Crawford County, Iowa, IAGenWeb


Dow City Enterprise

Special Edition

Something About Dow City

A Brief Review of the Town, Its Surroundings and Business

Friday, December 13, 1907


Previous to beginning the labor incident to the getting out of this issue, we made the statement that it would be the largest and best issue every published in the western part of the county. While it is not considered the proper thing to brag on one's own work, we will simply say that we have made good by getting out not only the largest ever published in the western part of the county but, in fact, the largest paper ever published in the county outside of the county seat, but shall leave you to judge as to its worth. We have labored hard, very hard, to get subject matter for the write-ups of the town, business men and the community and sincerely trust it may interest and edify our readers. We still believe this is the best town in this neck-o-the-woods by a big majority. Best because made up of a class of business men who are able and willing to meet the needs of the people. We would not have this statement reflect on any of the busy and hustling towns, but in every part of the country there is always a best town and this seems to have fallen like an Elijah's mantle upon our town, which fact has given her the greater power and we are proud of it.

South Banking Institution, Large and Well Stocked Mercantile Houses, and the Best of Religious and Educational Advantages. Not a Vacant House in the City.



In presenting this paper to the public it is the writer's object to give a plain and truthful statement of the advantages of Dow City and vicinity, situated in the southwestern part of Crawford County and in the western part of Iowa, the best state in the Union. Nothing has been exaggerated and no attempt has been made to make the city and vicinity appear better than it really is. It is not the intention of the writer to attempt to give all the details of the early settlement of the community, nor is it expected for by right that falls to the lot of the historian. Our aim has been to give a clean and concise resume of our people and community in the hope of aiding those who may be looking for an acceptable place in which to locate a home, to direct their steps toward Dow City where they may dwell in the midst of wealth, culture and refinement.

It has fallen to the lot of the writer to travel up and down this broad commonwealth to a considerable extent, both in search of business and pleasure, and without an attempt to flatter the good people of this section, it can be truthfully said that no town of equal size has yet been found that equals Dow City in very many respects.

The soil in this vicinity is porous and has a perfect drainage, while water for domestic purposes is the very best, being found far below the superficial strata.

The business here represented is on a solid foundation so that credit may be obtained in any amount desired if needed. The bank has a capital sufficient for every need and surpasses many others in its responsibility. It is ably and conservatively managed and is doing its share towards the development of every industry.

The dry goods men, grocers, hardware merchants, lumber and implement dealers, furniture store, harness shop, drug store, meat market, elevator, newspaper, restaurant, millinery establishment, bakery, flour and feed stores, blacksmith shops, livery stable, horse buyers, hog and cattle buyers, wagon makers, dressmakers, barber shops and physicians - all these are displaying an aggressiveness that is truly worthy of commendation.

Improvements of various kinds are continually being made, lawns are being cared for in an inviting manner; church influences are wholesome, social influences elevating and inspiring, home influences a benediction and educational influences the most helpful.

Man meets his fellows here with a "good morning, James; how are you feeling this morning?" while the answer is wafted back on the morning breeze, "Quite well I thank you." The good women as they toil the greater part of the day in looking after the domestic affairs, hum a merry tune the while, because "love lightens labor," and over their tea cups at an afternoon function, or around some family circle, banded together as a club they discuss topics along intended to elevate their race.

This is our town the ideal city of the county.

A picture of the Dow City Public School Building appeared at this point in the article.

Public Schools

Our town has little ambition as a manufacturing center. There is here a vast amount of enterprise, but it manifests itself not so much in promoting "wild cat" plunges as in developing the many attractions that make this a model hometown. The concerns that center in the home, the circumstances and influences that constitute a desirable environment for the home, these are the elements that should be most assiduously cared for by those who have the future of the city at heart.

Certainly adequate and varied provision for education is a price requisite from the point of view of the home. The home means children and children demand schools.

And a town which claims to offer unique advantages to home lovers must possess, not average but superlative school facilities. Whatever else is stinted, the schools must be well cared for. Those who today have the schools in charge cannot exactly see the form that will be assumed a quarter of a century hence, but they have it in their power to hasten or seriously impede the brilliant educational future. The highest development of the schools of the city in the years ahead is largely conditioned by those in authority doing their duty by the schools today. Illiberality, sordid aims, ignoble standards and picayunish policy, will cramp the work and delay, perhaps prevent the future development that is in the range of possibility. We are glad that we do not have that kind of directors. Let our officers and directors continue to build with their best wisdom and liberality, and the historian of the future will look well after the records.

A saying of Confucius bids us look into the future and take that as our counselor and today's duty in the light of future possibilities. Those who today direct the destinies of the schools of Dow City and the people whose wishes they execute, will do well to ask themselves what those schools will be in ten, twenty, or thirty years from now. Even if the question can be answered but vaguely, hints may be obtained as to the probably lines of development, which will present duty the clearer.

No other public interest in the life of a community is more important than the schools. It is here that in a large measure the character of the child and his habits of industry or idleness are formed. It is here that are centered the hopes and aspirations of the parents. No other interest draws as desirable a class of citizens to a town as a good public school. A good school should be measured by results, not immediate but distant. The teachers that have been employed in the Dow City schools have had a clear conception of the elements of character and what knowledge and skill would be necessary to enable the individual to battle successfully with the problem of life. While the school is an important feature in the development of the child, the home should not forget its duty or its opportunity. There is no limit to the responsibility resting upon the home in connection with good school work and parents should look well to their duties in connection therewith.

We cannot more fittingly close the public school question than to say that from our schools more young men and women have gone to the various colleges and universities than from any other school of its size in the state. Scored of them have in this way fitted themselves for future usefulness to themselves and to the community in which they may be called upon to reside while exercising their chosen occupation or profession.


That the churches in any community exercise a most potent influence for good is conceded by all except the most rabid infidel whose egotism and self-conceit blind his mind to the inestimable value of Christianity. But to what extent are the churches valuable in this community? The Galilean teacher said of his disciples; "Ye are the salt of the earth. Ye are the light of the world." Hence if all His disciples are the light of the world and the salt of the earth, the logical conclusion is that they are the light of the community in which they live.

These declarations , however, do not preclude the possibility of the light going out, being hid under a bushel, or the salt losing its saltiness. But certainly no reasonable or fair minded person would excuse the churches of being wholly composed of united bands of hypocrites. For it matters not to what extent sin, in its many forms, may prevail in the ranks of the church, you will find, within its membership. consecrated men and women. And it should be born in mind that it requires only a few of the above mentioned class to become the light of the community.

There is not a man in our town, however indifferent to the claims of Christianity, that would want to rear his family here if there were no churches or church influence, for he at once recognizes them as the guardians of the morals of the community. What would be the condition of this community at the end of the next ten years if from this time until then the churches were closed? To what extent would life and property be safe? And yet, with all the organized agencies of the churches, the devil too frequently holds high carnival. What might we not expect if wholly divested of these good influences? The high moral standing of the community is due to the fact that it has been permeated by Christian influences and education, such as have radiated from the various church organizations in our community.

Lodges and Secret Societies

Superstition and distrust, with which all societies known as secret orders , were at one time viewed by a large number of people was happily, along ago dispelled and today the lodge stands as one of the champions of the home and family. Wherever society has reached a high state of development, secret and fraternal orders have their greatest stronghold. That our town should be well represented by a number of orders of this kind is not at all surprising, when the character of the people is considered.

The Masonic order is the oldest of any in existence, its founding dating back to a period early in the world's history. It is one of the local orders and has in its membership men who are united in purpose and who believe that right hurts no one. As its auxiliary in that queen of secret orders, known as the Eastern Star, a band of women with lofty ambitions, high ideals and unselfish motives.

The Odd Fellows is an order of world wide popularity, and an influence is radiating therefrom that is extremely helpful. As their right hand bower stands the conquering Rebekahs with all their redeeming qualities.

The largest local order in our town is the Modern Woodmen of America. This order furnishes ample facilities to meet every demand of lodge life no matter how exacting. This order supplemented by the efficiency of their auxiliary the Royal Neighbors, is making a place of itself in the community.

Healthful Locality

At present there seems to be a good-natured rivalry between towns of respectable proportions to make "our town" a good place to live in. On every hand can be found evidence of this commendable spirit being fostered in our midst, the friendly competition of traffic, the observance of social amenities, the support of church and school, the beautifying of home and environment, and all else conspiring to that end. These and more may be secured through well directed human effort, but individual nor municipality cannot make to order that chief consideration of desirability for residence known as healthful climate.

Our town is so situated that the porous soil has a perfect drainage, which necessarily makes it an extremely healthy section. The winters are reasonably mild and dry, although the thermometer at times registers very cold. The heat of summer is moderated by the cooling breezes and the almost unfailing coolness of the nights. The hot winds of summer, which sometimes bring disaster to crops in the more southern and western sections, spend their force before reaching Dow City, and rarely produce perceptible effects on vegetation of any kind or human health and comfort. The climate is favorable to health and vigor and proves indeed a beneficent sanitarium.

The Professions

No department of the human endeavor contains a more devoted class of men than is to be found in the medical profession. It is a profession calling for the highest qualifications, deepest research and the most profound study. It carries with it the greatest responsibility, a responsibility which must be borne uncomplainingly by its followers. Constant care, laborious and patient, application are demanded of all who enter its ranks if they would keep in line with the rapid strides that are being made in all its departments. The successful physician of today is the one who enters into the real spirit of his work to such an extend at to cause a sufferer to feel a relaxation from pain as soon as he approaches the bed side. Doctors must be large hearted and yet, tender hearted men. Large hearted in the sense of having a feeling for all mankind, and not only enter with them the crucible of pain but journey side by side with them as they cross the dark valley; stony hearted in the sense of knowing no fear when the knife is to be used in order to save life or limb; tender hearted in the sense of the utmost precaution when a patient whose feet have already felt the first splash of the dark waters, and who, longingly looks up and asks: "Am I getting better doctor?"

Yes, the doctors of any community are the eternal vigils who never sleep so long as there is human suffering unless, perchance, they themselves have reached the limit of human endurance.

A picture of the First Baptist Church appeared at this point in the article.

The different men composing the medical fraternity of our town have their fingers resting upon the pulse of the people day and night which explains the healthful condition that exists here.



The Great Question Now is, What Shall I Buy for a Christmas Present? Here are a number of Answers:
A nice Rocking Chair for the Lady, or
Perhaps it is a Child's Rocker you want, or
How would one of those Couches do? or
Perhaps a nice Rug would give greater pleasure.

We have a large line of Pictures that make fine Christmas Presents.
Get one of those Combination Black Boards for the children this winter.
How about getting that Phonograph for these long Winter evenings?
Nothing better for a Christmas present.

Bring in your Pictures and have them framed .. all kinds of Picture Framing done.

A full line of Dining, Parlor and Kitchen Tables, Carpet Sweepers, Dressers, Buffets, Sideboards, Dining Chairs, Iron Beds, Bed Room Suits, CARPETS, LINOLEUM, MATTING

A full line of Wall Paper, Always on Hand

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, we are

Yours truly,
W. C. ROLLS - Dow City, Iowa

W.A.McHenry, Pres.
Sears McHenry, Vice Pres.
W. E. Fishel, Cashier
E.G. Wiggins, Asst. Cashier

Dow City, Iowa

Having conducted a general banking business in Dow City for better than two years, we desire to thank the banking public for their valued patronage during that time and solicit a continuance of the same, and wish to state that we are still prepared to furnish money on long or short time. Farm Loans A Specialty. If your loan is due or about to become due it will pay you to come and see us. Abstracts of Title furnished. Insurance Written - both Fire and Life. "In time tried and fire tested" companies. Interest Paid on Time Deposits.

Farm Lands for Sale
We have a choice lot of farms for sale adjacent to Dow City. Call in and get our prices. We have some Bargains

End of Advertisement

The Eating Problem

Ever since Adam and Eve were turned loose in the Garden of Eden the eating problem has been in vogue. It doesn't matter whether it is cold or hot, wet or day, every man, every woman, and every child, so far as we know eat three square meals a day. The cost of various commodities is an item worth considering and they can be had here at reasonable as anywhere in the world from the fact that they are all produced here. Eggs, butter, meat, in a town the size of this are always about one fourth cheaper than in a city. Rent, too has to be taken into account when one is figuring up the cost of living. While vacant houses are alarmingly scarce in this city, rent is moderately low in fact very low, ten dollars securing as good a dwelling as a banker or other person would care to live in. The same house in a city would bring two or three times that amount. The cost of fuel is also a part of the living expense and is always cheaper here than can be had in larger places because the dealers are satisfied with a small profit. The cost of dry goods and other lines of merchandise are likewise items of cost, although they do not strain the pocketbook here as the same item would in many places you might name. Store rents here are not so high, taxes not so great, water and light are more reasonable, clerk hire not so enormous, hence it stands to reason that one can live here and enjoy every luxury of life for about half, or two thirds at the very outside, that it would cost him in the city. And life here is worth the living too, for there is a cordiality about the people that one cannot help but enjoy.

City of Homes

The name of our town stands for a picture in the minds of all who have lingered even for a few fleeting days within the charm of its wooing beauty. It stands not alone as a present picture but as the future ideal to its own loyal citizens. It is unique among its sisters in this county, as an ideal city of homes even as the county is unique for its wealth, fertility and manifold attractions.

Men here take pride in their homes. The word "home" next to that of "mother" is the greatest ever uttered by human tongue. What a refuge the home is when darkness gathers. How glad one is to get a glimpse of home when time and space have separated him from it if even but for a brief period.

There seems to be a good natured rivalry here in an effort to make "our home" look a little neater and thus be the more inviting to the occupants than all others. Such rivalry is certainly pardonable.

It does not cost so very much to own a home in our town. Good building lots well located can be had at very reasonable prices. Building material is as reasonable here as at other points. Able architects and contractors are ready to satisfy every demand, hence to own a home is within the range of possibility, no matter how meager the salary or limited the means. If a man is honest, upright, and displays a willingness to help himself, there are people here who will give him whatever help is needed, so long as it be within the bounds of reason.

A Picture of the Latter Day Saints' Church appeared at this point in the article.

Homer Curtis

The subject of this brief sketch does not necessarily need to be classed as a kleptomaniac just because he "takes things". He has been "taking" for some years and has never yet been run in. The reason is he knows how to "take." Mr. Curtis has demonstrated the fact that, as a photographer, he thoroughly understands his business. The people in this town are to be congratulated because of the presence in their midst of one who is so abundantly able to meet every demand in the photograph line. The cuts which are run in this Christmas edition are made from pictures taken by Mr. Curtis. He is a professional ad writer and is an expert at the business. He is also in good printer and can make good at almost anything.

A Picture of undertaking carriage pulled by horses appeared at this point in the article.

H. E. Pease & Son, Licensed Undertakers, Phone 8 Dunlap or W. C. Rolls, Dow City

H. E. Pease and Son - Undertakers

Respect for the dead is observed by all nations of the earth and although the ceremonies adopted differ widely they are all calculated to pay some fitting tribute to the memory of departed life. Of course, civilized nations consider their burial services the more appropriate and no doubt the more impressive. In considering this subject there is no more difficult place to fill than that of funeral director. It requires a natural aptitude as well as a thorough training both in skill and deportment. H. E. Pease & Son possess all of these and seem to have been born with all knowledge of the requirements of the business. They give their constant attention to all improvements to keep abreast of the times in their profession which may enable them to perform the very delicate duties which devolve upon the care of the bodies of the deceased and their preparation for burial. As Funeral Directors they occupy a leading position in this city, and are thoroughly conversant with every feature of the business and are prepared to do undertaking in all its branches, including embalming according to the most improved scientific methods. They have a stock of about twenty caskets and one black hearse and other paraphernalia located in Dow City at W. C. Rolls furniture store. They also carry a stock of from sixty to seventy caskets in Dunlap. One black hearse, one white hearse, one Loundon canopy hearse, lowering device, three church trucks and other acquirements such as two pall bearer wagonetts, six carriages, gentle horses, trusty drivers, in fact, every thing that would be necessary and useful for funeral supplies, from the crepe on the door to the head mark at the grave. The Dow City people get waited on just the same as if they lived in Dunlap without any extra charge, whatever. Call any time night or day and H.E. Pease & Son will respond. Phone No. 8, Dunlap or W. C. Rolls, Dow City.

Joseph McColl

This gentleman is a stock and grain buyer of Dow City paying the highest market price at all times for stock and grain and pays out annually a great many thousands of dollars. None are more enterprising in all acts of a public nature than Joseph McColl. He always gives the farmers the benefit of the market and pays all he can afford, generally making the price above that of dealers in other towns and as a result he purchases grain and stock at a distance of many miles, even in the territory of other towns. Mr. McColl owns his own elevator which has a capacity of many thousands of bushels of grain, and is equipped with the latest improved machinery all operated by a large gasoline engine. The large amount of money paid by this man for grain and stock is in turn distributed among the local merchants for the necessities of life. In addition to the elevator, Mr. McColl owns two business houses and five residence properties which bring him a snug sum of money every month. He is enterprising, public spirited and is worthy and deserving of the success he has made in business life.

R. T. Baber, City Marshal

Mr. Baber is a pioneer of Crawford County, having lived here nearly all his life. He is a genial whole-souled fellow and has the confidence and respect of the people of the entire community. Mr. Baber is now city marshal and night watch, a position he has held for several years and from his special fitness for this position he will probably be continued in it for many years to come. During all these years he has always been true to the responsibility imposed upon him. Suspicious characters are taken care of and the welfare of the community carefully guarded. During the past summer he has acted as street commissioner also and in this position has proven a good official. The streets are kept in good condition, ditches kept open, crossings always in good repair and weeds moved at the proper time. He never does things by halves but enters into his work with his whole might.

Bremser Bros. General Merchandise

Bremser Bros. are not old residents of our town, but the few years they have been here has been so satisfactory to them that they would not live anywhere else if they were paid for it. During their stay here they have been leading merchants in our town and have perhaps tied up as many goods as any one in the same length of time. They have a way of doing things that seems to satisfy the people, and because of their liberality aggressiveness they have forced their way well to the front as business men. Always determined to handle the latest line of goods the market affords, has given to them a prestige that is indeed enviable. In Bremser Bros. you will find a good a pair to draw to as could be found were you to scratch the country over. Hustlers, genial, accommodating, they are heading toward the king row, at an alarming pace, and whenever the occasion warrants, they are "dar wid de stuff;" groceries is their long suit, and for a dollar they will load a man down to such an extent that he will throw up both hands and "holler" stop! They carry a first class well selected line of dry goods and shoes which are sold at bottom prices. It's a real pleasure to bump up against such people, for trading is made easy, and you know you are given the advantage ? ? business concession.

J. B. Best, Hardware

A few years ago Mr. Best opened his door to the people of this town and vicinity, since which time there has been a continuous forward movement along every department. Young, full of ambition, competent and obliging, he has ever traveled at the head of the procession, delivering that what is worth doing at all is worth doing well. Because of his ability to meet the most exacting demands, his business has been added to and multiplied in a very gratifying manner. He is still as ambitious as ever to serve the people and always have the very latest and best things to be found in the hardware realm. Of course, you already know this if you are one of his customers. He has an exceptionally good store, keeps a large and well selected stock of farm machinery as well as hardware, names a price that moves them, and is thus blessed with a large circle of friends and patrons. Mr. Best is a thorough business man, applies the Golden Rule to every business transaction, and is "there with the goods" whenever the occasion demands.

O. A. Cooper, Restaurant

When hungry if you drop into the cosy restaurant of Bert Cooper, you will find set before you, without any long wait, a tempting array of delectable things to eat that so thoroughly satisfies the inner man. You will also find a full line of confectionery and cigars, as well as everything in the line of delicious soft drinks and fruit and ice cream in season. Mrs. Cooper caters to the best trade and conducts his business in a manner that insures it. This is pre-eminently a leading place because it is recognized headquarters of all good things to eat. O. A. Cooper, the genial proprietor, has so conducted the business as to elicit the admiration of all. Everything is kept in the very best condition and the service is indeed most excellent. Mr. Cooper has a way that just suits all of us, hence his splendid business. His place will continue to be headquarters for hungry humanity.

W. C. Rolls, Furniture

A summing up of the business of the community would be incomplete without due mention being made of Mr. Rolls, who is one of the mercantile war horses of the town. He has made a success of life, and the liberal and judicious application of printers ink has been largely responsible. The people of the community have unlimited confidence in Mr. Rolls and his manner of doing business and confidence, you know is the hinge upon which the business world hangs. Because of this confidence the store has been given a business prestige that is indeed enviable. For a few years Mr. Rolls has been supplying the furniture needs of this community and so ably has he performed every duty and so reasonable have been his charges that no other dealer has considered it advisable to launch a similar business. It is not necessary to expatiate upon the merits of the goods handled for all know that the quality is of first importance. Besides being a good business man who manages well his store, he is also a good citizen being always ready to aid the town in any way possible.

Nelson Bros. Harness Shop

Nelson Bros. are both young men but it is several years since they made their first wax-ends but they have kept constantly at the harness business every since and have, because of a strict application to their trade, developed into two of the best workman in the country. They have been in the harness business here only a short time but during this time they have contributed their full share toward the upbuilding of the community, and as a result of their honor, integrity faithfulness to duty they have a wide circle of friends.

Cohen and Son, General Merchandise

This city is indeed fortunate in possessing a business institution of such magnitude as that of Cohen & Son, conceded to be one of the largest retail centers in this section of the state. The modern progressive business methods of the firm have given this city a wide reputation as a trading point and every business venture, large and small share in the profits and resultant of such advertisement. Every town or city has its big "STORE" and certain it is that no community is more proud of its large institutions than this. Cohen & Son not only carry at all times a large stock of merchandise, but it is a well selected one, purchased by experienced buyers who know well the demands of the trade having had years of experience in this business. The attractive manner in which the merchandise is displayed and the courteous treat accorded everyone who enters the door are features which tends to increase this firms popularity. Dependable goods at right prices, appeal to all communities alike and the knowledge that honest values are given for every dollar spent with the above named firm is one of the most valuable assets of the store.

No firm is meeting with or deserving of greater success than the one above named. Theirs as you well know, is a general store and is filled to the wall with staples. Buying at the right season, at the right place, and in large quantities, gives them an advantage in the way of price concessions, that many smaller firms are unable to obtain. This firm believes in the judicial and systematic using of printers ink hence their large business has been built up, in no small sense, because of publicity. Aggressive, pushing, reliable, trustworthy, accommodating, make this store a place where one can trade with pleasure and profit.

A picture of Cohen & Son's General Merchandise Store appears at this point in the article.

J. E. Doser, A Blended Drug Store

It is a pleasure at any and all times to enter as conveniently arranged and tastily kept store as that of J. E. Doser, dealer in drugs and sundries. If there is any profession in which it is necessary for a man to thoroughly know his business it is that of a druggist and in this particular regard this city is peculiarly fortunate as Mr. Doser's competency in compounding drugs is acknowledged. In addition to carrying a complete line of medicine, the store is stocked with notions, fine cigars, perfumeries, toilet articles, paints, oil etc; in fact everything that is usually found in a first class store of this character. The promptness and correctness with which every order is filled is one of the pleasing features which characterize this store.

Mr. Doser doesn't sling on a whole lot of style and then charge it up to his customers at so much per ailing, but "gets busy," as the small boy would say, sells his goods at a living profit and handles the best the markets afford. Because of this fact he has succeeded in establishing a splendid business; one that he will be able to retain through the years. There is no more popular man in the county or one held in higher esteem by the citizens in general. A man that can do business in the same community and have that business increase year after year has got to be pure gold and that's what you will find this man made of.

Stewart Lumber Co

It gives us unlimited pleasure to speak of these interested business men, for such they have proven themselves to be. With a line of implements and hardware which include every need of the community, they are forcing their way to the front in a way that cannot mean other than success. Aside from implements and all manner of standard vehicles, they likewise have a large and full assortment of lumber and builders supplies and are drawing trade from near and far. There has never been a movement started in the town, the object of which was to add to our commercial greatness, but this firm would at once cast aside its outer garments and work for it. Hence they are valued as citizens as well as for their business qualities.

That this is one of the largest and strongest implement and lumber firms in the state has long been a recognized fact. One of the largest, because no firm has marked up to its credit a greater amount of business; strongest, because there never yet has been any lack of capital with which to operate. Peculiarly endowed with every needful requisite to do aggressive mercantile work, the company has enjoyed a constant increase of business from the very first and because of the success that has been theirs, the firm is able to talk intelligently with prospective customers. It will be of interest to you to carefully read the advertisement of this company elsewhere in this issue.

Willis H. Wiggins, Groceries and Gents Furnishings

Thirty-five years ago the invincible and only Willis Wiggins dropped down from the skies, landing kerplunk on the very spot where our beautiful city now stands. Willis was a hustler then, has been ever since, ever expects to be a hustler for the next fifty years. In fact you can't lose Willis, no matter how severe the shuffle. Twelve years ago Mr. Wiggins began mercantile life here, since which time he has ever been on the run for business. He believes that the man who goes out in the pasture, sits down on a stool and waits for the cow to back up and be milled will be sitting there when Gabriel blows his slide trombone. Willis doesn't sit down and wait for business, but goes after it, hence the splendid line of patrons he has secured. Everybody knows Willis, because he has been satisfying much of their grocery needs for the last ten years. That he has one of the model grocery stores of the country need not here be proven, as it is by no means a secret. It is always neat, attractive, crammed to the walls with good things, the people are promptly waited upon, and those from the rural district find it an excellent place to dispose of their produce.

C. Butterworth, City Meat Market

You never run up against a "tuff" proposition if you buy of Clair Butterworth. There are few better meat markets in this neck of the woods than this one. Few who sell more good meat year after year than he. Few who understand the carving process better. Few who are satisfied with such small profits. These facts have made this market extremely popular.

His meats are the choicest on the market, which are the results of careful buying and of long experience. Clair has adopted for his motto; "Honesty is the best policy." His market, upon entering , it has an atmosphere of cleanliness, purity, freshness and good management and is fully equipped with all modern fixtures and cold storage for the preservation of perishable articles during the hot weather. Here at all times you can find beef, mutton, lamb, port and smoked ham, and sausages of his own manufacture, which are made fresh here nearly every day. You can rest assured of getting a good equivalent for your money when you trade with Butterworth.

C. W. Justice, Auctioneer

The subject of this sketch is a prominent and successful farmer living near Dow City and a breeder of the very choicest strains of Duroc Jersey hogs which he ships to other breeders as fast as he can raise them. He owns, occupies and cultivates his own farm, which like everything else he does is done right. He is an auctioneer of more than ordinary ability, because he knows just what every animal or piece of farm machinery is worth and always manages to get it and sometimes much more. He has several sales billed which will take place before the sale season is over. Charlie is a hustler and one of most reliable and energetic citizens of this vicinity, and business and society are both benefited by reason of his residence among us and all will wish him the best of success in life.


R. T. Van Metre, M. D.
Physician & Surgeon
Office in residence formerly occupied
by Dr. Gannaway

Dow City , Iowa


Hair Cut, Face Massage and
everything in the tonsorial line

Neat and Sanitary

End of Advertisement

A picture of the Denison Normal and Business College at this point in the article

E.H. Swasey, Attorney

Among Dow City's most worthy citizens and professional men we are pleased to call your attention to the name of E. H. Swasey attorney-at-law. Mr. Swasey studied law in one of the best law schools in Chicago from which institution he graduated nearly twenty-five years ago and was admitted to practice in all the courts. Nearly all of this time Mr. Swasey has been practicing his profession in Dow City and it gives the writer much pleasure to say he is a kind and noble hearted citizen and a man with whom it is a pleasure to meet and his clients will always find him a true adviser, and loyal to the cause he has in charge. He was for one term county attorney of Crawford County, and gave quite general satisfaction. He owns and occupies one of the most pleasant homes in the city and has an excellent family consisting of his wife and three children who are very popular in the community.

Dr. R. T. Van Metre

Although one of the more recent acquisitions to the medical circles of Crawford County, the subject of this sketch has proven himself to be a successful physician and an enterprising citizens. He is a graduate of the Waterloo, Iowa, high school and for seven or eight years was engaged in newspaper work before attending college. Dr. Van Metre received his education for the practice of medicine at the Iowa State University.

He has only been practicing medicine for a few years, coming to this city a few months ago, succeeding Dr. Gannaway in his practice and is here to stay and thus far his practice has been very satisfactory to himself and his patients. The Dr. has a well arranged office, in his residence on main street where he has a large and complete library and is a subscriber and reader of the leading medical journals as he believes in progress and keeps thoroughly posted on all the latest discoveries made by his brethren in the medical profession. He has a fine family and is a valuable addition to the society circles as well as professional. We are glad to find Dow City in possession of such a good physician and such an interesting citizen and to know of the esteem in which he is held by the medical fraternity and community in general.

Dr. F. B. Evans

Dow City has its full quota of professional men who stand well at the front and whose services are constantly in demand. Among them is Dr. F. B. Evans, whose finely equipped office rooms are located adjoining his residence near the business part of town. This well known citizen of Dow City and successful practitioner, was born right here in Dow City and received his schooling in the best medical college in Chicago. he has been practicing his profession in Dow City less than three years but has succeeded to such an extent that his services are in much demand a greater portion of the time. When he is not answering a call he can usually be found in his office with a large library of well chosen books and magazines, so that he can keep posted on all the latest advancements in medical science, for he believes in progress. The Dr. is a member of the County Medical Association and takes an active part in all their meetings. Dr. Evans has a fine home and a happy family of wife and child to help enjoy it.

E. V. Goddard and Son

This firm is in good standing in Dow City, and one whose aim is to help build up the city. They are both men that any town might be proud of as citizens and are men who attend strictly to their own business although taking an active interest in anything pertaining to the good of Dow City and her people. Mr. Goddard senior is a carriage builder of over thirty years experience and his son is a first class mechanic, having always worked right with his father. At present they own and operate a large carriage and wagon shop that is equipped with all the latest machinery and tools which are operated by a fine gasoline engine. The best is none too good for Goddard & Son. They do carriage painting and general carriage manufacturing and wagon repair work. At all times they keep on hand a large supply of wood stock for any class of work. One important thing about the work done by Goddard & Son is that when once done it never has to be done over again. Any one in need of work in their line would loose nothing by giving them a call for, as the saying goes, "by their works ye shall know them."

Dr. B. L. Toon

A good physician and surgeon is an absolute necessity in every town, as the health of a community should always be looked after first, and we are sure that Dow City is to be congratulated in having within her city limits such an eminent and competent practitioner as the gentlemen whose name appears in this sketch. Since receiving his education he has been constantly in the practice of his profession, only a few years of which has been in Dow City. He is well pleased with the country, climate, people and his practice and will probably always remain here. He has many friends and has succeeded in building up a practice and reputation that has taken many a good physician years to acquire. He has studied hard to prepare himself for a successful practice of his chosen profession and our people are certainly to be congratulated upon having him in their midst. Dr. Toon has come to remain and he will ever be found advocating the best interests of Dow City and the surrounding country.

S. A. Dow

Mr. Dow is a home production, having been born and raised in Crawford County. He probably has as large a list of land for sale as any other real estate firm in western Iowa, and his real estate transfers amount to thousands of dollars annually. He has a large number of Iowa improved farms for sale or exchange, while the lands he has listed in Nebraska and South Dakota are the very best and will bear personal inspection. He also has a large list of Colorado irrigated lands which are very choice. He is strictly honorable in all his dealings, never misrepresenting the condition of things or the productiveness of the lands he has for sale. All letters of inquiry will be promptly and correctly answered.

M. G. Wiggins, Postmaster

Perhaps the most thankless position to occupy, and that in which it is the hardest to please everybody, is that of postmaster. We know this from experience and not from hearsay. The present postmaster has held the position for over ten years, having taken charge of the office July 1st, 1897, and comes as near pleasing everybody in giving entire satisfaction, regardless of politics, as any one can. The gentleman we have reference too is Mr. M. G. Wiggins. He is a man of good reputation and was recommended for position by Hon. J. P. Dolliver while he was representative in congress from this district.

He has been a resident here for over thirty-two years and during that time has proven himself a thorough business man whom everyone can trust. He was a soldier in the Union army for four years serving in company E. eleventh Iowa Infantry. His daughter Miss Winnie Wiggins, is his principal assistant and is a young lady of good business ability and is a splendid help to Mr. Wiggins, being able to take full charge of the office at any time during his absence.

N. R. Wilder

If there is a land agent anywhere that can beat our friend Wilder to it, then we would like to see the color of his tresses. N. R. Wilder is the representative in this section of the best farm land, and has a big business. Of course this is a mighty good state and we expect to live here for at least fifty years yet. If we were going to change residence we do not know of any country beneath the sun that we could get a better "look in" for business that in the very section represented by Mr. Wilder. All eyes are focused on Wilder's land bargains just now.

Shipping Facilities

In this special issue of the Enterprise we should certainly mention the excellent shipping facilities the town now has, for it is one of the chief and most important features of any city or town, no matter how large or how small it may be.

The Chicago & North-Western and Illinois Central are both doing excellent good for Dow City and country tributary, and there is no more accommodating or better equipped railroad in the United States than these two great systems. During all the years since these roads were built they have been constantly improving their property until now they have the very best roads and the most perfect rolling stock equipments of any system in the west. The passenger traffic of these roads is in the hands of capable men with headquarters in Chicago and much credit is due these gentlemen for the able manner in which the roads care for this branch of the business.

Mr. J. G. Graul, the gentlemanly and accommodating local agent for the North-Western has been in the employment for over thirty seven years. He is also express agent and manager of the Western Union Telephone Co. Mr. Graul has a beautiful home surrounded by beautiful shade trees, fragrant vines and lovely flowers, and takes pride in keeping it in excellent condition.

Mr. O. J. Judd, local agent for the Illinois Central has been in that position almost ever since the road was constructed, which in itself is sufficient recommendation as to his ability and for the pleasant and courteous manner with which he has treated the patrons of the road, and he has never had a complaint entered again him in all that time. He is always at his post of duty, every kind and obliging to the patrons of the road, answering all questions put to him in a prompt and courteous manner. A railroad agent, like a postmaster, is a public servant and is frequently tried beyond endurance in the way of trifling questions.

While these gentlemen extend every courtesy to the public they at the same time are looking carefully after the interests of the company they represent. In matters of a public nature they have always been of an enterprising turn of mind and have always proven themselves to be good citizens.



O. A. Cooper, Proprietor
Confectionery and Cigars
Meals and lunches
Everything Neat and Clean
Dow City, Iowa

City Livery Stable

Your team should be taken care of
when you come to town in all kinds
of weather, and the place to have
this properly done is at the Livery
Barn of A. A. Luke in Dow City
I Furnish Good Rigs and Careful Drivers


There is No Time Like the Present Time
to Buy Christmas Presents
There is No Place Like Doer's Drug Store
to Get Them
We have one of the largest and most com
plete assortments of the very choicest
Perfumery ever shown in Dow
City. We also have a few
very choice Toilet Sets
and Albums
That anyone would be pleased to receive,
high in quality, yet reasonable
in price.
Dow City, Iowa

End of Advertisement

What this paper is to the newspaper world, Wilder is to the insurance world. For many years he has been looking after fire and life insurance business in this town and his companies are regarded as some of the very best. Best, because the life insurance companies are paying as high if not higher dividends to policy holders than any other company, and the fire insurance companies represented by him pay their losses promptly. Mr. Wilder is thorough in his business methods, attends strictly to the duties devolving upon him and has perhaps written as many policies in this county as any other one man.

City Officials

No town of equal population in Iowa can boast of being better officered than our own little town of Dow City. It is not entirely out of debt but its warrants are at par, the present official staff is composed of the following citizens, and they are among the leading and representative business men of the town. Mayor, W. C. Rolls; Recorder, S. E. Rudd; Treasurer, W. H. Wiggins; Attorney, E. H. Swasey; Marshall, R. T. Baber; Councilmen, C. O. Miller, H. C. Stempel, Brinton Sharp, G. H. Huntington, T. W. Swatman and Eugene Crandall. The position of a city officer in a small town where a very small salary is paid is a most thankless one, but regardless of this we have men that are capable and who are trying to do all they can for the good of the town in which they live and in which they are the best of citizens.

Waterworks and Park

The city owns a splendid system of waterworks of the air pressure kind, and there is no better, which has been in operation only a short time, but it is conceded by all that it has paid for itself, for by its use a row of eight frame buildings were saved from destruction which could not have been done in any other way. The fire department under the leadership of H. C. Stemple as chief are keeping themselves in practice and everything in order to be used when needed, at a moments warning. They are all young, strong, brave and active men and would do anything needful to save life or property. The city also owns a beautiful park consisting of two blocks in size immediately adjoining the town on the south. There is abundant shade and a splendid sod of blue grass. There is also a fine well of water in the park and other necessary accommodations to accommodate large crowds of people which always assemble here at various kinds of picnics and at the time of camp meetings or Fourth of July celebrations. It, like the waterworks, is a credit to the town and our citizens are alike proud of it.

The Enterprise

This paper does not enjoy the proud distinction of being the first to give to the world the glad news of the wonderful possibilities of the great Boyer Valley; but since its first issue which was in 1891, it has never failed in its mission of faithfully recording the news, and speaking a good word for the business men of Dow City and the community. Every legitimate industry has received its cordial support and wherever there has been an outrage upon law and order it has tried to stand in the lead and while, at times, the breakers have dashed high on every hand, it has withstood the storms and anchored safely with all on board rejoicing, and its colors proudly flying at the masthead and is today able to present to the public an edition of several thousand copies of the largest and best issue ever printed on a press in this town. Despite the fact of the non-support of some, the jealousy of others, the treachery of pretended friends, foes without and mistakes of publishers within, (for who does not make mistakes) and hardships innumerable, the old Enterprise comes to you today with renewed life and vigor, in its Christmas anniversary greeting, under the same management and ownership that it started with. The enterprise is part and parcel of nearly every home in this vicinity, every inspiration of it's people and every business enterprise. It has had its family spats and has temporarily been cast out from the home and invariably taken back, like the prodigal son, and given first place at the table. Merchants have occasionally disagreed with it and withdrawn their patronage for a time, but its firm hold on public favor has brought them home again to their first love and they have rejoiced with it in mutual successes. To all the pioneers of this community the Enterprise sends hearty greeting; to every family in this vicinity it sends cordial good cheer; to every business man, earnest hope for his prosperity; to every school it sends its promise of energetic support and good will; to every church it sends congratulations upon the glorious rule of religious liberty. Together we have worked for the upbuilding of the grand civilization in this community and together let us rejoice.

A picture of the press on which the Enterprise is printed appears at this point in the article.

Our Special Edition

If the Enterprise shall, by the very liberal patronage of the people of Dow City, succeed in directing attention to the many advantages this garden spot of western Iowa has for profitable investment in lands, town property, manufactories and other enterprises, the publisher will feel that his efforts have not been in vain in making this the greatest effort at newspaper making every attempted in Dow City. This special edition does not appear by chance but is the result of much hard labor on the part of the editor to whom the credit is due for the write ups which appear therein. The Enterprise has spared neither labor nor expense in order to issue a creditable edition. In this general write up of Dow City and her business men we may have made a few mistakes, and if so upon us must rest the blame. We have endeavored to do our best and present it to the people for what it is worth.

Nothing succeeds like success is an old but true saying. Such an issue requires an untold amount of work and expense, its success not only depends upon the aggressiveness of its publishers but more especially upon the responsive patronage of the business men. That it has been popular is attested by the liberal display advertisements herein contained. It was only necessary for us to state our purpose to get what we ask for in advertising, and it was given with the same heartiness that characterizes the up-to-date modern man of business who has a pride in the successful combination of any undertaking. It has been one of the delights of our business experience in Dow City that we have bumped up against only a few of the penurious, narrow-minded kind. They are scarce and it is only a question of a few years at the most until they seek other fields. Again we say success breeds success.

We live in the knowledge that our long years of newspaper work have been successful ones. The general trend has been to advance. There has been no stand still. Nothing in nature stands still; if it isn't growing it is dying. This is as true of men as of plants. A creature equipped with muscle and mind must use both every day, or the muscle will soften and the brain shrivel. We do not believe in retrogression. Progress, optimistic activity is one of our cardinal beliefs.

Push will bring success in whatever walk of life one may be engaged, and it has been that element above all others that has made it possible for us to crown our years of success in Dow City with this monument that we hope will prove an inspiration to all. Nothing is too good for us to say of the big-hearted, whole-souled business men of Dow City. We have given them value received for the many dollars spent with us, and their aggressive persistent, almost unlimited continuance of patronage is the strongest evidence that we believe it to be true. May their success continue to increase in measure until they shall acquire a competency and are ready to take a well earned rest.

The Editor's Day

Over half a century has elapsed since I became a resident of this community and can safely be termed an old settler. I have contributed what I could in the upbuilding of this town and vicinity. I always feel that my own conditions and that of the community are mutual, and it affords me great pleasure whether at home or abroad to say that I am from Dow City. I was born in this vicinity and here I have lived since the days of my childhood. Here is the first and only place I ever called my home. The people of this community have known me long and are my warmest friends. Everything I have in the world, every hope, every ambition lies in boundaries of my native birthplace. I have things I ought not to have done and left undone many things that I should have done, but at the same time I have tried to take the proper course in my paper and not censure any person or measure too severely . There is a different feeling between a publisher and his newspaper than there is between man and any other business. You may run a grocery store for one or twenty years and when you dispose of it you feel relieved. The lawyer may quit practicing law or the doctor may abandon his profession and the minister the pulpit; they have no serious regrets provided the money, health and influence are showered upon them to any greater degree. Not so with the newspaper man. The longer a man is associated with a paper, if he has any sense of feeling, the more he becomes attached to it, the more he realizes that its influence and standing becomes a part of him. The father points to his faithful son or daughter who has just graduated from the high school with pardonable pride. He sees traces of his own blood, character, sentiment and thought, and the greater the mental capacity the more proud the father. Just so in the case of the newspaper and the proprietor.

I have lived to see the boys and girls of this vicinity emerge from the cradle and grow to manhood and womanhood. The Enterprise will soon be publishing wedding notices for the young people who in the early existence of the paper had notices of their coming into this world.

We cannot more fittingly close what we have to say than to make brief mention of our foreman. While we have worked long and hard for the success of the Enterprise, our conscience will not permit us to claim all the credit for its success. Mr. S. E. Rudd, our present foreman has been in our employ about twelve years, commencing on a very meager salary he has continued with never failing interest to make the Enterprise a success until today he is getting two and a half times as much as at the beginning and is worth the price. We believe in giving credit where it belongs.

I find I am taking more room for my say that I should so will close by simply saying that I want to tell you all publicly that I appreciate your faithfulness, kind words and liberal patronage in the past, and assure you they will never be forgotten. They are more to me than words at my command can express.

Submitted by Melba McDowell