Crawford County, Iowa, IAGenWeb


World War I News, 1917-1919

from the Denison Review

General Articles About the Times and Events

May, 1918 - September, 1919

Denison Review 5-22-1918

*Will Register on June 5.

All Young Men Who Have Reached Age of 21 Since June Last Are Required to Register.

The Board is Now Preparing.

22,000 Men in Iowa Will Come Under the New Ruling -

Hours of Registration to be Given Next Week.

All Crawford county men who have reached the age of 21 since the registration taking place in June 1917, will be required to register on Wednesday, June 5, 1918. The act providing for this registration has been passed by congress and a formal proclamation by the president will be issued shortly, naming June 5th as the day for registration. The Crawford county exemption board is already making preparations for registering the young men of this county who have reached the age of 21 since last June. On Monday of this week they received an order from Adj. Gen. Guy E. Logan to complete all arrangements for this registration. It is probably that the young men will be required to come to Denison to register.

Members of the local exemption board will act as registrars. Practically all of the forms and blanks necessary for the registration of the men have been received by the local board. They consist, among other forms, of registration cards for this new class of registrants only, registration regulations and full instructions on the answering of questions pertaining to registration. It is estimate that there are approximately 22,000 young men in Iowa at this time who have reached the age of 21 since June 5, 1917, and hence will be required to register on June 5th of the present year. This is based on the number of registrants last year which was 216,000, it being estimated this year's registrants will be about 10 1/2 percent of that number.

There is only one way of escaping this registration and that is by voluntary enlistment in the service. According to Adj. General Guy E. Logan many young men who have attained registration age during the last year are adopting that method of escape. No exception is made in the case of absence or sickness. Young men of registration are absent from home should immediately communicate with the local board of their home place and ask for registration blanks to fill out and return to the board. Boards are also required to furnish anyone unable to go to the registration place owing to sickness, with registration blanks and to see that means are provided that such persons are properly registered. The Review next week will give the hours of registration and other information of interest to the men who will be required to register.

Buck Grove, 6-5-1918

*There will be a dance in the Buck Grove hall Monday evening, June 10, for the benefit of the war fund of the Knights of Columbus. Music will be furnished by Hain's orchestra, a midnight supper will be served. Everybody is invited to attend. This is a worthy object. The Knights of Columbus are working beside the Red Cross, Y.M.C.A. and Salvation army, all doing their bit for our soldiers and more money is needed at this time to carry on the good work that grows greater every day as Americans fill the battle line.

*There will be a meeting of the Red Cross in the union, Sunday school building this week, Thursday. Goods will be cut out so bring your sharp scissors and material furnished to those who wish to take it home to make up. This is a busy season for most of us, but our boys over there are depending on the women of the country to make them necessary things and we must not fail them. The work is always with us but our boys may not be. Come that we may win the war.

Denison Review 6-12-1918

*How Patriot Soldiers Suffered -

In all the camp sites of the Revolution a surprising quantity of broken black bottles are found, indicating that the allowance of liquor must have been liberal. The elaborate preparations made today to protect the soldiers against the cold contrast oddly with the equipment of the men at Valley Forge. One of the surgeons who served at Valley Forge has left the following description of one of the Continental soldiers who was brought into a camp hospital. "His bare feet were seen through his worn shoes - his legs nearly naked from the tattered remains of an only pair of stockings - his breeches not sufficient to cover his nakedness - his shirt hanging in strings - his hair disheveled - his face meager - his whole appearance pictures a person forsaken and discouraged."

*Farm Help Badly Needed -

Farmers Short-Handed Are Working Early and Late Trying to Keep Up With Their Work - County Agent Quist reports that there is a labor shortage in Crawford county. The rains, together with warm growing weather afterwards, is making the farmers' work night and day to keep up with their work. From now until the middle of July the farmers must have help, if they are to properly tend their crops. Cultivating, haying and harvesting requires extra hands on most every farm. Eleven experienced farm hands were employed from state employment agencies at Council Bluffs and Des Moines last week. County Agent Quist says that it will be possible to get in more help, yet we cannot bring in enough to meet the demand. Town people with farm experience should help the farmers if possible. Business men should plan to release any of their help who can do farm work for two or three days each week. Twenty-one farm hands were placed through the farm bureau office last week. Any one who wants help or work should get in touch with the county agent. Mr. Quist asks that anyone who has applications for help in his office, to notify him if they secure farm help elsewhere.

*Parts of write-up on Camp Dodge, Iowa -

1,000 Foreigners Become Citizens -

Marriages are Numerous -

Marriages are all the rage here. It beats all how many girls are willing to take chances on being hooked up to a man in khaki whether they have been acquainted any considerable length of time or not. The government proposes to take a hand in the matter and for this purpose has delegated Miss Jessie E. Binford, protective worker here under the auspices of the Young Woman's Christian association, to look after girls who come here from about every community represented at the cantonment. She says that the purpose of the proposed measure is to "put a step to the ill advised and hasty marriages of very young soldiers with very young girls in many cases resulting after an acquaintance of only a few days or even a few hours." It is not the intention to put a step in the marriages of soldiers, Miss Binford declares, however, that hundreds of weddings have taken place which should have been forestalled. She further says that mothers of many of the girls participating in the so called ill advised marriages were responsible for their daughters' acts.

*Parts of write-up on Camp Dodge, Iowa -

1,000 Foreigners Become Citizens -25 Years at Hard Labor -

Sentences of twenty-five years at hard labor for six St. Paul socialists who refused to obey military commands at Camp Dodge, have been approved by the judge advocate in Washington and the men will be sent immediately to the disciplinary barracks at Ft. Leavenworth for incarceration. Those who drew the 25-year sentences were Gunnard Johnson, Carl W. Johnson, Axel Carlson, and Richard A. Carlson, all native born Swedes: Morris Kamman, a Russian Jew, formerly a student at the University of Minnesota and William Treacher, a native born American and formerly chief clerk for the Wells Fargo Express company, St. Paul. Four testified that they left Sweden because they wished to escape military service.

*Parts of write-up on Camp Dodge, Iowa-

1,000 Foreigners Become Citizens -

To Court Marshal Men Who Falsify Policies -

Camp Dodge soldiers who insist they are married when taking out war risk insurance policies, and who, it is later discovered, are not married but have named a woman of fictitious person to receive the benefits of the measure, are to be prosecuted for perjury. Instructions from the secretary of war, received at division headquarters, direct that to such cases charges shall be filed against the soldier under the 93rd article of war, on a specification alleging perjury and tried by a general court martial.

Denison Review, 7-3-1918

*A box containing twenty sweaters has been completed and shipped to headquarters by the local Red Cross society. The shipment was made the first of this week.

(Denison Review 8-14-1918)

*A Substitute for Sugar -

With the Passing of the Crisis in the Wheat Flour, We have Problem of Sugar Scarcity -

Many Are Using Corn Syrup -

Dow City Hotel Serves Excellent Pastries and Cakes Sweetened with Corn Syrup -

With the passing of the crisis in wheat flour, we have the problem of sugar scarcity and the eternal question is "What are we going to do about it?" Crawford county ladies are finding this solution to the problem. Mrs. Frank Woolston, of Denison, has demonstrated very conclusively that corn syrup will produce as fine jelly as sugar. She used the following proportions: 5 c. fruit juice, 4 cup corn syrup, 1 cup sugar.

Mrs. Neubaun, of Buck Grove, tried jelly making with all corn syrup and no sugar and had splendid success. Apple butter, marmalade and conserve may all be made successfully with corn syrup instead of sugar. The Dow City hotel is serving excellent cakes and pastries sweetened with corn sugar. This produce is creamy in appearance, sells at the same price as ordinary sugar and is used in exactly the same way. The Dow City ladies have been canning with corn sugar since the shortage became so serious.

Mrs. Dyson, of Manilla, makes her bread with liquid yeast and reports that she has been using corn syrup in her starter. The yeast grows just as well as in the old sugar medium and the started does not mold or sour. The baked coconut custard prepared by Mrs. Bonney and Mrs. Weatherbee at the home demonstration meeting in Buck Grove last Thursday was sweetened with honey and was delicious. The home demonstration agent tells us that 1 cup of honey is equal in sweetness to 1 cup of sugar, while it takes 1 2-3 cups of corn syrup to furnish the same sweetness. In using these syrups in place of sugar, we must reduce the liquid of the recipes by 3-4 cup for every cup of syrup used. We are making loaf cakes and cookies these days. No one expects cookies to be iced and we do not need to make icing for a loaf cake.

Try these:

Chocolate Cookies: 1/2 cup fat; 1/4 tsp salt; 1 cup corn syrup, 2 eggs, 1 1/2 cup barley flour, 1/2 cup milk, 2 squares chocolate, 1/2 cup raisins, 4 tsp. Baking powder, 1-8 tsp.soda: Grease the fat, add syrup, milk and eggs. Mix and sift dry ingredients, combine, add raisins and chocolate Drop by teaspoonful on greased pans.

Bran Loaf: 2 cup bran meal, 2 cup rye flour, 2 1/2 cup barley flour, 2-3 cup molasses, 1/2 cup chopped raisins, 1 egg, 2 tsp. Salt, 2 tsp. Soda, 1 pint sour milk. Mix the dry ingredients, add liquid and egg. Bake forty-five minutes. This will make two large loaves.

Denison Review 8-28-1918

*New Sugar Ruling -

Crawford County to Have Card System for Sugar Other Than That Used for Canning -

Owing to the fact that a number of persons are persistently violating the voluntary rationing plan of the food administration, and in order that our allotment of sugar may be distributed in an equitable manner, I think it advisable to place Crawford county on a card system for sugar other than canning sugar, to take effect September 1st. Grocers will be supplied with sugar cards on that date and heads of families will go to them and sign their names and give the number of people who eat regularly at their tables; this will include all help, babies, etc. but will not include members of the family who habitually eat at some other place.

Persons who board are not entitled to cards as sugar is allowed at their boarding places for them. Persons living in adjoining counties who trade regularly in Crawford county are entitled to cards, but their names will be reported to the food administrators as a matter of information. After signing your name your grocer will give you the number of cards to which you are entitled and with these you may buy sugar at any store in the county at any time that you like in amounts of two pounds for town and five pounds for country trade at one time. The number of cards you receive represents all the sugar, other than canning sugar, you are entitled to so use it accordingly. Persons found misrepresenting the number in family or using canning sugar for something else will have all sugar cut off for a period of time in keeping with the offense. Be careful of your cards, as lost cards will not be replaced. No sugar will be granted to public functions of any kind.

Frank Woolston, Food Administrator for Crawford county.

Denison Review 9-4-1918

*Seventy-Five Men Mobilized Today -

Hundreds of People from Over county Attend Ceremonies at the Courthouse Yard -

Two Bands Furnish Music-High School Chorus Renders Selection -

Hon. J. J. Meyers of Carroll Speaker of the Day. Seventy-five Class I -

A men are mobilized in Denison today and will leave here tomorrow morning at 9:21 over the Northwestern for Camp dodge to enter the army. Hundreds of people from every section of the county are in Denison this afternoon to attend the exercises in honor of these stalwart young men who soon will participate in the big push that will drive the kaiser's hordes from northern France and Belgium and force an unconditional surrender that will once more bring peace to the world. The program is being held this afternoon at the courthouse square. The Denison band furnished music and a chorus led by Miss Wright, instructor of music in the public school, sang several patriotic selections. Hon. J. J. Meyers of Carroll, one of the ablest orators of the state, delivered the address of the day. Business houses closed their doors from 2 to 4 o'clock to permit clerks to attend the exercises. This evening the boys will be the guests of the opera house company at the motion picture show, after which they will be given a treat at the ice cream parlors. A rousing send off is planned for the boys in the morning and it is hoped that every resident of Denison will be at the station to see the boys off on their first lap of their journey to Berlin. Stores will be closed from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.

Manilla, 9-25-1918

Foreman George McDermott and employees of the Milwaukee car department are very proud of the new flag pole recently installed. A fine pole measuring 76 feet above ground was sent from Dubuque by District General Car Foreman Parkinson. It is handsomely painted red, white and blue. Last Thursday the men raised a new 16 x 25 flag which now adorns the top. Foreman T. J. Lillis of the round house department and men have also raised a new flag pole which reaches as high as the other pole. Yardmaster Wichael has also erected a pole and flag so Old Glory occupies conspicuous places in the Milwaukee yards at this place. The people take pride in seeing the emblem of freedom floating in the breeze.

Denison Review. 10-16-1918

Germans Accept All Peace Conditions Named by President -

Following is the semiofficial text of the German note in reply to President Wilson, which was received in Washington Saturday night:

"In reply to the questions of the president of the United States of America, the German government hereby declares: "The German government has accepted the terms laid down by President Wilson in his address of January 8th and in his subsequent addresses on the foundation of a permanent peace of justice. "Consequently, its object in entering into discussion would be only to agree upon practical details of the application of these terms. "The German government believes that the governments of the powers associated with the government of the United States also take the position taken by President Wilson in his address. "The German government, in accord with the Austra-Hungarian government, for the purpose of bringing about an armistice, declares itself ready to comply with the propositions of the president regarding evacuation. "The German government suggests that the president may arrange the meeting of a mixed commission for making the necessary arrangements concerning the evacuation. "The present German government which has undertaken the responsibility for this step toward peace has been formed by conferences and in agreement with the great majority of the Reichstag. The chancellor, supported in all of his actions by the will of this majority, speaks in the name of the German government and of the German people.
"Berlin, Oct. 12, 1918 -
(Signed): "Self" - "State Secretary of Foreign Affairs"

Speaking German Suppressed

(Denison Review 10-16-1918)

*Phone Permits are Revoked - Committee meets with Telephone Officers and Revoke Permission to Talk German Over Telephone Lines - Clerks to Enforce the Rule - Special Committee of German Speaking Business Men are Suppressing Use of German Language - The special committee German speaking business men appointed by the bureau of military affairs to suppress the speaking of the German language have been busy for the past week and considerable headway has been made. Clerks in the Denison stores have been instructed to see that the proclamation of the governor prohibiting the speaking of foreign language is enforced. They have been instructed, so we are informed, not to permit customers to speak German, and if they persist in doing same, call their attention to the governor's proclamation.

The chairman of this committee met with the telephone officers and Carl F. Kuehnle, the president of the company, the fore part of the week and at this meeting it was decided to revoke all of the permits issued to people allowing them to talk in a foreign language over the lines of the company. Only thirty permits had been issued and the holders of the same have been notified that they are revoked.

The telephone company asks the cooperation of the general public in helping them to enforce this order and trusts that no one will speak the German language over the phone.

A committee of Denison business men motored to Schleswig Sunday afternoon, where a special meeting of the business men and citizens of that place was called to discuss the speaking of German. The meeting was held in the moving picture theater and Mayor Schultz acted as chairman. The matter was discussed from every angle and a vote was taken as to whether the speaking of German should be discontinued or not.

Everyone in attendance at the meeting voted to discontinue the speaking of German. Merchants and business men of Schleswig signified their intention of cooperating in every way possible to see that the order is enforced in Schleswig. Following the meeting committee from Denison was invited to attend a smoker where they enjoyed a social hour with the leading citizens of Schleswig.

Buck Grove, 10-16-1918

*The town council met Monday night and agreed to order a large flag and pole for our town. It will be raised in the center of Main street about where the old town pump used to be. This is as it should be and will be a fine, patriotic move.

Charter Oak, 10-16-1918

*A fine steel flag pole 70 feet high has arrived to carry the Stars and Stripes in Charter Oak and plans are being made for its' raising and proper dedication. Efforts are being made to get an overseas speaker, one who can tell us the things we need to know. It is expected that this will be the biggest patriotic celebration ever held in Crawford county.

Denison Review 10-30-1918

*The Flag - It flies today on the seven seas.

On Pacific and the Caribbean American soldiers carry it reverently. In battle it shine over men who are paying a debt we have owed to France since a time when our flag itself existed only in spirit. Our airmen bear it above the Italian Alps. Dumb, it speaks all languages. It tells civilized Europe more in an instant than all the orators could say in a year. A crude, inartistic combination of bold colors, it is the most beautiful thing in the world. Its starts change in numbers but its meaning is as changeless as the blue of a cloudless moon. If all statutes vanished and all statesmen died, the flag would still show the way. No man is particularly associated with it; no women except Betsy Ross and the bronze lady of New York harbor. A thousand years hence, when men read of the great war with the same distant curiosity that they today offer toward the Rome of Gibbon, the flag will be as it is now. It is not the banner of the sword or ambition or empire, but of mankind's undying desire for universal liberty - New York Sun

Victory Celebrations

Arion, 11-13-1918

*Victory was celebrated in Arion on Monday evening with enthusiasm. Crowds stood around large bon fires cheering and rejoicing.

Charter Oak, 11-13-1918

*An All day celebration was held here Monday, which consisted of much cheering, ringing of bells, blowing of whistles, singing and patriotic speeches. Flags were flying from every home. A big parade was led by the school. Autos decorated in red, white and blue lined the streets. In the evening the same program on a much larger scale was carried out with a huge bonfire and band added. And Friday evening there will be a barbecue to which all are invited.

Dow City, 11-13-1918

*Spends Entire Day Celebrating -

Dow City Cuts Loose and Celebrates All Day Tuesday - Big Parade and Bonfire Enjoyed -

Fine Program is Rendered - 1000 People Attend Exercises Held in Beautiful Park -

Kaiser Burned and Everyone Makes Noise -

The declaration of peace was celebrated in great style in Dow City Monday. The good news to this effect was received here about 5 o'clock a.m. and the entire day was devoted to celebrating the glad event. The wood which had been piled up in the center of Main street several days previous was set on fire. People left their work and in a short time a large crowd had congregated in town. Many flags of all sizes were hoisted, bells rang and small whistles and the like added very much to the enjoyment of the occasion.

A fine military parade was arranged for the afternoon which was formed at the school house at 2 o'clock. The procession marched from the school house up town, then up through Main street and down to the city park where a program was rendered. The parade was headed by three automobiles all most appropriately decorated, especially so in regard to one which had a dummy representing the kaiser, bound in chains and attached to the engine of one of the cars. Robert Fagan and Sarah Keairnes are also deserving of special mention for the part of representing Uncle Sam and his wife in the parade. All of the school children were in the parade, each grade being headed by their teacher. The Red Cross was also well represented. Fine music was furnished by the Dow City band.

The following program was given in the city park:

Invocation, Rev. G. A. Barker;
Music, Orchestra - Song - America - audience;
Music - Male Quartet;
Song - Fourth Grade;
Address, Rev. W. T. Rink;
Music - Orchestra;
Address - Ed Houston;
Music - Male Quartet;
Address - Elder C. E. Butterworth;
Solo - When the Boys Come Home Again - Miss Bernice Hunsicker;
Address - Ray G. A. Barker;
Music - Orchestra;
Music - Male Quartet;
Star Spangled Banner - Orchestra, Band and Audience.

Each number was splendid and greatly enjoyed as was signified by the loud and hearty applause given each one. The program had been planned to be given in the opera house but on account of the vast number in attendance, it was decided to go to the park. J. N. Bell acted as marshal of the day. Supt. J. R. McVicker was chairman of the program and F. C. Buss, chairman of associated committees. In the evening another large bonfire was started on the street and a real jubilee was held. The kaiser was burned and everything imaginable in the line of noise making was brought out and a jolly time enjoyed. The celebration was attended by about one thousand people. The day was one which will linger long in the memory of each one present. In fact, one which will never be forgotten.

Dow City, 11-13-1918

*A great deal of excitement was created here Friday afternoon about 2 o'clock when an army airplane landed in Riddle's pasture just east of town. The machine was seen approaching from the east and made a circle over town and shortly it was seen descending at the above stated place. Scores of people availed themselves of the opportunity of witnessing the plane after it had landed and not a moment's time was lost in getting to the scene.

Lieut. Mylo Miller, whose photo appeared in the Omaha paper last week was the driver of the plane, he being on his return to Kelly Field, Texas from a visit with his folks in Waterloo. He landed here for gasoline and repairs for his machine and being unable to get the repairs here he took an afternoon train for Omaha and returned Saturday morning and after working on the machine for some time, he was still unable to adjust it and was compelled to return again to Omaha that afternoon for different repairs. He cam back Sunday noon soon had the machine in running order and shortly after 1 o'clock proceeded on his way. He is an aviation instructor.

Dow City,11-20-1918

*The local Red Cross society have completed nine comforters which they packed and shipped to the hospital at Ft. Des Moines Friday. These comforters were made from the scraps which had been left over from the pajama suits and other garments that have been made. The Red Cross ladies have a large collection of fruit pits which they intend to ship at an early date.

*The Christmas boxes to be sent to the boys in France were filled and sent to Denison last week and from there will be shipped to Hoboken, N. J., and then to France. Very few labels had been received at the time the boxes were sent and those not having received a label were permitted to send a package without one, upon swearing an affidavit of being the nearest of kin to the one to whom the box was being sent. About sixty boxes were shipped from here. Mrs. Chas. Smith, president of the Red Cross; Mrs. Leslie Howorth and Mrs. Ed. Ahart had charge of the packages which were inspected, weighted, wrapped, etc. at the city meat market on Tuesday and Friday afternoon.

Denison Review, 1-15-1919

*Since the boys have been returning home from service, people have been puzzled over the chevrons worn by them and there is considerable speculation as to what they signify. For the benefit of Review readers, we give the meaning of a few of them: a single red chevron signifies that the soldier has been discharged with honor; the single blue chevron, less than six months service abroad; a single gold chevron for each wound is worn on the forearm of the right sleeve; a single gold chevron for each complete six months of service abroad is worn on the forearm of the left sleeve; a single white chevron for each six months of service in the United States is worn on the forearm of the left sleeve.

Denison Review 1-15-1919

*To The Stay at Home -

The volunteers of the Sandstorm Division send the following with request for publication: You say he can't stand the army, the life is too rough for him. Do you think he is any better than any other mother's Tom or Jim? You raised him up like a girl, he don't smoke or drink is your brag. If all the rest of the boys were like him what would become of our flag? You say let the roughnecks do the fighting. They are used to the beans and stew. I'm glad I'm classed with the roughnecks. Who would fight for the red, white and blue. You say his girl couldn't stand it, to see him off with the rest. Don't you think she'd be glad if he enlisted when she feels the German's hot breath on her breast? Think of the women of Belgium, of the cruelties they had to bear. Do you want the same thing to happen to your innocent daughters so fair? You can thank God that the stars in Old Glory are not blurred by that kind of stain, because there are ten million roughnecks that have red blood in their veins. They go to drill in bad weather and come in with a grin on their face. While your darling sits in the parlor and let's another man fight in his place. Maybe we do smoke and gamble but we fight as our forefathers did. So go warm the milk for his bottle. Thank God - we don't need your kid.

Dow City, 1-22-1919

*A special feature was enjoyed by the Baptist people Sunday night in the way of a fine talk by Carl Tatroe, one of their members who just recently received an honorable discharge from Camp Gordon. He had been in the service since last July and told many interesting things concerning his military life.

Denison, 5-7-1919 *WELCOME HOME 168TH -

brave, tireless soldiers, we're sure glad to see you again. You've been gone a long time, you've had a tough, ugly job, but thank heaven you've finished it. So we extend the glad hand to you. We want you to feel this is the greatest welcome ever shown anybody in the history of Iowa - Menagh's Store

*WELCOME HOME - "You got his Goat" - our Sentiments - Sibbert-Reimers Co., Denison

*ALL HAIL BOYS OF THE 168TH - Lincoln Highway Garage

Arion, 5-14-1919

*The writer is in receipt of two letters in answer to her address pinned on two of the sweater knitted for the Red Cross. One comes from a wounded soldier at Base Hospital 101, St. Nesaire, France, the other from Camp Dodge. The boys speak very highly of the Red Cross and both say they are from good old Iowa.

Arion, 5-21-1919

*Next Sunday evening, Memorial Day, will be observed in the Congregational church. Special music and a short program has been prepared, followed by the Memorial address, the subject "The Grand Army." All soldiers and their families especially invited to attend this service and all others who wish to show their appreciation of those who have given their lives in the wars of our country.

Denison Review, 5-28-1919


Little Flag will Float Beside Permanent Memorial Above Resting Place of Boys Resting in France -

Fallen Dead are Re-buried -

Over Each of the Graves Permanent Memorials Four Feet High Will be Placed.

Relatives and friends of boys who died in France will be interested in an article which recently appeared in the Stars and Stripes, the official A. E. F. paper, telling how the graves are cared for. The article follows: When American pays tribute to the memory of its hero dead on Memorial day a little flag will float beside a permanent memorial above the resting place of each of her sons who now sleep in France. Quietly, reverently and with a personal touch that is often a stranger in the hum, drum routine of army work, America's fallen soldiers re being laid away, each in a separate coffin to rest forever in the land for which they fought. If the nearest kin request it, the bodies are sent back but already many who in their first grief asked that this be done, have written to say that they prefer that their soldier be left among the comrades with whom he fell.

Under the care of the P.M.C's Graves Registration service the bodies are being gathered from their temporary resting places, where they were placed, perhaps under shell fire or in the rust of the battle. Those who lie in unmarked graves are identified, a letter, a photograph or a hidden disc so often revealing the name that less than 4 per cent remain upon the roster of the unknown dead. Often a link in the evidence must be south so far away as America. France has given three fields of honor, at Romagn, at Thiaucourt and at Beaumont. Over each of the graves the permanent memorial will stand four feet high, replacing the humble markers whose drab colors hid them from the eyes that might have directed enemy fire on living comrades. These fields of honor, which the French have offered and which they have offered to care for, will be under the custodianship of America, for while the land was accepted gladly, American chose to tend the graves of her sons herself. At Paris and Tours, bureaus of the graves registration service of the quartermasters corp. Are located and here information is available for those seeking to locate graves.

Denison Review, 6-11-1919

*Chaplain Robb Tells of 168th -

For More Than Two Hours Chaplain Robb Speaks to Denison Audience on Last Friday Evening -

Denison Boys' Great Record -

Recites How Frank Wilken received Wound from Which He Died -

Graphic Description of Gas -

For More than two hours Friday evening, Chaplain W. E. Robb of the 168th infantry entertained one of the largest crowds ever assembled in the opera house, when he described in a vivid manner the important part played by the Iowa boys in the great world war. The fact that Denison had sent ten men with the famous Rainbow division who were with it throughout the war, made the lecture of Chaplain Robb of all the more interest to the people of this community. Orris Suiter, one of the veterans of the 168th infantry, introduced the speaker.

In opening his address, Chaplain Robb stated that it was indeed a pleasure to address a Denison audience on account of the fact that the community was so well represented in the 168th infantry. Denison, stated the speaker, made a wonderful war record and although the population of the community was largely made up of people of German descent, it had gone over the top in every loan. Red Cross, Y. M. C. A. and kindred war drives.

Chaplain Robb gave a most graphic account of the 168th from the time it was assembled at the state farm grounds in Des Moines until it was finally returned to Camp Dodge and the men discharged from the service.

During their long and hard campaign the regiment never retreated, lost no prisoners in battles or raiding parties and ranked as one of the best sent from America.

The 168th moved into the trenches in the Lorraine sector for the firs time Feb. 16, 1918. As they marched out of the little village they were billeted in for the trenches, they saw a cemetery nestled in a valley with ten thousand graves of French soldiers and then it was that the true meaning of war was brought home to them.

The behavior of the men under fire for the first time was excellent and not one of them faltered or flinched under the first baptism of fire.

It was on March 5, 1918, that the regiment had their first taste of modern warfare, according to Chaplain Robb. At 4:30 o'clock that morning the Germans opened up a bombardment on their section which last for ninety-three minutes in preparation for a raid. Words could not describe the effect of this terrible gun fire said the speaker, but the boys of the 168th stood by their posts and met the Germans when they advanced with machine guns that depleted their ranks as fast as they went sent forward. But three German soldiers managed to get in the trenches, but they could not get out to tell of their experience. In this battle twenty-two boys were killed and thirty-eight were wounded.

Four days later five of the regiment's companies raided in Germany. They swept over the enemy's first trenches into the second and not satisfied with this occupied the German third line of trenches, capturing prisoners, machine guns and other ..rial.

The graphic description of an attack made by the Germans brought tears to the eyes of many people in the audience when the speaker described the terrible toll taken by fiendish weapon of modern war. Four hundred and forty-seven men of the regiment were stricken in the attack and he told of the difficulty encountered to get these men back to the hospitals. With roads choked with the advancing infantry, artillery and supplies, ambulances with helpers worked for hours carrying gassed men back to the hospitals where they could be given proper treatment.

Chaplain Robb described the most important battles of the war and how the Rainbow division was transported first from one front to another by Marshal Foch to participate in offensives without giving them a time for rest. They were tried and trusted men who always had given good account of themselves and that reason were thrown into the difficult objectives.

He told how Frank Wilken received the wound from which he died in that Frank was driving one of the supply wagons when a shell exploded a distance away. A fragment of the shell struck his hip, driving a pair of pliers he carried in his hip pocket into the flesh. After his arrival at the hospital blood poison set in causing his death.

In closing his address, Chaplain Robb expressed the opinion that the boys living and dead who served in the war are entitled to two things, a lasting peace and that residents of America be loyal to this country or be returned to that land from whence they came. He expressed himself in glowing terms as in favor of the League of Nations and regretted that is has become a political issue to quibble on but that in the absence of a better plan to do away with war, everyone should support it. Chaplain Robb ... his respects to the citizens of this country who continue to speak a foreign languages and do now show a desire to support this government. Laws should be enacted, stated the speaker, that would provide means of sending these people back to the country from which they came.

Arion, 6-11-1919

*Say, talking so much about the soldiers returning. Isn't it a grand and glorious feeling when you meet a young hero just returned from the battlefields of France, to be able to look him straight in the eyes and know you did your best for him here while he was fighting for you there? And you can't fool em, they can see a yellow streak forty miles away.

Dow City, 7-16-1919

*A mass meeting was held Monday evening in the opera house to consider the advisability of giving a homecoming for the returned soldiers of this vicinity. The meeting was called to order with E. R. Butterworth presiding and D. E. Bremser as secretary. A unanimous vote was received in favor of the celebration and plans are under way for one of the biggest events Dow City has ever seen. As yet the fixed date has not been set awaiting the arrival of the last company of soldiers who have just started from France.

Denison Review, 7-23-1919

Why Soldiers Marry Abroad -

A Buck Private Writes Letter to "Watch on the Rhine" an Army Newspaper -

Why Soldiers Marry -

No Class Distinction There -

French and German Girls Care Nothing for Class Distinction and are Not Ashamed to Toil Daily.

A buck private writes this letter about French, German and American girls to the Watch on the Rhine, the army paper published by the 3rd Division in the Army of Occupation in Germany. In a recent issue of our division newspaper, I noted a letter from Miss Alva Alexander of Venice, Calif., which has aroused in me more than passing interest. I wish to set forth what I believe to be a few of the ideas of the men of this division concerning the womanhood of this land. I have no French or German sweetheart and no intention of marrying any other than a good, pure and refined American girl. This young lady asks if it can be possible that any American soldier is contemplating marriage with a German girl. I say, from observation and other sources, that it is probably that there will be a number of such marriages.

Here are some reasons why the American soldiers look with favor on French and German girls. The majority of these girls pay no attention to class distinctions. Consequently, every buck has his chance with them. French and German girls are not ashamed to do the daily tasks of life, no matter how dull, dirty or uninteresting they may be. In the last few years the young American has found himself often shunned if he is not a society sport, a walking moneybag, or a dancing fool, and is it a wonder if he is eager for the companionship of women who do not make artificial distinction? Hospitality seems a lost art with many American girls, who seldom spend any time with their friends at their homes, but pass their time at theaters, cabarets and other amusement places.

The uncomplaining and hard-working women of this country, be they enemy or friend, have merited our admiration for they are not ashamed of hard and dirty work, if such work is essential to the well being of humanity. In strong contrast to this, we remember the tendencies of the girls at home to lead more or less, the life of a social butterfly, thinking and planning only for a giddy round of social activity.

We understand, however, that the war has wrought a change in these butterflies, which we sincerely hope is true. Yet we read in the home newspapers of a great wave of shallow frivolity sweeping the states. Coming face to face with the stern realities of life, as most of us have on the battlefields, we have learned the really worthy things of life. We have gained a high regard for a fine, strong, loving character and an abhorrence for any sort of sham, pretensions and superficiality.

It is a great relief, then, that we find it so easy to read the character of the women here. Most of these women seem to look on life as actual and real. No attempt is made to hide anything behind a mushy sentimentality. Contrast this with many of the American girls, who are out for a good time and they are going to have it, regardless of cost. If our girl friends at home do not yet understand why some of the soldiers are marrying European girls, they will learn sooner or later that a considerable change has come over many of us who have been dragged, as it were, through the hell of war. The soldier who has had this experience is not going home to marry a frowsy, frazzly butterfly whom, perhaps, he left behind. She was all right when it came to have a good time but as a wife - never! Capper's Weekly. A Buck.

Kenwood, 9-3-1919

*A dance was given at the Johnson Bros. home Wednesday evening in honor of the boys who just returned from the army. A large number of friends and relatives were present and all had a jolly time.

Transcribed by Melba McDowell