo. Rohwer went to Colorado Tuesday, via Denison, on land business. He returned home Thursday.
- The M. G. R. club met last Friday at the home of Mrs. Wm. Schmidt. They meet today with Mrs. Olry.
- John Bendixen is getting along first rate in the hospital at Ida Grove and will no doubt be home this week.

- Frank Jones and daughter Lethia of Ida Grove attended the dance here Saturday night. Mr. Jones played in the orchestra.
- Chas. Miller and Ed Struck each shipped a car load of cattle to Chicago Tuesday. Neil Koch accompanied the stock to Chicago.
- Wm. Martens and family of Manning spent Wednesday night here. They attended the funeral of Wm. Nemitz at Ricketts Thursday.
- Mrs. Sarah Lafrantz and Lina Lorenzen of Denison attended the dance here Saturday night and visited over Sunday at the home of L. A. Hollander.

- Fred Jacobs returned home from the hospital at Ida Grove where he had been for four weeks. His many friends are glad to see him out again.

- Miss Amanda Burk is clerking in the A. F. Christiansen store.
- Don't forget the Southland Male Quartet here Wednesday, Nov. 17.
- A. G. Schultz spent Sunday in Omaha with his wife, who is in a hospital there.
- Mrs. John Schwenn has been on the sick list for the past few days, but is better now.
- Otto Hollander is helping in the Schultz drug store in the absence of Mag, the regular clerk.

- Mr. and Mrs. Konrad Burk left Thursday for Kansas City, Mo., where he will receive medical treatment.
- Mr. and Mrs. Hans Kuehl of Battle Creek are visiting here at the home of their daughter, Mrs. A. F. Christiansen.
- A crowd gathered at the Fritz Witt home here Thursday night to help Mr. Witt celebrate his birthday. Everyone had a big time.

- On Wednesday the 6 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Preshing was taken to the hospital at Ida Grove to be operated on for appendicitis.
- P. H. Claussen, cashier in the bank at Ricketts, attended the dance here Saturday night and visited over Sunday at the home of his brother C. Claussen.

- A few of the young ladies of this place were pleasantly entertained at the Frank Stock home Wednesday night. A fine lunch was served and all had a good time.
- Mesdames J. G. Jewel and Ed Lohmann of Ute spent Tuesday night here at the home of Mrs. L's daughter Mrs. W. W. VonCourt. They were accompanied to Ute Wednesday by Mrs. VonCourt.

- Herman Boysen, who has been clerking in Battle Creek for the past couple of years, is again clerking in the H. W. Schmidt store here. The following is clipped from the Times: "Herman Boysen packed up his household goods and shipped them to Schleswig Wednesday evening. He has accepted a position with H. W. Schmidt who conducts a general mercantile business at that place. Herman was considered as one of the most capable clerks in Battle Creek and there are many who regret his departure."

- At a meeting of the Schleswig firemen Wednesday it was decided to hold the annual Firemen's Ball on Thanksgiving. Accordingly a committee of five was appointed to make all arrangements. C. Clausen was voted in as a member of the department.

- Roy Wedlock of Deloit arrived in town Wednesday with his household goods and is now busily engaged in getting settled in the Ludolph (Rudolph?) Mohr house, Mrs. W and babe arrived here Thursday morning. Mr. Wedlock is employed by the Nye, Schneider, Fowler Co. as second man here. We welcome the new family to our little city.

- Marshal Hugo Wiegand took a man by the name of Otto Burk to Denison Tuesday for care. This fellow had been hurt in a fall on the streets Saturday. They went to Denison in Ehler's auto.

- The first number of the lecture course will be here Wednesday evening, November 17. This will be the Southland Male Quartet, a company consisting of our men in both vocal and instrumental quartets, and a lady who is a piano accompanist, and also a reader. There will be four such entertainments during the winter.

Season tickets on sale now by A. E. Schultz, B. S. Andresen, John Ehler, Theo. Rohwer and Wm. Schmidt for $1 for adults and 50c for children. Single entertainments are 50c for adults and 25c for children.

November 12, 1909

Local Items

- Art Benson of Kiron was in town Thursday.
- Dr. Schultz and family spent Sunday in Soldier.
- F. N. Olry recently purchased a $450 Ivers & Pond piano.
- Mr. Holly, the piano tuner from Sioux City, was in town a couple of days this week.
- Mrs. W. W. VonCourt spent a few days the first of the week at her parental home in Ute.

- Dr. Schultz, Paul Jepsen, Hugo Wiegand and Fred Spahn spent a couple of days this week at Pisgah hunting ducks.
- Mrs. Albert G. Schultz returned home Tuesday evening from Omaha where she had been in a hospital for a few weeks. She is much improved in health.

- Another runaway accident occurred in town Saturday. Emil Jepsen had tied his team in front of his place and had gone into the house for a minute when the team became frightened at something and broke loose. They were recovered without any great damage done.

- The M. G. R. club meets today with Mrs. Olry.
- Mr. and Mrs Emil Boock were in Denison Saturday.
- S. B. McGarvey is spending a few days this week in Des Moines.
- Harry Allison, Will Bielenberg and Henry Suckstorf had business in Ricketts Monday.

- Johannes Jochims and wife of Woodbury county attended the funeral of his sister Mrs. Jepsen here Monday.
- Mrs. Will Hummer of Brushie S. Dak., arrived in town Tuesday to spend the winter at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Hoiten.

- Jud Brown has been limping around on crutches this week as the result of an ankle sprained while jumping Sunday.
- The noon passenger on the C. & N. W. here has changed time. Its time heretofore was 12:3?. It is now 12:47 p.m. The other trains all run on the same time.

- Geo Hoiten Jr. was in town Tuesday night.
- Mrs. H. E. Buck is laid up this week with a sprained ankle.
- Dr. Schultz and wife autoed to Denison Friday, and again Saturday.
- Herman Jochims of Little Rock attended the funeral of his sister Mrs. Jepsen here Monday.

- Miss Marie Ebert returned to her home near here after a few days visit at the Andrew Hollander home.
- Misses Anna Flynn and Mary Burch, teachers in the public schools here, spent Saturday with friends in Ricketts.
- Mrs. J. I. Kuntz returned to her home at Onawa Monday after spending a few days here with her daughter Mrs. Henry Peterson, at the Brick Hotel.

- Rev. W. R. Wetzler, who succeeds Rev. Hansen in the local church, will be here Sunday to hold divine services. Everyone is most cordially invited to attend. Services begin at 10:30 a.m.

- Mr. and Mrs Matt Lorenzen of this place celebrated their silver wedding Sunday. A crowd of friends and neighbors gathered at their home and spent the evening in feasting and merry-making.

- A special meeting of the Schleswig fire department was called last Tuesday night. At this meeting it was decided to hold the dance on Wednesday, November 24, instead of Thursday. Bear this change in mind.

- F. N. Olry went to Wendte, S. Dak., Saturday and while there he bought a fine quarter section of land. This piece of land adjoins the farm recently purchased by Mrs. Jurgen Schroeder when she was up there. Mr. Olry says that that is a fine country around there and that the price of land is increasing rapidly.

November 19, 1909

Local Items

- J. W. Boyl "has went."
- Mr. Eberle, the nursery man of Holstein, is in town.
- Henry Naeve and Will Bielenberg had business to Sioux City Tuesday.
- Peter Krueger and A. P. Hollander were called to Denison Monday on Grand Jury duty.
- Miss Helen Garber and Mrs. Timm(?) and babe of Ricketts spent Sunday here with friends.

- Fred Becker sold his pool hall Thursday to Earnest Hamann. The new man takes possession Monday.
- Art Strombane, who has been visiting here at the home of Peter Ernst, left Tuesday for his home at Adair.
- Harry Witt, son of Louis Witt of this vicinity, had his eye badly hurt Friday by a piece of steel striking it.

- Will Bowers, who had been working here this summer for Henry Naeve, left Tuesday for his home at Goose Lake.
- Mr. Harthun of Denison attended the funeral of Mrs. Schultz here Tuesday. He left Wednesday for Sioux City.

- Mrs. Hoover returned Saturday from Denison after spending a four weeks vacation there, and has resumed teaching in her school three miles west of town.

- Pearl Buller of Kiron was in town between trains Tuesday.
- Will Bockhaus of this vicinity had a leg broken Tuesday in a run away accident.
- A Mr. Donaldson of Elwood, this state, is visiting here with his friend Henry Schmidt.
- Robert Dahms of Holstein is visiting relatives and old friends here and in this vicinity.

- Frank Stock has been appointed Justice of Peace of Otter Creek township by the board of supervisors.
- Friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mrs. Matt Koener Sunday to help her celebrate her birthday.

- Frances Blute, who has been working relief in the depot here, left Tuesday for Mapleton to take charge of that station.
- Mrs. Paul Stapleton of Wendte, S. Dak., arrived here Thursday to spend the winter at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jurgen Schroeder.

- Snow fell for the first of the week in quantities sufficient to make first rate sleighing. Bobsleds and cutters have been very much in evidence on the streets this week.
- J. Thomasen, former agent here but recently operator at Sac City, resumed his duties at this station this week. Mrs. Thomasen has been very sick lately, but is better now. She is visiting with her parents at Holstein.

- Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Hollander returned last week from their honeymoon trip to his home at Charlotte. They are now busily engaged in getting settled in the Mrs. Jurgensen building, where they will live this winter.

- Local hunters have been in their glory this week since the snow fell, and many are the jack rabbits that were bagged. On Wednesday Fred Spahn was out and got four nice ones, three of them in about twenty minutes. The four weighed 35 lbs. The same day A. E. Schultz was out and got two jacks and two cottontails. One of his jacks weighed 11 pounds.

November 26, 1909

Front Page

School Notes

Everything going smoothly. We expect twenty pupils from the country about December 1.

The ninth grade will soon be ready for bookkeeping. We have the best system this year that we have ever had.

The high school and grammar room enjoy 30 minutes singing Monday and Friday mornings in the Grammar room.

The $17.30 that was made last June bought thirty-three interesting library books, books that will benefit boys and girls. Good books are silent teachers that influence for good. The high school pupils read on an average four books each last month. We now have 350 library books, besides 168 supplemental readers.

"The Calling of Dan Matthews" is being read to the high school. "Big Dan" is a character worth knowing.

There are a few library books astray. Kindly hand them to the school children to be returned.

The steam heating plant installed this fall is a decided improvement over the hot air system. No more cold, gas, smoke and dry air to contend with. It is more home-like and much more pleasant. The rooms are warm these cold days and we have heat to spare. Many thanks to the Board of Education.

The sanitary seats for our out-buildings are a much needed improvement and are worth many times their cost. These seats were invented by Supt. Hoffman.

The tenth grade will soon be ready for Commercial Law. Everyone should know about contracts - their essentials, kinds, how to draw them, negotiable papers, sale of personal property, duties of agents, and many other legal matters.

Misses Hoiten and Witt visited the various rooms lately. Mr. Rohwer visited high school. Come again. We are pleased to see you.

Does it pay to educate your boy or girl? The high school graduate has 22 times as many chances for conspicuous success as the graduate of the common school, and college graduate has ten times as many chances as the high school graduate.

Lincoln felt the need of a college education and often said so. Many parents do not realize that a week or two out of school may cause a pupil to fall in his studies, to become discouraged and quit school, and thus deprive him of the best thing that can be given him.

The rooms have decided not to hold a Christmas entertainment, but to have and entertainment some time in February.

Several new pictures may now be seen on the walls. Pictures are silent teachers that greatly influence children's lives. Children who read good books and love good pictures seldom go wrong. The picture study hour is profitable as well as interesting.

Intermediate Room

The pupils of the intermediate room have made interesting booklets containing the history of the Pilgrims in story and picture form.

Helen Rohwer as Priscilla, a Puritan girl, with her spinning wheel, made a pleasant picture for us on Monday.

The "A" and "B" classes have made some fine drawings of Africa and South America in their geography work. The room has had an average attendance of 18.6. Enrollment 20.

Alfred and Bernhardt Kahler have been picking corn in the country this week. We hope to have them to their grade soon.

Court in Session
(From the Denison Bulletin)

Judge Church has had the juries working overtime in district court this week, so far, and after the Thanksgiving vacation which will be taken tonight, will commence again Friday on the work of clearing the assignment.

Work in court ended rather suddenly last week Thursday when the cases set all failed to materialize and Judge Church adjourned until Monday, when the jurors would appear for duty.

He granted two divorces before he went away, one to Mrs. Robt. Meisner of Schleswig and one to Mrs. Eyer.

The Grand Jury was discharged yesterday afternoon. The Grand Jurors worked hard in sifting several cases brought before them, but finally adjourned without finding indictments.

Court will continue in session next week, taking up the rest of the law cases assigned.

November 26, 1909

Local Items

- Dr. Jones and wife were in Denison Monday.
- Francis Blute was in town between trains Tuesday
- Lee Tripp of Omaha was greeting old friends here last week.
- Ed Spahn of this vicinity spent Sunday at the Fred Spahn home here.
- Hattie Hall of Cedar Rapids is visiting here with her sister Mrs. Jones.

- Mrs. Jeschke of Ricketts visited relatives and friends here a few days this week.
- Minne Hollander, who is working in Denison, spent Thanksgiving at her home here.
- There will be a total eclipse of the moon early Sunday morning. It starts at 12:12 and ends 4:38
- A birthday party was held at the John Lorenzen home hear here Sunday. Everybody had a big time.

- There was a birthday party at the home of John Schutt Sunday. There were many present and all had a good time.
- Mrs. Will Nemitz of the vicinity of Ricketts visited here the past week at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Schultz.

- Many from here attended the sale of Black Poll cattle from the Schroeder & Krohnke farm at Ute Saturday. In fact the stock was nearly all sold to men from Schleswig.

- The few poles of the Iowa Telephone Co. on Main street in Charter Oak were taken down this morning and moved to the alley west of the street. This removes another eye-sore from Charter Oak - from the Charter Oak Times.

- Peter Hollander spent Sunday in Denison.
- Mrs. Henry Peterson and son spent Sunday in Soldier.
- Dr. Schultz and wife were Sunday callers at Ida Grove.
- Marie Petersen of Boone attended the dance Wednesday night.
- Ben Witt and Henry Stender spent a few days the past week in Omaha.

- Amanda Petersen is visiting at the home of her uncle John Lorenzen near here.
- Roland Wollersen of Kiron visited his sister Jeannie here a few days this week.
- Alfreda Naeve and Lina Lorenzen of Denison attended the dance Wednesday night.
- Fred Jacobs was in town last Friday for the first time since his operation at the Ida Grove hospital.

- The Firemen's dance here Wednesday night was fairly well attended and everyone apparently had a good time.
- Ehler & Reinking received two carloads of cattle from Sioux City Wednesday which they sold to the farmers in this vicinity.

- Luella Koontz of Onawa attended the dance here Wednesday night and is visiting with her sister Mrs. Peterson, at the Brick Hotel.

- Some time ago we stated that Jurgen Schroeder had moved his barn closer to his store and had refitted it for use as a warehouse. He moved the barn and put a new foundation under it. It is still to be used as a stable and is at the disposal of the farmers at all times. Room for 20 teams.

- Rev. W. R. Wetzler closes his pastorate at Council Bluffs next Sunday and will move his family to our town the following week. This is considerably earlier than he expected to come. There will be no services in the church here Sunday, but beginning with the first Sunday in December services will be held regularly.

November 26, 1909

Public Sales

John Tank proprietor, sale on his farm 5 miles southeast of Schleswig and 5 miles northwest of Deloit, sec. 26, starts at 11 a.m., Monday, Nov. 29. Consists of farm machinery, 2 horses, 6 cattle, 10 hogs, 10 doz. chickens, household goods, 5 tons timothy had, 160 bushels oats, 150 bushels corn in the crib.
Free lunch at noon, usual terms. F. D. Reinking auctioneer. B. S. Andresen clerk.

John Carl Evers proprietor, sale on his farm 3 1/2 miles southwest of Schleswig and 6 miles east of Ricketts, starts at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 7. Consists of 6 horses, sorrel mare 10 years, 1600 pounds, gray mare 6 years, 1450 pounds, gray mare 11 years with foal from Schmadke Bros' stallion, yearling colt, dark gray, bay gelding 11 years, 1400 pounds, black gelding 10 years, 1250 pounds, 33 cattle: 7 milch cows, 7 yearling steers, 8 yearling heifers, Hereford bull two years old. 30 hogs: 20 Poland China brood sows, 10 shoats. Farm machinery, 1500 bu. corn, 27 ton clover hay, stack of oats straw.
Lunch at noon. F. D. Reinking auctioneer, B. S. Andresen clerk.

December 31, 1909

Local Items

- Hugo Wiegand and family spent Christmas with relatives near Ricketts
- Robert Hirsch, the cigar maker, enjoyed a Christmas visit from his son in Chicago.
- Avery Vickery and Letha Jones of Ida Grove attended the dance here Saturday night.
- F. E. Wagner, the veterinary surgeon, is spending the holidays at his home in Sac City.
- Harry Allison, Herman Schroeder and Ben Witt attended the dance in Denison Monday night.

- Frank Jones of Ida Grove assisted the orchestra in furnishing music for the dance Saturday night.
- Mrs. Luella Hover and daughter are spending Christmas vacation in Denison. Mrs. Hover teaches school here.
- Emil Boock and family, ate Christmas dinner in Ida Grove at the home of Mrs. Boock's sister, Mrs. Clayton Woolridge.

- Misses Mary Birsch and Anna Flynn, teachers in the schools here, are spending their week's vacation at their homes in Denison.

- Earnest Schultz was up from Ricketts Monday.
- Caroline Hollander spent the past week at the Ebert home near Ricketts.
- John Willert, section foreman here, spent Christmas at his home in Auburn.
- John Schmidt of Elwood, this state, is visiting here at the home of his son Will.

- Anna Rohde of Mapleton is visiting here at the home of Mrs. Magnus Hollander.
- Alfreda Naeve of Denison spent Christmas here at the home of her sister Mrs. Peter Jepsen.
- Arlo Schmidt of Charlotte this state arrived here last Thursday for a couple weeks visit with relatives.

- Birdie Berg, teaches in the Jensen district near here, is spending her Christmas in Denison, with her parents.
- J. H. Spahn and family of Lawton eat Christmas dinner with his folks, and are visiting relatives for a few days.

- Hazel Taggart, teacher in the Carl Friederchsen (sic) district, is spending her Christmas vacation at her home in Wall Lake.
- Fred Burk celebrated his birthday Monday. Many friends and neighbors gathered at his home in evening and all had a jolly time.

- The public school entertainment given at the opera house last Thursday was a gratifying success. Those taking parts on the program all did exceptionally well. The proceeds $34.00 will go towards buying books for the school library.

December 31, 1909

Public Sales

Edw. W. Kuehl prop., sale on his farm 3 1/2 miles southwest of Schleswig. Sale starts at 1 p.m. on Tues. Jan 4. Consists of 32 cattle, 6 horses, 1000 bu. corn. Usual terms. Reinking auctioneer, Rohwer clerk.

January 7, 1910

Front Page

To Subscribers

There has been some misunderstanding among some of the people the exact meaning of the article published two weeks ago, and again last week, regarding a change in the Leader.

As announced, with the issue of January 21 we start publishing an all English paper, composed of eight pages. Four of these pages will be devoted to news of Schleswig and vicinity. The other four pages are to be devoted to state news, agricultural notes, stories, etc.

Understanding however that if you still desire the paper four pages English and four pages German you may have it that way. Let us know AT ONCE which paper you desire.

Remember you can have the paper four pages English and four pages German or all eight pages English. Both are the same price.

January 7, 1910

Local Items

- Marie Ebert of near Ricketts is visiting in town.
- John Bendixen has been visiting friends and relatives at Wall Lake and West Side the past week.
- Mrs. Greenwood resumed her school work near here Monday after a week's vacation spent in Battle Creek.

- Laura and Minnie Hollander returned Tuesday from West Side where they had been visiting for a few days.
- Eric Amstein, son of Rev. Amstein, returned to his school duties in St. Paul after a few days spent at his home.

- Friends and neighbors gathered at the Henry Jensen home near here Thursday evening to help Mr. Jensen celebrate his birthday.
- John F. Brus and wife of Manning arrived here Wednesday for a visit at the Henry Jensen home. Mesdames Brus and Jensen are sisters.

- A party was held at the W. H. Schultz home Sunday evening in honor of Arlo Schmidt and Anna Rohde. A large crowd of young people were present and all seemed to have a good time.

- The King-Perkins show held down the boards at the Opera house last Thursday before a large crowd. Altho the show advertised was "The Little Prospector" they played "The Leading Lady", a play written especially for "Chic" Perkins and one in which she did exceptionally clever acting.

- Paul Voss of Denison had business in town Tuesday.
- Aug. Rickert and family and Anna Kolholf were in Ricketts between trains Saturday.
- The New Year's dance was not well attended, but those who were there had a fine time.
- Anna Rohde returned to her home at Mapleton Monday after a few days visit with friends here.

- Mrs. Fritz Timm of Denison spent several days the past week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Koener.
- Malinda Olson of Wall Lake has been visiting here the past week at the Chris Jacobsen and L. A. Hollander homes.
- Andrew Kahler and family are enjoying a visit from Mr. Kahler's nephew, a Mr. Soost of near Bloomfield, Nebraska.

- J. C. Moeller celebrated his birthday Tuesday. Friends and neighbors gathered at his home and spent the evening in merry making.
- Harriet Hall of Denison spent several days the past week here with her sister Mrs. Jones. She returned to Denison Saturday, Mrs. Jones accompanying.

- Considerable stock has been shipped from this station so far this winter. As near as we could learn those who shipped from here Saturday were as follows: Will Bauerkenper(?) 2, Julius Ehler 2, Emil Bielenberg 1, Henry Laumbach 1, J. Reissen 1, J. Lorenzen 2, P. G. Broders 2, H. Andresen 1, John Lafrantz 1, J. Hamann 1, Jul. Hamann 1, Thos. Michaelsen 2, Carl Lohse 1, Ed Spahn 1. Heavy snow storms along the line interfered greatly with the trains.

January 14, 1910

Local Items

- Arlo Schmidt spent Sunday at Mapleton.
- The G. L. club met at the home of Mrs. F. Witt Wednesday.
- Johannes Lohse has been laid up for some time past with a "bad" leg.
- Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Hollander spent Sunday with relatives near Ricketts.

- Marie Sell of Bloomfield is visiting relatives here and in this neighborhood.
- Harry Fairchild of Wall Lake spent a few days the fore part of the week in town.
- Henry Sell returned Wednesday from a trip to Wolsey, S. D., also points in Nebraska.
- Many friends and neighbors gathered at the Jochim Rickert home Sunday, the occasion being Mr. Rickert's birthday.

- Adolph Hansen and John Schutt each celebrated a birthday this week, the former on Tuesday and the latter on Thursday.
- The moving picture show was here Saturday and showed to a good crowd. They will be here again Saturday with an entire change of program.

- Between hauling ice, hauling coal, hauling flour, hauling merchandise, and getting married, Henry Rickert has been about the busiest man in town the past week.

- On Wednesday Dr. Schultz accompanied Irvin Rehse, Knudt Friedrichsen, Carl Schultz, and Henry Joerns to Omaha where they entered a hospital for treatment. Arlo Schmidt went with the doctor.

- A team of bowlers came up from Ricketts Monday evening and met a team from here in a match game. The Schleswig team won by 211 pins. John Nicholsen, Ernest Boock, Hugo Wiegand, Julius Schmidt and Fred Jacobsen composed the Schleswig team.

- Early Monday morning Editor Kroesen of Ute awoke to find his house afire. He grabbed his two children from their bed, shouted to his wife to follow him, and made his was outside. Mrs. Kroesen delayed a few minutes before following and was overcome by smoke gas and her body consumed in the fire.

- Peter Hollander and Herman Schroeder spent Sunday in Denison.
- The M. G. R. club will meet with Mr. Wm. Schmidt on Tuesday the 18th.
- Dr. Stocker, the Charter Oak dentist, was in town one day this week.
- Avery Vickery and Ed. Sparks of Ida Grove were in town Sunday evening.

- Hans P. Hub of Boone, this state, is visiting at the L. A. Hollander home here.
- A crowd of young ladies spent Wednesday afternoon at the B. S. Andresen home.
- Mrs. Roy Wedlock and babe spent a few days the past week with her parents in Deloit.
- Fred L. Heyne, commission man of Chicago, is spending the week in this vicinity soliciting business for his firm.

- Friends and neighbors gathered at the Nick Naeve home Sunday to help Mr. Naeve celebrate his birthday in good style.
- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wellendorf returned Thursday from their honeymoon trip to Davenport and other places in the eastern part of the state.

- Asmus Petersen returned to his home in Minnesota the first of the week after a week or more spent here at the home of his brother Jurgen, also at the L. A. Hollander home.

- On Tuesday morning while walking on an icy sidewalk, Mrs. Henry Krohnke slipped and fell. In falling when caught on a nail and cut a severe gash in her limb. Altho the injury is not considered dangerous, it is none the less painful.

- Coal is a pretty scarce article in these parts at the present time, the stock of soft coal being exhausted some two weeks ago. On Monday evening the Farmer Lumber and Coal Co. received a car load of soft coal, and on Tuesday over 75 farmers got coal from that car. No man was given more than 500 pounds, and many had to take less.

- The lecture "Dollars and Sense" given by Mr. Wiggam Thursday evening at the opera house was certainly fine and one that should have been heard by every young man and young woman in this vicinity. The crowd in attendance was very small.

January 21, 1910

Local Items

- A. E. Schultz was in Omaha Monday.
- Miss Nellie Porter has been visiting her parents in Ute the past few days.
- Minnie Kastner of Holstein visited a few days the past week at the Julius Schroeder home near here.

- A crowd of young people gathered at the Andrew Hollander home Sunday evening in merrymaking. Refreshment were served and all spent an enjoyable evening.

- Aug. Rickert had business in Carrol a few days this week.
- Harry Gradert of Bryant, this state, is visiting at the M. A. Hollander home.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Petersen of Marne, this state, are visiting here at the Matt Lorenzen home.

- Aug. J. Hansen of Denison was in town Wednesday. He expects to return to Schleswig with his family soon to live.
- Mrs. W. H. Schultz entertained a crowd of young ladies Friday afternoon. Refreshments were served and all spent an enjoyable afternoon.

- The Schleswig bowling team went to Ricketts Sunday where they met the team from that place. The Ricketts boys were victors by a matter of 523 pins.

- Edith Shane of Charter Oak is employed at the Brick Hotel.
- J. C. Petersen and Hermann Schultz spent a few days in Denison this week.
- Aug. and Henry Joern went to Omaha Monday where Henry entered a hospital for treatment.

- Bernard Brodersen and wife of Denison visited over Sunday at the home of his brother Geo. near here.
- Hans P. Hub left for Bloomfield Neb., Thursday after visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity for some time.

- Ed Willert and Chas. Brown of Auburn spent a few days here the past week with the former's brother, section foreman John Willert.
- Nick Kahler sold his house some time ago for $2400.00. Mr. Kahler and family will leave Monday for Neb. where Mr. Kahler will farm the coming year.

- Mrs. F. E. Wagner, wife of the veterinary surgeon, arrived here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wagner are now comfortably settled in the Krohnke building.

- Lillie Petersen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Petersen, celebrated her birthday Saturday. A large crowd gathered at her home to help her celebrate the event and all had a good time.

- Attend the play "Down by the Sea" at the opera house Thursday night. The net proceeds of this play will go to enlarging the school library. Admission 15 and 25 cents.

January 28, 1910

Local Items

- Will Miller returned from Boyer Wednesday.
- A. F. Stegemann was a Denison visitor Tuesday.
- W. W. VonCourt of Ute was in town Wednesday between trains.
- Mrs. Hugo Wiegand and children are visiting relatives near Ida Grove.

- A. F. Christiansen had business in Battle Creek one day this week.
- John Spahn of Lawton, this state, was in town on business a few days last week.
- Many from this vicinity are planing on attending the big Masquerade dance at Mapleton Friday if the weather permits.

- Otto Bruggen, who has been visiting relatives and friends here for the past six weeks or more, left for his home in York, N. Dak., Wednesday.

- Matt Koener returned from Denison Tuesday.
- Ludwig Ehler of Battle Creek was in town Wednesday.
- Mary Von Ahuen of Ute is visiting with her sister Mrs. Hoener.
- Chris Schnoor left Tuesday for Davenport to visit with a brother.

- Minnie Miller is spending the week with her cousin Mrs. R. S. Boysen.
- Anna Rohde of Mapleton attended the Masquerade dance here Saturday night.
- Miss Selma Carlsen, music teacher of Kiron, was in town Tuesday teaching her class.

- Harry Gradert, who has been visiting here, left Tuesday for his home in Bryant, this state.
- Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham, R. B. Buckley, Misses Carsen and Stolt of Charter Oak spent a few hours in town Sunday afternoon.

- The masquerade dance Saturday night was a great success in every way. The crowd was very large, there being over eight hundred tickets sold.

The prizes were awarded as follows: For men, prettiest costume, Earnest Miller as a groom; the best character mask, Ludwig Ehler as a trapper; the best comic, John Petersen as the New Iowa Farmer.

The prizes for ladies were: prettiest costume, Anna Kleaver as a bride; best character mask, Louise Paulsen as Good Luck; best comic, Mrs. Jurgen Schroeder. The prize for the best group of three ladies was taken by Meta Rusch and Margaret Kruse as the Gold Dust Twins and Miss Wollesen as night.

- The G. L. club met Wednesday with Mrs. Hans Lohse.
- Aug. Schultz and Theo. Abbe were in Denison Wednesday.
- Claus Rusch, John Jacobsen and John Lorenzen were Denison callers Tuesday.

- Matt Lorenzen and Mike Petersen had business in Soldier Tuesday and Wednesday.
- Clyde Jones of Ida Grove spent a few days the past week with his brother Dr. Jones.
- The son of Wm. Jochims was taken to the Ida Grove hospital Wednesday for treatment.

- Mrs. Minnie Janssen, left Friday for Winona, Minn., for a visit with relatives and friends.
- The attention of patrons of the post office is called to the fact that inquiries for mail over the telephone is forbidden by the government.
- R. A. Linstrom left the latter part of the week for Lawton, this state, where he has been assigned as agent for the North-Western railroad. - Breda News.

- Nick Kahler and family left Monday for Winside, Neb., where they will make their home in the future. Mr. Kahler has rented a farm near Winside and expects to operate it the coming year. We hate to loose this esteemable family from our town but wish them the best of success in their new home.

- Arlo Schmidt returned to his home in Charlotte Wednesday after six weeks or more spent with relatives here.
- The Battle Creek and Schleswig bowling teams met here Sunday in a match game, the home boys winning by the close score of 30 points.

- Herman Schultz returned Wednesday from Denison where he had been for the past two weeks correcting books for the German Insurance Company.
- Honas Sieck of Schleswig visited here the past week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Claus Sieck. - Manilla Times.

- There are still some who have not let us know whether they want their paper English and German or all English. We wish they would notify us at once.

- The following is an article contained in the Vail Observer twenty years ago: We are informed that R. C. Morris has sold his large farm to W. A. McHenry of Denison, for a consideration of $25 per acre.

- The Schleswig District Teachers Meeting will be held at the school building Saturday, February 5th, commencing at 1:15 p.m. Teachers, patrons, and all interested in the cause of education, come. Discussions open to all. Bring your questions. F. N. Olry, Dist. Chairman.

- While loading barrels of salt onto a wagon one day last week Earnest Groneburg had the misfortune to have two fingers caught between two barrels. The injury was not that serious at the time but by Thursday of this week the whole forearm was swollen. At present he is getting along first rate.

February 4, 1910

Front Page

Schleswig District Teachers' Meeting
Saturday, Feb. 5 at 1:30 p.m. sharp

This meeting is for teachers, patrons, directors, and all interested in the cause of education. You are especially invited to be present to hear the papers and take part in the discussions. The meeting will be held in the public school building and all will be made cordially welcome. We want to make this meeting especially helpful for the Schleswig schools and all rural schools in the vicinity. Come, show your interest, and lend a hand.


Violin solo Luella Hover
Are Teachers' meetings worth while? Mrs. Louise Morris
General discussion.  
Child's hands in school Mrs. Luella Hover
General discussion.  
Song Intermediate Grades
Greatest needs of public schools today Miss Bernice Bonney
Discussion opened by W. C. VanNess  
15 minute question box Supt. F. L. Hoffman
Pictures and picture study Prin. F. N. Olry
General discussion  

F. N. OLRY, Chairman
F. L. HOFFMAN, Co. Supt.

Council Proceedings

Called to order by Mayor Schultz at 7:30 p.m.

Members present Stegemann, Braase, Hollander, McGarvey and Rickert; absent Schmidt. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

Moved and seconded that the following bills be ordered paid:

Hugo Wiegand, killing dog $ .75
Hugo Wiegand ,salary 60.00
Wm. Bradge, shoveling snow 2.00
Neil Koch, shoveling snow 3.00
Henry Rickert, draying 1.75

Moved and second that finance committee pay $800.00 on City debts, carried.

Moved by Stegemann and seconded by Hollander that Ordinance No. 43 by read the first time. Vote: Stegemann aye, Braase aye, Hollander aye, McGarvey aye, Rickert aye.

Moved by McGarvey and second by Stegemann that rules be suspended and Ordinance No. 43 be read the second time. Vote: Stegemann aye, Braase aye, Hollander aye, McGarvey aye, Rickert aye.

Moved by Braase that rules be suspended and Ordinance No. 43 be read the third time. Vote: Stegemann aye, Braase aye, Hollander aye, McGarvey aye, Rickert aye.

Moved by McGarvey and second by Stegemann that Ordinance No. 43 be accepted as read and published in the Schleswig Leader three times. Vote: Stegemann aye, Braase aye, Hollander aye, McGarvey aye, Rickert aye.

Moved and second that the citizens of Schleswig vote on Fire Ordinance in Business District at the next regular City Election. Carried.

Moved and seconded that we adjourn. Carried. AUG. RICKERT, Clerk pro tem.

Public Sales

Herman Peper prop. sale 1 mile north and 6 1/2 miles west of Schleswig and 4 miles north and 1/2 mile east of Ricketts. Sale on Friday Feb. 18th. Consists of Farm machinery, household goods, 51 hogs, 11 horses, 35 cattle, hay, grain, seed corn, etc. Usual terms. Rohwer clerk. Reinking auctioneer.

February 4, 1910

Local Items

- Fred Kuchel spent a few days this week in Omaha.
- Ladies aid society meet Thursday with Mrs. John Jepsen
- A. E. Schultz had business in Ricketts between trains Tuesday.
- Matt Lorenzen and Mike Petersen attended court in Denison Monday.

- Chris Hoefer of Ricketts attended the home talent play here Thursday night.
- Mrs. H. R. Timm and babe of Ricketts spent a few days the past week with friends here.
- A crowd of young ladies were pleasantly entertained at the Dr. Jones home last Wednesday.

- Mrs. G. R. Hayes of Orcomt, Cal., is visiting at the home of her brother Luke Kramer near here.
- The Schleswig orchestra furnished music for the big masquerade dance at Mapleton last Friday night.
- Clyde Jones left last Thursday for his home in Ida Grove after several days spent here with his brother Dr. Jones.

- Helen Garber of Denison attended the home talent play here Thursday night and visited a few days with friends.
- Mrs. VonDuhern of Ida Grove is visiting here with her niece Mrs. Robt. Naeve also with her nephews Will and Henry Schmidt.

- Albert Naeve took first prize at the masquerade dance at Mapleton Friday night he being mask as a trapper. The prize was a fine pipe.
- Mrs. Floyd Smith and babe of Aberdeen, S. Dak., arrived Monday for a visit at her parental home, that of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoiten.

- Geo. Krohnke of Ricketts was in town Tuesday.
- Chas. Brown of Auburn is assisting John Willert on the section.
- Theo. Rohwer left for Ida Grove Thursday where he had business.
- Chris Kruse returned last week from a two weeks visit at different points in Nebraska.

- John Meyer of Battle Creek spent a few days the past week with relatives and friends here.
- John Ainsworth of Denison was among those who attended the home talent play Thursday night.
- Mrs. F. N. Olry entertained a crown of ladies Monday afternoon and again on Wednesday afternoon.

- The enterior (sic) of the German Bank has been repainted the past week or two, S. Johannsen doing the work.
- Frieda Fostje left Saturday for her home in Denison after a few days spent here with Mrs. H. D. Jones.

- John Schmidt left Thursday for his home at Elwood after visiting his sons Will and Henry here for some time.
- Claus Gottburg and John Bendixen went to Omaha Wednesday to get a large new stock of furniture for their store here.

- Herman Schmidt left for Carroll Tuesday to meet a Mr. Lymann who will accompany him on a two weeks trip to Oregon and the west.
- Adolph Hansen this week purchased the store building he has been occupying from Matt Lorenzen. We did not learn the consideration.

- Mrs. Henry A. Boysen entertained a crowd of ladies at her home Friday evening. A fine two-course lunch was served and all spent an enjoyable evening.

- The Schleswig Dramatic club will present the "Down by the Sea" at the Kiron opera house Wednesday eve, Feb. 9th. Plan to attend. The Schleswig orchestra will accompany the play.

- The Milwaukee road is reaping a harvest from the men who would like to ship their stock over the Northwestern and cannot. That company will not receive any stock shipments, so the Milwaukee is getting them all. Monday nearly a dozen young farmers from the vicinity of Schleswig were in Charter Oak with hogs, which they sent through our buyers into the big city by the fish pond. - Charter Oak Times.

- A Mr. Patterson of Green County this state, spent a few days the past week with Miss Lula Girard of this vicinity. He left Monday for his home.

- Henry Peterson, the hotel man, spent a few days the past week in Omaha. While there he purchased a fine Reging automatic piano which he has in the restaurant.

- Following is an article from the Vail Observor of 20 years ago: C. H. White marketed in Vail a fine lot of hogs and received for them the top figures $3.30. Among the lot were twenty-five which averaged upwards of 350 pounds.

- On Wednesday evening a club dance was held at the opera house in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wiegand, who are soon to leave Schleswig. There was a fine crowd in attendance. At twelve o'clock supper was served, each lady having brought refreshments. The Schleswig orchestra furnished the music.

- A bad accident happened to Detlef Wohlert last week, which is causing considerable anxiety on the part of his doctor. He was sawing wood for Ed. Meyer when he caught his finger in the teeth of the big saw. They tore the finger badly, splitting it almost the entire length. The wound was deeper than the bone, which itself would make a bad job of it, but then blood poisoning set in and the man is in bad shape. - Charter Oak Times.

February 11, 1910

Front Page

Teachers' Meeting

The Schleswig District Teachers' meeting was held at the high school building Saturday p.m. Several teachers from near here and a few from Kiron attended, besides a few people from town.

The violin selection by Beulah Hover was good, and also the songs by Mrs. Hover's and Miss Burch's children.

The talk by Mrs. Morris on the subject, "Are teachers' meetings worth while?" was good and suggested many benefits one might derive from attending.

The talk by Mrs. Hover on "Child's hands in Rural Schools." was interesting. She had an on exhibition some very good wood carving by her pupils. She illustrated some points in teaching by having her pupils and those present tear objects to illustrate lessons studied.

The paper - "The Greatest Needs of our Rural Schools today," by Bernice Bonney was well presented and called forth much discussion. She suggested that better sanitation and enforcement of the compulsory education law would be of much benefit to rural schools.

The discussion was opened by Prof. Van Ness. He thot that good teachers would do much to find a way to improve the school and the surroundings.

The 15 minute question box proved to be very interesting. F. N. Olry had prepared a paper on Picture Study, but on account of the length of the meeting it was not read. He had on display fourteen pictures representing the greatest paintings in the world. - Schleswig dept. Bulletin.

February 11, 1910

Local Items

- John Willert, section foreman, spent Sunday at his home at Auburn.
- A Mr. Hinge of Michigan is visiting at the Fred Fick home near here.
- Mr. Storm of Preston, this state, is visiting with the Schmidt Bros. near here.
- Frank Lund, lineman for the Schleswig Telephone Co., was in Boyer Friday.

- Herman Schroeder, Ben Witt and Will Schmidt were in Kiron between trains Friday.
- Thomas and Henry Jochimsen and wives of West Side are visiting at the Hans Miller home.
- Miss Nellie Porter left Monday for her home at Ute. From there she will go to Omaha to order her spring line of millinery.

- Mr. and Mrs. A. Herrig of Denison visited a few days the past week at the home of Mrs. Herrig's daughter Mrs. Peter Jepsen.
- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Spahn spent Sunday at the Ed. Spahn home near here, it being Ed. Spahn's birthday. Many friends were present to help him celebrate.

- The play "Down by the Sea" was not put on at Kiron Wednesday as advertised last week. This date was canceled, as were the others that had been made.

- Emil Boock and Theo. Rohwer were in Denison Wednesday.
- Mrs. Jurgen Spahn has been laid up the past week or more with the grip.
- Emma Christiansen of Omaha attended the Kuehl-Miller wedding Wednesday.
- Mrs. M. A. Hollander spent a few days this week with relatives and friends at Ricketts.

- Gus Buesing of Denison spent a few days here at the home of his sister Mrs. Jurgen Spahn.
- Prof. VanNess and Supt. Hoffman of Denison attended the District Teachers Meeting here Saturday.
- There will be a program and box social at the "Ten Mile" school house Friday evening, Feb 18. All are invited to attend; ladies are requested to bring boxes.

- Stock buyers have been compelled to ship hogs to the market in box cars, the company being unable to furnish stock cars.
- The fine weather the past few days has about put an end to sleighing for the present.

- Many of the farmers have been in their fields these fine days picking the corn that they did not get out last fall. While most of this corn is not marketable, nevertheless it makes good feed.

- Friends and neighbors gathered at the John Jurgensen home last Thursday evening and spent the evening in merrymaking, the occasion being the birthday of Mrs. Jurgensen.

- In reporting the big mask ball held at Mapleton the 28th the Press has the following to say: "The Schleswig orchestra was on the job with just the class of music such occasions demand, and kept everybody in good dancing humor until near 3 o'clock in the morning."

- While making sausage last Thursday, Mrs. Peter Boysen had the misfortune to catch one of her fingers in the machine, cutting it off nearly to the first joint. Medical aid was summoned and at present she is getting along O.K.

- Mrs. John Reimer celebrated her birthday at her home last Thursday. In the afternoon the ladies society met at her home and in the evening many friends and neighbors gathered at the home and spent the evening in merrymaking. They all departed after spending a very enjoyable evening.

February 18, 1910

Local Items

- Anna Munster of Ricketts was in town Tuesday.
- M. G. R. club met with Mrs. Emil Boock Friday.
- Paul Voss of Denison had business in town Saturday.
- John Hoiten returned Friday to his home at Dallas, S. Dak.
- F. E. Wagner and wife were in Sac City a few days the past week.

- Aug. John is doing some fine decorating at home of Mayor Schultz.
- Ella Hoiten returned to her work at Aberdeen, S. Dak., Tuesday.
- T?gla Hollander spent a few days the past week in Ricketts with friends and relatives.
- A. E. Schultz carried mail on Route 2 Wednesday, Stegemann being unable to go.

- Frank Reitz and family of Mapleton spent Sunday at the John Schwenn home here.
- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hamann of Bloomfield Neb., are visiting here at the home of their son Will.
- John and Hugo Krohnke, Ben Witt and Herman Schroeder were in Omaha a few days last week.
- Earnest Rickert and Margaret Hanamann visited relatives in Ricketts between trains Saturday.

- Mrs. Anna Hummer returned to her home at Brushie, S. Dak., Tuesday after several months spent here.
- The Catholic fair and bazaar at Charter Oak three days last week brought in $1231.00 over all expenses.
- Hazel Taggart who teaches school in the Carl Friedrichsen district, spent Sunday at her home in Wall Lake.

- Ernest Groneberg, who has been laid up with blood poisoning in the arm for some time, is now much better and past all danger.
- Geo. Spahn celebrated his 77th birthday Saturday. A crowd gathered at his home in the evening. Lunch was served and all had a fine time.

- Herman Boock of Manning was in town Wednesday.
- Ella Rusch is visiting friends and relatives in Battle Creek.
- Robert Dahms of Holstein was in town a couple of days last week.
- Frank Stock is in South Dakota this week attending the wedding of a niece.
- Misses Mary Burch and Anna Flynn spent Friday night with friends in Ricketts.

- Several from here attended the dance at Kiron last Friday night. All report a fine time.
- John Jurgensen and family visited friends and relatives in Ida county a few days the past week.
- Mrs. Simon Kruse, who has been ill all winter, is much better now, being able to be up and around.
- A crowd of the little tots gathered at the Dr. Schultz home Monday afternoon, it being Shirley's birthday.

- Mrs. C. Erick of Council Bluffs has been visiting at the Herman Boysen home, also with relatives in the country.
- H. H. Schroeder celebrated his birthday last Friday. Friends and neighbors gathered at his home and all had a big time.
- Lou Krueger was here a couple of days last week from South Dakota shaking hands with his old friends and acquaintances.

- Miss Niewoehner, who has been visiting here with her sister Mrs. B. S. Andresen for some time, left last week for her home at Denison.
- Will Bowers returned to Schleswig Wednesday after spending a couple of months at his home in Clinton. He is working for Nick Naeve.
- The cold weather the past few days has somewhat shaken our belief in the old groundhog superstition.

- Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Wedlock and son Harold visited a couple of days last week here at the home of their son Roy.
- Friends and neighbors gathered at the Henry Jensen home Monday, the occasion being Mrs. Jensen's birthday. All present had a fine time.

- A meeting will be held in the Leader office Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock for the purpose of organizing a ball team. Everyone interested in the ball team and everyone desiring to play are invited to attend.

- On Friday night, February 25, there will be given in Battle Creek in the Grand opera house an old time German masquerade ball, given under the auspices of the Crawford and Ida county Germans. Eight cash prizes will be given to the best masks - comic, antique, and sentimental. The Battle Creek Mandolin Club will furnish music for the dance. This music is guaranteed to be the best in this vicinity. Everybody is invited to this big event. Be sure and plan to be in Battle Creek on February 25. The committee will assure all a good time, good order, and the biggest dance of the season.

- There will be a necktie social and program at the Chas. Tamm school house Friday evening February 25, admission 10c and 15c. Everybody welcome.

- Herman Schmidt returned Tuesday from a two weeks trip to Oregon. Herman says there is a considerable difference in the climate of Oregon and Iowa, the people out there wearing straw hats, the men going around in shirt sleeves. He bought about 80 acres of fine land while out there.

- The German Ladies Aid Society will hold a box social at the opera house Saturday evening, February 26th. An entertainment will be given before the social, this free to all. Ladies are requested to bring boxes, gentlemen well filled purses. The proceeds of the social are for the benefit of the church. Everybody is invited.

- Earnest Carlsen of Battle Creek was in town a few days the past week visiting at the Dr. Jones home. He was called to Battle Creek Tuesday to take charge of the Times, editor Peffer having gone to Texas on account of ill health.