Ahart - Rudd
Denison Review 7-3-1895? - Dow City
Married at the home of the bride's parents in Dow City, Sunday the 16th, Mr. John Ahart and Miss Fannie Rudd, Elder D. M. Rudd tying the know that makes the two young hearts beat as one. We, with a host of friends, congratulate them, and wish a long and happy life.
Allen - Carson
Denison Review 4-10-1917 - Arion
Mrs. Nellie Carson and Mr. John Allen surprised their friends by going to Denison and being married at the Presbyterian manse by Rev. J. Jas DePree, April 5th. Mr. Allen is the gentlemanly and efficient agent at the Northwestern depot and Mrs. Cason was born and raised in this neighborhood and has been one of our trustworthy central girls at the telephone office. Their many friends wish them all of life's blessings.
Allen - Lally
Denison Review 10-3-1894 - Vail
Wednesday, Rev. Father Murphy, tied the nuptial know between Mr. Chas. Allen, of Montgomery county and Miss Ella Lally of Hays twp. A large number of friends assembled at the home of the bride's parents to celebrate in a becoming manner the joyful event. Peace, blessedness and happiness be yours forever and may your life sun shine in brightest splendor.
Alexander - Hildebrant
Denison Review 10-2-1885
Married - Alexander - Hildebrant at the Baptist parsonage in Denison, September 26th, 1885, by Rev. H. Avery, Mr. Albert Alexander and Miss Emma T. Hildebrant - Dow City, Iowa
Anderson - Swanson
Denison Review 1-17-1894 - Kiron
Married - Lorence Anderson and Lina? Swanson. We congratulate.
Anderson - Saunders
Denison Review 10-16-1912 - Front Page
Notable Wedding Near Manilla
Miss Victoria Saunders, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saunders United in Marriage to John Anderson
150 Guests in Attendance
Newly Married Couple Will Make Future home in Sioux City, Where they will be at Home to All
A very pretty home wedding occurred in this vicinity, Wednesday, October 16th, when at 5:00 P.M. Miss Victoria E. Saunder and Mr. John H. Anderson, both of this city, were united in wedlock at the home of the bride's parents in the presence of about one hundred and fifty guests. Miss Victoria was attended by her niece, Miss Alma Adams. The groom was attended by the former's nephew, Mr. Earl Adams. Rev. Mouser and Rev. McIntosh were both present. The latter performed the ceremony and the former offered prayer.
Immediately at 5 o'clock this happy couple took their place underneath an arch in the east parlor, decorated with yellow and white crepe paper. The bride was becomingly attired in a chiffon drape over while satin embroidery and carried a bouquet of bridal roses. She also wore a band of pearls in her hair. The groom was dressed in conventional black. The bridesmaid was beautifully gowned in a white voile over yellow satin. The best man wore back. A beautiful Double ring ceremony was performed by the bride's niece, Miss Mildred Saunders, which united these young people for life.
After the ceremony, the guests were ushered into the dining room, which was beautifully decorated with white cut flowers and yellow crepe paper, where a bounteous three-course luncheon was served, Misses Lillian McDermitt, Helen Jackson, Geraldine Perion, Ada VanSlyke, Hazel Barrow and Gladys Smitt acting as waitresses.
The happy couple left on the evening train for the west, where they will spend a couple of weeks on their honeymoon. The bride's traveling suit was a brown velvet with hat and shoes to match. They were the recipients of many valuable and useful presents which shows the esteem in which they are held.
The out of town guests were: E. A. Stewart of Sioux City; Mrs. Ed Probasco and daughter, Misses Grace and Ethel Crakes, of Charter Oak; Mrs. Anderson, of Reeder, N. D.; Mrs. Robert James and daughter, Lizzie of Sioux City.
The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saunders and is a sweet, charming young woman of an excellent character, her pleasant smile and winning ways drawing many dear friends to her. Having spent her entire life in this community, she is well known and loved by many. Going to school here twelve years, she graduated in 1907, and since then has remained at home with her parents, where under the teachings of her mother, she has grown to be an exceptional housekeeper and will be greatly missed by her parents.
The groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, of North Dakota, and a man of sterling habits and character. He has only resided in this locality for the past eight years. He is a conductor on the Sioux City branch of the Milwaukee and is well known on the road from there to this place. The groom has a home all furnished in Sioux City at 117 Rustin Avenue, where they will go to housekeeping on their return. The Review joins their many friends in wishing them a bright and happy future with an abundance of happiness.
Archer - Mahan
Denison Review 2-12-1913 - Vail
Friends here have received cards announcing the marriage of Hazel, daughter of Mrs. L. E. Mahan, Tuesday, February 4th to Mr. Frank Virgil Archer. The wedding took place at Kansas City, Mo. Her Vail friends extend congratulations.
Armour - Cose
Denison Review 10-16-1912
Deloit Couple Wed
Mr. Russell Armour and Miss Myrtle Cose United in Marriage at Sac City
Special to the Review - Deloit, Oct. 15
A wedding of considerable local interest occurred at Sac City today when Miss Myrtle Cose was united in marriage to Russell Armour, of Rock Island, Ill. the Rev. W. A. Smith officiating. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cose and was born and raised at this place and is an exemplary young lady. She has been a faithful clerk in her father's store for some time and will be greatly missed by her many friends. The groom is a young man of sterling qualities and has lived here practically all his life. The past few years he has been located at Rock Island, Ill. where we understand he has made good and by his energetic labor has nicely furnished a home for his bride. They both have a great many friends at this place who wish them joy and success through life.
Denison Review 10-23-1912 -
Cose Armour Wedding
The Sac Sun Tells of Wedding at Well Known Crawford County Young People
The Review made mention in last week's issue of the Cose-Armour wedding. The young couple being so well and favorably known in and around Deloit, we deem the following from the Sac Sun will be of interest: At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cose in Sac City at 3 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, October 16, 1912 took place the marriage of their youngest daughter Myrtle to Mr. R. R. Armour of Rock Island, Ill. The ceremony was performed by Elder W. A. Smith of the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints at Lamoni, Iowa and was witnessed by only the immediate relatives of the bride.
Following the wedding dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Cose accompanied the newly wedded couple by automobile to Denison, where they planned to visit friends and relatives until Saturday, returning then to Sac City to spend a day or two before leaving for Rock Island, Ill.
The bride has made numerous friends during her short residence in Sac City and their best wishes go with her to her new home. The bridegroom is said by those who know him to be a young man of excellent character and industrious habits. He was reared in Crawford county near the bride's former home, leaving there only a few years ago to accept a position with a street car company at Rock Island.
Arnold - Arnold
Denison Review 5-9-1884
Marriage licenses issued during April, 1884
J. H. Arnold - Leona H. Arnold
Baak - Jurgensen
Schleswig Leader, Dec 31, 1909
Wm. Baak and Mrs. Anna Jurgensen were quietly married in Denison one day last week. This couple is well know in this vicinity.
Babeck - Mackulschek
Denison Review - 7-20-1910 - Aspinwall
Last Tuesday occurred the wedding of Andrew Babeck and Gertrude Mackulschek at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Wilke, Justice Jones speaking the words that made them man and wife. Only a few near friends and relatives were present at the ceremony. Ferdinand Lamp and Mrs. Wilke were the witnesses. Mr. and Mrs. Babeck went at once to their home one mile west of Aspinwall where they will farm. Mr. Babeck is a prosperous farmer. We all congratulate the newly wedded couple and wish them a happy and prosperous life.
Baak - Wendt
Denison Review March 4, 1908 - Ricketts
The wedding of Clara Wendt and Wm. Baak occurred Wednesday, March 4th, at the German Lutheran church in Soldier township, Rev. Wehlking officiating. The bridesmaids were Elsie and Lillie Wendt, Emma and Elsie Baak and Elma Binger. The groomsmen were Messers Magnard Hollander, Rickert and Ernest Baak, Paul Kroll and Edward Rickert. The bride looked charming in a gown of white silk and carried a shower boquet of American beauty roses. After the ceremony a delicious dinner was served and the afternoon spent in games and various amusements. Mr. Baak is son of Aug. Baak and one of our prosperous young farmers. The bride is the eldest daughter of Adolph Wendt. Both these young people have a host of friends who wish them every joy in life.
Dow City Enterprise 7-23-1909
Wedding Bells - Last Saturday evening at the Congregational parsonage in Dunlap occurred the marriage of James W. Baber of Dow City to Miss Bertha Beard of Dunlap, Rev. J. H. Armstrong officiating. Mr. Baber was born and raised in Dow City and has a host of friends who will wish for him and his chosen companion much joy and happiness. The bride is but little known in Dow City but will be given a cordial welcome should she become a resident of our town. The Enterprise extends congratulations wishing them well wherever they may decide to locate.
Bachmann - Rusterholz
Denison Review 11-4-1898
Married: On Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1898, at the residence of Chris Lorentzen, in Denison, Arnold Bachmann and Salome Rusterholz, Rev. Claussen performing the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Jacob Rusterholz and is well known in Denison, where she has lived a number of years. She is a young lady of true worth and will make a most loving wife. The groom is one of Crawford county's most prosperous young farmers. He owns a nice farm of 120 acres just east of Buck Grove where he and his bride will live. We join with the many friends of this young couple in wishing them a happy voyage on the sea of matrimony.
Baeth - Bendixsen
Schleswig Leader, Jan 28, 1910
Hans Baeth and Anna Bendixsen were married Wednesday at the home of the bride near here.
Baker - Huckstep
Denison Review, March 31, 1909 - Deloit
Miss Ethel Huckstep of Deloit and Guy Baker of Council Bluffs, were married Wednesday at her parental home, Rev. A. a. Howe of Deloit officiating. About thirty or more invited guests were present. Their friends wish them success and happiness.
Denison Review 4-7-1909
Another Milford Wedding
The Baker-Huckstep Wedding a Scene of Happiness
Young Folks to Live in Council Bluffs.
About thirty friends and relatives gathered at the home of W. T. Huckstep last Wednesday to witness the marriage of their daughter, Ether, to Mr. Guy Baker of Wall Lake. The wedding took place at eleven o'clock after which a sumptuous wedding dinner was served. The bride is a charming young lady, well known in this vicinity. The groom is the son of Mrs. Cordelia Baker of Wall Lake. The young couple have a host of warm friends who wish them both much happiness and prosperity. Mr. and Mrs. Baker left Denison on Thursday for Long Pine, Neb., where they will spend a few days after which they will return to Council Bluffs, Iowa, where they will make their future home.
Bakos - Roarson
Dennison Review 12-20-1911 - Schleswig
At the German Lutheran parsonage Wednesday evening, Miss Nellie Roarson and Melvin Bakos were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony. Miss Roarson is of Cushing and one of that town's most charming young ladies. Mr. Bakos is an upright, honest young man and at the present time is the proprietor of the basement barber shop. The happy couple will make their home in our midst. Congratulations.
Barrett - Thompson
Denison Review 4-4-1894 - Dow City
Among the news items of last week is the marriage of Mr. M. J. Barrett of Dunlap, who is well known in Crawford county to Miss Helen Thompson of Hartford, Mich.
Bell - Wiggins
Denison Review - News of Dow City, 2-4-1898
Married last Sunday morning at the Methodist parsonage at 10 o'clock, Mr. James N. Bell and Miss Lulu Maud Wiggins, Rev. C. D. Fawcett performing the ceremony that made these two young hearts beat as one. Mr. Bell was born and raised a mile and a half north of Dow City. Miss Wiggins was born in Jones county, Iowa, and moved to Dow City with her parents when a little girl. The young couple have gone to housekeeping in the house of Mr. Robert Bell. Everybody wishes them a long and happy life.
Denison Review 12-27-1893 - Vail
Two marriages came to pass this week. Wednesday, Mr. Thos. Bennett and Miss Loie Shove were united in the bonds of holy matrimony, and Monday, the same know was tied between Mr. Austin Gibbons and Miss Johanna Costeloe. The contracting parties are favorably known throughout our community. Ye correspondent wishes them all the happiness on this earth obtainable.
Berndt - Mathias
Denison Review, Friday, March 27, 1900 - Buck Grove
Married at the Catholic Parsonage, Feb. 27, Mr. Will Berndt and Miss Anna Mathihas, Rev. Tierney officiating. Their many friends wish them a long and happy life.
Dow City Enterprise 2-22-1907
Mr. Clark Best and Miss Gertie Leslie were united in marriage Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. And Mrs. J. N. Leslie west of Dow City, Rev. A. L. Curtis of the Dow City M. E. church officiating. We understand these young people will make their home in Arion where Mr. Best is engineer at the mill. We extend congratulations.
Bieber - Leptine
Denison Review 10-2-1885
On .. day evening at the residence of .. Keith, by Rev. Banker, Mr. ... Bieber and Miss Sophia Leptine. Mr. Bieber has grown from manhood in Denison and is an industrious young man, who has a good business as blacksmith and repairer of machinery. His bride, Sophia Leptine is a popular young lady with a pretty and pleasing manner. We wish them happiness beyond measure.
Birkoffer - Ahart
Denison Review 1-2-1895 - Paradise
Mr. Albert Birkoffer and Miss Katie Ahart were united in holy wedlock last Thursday night. The groom is well known as an industrious and successful farmer and we predict for the nuptial pair a pleasant voyage through the tempestuous sea of life.
Boeck- Knott
ca. 1920s
Jack Boeck and Mary Knott, married in Sac City, grooms parents: Supervisor and Mrs. H. W. Boeck, who live northwest of Manilla. Brides parents: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Knott, Manilla.
Botteger - Kusen
Schleswig Leader - December 5, 1912
Hams Botteger and Miss Martha Kusen were married last Thursday at the home of the groom's parents. Rev. Wetzeler officiated.
Boysen - Asmussen
Schleswig Leader - September 5, 1912
B. N. Boysen and Miss Selma Asmussen of Council Bluffs, took out a marriage license at Denison last Friday morning and then came over to Schleswig where they were united in marriage by Rev. W. R. Wetzeler. County Treasurer Evers, a cousin of the groom and Mrs. (L?) Evers, accompanied the young people over. Mr. and Mrs. Boysen are members of Rev. Wetzeler's former parish at Council Bluffs.
Bradbury - Garrison
Denison Review, Tuesday, 7-10-1900
Married at the Presbyterian parsonage Monday evening, July 9th, 1900, Rev. A. G. Martyn officiating, Mr. M. M. Bradbury and Mrs. V. J. Garrison. The groom is the proprietor of the Palace Bakery in this city, one of our well known business men, while the bride has long been a resident of the community and esteemed for her excellence of character and kindliness of bearing. They surprised their acquaintances by their quiet nuptials, leaving on the eastbound train for a brief wedding tour. The Review extends hearty congratulations.
Brake - Anderton
Denison Review 7-17-1912 - Dow City
On Sunday, July 14, 1912 at 11:30 a.m. at the home of Mr. N. J. Wheeler in Denison, occurred the marriage of Mr. Earl Brake of Dow City and Miss Lenora Anderton of Denison, Rev. J. Jas. Depree officiating.
Branaka - Tiernan
Denison Review, Friday, June 22, 1900
The marriage of Mr. F. J. Branaka and Miss Katie Tiernan took place at 10 o'clock yesterday morning at St. Rose of Lima's church, Rev. Father White of Dunlap officiating. The wedding was a quiet but impressive ceremony and was witnessed by a small number of relatives and friends.
The bride is a handsome and accomplished young woman and has a large circle of acquaintances whose best wishes will go with her through life. Mr. Branaka is known as one of our best young men, steady and industrious, he has well earned the confidence and esteem of the community. The Review extends sincere congratulations. We understand the young people will reside at the home of Mrs. Branaka, the groom's mother in east Denison. We are glad they are to remain in our city and predict for them a happy and useful life.
Breckling - Petersen
Denison Review 3-4-1898
Peter Breckling and Miss Lina Petersen were married on Wednesday March 2nd in Clinton, Iowa. They will make their home in Crawford county.
Brogden - Winey
Denison Review 10-25-1893
In Denison, Oct. 18th at the Baptist parsonage, Mr. Eugene Brogden and Miss Maggie Winey, both of Deloit.
Denison Review 10-25-1893 - Deloit
Last Wednesday, Mr. Eugene Brogden and Miss Maggie Winey were united in marriage by Rev. H. C. Nash. May success and happiness always be with them.
Brosamle - Kemming
Denison Review, Tuesday, February 20, 1900 - Hanover
The invitations are out announcing the marriage of Mr. Richard Brosamle and Miss Hannah Kemming for Feb. 25th at high noon at the Lutheran church in Hanover.
Brown - Larson
Denison Review - Charter Oak, 1-25-1898
At the Swedish church in this place Thursday, C. W. Brown and Matilda Larson, both of this county, were married by Rev. Buckner, of Dunlap. A considerable company of their friends witnessed the ceremony and made Mr. and Mrs. Brown many presents. They will reside here.
Bruner - Wiggins
Denison Review 10-25-1893
In Denison, Oct. 18th, at the Baptists parsonage, Edgar W. Bruner and Miss Josie Wiggins, both of Dow City.
Bryan - Riddle
Dow City Enterprise 6-18-1909
Wedding Bells - one of our most popular young ladies was led to the marriage altar Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. And Mrs. Ed. Riddle, well known and respected citizens of our community. The contracting parties were Miss Pearl Riddle and Mr. Clarence Bryan. Rev. Curtis spoke the words which united the two hearts for the remainder of life's journey, the beautiful and impressive ring ceremony being used. Immediately after the ceremony the guests, about forty in number, were escorted to the table where bounteous and delicious refreshments were served, the table fairly groaning under its weight of rich viands. The bride is one of the choicest young ladies, who from a little girl has grown up in our midst, honored by old and young alike. She has been a bright star for several years in the school room in our county and will be greatly missed from this profession, but will no doubt be happier to reign as queen in her own new home. The groom is from one of the best families in Paradise township and by those who knew him here, he is considered one of those true men who will make his mark in the world having the best of character and reputation. It is a pleasure to chronicle the marriage of such worthy young people and this paper wafts to them its warmest congratulations.
Buffinton - Mason
Denison Review 3-19-1913 - Deloit
Many Witness Pretty Wedding
Wedding of Miss Gold Mason to Mr. Guy Buffinton last Wednesday witnessed by Many Friends
Many Presents Received
Young Couple will be at Home on the Buffinton Farm Northwest of Denison
On Wednesday, March 12th, at 2 o'clock occurred the marriage of Miss Golda Ruth Mason and Mr. Guy Buffinton, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mason, living near Deloit. About thirty relatives and friends were present to witness the ceremony and participate in the festivities. Elder C. J. Hunt acted as officiating clergyman. At 2 o'clock the bridal party marched into the sitting room, the minister taking the lead, followed by Miss Iva Mason, sister of the bride, who acted as brides maid and Lloyd Buffinton, brother of the groom acting as best man, then followed the bride and groom, while Miss Nora Richmond played the wedding march.
The bride wore a handsome dress of white chiffon de chine with bead trimming and carried a beautiful bouquet of white roses and fern leaves and the bridesmaid dressed in Champagne batiste trimmed with coral, carried a fine bouquet of pink and white carnations and fern leaves. They took their position under an arch decorated with white crepe paper and fern leaves and a large wedding bell hung overhead from the center. A large fern stood in the background with potted plants of pink and white geraniums. After the ceremony they received the hearty congratulations of those present. The groom and best man wore suits of navy blue.
Miss Edna Childress had been engaged to sing at the wedding, but on account of sickness could not be present. Miss Flora Robertson appeared and took a picture of the bridal party standing under the arch and later one of all those present. At 4 o'clock all were seated and an elegant three-course lap supper was served, carried out in the color scheme of pink and white.
Mrs. Jennie Robertson, Mrs. Della Brogden and Mrs. S. D. Newton assisted Mrs. Mason and daughter, Iva, in service after which a cake the bride had previously received with icing and having a large heart shaped ornament in the center with the initials of the bride and groom, was cut by the bride and each guest given a piece wrapped in white crepe paper. They were the recipients of many valuable and useful presents, among which was a gift of a check from the groom's mother. The bride has previously received many nice and useful presents at the two showers given her, which shows the high esteem in which she is held.
The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mason and has been reared on the farm. She began very early to assist her mother with home duties and will be greatly missed. She was one of our school teachers and just recently closed her winter term. She is a lady of sterling qualities, always energetic and is thoroughly capable of making home pleasant for the man of her choice.
The groom is the third son of Mrs. J. Buffinton, formerly of Goodrich township but now of Denison. He is a worthy, industrious young man of good habits and has his home ready for his bride. They will reside on the Buffinton farm and will be at home to their many friends. May happiness and prosperity crown their efforts is the wish of all their friends.
Denison Review - 3-19-1913
Two weddings of interest to Milford people took place the past week, Guy Buffinton and Golda Mason were married Wednesday and Roy Osterlund and Mable Bennett, Friday in Denison.
Denison Review 3-19-1913 - Goodrich
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Newton had the pleasure of attending the wedding of Mr. Guy Buffinton and Miss Golda Mason, which took place March 12th at 2 p.m. at the home of bride's parents. Miss Mason has won her way up as one of Crawford's successful teachers and also as a teacher of music and will be a helpmate to the man who has chosen her for his wife. Guy is one of Goodrich township's noble boys and we congratulate him on his choice and wish them many happy years of wedded life.
The house had been prettily decorated for the occasion, an arch being built and decorated with white crepe paper and ferns. The bridal procession marched in to the beautiful music played by Miss Zora Richman, the bridal couple taking their place under the wedding bell suspended from the center of the arch. Her sister, Miss Iva Mason was maid of honor and Mr. Lloyd Buffinton, a brother of the groom, acted as best man. The bride was dressed in a white silk chiffon de chine with bead trimmings and carried brides' roses, while her maid wore a dress of tan with rose trimmings and lace and carried carnations and ferns. The bridegroom wore a dark blue suit and a very pretty couple they made.
Rev. Chas. Hunt performed the ceremony. After the congratulations a lovely three course luncheon was served and the bride's cake was cut by herself and served in white napkins to the guests, who numbered about thirty. The presents were numerous and useful, among them being a check to the bride and groom from the groom's mother, Mrs. Buffinton. They will be at home to their many friends on a part of the old farm in Goodrich township after April 1st.
Bumann - Sachau
Schleswig Leader, January 27, 1911
On Wednesday at the Jacob Sachau home near here occurred the wedding of their daughter Christina to Mr. Adolph Bumann. Particulars are not at hand at time of going to press.
Butler - Laning
Denison Review 5-28-1890
We almost forgot to make mention of the wedding in Dow City last Thursday evening, Dec. 29, at the residence of W. B. Evans. Rev. Onderdonk performed the marriage ceremony that made Mr. C. L. Butler and Miss Laning man and wife. They have the best wishes of a host of friends.
Burk - Bendixen
Schleswig Leader - February 23, 1912
On Wednesday at the church here occurred the wedding of Hilda Bendixen to Theo. Burk, the Rev. Wetzler performing the ceremony. The bride is a daughter of Henry Bendixen and wife, and is a most agreeable and charming young lady. The groom is known by everyone being the son of Conrad Burk and wife. The Leader extends congratulations.
Butterworth - Peterson
Denison Review - 12-29-1909
Mr. Leonard Butterworth and Mrs. Peterson were very quietly married last Wednesday evening. They have a host of friends who will extend congratulations and wish for them the best success in life.
Dow City Enterprise - 12-31-1909
Married at the home of J. L. Butterworth in Dow City Wednesday evening, December 22, at 7:30, Mr. J. L. Butterworth and Mrs. Christina Peterson of Gallands Grove were united in marriage, Elder Chas. E. Butterworth officiating. Mr. Butterworth is so well known here that nothing we could say would change him in the estimation of the public who regard him as an honorable, upright citizen who is worthy of the confidence of everybody. Mrs. Peterson is a stranger to many here but those who know her regard her as a noble Christian lady of upright character. They will make their home in Dow City where they will be cordially welcomed.Butterworth - Scott
Dow City Enterprise 7-30-1909
We are pleased to acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to attend the wedding of Julian E. Butterworth to Miss Veta Scott at Davis City, Iowa. Julian was at one time in our employ and could be trusted to do the best he could. Since leaving us he has graduated from the state university at Iowa City. The first year after graduating he taught in the high school at Waterloo and since then in the high school at Iowa City, and we are informed he is still retained for another year. The wedding will occur next Wednesday, Aug. 4, and we make haste to extend congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Butterworth.
Byrnes - Fitzsimmons
ca. 1920s
Angela Fitzsimmons and William M. Byrnes, both of Vail IA, 9am, Sat Nov. 30, St. Peters Church Omaha NE, Attendants: Mrs. Stella Byrnes McDermott and Edward Fitzsimmons, Brides parents: late Fred Fitzsimmons, and Mrs. Fitzsimmons of Vail. Groom's parents; the late William M. Byrnes.
Campbell - Dunbar
Denison Review 9-13-1893
During the month of August, Clerk Schlumberger issued a marriage license to
Chas. Campbell - Deloit
Lulu M. Dunbar - Deloit
Campbell - Prentice
Denison Review, Friday, March 30, 1900 - Deloit
Two more weddings at Deloit this week. Mr. Hensen of Montana and Miss Jennie Morris of Deloit;
and Mr. Bert Campbell and Miss Florence Prentice.
Carey - Aylward
November 4, 1924
Miss Grace Aylward and John Carey married 7am, November 4, 1924 at St. Ann's Church, Vail Iowa. Elizabeth Aylward, bridesmaid, Thomas Carey of Manilla, best man. Bride's parents: Mr and Mrs. Frank Aylward of Vail, groom: son of John Carey of Manilla.
Carey - Farley
April 16, 1925
Fern Farley of Vail, and Thomas B. Carey of Manilla, married at St. Mary's church in Omaha, Attendants: Mary McCullough, and Mr. Matt Dougherty of Manilla. Brides parents: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farley of Vail. Groom: son of Mr. John Carey Sr. of Manilla. Couple to live in Manilla.
Carlson - Fleming
Denison Review 1-22-1913 - Boyer
At the Fleming home on Wednesday at 11 o'clock occurred the marriage of Miss Mary Fleming and Mr. Charles Carlson. The bride was attired in a beautiful gown of white silk messaline with a white silk tulle veil. The groom wore the conventional black. They were attended by Miss Jessie Fleming, a sister of the bride, who was gowned in a beautiful pink crepe de chine dress and Mrs. John Carlson, a brother of the groom. Miss Anna Carlson played the wedding march. The Rev. J. Js. DePree, of Denison, performed the ceremony which united these worthy young people for life.
After the ceremony a three course dinner was served. Only relatives were present. The bride and groom both have excellent qualities and are both worthy of the choice they have made. Mr. and Mrs. Carlson will move onto a farm near Herring and we extend to them best wishes and success in the path that lies before them.
Chamberlin- Kirschbraun
ca. 1920s
Sears Chamberlin, Vail IA, and Dorothy Kirschbraun of Omaha Ne. Married in Council Bluffs Saturday Feb. 19. Grooms parents: Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Chamberlin of Vail, to live in Omaha where Sears is employed at Ford plant.
Christiansen - Tech
Denison Review 9-13-1893
During the month of August, Clerk Schlumberger issued a marriage license to
Fred Christiansen - Denison
Pauline Tech - Denison
Childress - Miller
Denison Review 3-9-1932
The Wedding of Miss Grace Miller and Charles Childress Made Known
A wedding of interest to the friends in this community was made known recently and took place Tuesday, Feb. 23, at the Elk's Point, S. D. when Chas. Childress and Miss Grace Miller of Columbus, Nebr., were united in marriage. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Roberts of Denison, the latter being a sister of the groom. The ceremony was performed by Rev. John M. Oakley at the Methodist parsonage.
The bride wore an ankle length dress of crepe with accessories to harmonize. The bridesmaid's dress was of black chiffon velvet made in ankle length style and wore black and white accessories to match.
Although the bride is a stranger in this community, friends and acquaintances elsewhere speak highly of her. She is well qualified to make a good home for the man of her choice. The groom is the only son of Mrs. Lelia Childress of Deloit. He was born and reared in this community, receiving his education in the Deloit schools, remaining with his mother since that time. He is a quiet and industrious young man, possessing those qualities which command respect.
The bridal party was entertained at a wedding supper Tuesday evening at the home of the groom's mother, where they are now living. May happiness attend them through life is the wish of a host of friends.
Clary - Kinnan
Denison Review, Tuesday, February 6, 1900 - Denison
On Thursday evening, February 1, at the home of the bride's parents, occurred the marriage of Miss Sadie Kinnan of Denison and Mr. J. C. Clary of Hornick, Iowa. Promptly at six o'clock the young people entered the parlor preceded by Rev. J. B. Harris, pastor of the First M. E. church.
The ceremony was given in a most impressive manner, the ring ceremony being used. Only a small company of friends and relatives were present. The rooms were beautifully adorned with potted plants, ferns, smilax, carnations and roses. The bride was attired in white silk, trimmed in pearls and wore a handsome watch and pin, a present of the groom. She carried a large boquet of pink and white bridal roses and presented a picture of simplicity and grace as she stood beneath a bell of foliage and roses suspended from a canopy of smilax. The groom wore a suit of conventional black.
Miss Kinnan is one of Denison's most amiable and charming young ladies and has the best wishes of her many friends. For the past few years she has been employed as principal of the Hornick schools and has proven herself an efficient and worthy teacher.
Mr. Clary is a prominent business man and banker of that place and it is there the young couple will make their future home. After a bountiful lunch, Mr. and Mrs. Clary departed on the 9:48 train over the Illinois Central for New Orleans and other points in the south, to spend several weeks. They will also visit friends and relatives in Bloomington, Illinois, after which they expect to embark for Europe to spend the summer visiting the Paris Exposition and relatives in England. Their friends bid them God speed and wish that their long journey as well as the journey through life may be a safe and happy one.
Coates- Barrenston
ca. 1920s
Married at Guthrie Center:
Former Vail Boy and Audubon Young Lady Wed November 12th. The marriage of Mr. Ambrose Coates of Manning and Miss Beatrice Barrenston of Audobon was solemnized at Guthrie Center on Wednesday, November 12th. The groom is the son of Joseph Coates, formerly of Vail, but now of Manning. He was born near vail and spent his boyhood in this vicinity and his many friends here unite in extending hearty congratulations. The newlyweds will make their home at Audubon where they will be at home to their many friends after December 1.
Colby - Ahart
Denison Review 1-1-1913 - Buck Grove
Saturday, December 28th, at the Catholic church here occurred the marriage of Mr. Fred Colby and Miss Regina Ahart. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ahart, of near Dow City. The hour for the wedding was set for 8 o'clock but owing to some delay in the arrival of Father Lynch, it was nearly 9 o'clock. The happy couple had intended taking the train for Des Moines by way of Manilla, but were too late for it after the ceremony.
So after a lunch with Dr. and Mrs. Bonney, the bride's brother, George, who was also best man, accompanied by Miss Anna Zimmer, the bridesmaid, took the happy couple by auto to Denison from which place they continued their wedding journey. The bride was attired in a beautiful blue messaline silk, while the groom wore the conventional black. These young people are well and favorably known and the good wishes of a host of friends follow them into their new life. On their return they will make their home in Dow City, where the groom is in business.
Cole - Brinkman
Denison Review, Friday, 12-6-1899
Married on Tuesday evening, December 12, Mr. William Frank Henderson and Miss Edna Maude Simmerman; also, on December 13, Mr. Walter Cole and Miss Anna Brinkman, all of Denison. Both ceremonies were performed at the Baptist parsonage, Rev. F. W. Bateson officiating. We extend sincere congratulations to the young people and wish them every happiness in life.
Cole - Smith
Denison Review, Friday, 10-10-1899- Charter Oak
Married, Sunday afternoon, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cole, their youngest son, Robert, to Miss Minnie Smith of Denison, Rev. Thomas Cole of Correctionville, a brother of the groom, officiating.
Among those present were E. and J. H. Cole and families of Denison, Israel and F. M. Cole of Arion, Elmer Haworth and family of Mapleton, N. Haworth and wife, Dr. McWilliams and wife, R. Bamford and wife and Mrs. T. Carson, Charter Oak. The young people will have the congratulations of many friends and good wishes for happy and prosperous lives in their new relation. Rev. T. Cole and wife returned to their home at Correctionville Monday.
Denison Review - October 13, 1899
At Charter Oak, Sunday, Oct. 8th, 1899 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Cole, Mr. Robert Cole and Miss Minnie Smith, Rev. Thos. Cole of Correctioville officiating.
The groom is a brother of Messrs. W. E. and J. H. Cole, of Denison and is a young man of good habits and sterling qualities and will make a good husband.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. Chas. Smith, a lovely lady and we congratulate Mr. Cole upon his choice. They will make Denison their home.
Conner - Dudley
Schleswig Leader - November 21, 1912
Mr. Raymond Conner, manager of the Denison Review, and son of Hon. J. P. Conner and wife of this city, was married last evening in Council Bluffs to one of the most charming young ladies, Miss Usebia Dudley of Council Bluffs. Mr. Conner and his wife have our congratulations, and the well wishes of a host of friends who will be glad to welcome them totheir future home in Denison. - Bulletin
Conrad - Eggers
Denison Review 9-6-1893 - Arion
Mr. A. A. Conrad and Miss Anna Eggers were married at their home in Arion last Sunday, by Rev. T. M. Coffey. Mr. Conrad is the accommodating agent of the C. M. & St. P Ry. Miss Eggers is well known here as a lady of refinement. We congratulate them both on their choice and wish them long life and happiness. They will go to housekeeping at once in the house lately purchased by Mr. Conrad of Mr. Goff.
Cose - Childress
Denison Review 11-8-1898
Married - Mr. William Cose and Miss Mattie Childress, both living near Deloit, were united in matrimony by Elder William McKim on last Sunday evening at 6 p.m.at his home. This couple is well known and showers of good wishes were bestowed on them during the congratulations by their many friends.
Cose - Gardner
Denison Review 12-6-1911 - Deloit
Miss Lucy Gardner, of Deloit, was married to John Cose last Wednesday. As the Goodrich writer will no doubt make an item of it, we will just say we hope the future has bright prospects and happy days for them.
Costello - Powers
Denison Review 1-3-1912
The bans of marriage between Miss Nelle Powers and Mr. James Costello were published Sunday for the first time.
Darling - Long
Denison Review 6-26-1895
On the 22nd inst., at the residence of the bride's father, in Deloit, by B. F. Dobson, Justice of the Peace, Mr. Albro E. Darling and Miss Roseanna? E. Long.
Davidson - Richards
Denison Review April 7, 1909 - Arion
Friends of Mrs. E. N. Richards and family have received the announcement of the marriage of her daughter, Ruth Edna to Mr. Davidson of Iamay, Montana. The Richards family were long time residents of Crawford county and lived in Arion for several years. Their host of friends extend congratulations and good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Davidson.
Debine - Harkin
Denison Review 5-9-1884
Marriage licenses issued during April, 1884
Wm. Debine - Mary T. Harkin
Deeter - Stamper
Denison Review 7-24-1895 - Charter Oak
Married at Ida Grove, July 18, 1895, at the M. E. parsonage, Rev. Gleason officiating, Mr. George Deeter to Miss Hattie Stamper, both of this place. May much joy be theirs.
Deiber - Mahler
Denison Review - Buck Grove, 3-4-1898
Today occurs the wedding of John Deiber of this place to Miss Mary, the oldest daughter of Carpenter Mahler at Paradise township. There will be a wedding reception at the Mahler residence, four miles east of Kenwood, this evening. John has a host of friends in this neck o' the woods who wish him and his bride a long and happy life.
Dennis - Myers
Denison Review 5-3-1906
Announcements of the Myers - Dennis wedding, which occurred in Denison, Wednesday, at the home of A. G. Myers, when his daughter, Miss Effie, was married to Mr. Dennis. Miss Stella Myers, her cousin, appeared as bridesmaid and dismissed her school on Wednesday to attend the wedding. Miss Effie has many friends here who join in wishing her and Mr. Dennis a happy and prosperous life.
Detlefsen - Thompsen
Denison Review 9-6-1893 - Arion
Henry Detlefsen stole away last Saturday and was married at Denison to Miss Bertha Thompsen of Dow City. Both parties are well known in this community. Henry is one of our young business men and his bride a highly esteemed young lady of Dow City. May joy and happiness accompany them all through life.
Denison Review 12-26-1884
(missing first part) . The marriage of Mr. G. W. DeWolf to Miss E. S. Gilman. After the ceremony, the happy couple leave by the evening express for the eastern part of the State. Small need for me to say who and what the bridegroom is, everybody knows Geo. And he returns the compliment. A good, steady, upright citizen, always ready to help in every good cause; as junior partner in the strong firm of Strong Bros. & Co. he applies himself closely to business and is one of those men that must succeed. The lay too is well known, having taught school in various districts and still holding an engagement in the school here. I am but one of the hundreds who will extend to them hearty congratulations and best wishes for their future.
Dillivan - Smith
Denison Review 4-24-1907 - Deloit
Married Sunday, April 14th, Clark Dillivan and Millie Smith, by Dan Robertson, Justice of the Peace. Clark is one of our energetic farmers in Milford township, the youngest son of Walter Dillivan and lives with his aged father on the home farm, his mother having died recently which left he and his father without a housekeeper. Millie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Smith, who used to reside here. She has been working at the Dillivan home the past few years and, therefore, will feel at home. The best wishes of the community will go with this worthy young couple through life's voyage.
Dobson, M. C.
Denison Review 11-20-1885 - Deloit
Mr. M. C. Dobson has taken unto himself a wife. We wish the young couple joy beyond measure.
Dobson - Hemer
Denison Review 2-15-1898
A double wedding will occur at the home of Mr. Hemer, one-half mile south of Arthur, on Wednesday, February 16, the parties being Mr. Adam Hemer and Miss Wagner and Mr. Alfred Dobson and Miss Rose Hemer. Elder Hunt will officiate. Mr. Dobson formerly lived at this place but for some time has resided on one of the Cook farms northwest of Odebolt.
Dougherty - Hill
ca. 1920s
October 10, ca. 1920s
Frances E. Hill, Former resident of Vail married Matthew J. Dougherty of Manilla at St. John's Church in Omaha, Attendants: Ann Hill and Earl Dougherty. Brides parents: Mrs. Elizabeth Hill Omaha, Grooms Parents: Mr. and Mrs Patrick Dougherty of Manilla. To live in Omaha.
Downs - Wall
Denison Review 4-15-1898
There was a wedding at the M. E. parsonage last Friday evening. Rev. C. D. Fawcett performed the ceremony that made two hearts beat as one. Mr. Frank Downs and Mrs. Nellie A. Wall of Arion were the contracting parties
Downs - Baber
Denison Review 1-1-1894 - Dow City
Last Wednesday evening, Mr. Florence Downs and Miss Lou Baber were married at the Baptist parsonage, Rev. Coffy performing the marriage ceremony. We all wish the young couple a long and happy life.
Duncan - Holmberg
Denison review 12-3-1873
By Rev. A. Joreliu, on the 22nd day of November, 1873, in Stockholm township, Crawford county, Iowa, Mr. Charles Duncan and Miss Louisa Holmberg.
Else - Bendixen
Schleswig Leader, Feb 25, 1910
On Wednesday, February 23, occurred the wedding of Miss Ella Bendixen to Mr. Julius Else, Rev. Wetzler performing the ceremony. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Henry Bendixen and is well known and liked in this community. The groom is a prosperous young farmer of this vicinity. The Leader extends congratulations.
Emerson - Chambers
Dow City Enterprise 7-2-1909
Mr. Roy Emerson Curtis of Dow City, Iowa, and Miss Eva Mae Chambers of McClelland, Iowa, were united in marriage June 30th at the bride's home, the groom's father, Rev. A. L. Curtis, officiating. The bride is a graduate of the conservatory of music of Simpson college and is a lady of high attainments and the best character. Mr. Curtis is a young man held in the highest esteem by the best citizens of Dow City. He obtained his Bachelor degree at Lincoln, Neb., and later his Master's degree at Madison, Wis. He has been teaching American and Ancient history in the high schools of Davenport, Iowa, and has been retained for the coming year at a very liberal advance in salary. We sincerely join in extending congratulations and best wishes to these worthy young people. They will probably be absent a few weeks on a wedding trip.
Endbody - Baker
Dow City Enterprise 12-17-1909
J. Endbody, the present postmaster in Dunlap, was married last week to Mrs. J. A. Baker of Alma, Minn. We sincerely congratulate.
Engelking - Paulsen
Denison Review 2-26-1913 - Schleswig
Detriech C. Engleking, son of our townsman Dick Enkelking and Hilda C. Paulsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicolaus Paulsen, of Morgan township were married at Frieden's church on Wednesday, February 19th, at 10 o'clock a. m., Rev. Wetzler officiating. The couple were attended by Alfred Engelking and Louie Paulsen. Only near relatives were present at the wedding. They left on the noon train the same day of the wedding for a trip to Davenport and other places. They will reside on the old Engelking farm in Soldier township.
Detriech C. Engelking and Hilda C. Paulsen
Schleswig Leader - February 20, 1913 - Schleswig
Detriech C. Engelking, son of our townsman, Dick Engelking, and Hilda C. Paulsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicolaus Paulsen, of Morgan township, were married at Friedens church on Wednesday, February 19, at 10 o'clock a. m., Rev. Wetzeler officiating.
The couple were attended by Alfred Engelking and Louie Paulsen. Only near relatives were present at the wedding. They left on the noon train the same day of the wedding for a trip to Davenport and other places. They will reside on the old Engelking farm in Soldier township. The Leader joins the host of friends in showering congratulations.
Ernst - Laumbach
Schleswig Leader - February 16, 1912
Marriage license
Fourteen marriage licences were issued at the clerk's office in Denison during the past week. In the list we notice the names of Julius Ernst and Anna Laumbach.
Eyer - Longstreth
Denison Review, Wednesday, 6-18-1930 - Charter Oak
A wedding of much interest to Charter Oak residents took place last Monday, June9, when Miss Irene Longstreth, of Sergeant Bluff and David Eyer were united in marriage at the home of Rev. J. H. Findley, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. The young couple was attended by Miss Esther Eyer, sister of the bridegroom and Gale Longstreth, brother of the bride. The bride was charming in a lavender crepe dress with hat to match and she wore blonde hose and slippers. The bridesmaid wore orchid georgette with blonde hose and slippers.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Longstreth of Sergeant Bluff and though she is now well known in this community her friends speak very highly of her.
The groom is the only son of Mrs. Alvena Eyer. He received his education in the rural schools here and for a number of years he operated a farm north of town. Last fall he purchased a restaurant at Sergeant Bluff. At the present time the young couple are assisting with the work in the Fred Rabe home near Kenwood.
Farley - Barden
Denison Review, Friday, 4-6-1900 - Vail
Miss Myrtle Barden and Mr. Frank Farley were married Tuesday night at the M. E. Parsonage, Rev. G. L. Eaton performing the ceremony.
Farley - Oppermann
Denison Review - September 18, 1912
A very pretty wedding was solemnized on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the German Lutheran Trinity church, when Miss Anna Oppermann was united in marriage to Frank C. Farley, Rev. Wendt officiating. After the ceremony the guests departed to the bride's home in the western part of town, where congratulations were extended and where a delicious wedding supper was served. Both the bride and groom have grown up in our midst. The bride is an estimable young lady and will make a good helpmate for the man of her choice. The groom is an industrious young man of sterling habits. They have a wide circle of friends who wish them a full measure of success and happiness. They will make their home on a farm owned by the groom.
Farley - Sullivan
Vail Observer, October 31, 1929?
Double Wedding Ceremony
Married in Missouri Valley IA
Lucille Sullivan married Lawerence Whiteing
Luverne Sullivan married Francis Farley
Attendants for both couples: Maxine Farley and Lyle Whiteing. Brides daughters of Mr. and Mrs Daniel Sullivan of Vail. Lawrence Whiteing son of Mr. and Mrs George D. Whiteing, Vail. Francis Farley is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farley, Vail.
Fink - Comstock
Denison Review 5-9-1884
Marriage licenses issued during April, 1884
Hannibal Fink - Nellie Comstock
Finnegan - McBride
June 25, 1930
Louis Finnegan Manilla married Bernice McBride, Buck Grove, married at Sacred Heart in Manilla. Attendants: Alice Finnegan of Manilla, and Mr. Sullivan of Dunlap. Groom's parents: Mr. and Mrs. L. Finnegan, Denison, Brides Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Chas McBride Buck Grove, Louis is a garage operator, Bernice is a rural school teacher.
Fitzpatrick - Quirk
Denison Review, Tuesday, 4-17-1900 - Vail
Sunday morning at 10 o'clock occurred the marriage of Miss Nellie Quirk to Mr. Thos Fitzpatrick at St. Ann's church, the Rev. Father Murphy officiating, Miss Stella Fitzsimmons and Mr. John Flahive acting as bridesmaid and groomsman. After the ceremony dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Quirk. The bridal party left on the noon train for a short stay in Omaha. The bride is well known in this county as one of its most prominent school teachers. Mr. Fitzpatrick is one of Denison's most popular young men, well known and well liked by all for his good qualities. Our best wishes go with the newly wedded pair.
Fleming - Irwin
Denison Review 12-18-1889
James Fleming and Ella Irwin were married last Wednesday by Rev. H. Hostetler at the residence of the bride's parents. The company and the presents were very numerous and the most cordial good wishes were extended by a large circle of relatives and friends.
Flodine - Klingberg
Denison Review 1-31-1894 - Kiron
Married - Mr. P. D. Flodine and Mrs. Anna Klingberg, on Friday evening last, Rev. Wickstrom officiating. We congratulate
Flynn - Devine
Denison Review, Friday, 5-11-1900 - Charter Oak
Married, Wednesday, May 9th at the Catholic Church, Mr. John Flynn of Ute and Miss Mary Devine of Willow Township, Father Cooper officiating
Frahm - Street
Denison Review 9-13-1893
During the month of August, Clerk Schlumberger issued a marriage license to
Johann Frahm - Kiron
Theresa Street - Kiron
Marriage Licenses
March 31, 1897
Denison Review
Wm. E. Henshen and Soph. M. Ries - March 23
Wm. Nookes, Laura Patchin, Deloit - March 27
Marriage Licenses
October 18, 1901
Denison Review
During October the weddings in this county have averaged nearly one a day. The beautiful fall weather seems nearly as conducive to thoughts of love as does the gentle spring time. For October the following licenses to wed have been issued and twenty-six hearts have been made to beat as thirteen:
October 3 - Emil Kuhl, Emma Hueschen
October 5 - Wm. Pithan, Josephine Hannan
October 8 - Johann Neumann, Ella Fahm
October 10 8 - Louis Miller, Lizzie Bird
October 12 - Herman G. Hartwig, Martha Schug
October 15 - John Asmus, Martha Wenzel
October 15 - Alfred Bohlander, Anna Witt
October 15 - Sam Anderson, Tabitha C. Winey
Marriage Licenses
November 25, 1903
Denison Review
The following marriage licenses have been issued by county Clerk Frank Faulk since Nov. 10. One of the peculiar incidents is the fact that in the first license the parties came all the way from Mexico to procure a license.
November 10th - Nye Forester Morton, Mexico; Lucy M. Bumgardner, Mexico
November 11th - Walter J. Campbell, Jackson; Lettie B. Gunn, Jackson
November 11th - Solomon Hattery, Logan; Martha Harland, Logan
November 11th - Emil A. Pump, Denison; Clara Strathman, Hayes
November 17th - Wilson Clark, Hayes; Rose Troutman, Co. Bluffs
November 18th - Arthur C. Green, Denison; Zella May Hover, Denison
November 19th - Elmer M. Mill, Denison; Bertha J. Randall, Denison
November 20th - C. S. Johnson, Kiron; Effie S. Erickson, Kiron
Marriage Licenses
April 7,1897
Denison Review
March 31 - Minnie Jones, Charter Oak; Harry L. Wood, Charter Oak
March 31 - Maggie Trahm, Iowa Twp.; Wm. F Walter
Marriage Licenses
January 7, 1902
Denison Review
Since our last report the following marriage licenses have been issued by the county clerk.
December 31 - J. H. Getty, Denison Twp; Cora Annie Brey, Hanover Twp
Marriage Licenses
February 11, 1902
Denison Review
Feb. 6 - W. P. Clark & Adelina Fuester, both of Schleswig.
Feb. 7 - Wm. H. Wilfang of Botna and Sylva Hoff of Manilla.
Fred J. Obmann of Carroll County and Minnie Hinrichsen of Jackson Township.
Herman E. Obmann of Carroll County and Lottie Hinrichsen of Jackson Township.
Allay - Dillenberger
Denison Review - March 19, 1901 - Vail
Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents occurred the wedding of Miss Minnie Dillenberger and Mr. Frank Allay, only near relatives and friends were present, the Rev. Sweeney performing the ceremony. After a sumptuous dinner the wedded couple left on the afternoon train for their new home in western Nebraska where Mr. Allay will have charge of a drugstore. The bride was born and raised in Vail and is well and favorably known by all our people. Mr. Allay has only been a resident of Vail a few months, but during that time has made many friends. May success be theirs in their new home.
Almgren - Winquist
Denison Review - August 6, 1901
At the home of the bride's parents near Kiron, Wednesday evening, July 31st at 8 o'clock, occurred the marriage of Mr. Samuel Almgren and Miss Anna Winquist. The pretty and impressive ceremony was conducted by Rev. A. P. Hanson of the Swedish Baptist church of that place.
The bride was attired in a beautiful gown of white ceded silk. The attendants were Miss Petersen of Omaha as maid of honor with Mr. Ed Nelsen as best man and Miss Nettie Winquist, sister of the bride and Mr. Chas. Winquist. Following congratulations, a delicious three course dinner was served to the sixty guests, after which the company assembled on the spacious lawn. The house was tastily decorated with carnations and ferms. The bride is an accomplished young lady acquainted extensively in this city and her many friends join with the Review in extending hearty congratulations.
The groom is one of the prosperous young business men of Jamestown, N. Y., at which place the newly wedded couple will make their home. The out-of-town guests were: Mrs. Cederholm and two children, and Miss Peterson of Omaha, Chas. Sundstrom of Deloit and Messrs. Ed and Henry Nelson of Denison. Mrs. And Mrs. Almgren left yesterday for their future home in New York.
Anderson - Clauson
Denison Review - May 10, 1901
On Friday, May 3, 1901, at 8 o'clock p.m. occurred the marriage of Miss Ida Clauson to Mr. Edd Anderson at the parental home of the bride, and in the presence of a large number of guests, Rev. A. P. Hanson performing the ceremony and the Misses Lillie Engberry and Mary Johnson acting as bridesmaids, and Messrs. Erich Larson and Hjahner Mauritz as best men. The bride is very well known here having grown to womanhood in this locality and is held in esteem by a large number of friends. Mr. Anderson is a farmer from Pomery, Ia., and although not very well known around here, he appears to be an honest and upright young man of excellent aims and ambitious. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were the recipients of many useful and pretty presents. The happy couple left the first of the week for their home in Pomeroy, Ia., where they will go to housekeeping.
Anderson - Winey
Denison Review - October 18, 1901 - Deloit
Married on Wednesday, Oct. 16, 1901, Mr. Samuel Anderson and Miss Tabitha Winey, at the home of the bride's parents near Deloit. All of the relatives of the contracting parties here were present and a few intimate friends, Rev. Holmes of Denison officiating. Relatives from abroad were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Allbright, Mrs. S. Allbright, Mr. Lew Allbright, Mrs. Macy Goff and the relatives of Denison. A bountiful wedding dinner was served and the bride and groom were the recipients of many handsome and useful presents. We understand they will take a bridal tour to South Dakota. Each are well known here among their numerous friends who wish them a happy and prosperous voyage through life.
Aylesworth - Wygant
Denison Review, June 9, 1897
A brilliant wedding was celebrated Monday at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Wygant, the contracting parties being their daughter Miss Florence E. and Mr. Paul Aylesworth of Council Bluffs.
Mr. and Mrs. Wygant are among the old residents of Denison and their circle of friends is very large - about 80 witnessed the ceremony which was performed by Rev. J. B. Harris of Indianola, Iowa. Promptly at twelve o'clock Mrs. Boynton began the Wagoner wedding march, "Fair Bride and Groom. Greeting to Thee," (she also played "O Promise Me" during the ceremony) and the wedding procession entered the parlor. Miss Helen and March Burch led the way carrying the ribbons to form an aisle.
The bride was escorted by her father and attended by her sister, Miss Edith Wygant and Miss Beulah Johnson of Oberlin. Mr. David Stuart of Council Bluffs was Mr. Aylesworth's best man and Mr. Howard Wygant composed the wedding party. The bride was radiantly lovely in white organdie over white silk. She carried a bouquet of bride roses and sweet peas. Miss Edith Wygant was charming in a pale blue organdie, carrying white and pink carnations. Miss Johnson was gowned in a pale pink liberty silk, that was very becoming to her brunette style of beauty. After the ceremony a reception followed and hearty congratulations were showered on the young couple who start life with good wishes enough to carry them well through many trials. The wedding luncheon was served by the Misses Iseminger, Gillmore, Goodrich and Meyers and Mesdames Romans, Wheeler and Staley. Mr. and Mrs. Aylesworth received many valuable and beautiful tokens of friendship. They left for Council Bluffs, their future home, amid a shower of rice, old shoes and good wishes. Among their warmest friends The Review wishes to be numbered.
Among the out of town guests were Mrs. Judge Aylesworth, Miss Ellen Aylesworth and Mr. Stuart, Council Bluffs, Mr. Howard Falkner and Miss Florence Falkner, Helena, Ark; Miss Beulah Johnson, Oberlin. Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Harris, Indianola, Ia., Miss Canfield, Woodbine and Mrs. W. T. Perkins, Bismarck. N. D.
Barrett - McMahon
Denison Review - February 15, 1901 - Charter Oak
On Tuesday, Feb. 12th, at 10 a.m., occurred the wedding of Mr. Peter Barrett of Ute and Miss Ella McMahon of this place. Father Cooper performing the ceremony at the Catholic Church in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives. After congratulations had been extended, about thirty invited guests repaired to the home of P. D. McMahon, where a wedding breakfast was served. The rooms and tables were decorated with carnations, bridal roses, ferns and smilax. In a room adjoining the parlor, the numerous and elegant gifts were displayed. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett left at 2 o'clock for a visit in Sioux City and Marcus, amid the hearty good wishes of a large company of friends, who escorted them to the depot.
Those present from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Barrett, Miss Marie Barrett, Mr. John Barrett of Dunlap: Mr. M. D. Barrett and wife of Ute: Miss Mary Hart of Holstein and Miss Josie Kniest of Council Bluffs.
Beers - Langer
Denison Review - March 19, 1901
At the family home south of Denison, Tuesday evening, March 19, 1901, Rev. A. G. Martyn of the Presbyterian Church officiating, Mr. Theron R. Beers of Battle Creek and Miss Lizzie Langer of Denison were married. The immediate family relatives were present as witnesses of the nuptial vows and it was an impressive home wedding. A most bountiful wedding supper was served. The bride by her excellence of character and lady-like demeanor has won for herself a wide circle of friends while the groom as a student at Denison College has gained the esteem of teachers and pupils as a choice young man. Sincere congratulations are given the wedded pair on their auspicious entrance upon the matrimonial voyage of life. Their future home will be near Battle Creek.
Berndt - Mathias
Denison Review - February 15, 1901 - Buck Grove
Married at the Catholic Church at this place, Mr. Chas. Berndt to Miss Maggie Mathias, Rev. Father Tierney officiating.
Bill - Hannon
Denison Review - March 29, 1901 - Buck Grove
Married at Defiance, Mr. Ed. Bill, formerly of this place and Miss Edith Hannon of Defiance, Rev. Cable officiating. We congratulate.
Binnall - Sayles
Denison Review
Married at the M. E. Parsonage, Wednesday afternoon, May 5, in the presence of a few friends, Geo. W. Binnall of Dow City to Eliza Sayles of Freeport, Mich., Rev. E. E. IlgenFritz officiating. The many friends of the worthy couple will be glad to read of this event and extend heartfelt congratulations. It is understood that they will reside in Missouri where Mr. Binnall has considerable property.
Booth - Bullis
Denison Review - September 3, 1901
Married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bullis of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, Miss Mabel Bullis to Mr. Charles E. Booth of Dow City, on Wednesday, August 28, 1901. They arrived in Dow City Thursday. Quite a number of presents and many congratulations.
Denison Review - January 17, 1902
Porter R. Bowen of Denison and Fannie McFarland of Colony, Kansas, were united in matrimony, Wednesday, Jan. 15, 1902 at the M. E. parsonage of Colony, Kan., Rev. Martin officiating. The groom is well known and highly respected throughout this community. The bride is well known in this vicinity having been a resident of this county for twenty-one years; has also been one of its successful school teachers. They expect to soon go to housekeeping on a farm about two and one-half miles from Denison where they will be at home to their many friends who join in wishing them long life and prosperity.
Bratthauer - Messenbrink
Denison Review - October 17, 1899
Married, at the residence of R. R. Montgomery, justice peace, October 14, 1899, Mr. E. A. Bratthauer and Miss Minnie Messenbrink. We extend our congratulations.
Brockelsby - Crampton
Denison Review - April 21, 1897
Miss Mary Crampton and Mr. Richard Brockelsby were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Crampton on Wednesday last by Rev. Bartholemew. We congratulate.
Brown - Hathaway
Denison Review - November 13, 1901
On Wednesday, Nov. 6, at 12 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hathaway, southwest of Manning, occurred the marriage of Miss Ida Hatheway, their eldest daughter, to Mr. Fred N. Brown of Manilla, Iowa.
About 50 invitations had been issued and 85 guests were present to witness the ceremony which was performed by the Rev. G. E. Bertch of Gray, Iowa. The bridal pair marched into the parlor to the strains of "Narcissus." They stood under a beautiful arch made of evergreens and white carnations. During the ceremony, "Remembrance" by Pratt was played. The bride looked very lovely in a pretty gown of white mercerized lawn. She carried a large bouquet of carnations and bride's roses. The groom wore the conventional black.
Immediately after the ceremony an elaborate and delicious six course dinner was served. Four pretty waiters, friends of the bride from Manning served at the two tables. Music and conversation occupied the afternoon, the guests departing about 5 o'clock. On Thursday eve, the newly married pair left for Manilla and on Friday noon departed for their new home in Siban, Iowa, where the groom, a bright, energetic young man is head clerk in one of the stores. The bride is a very charming young woman, accomplished in many ways and particularly in the culinary art. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are both well known in Crawford County and they have hosts of friends who trust that their lives may be all sunshine.
Brown - Hotchkiss
Denison Review - June 9, 1897
Mr. Carlton Brown and Miss Rose Hotchkiss were married Tuesday evening, June 2nd, Rev. R. Venting performing the ceremony, the most intimate friends of the family being present. Mr. Brown is an electrical engineer located at Schenectady, New York State, where they expect to make their future home. They leave Wednesday afternoon for a brief visit with relatives at Ames.
The friends of the Baptist Church presented her with a beautiful gold watch as a token of Christian love and appreciation of her life and services in the church of which she is a member. There were many other excellent gifts from various friends. Ice cream and cake were served to the guests and a pleasant sociable evening was spent.
Miss Rose Hotchiss, who has lived in Denison from early childhood is universally esteemed and admired. She has been a loving child and faithful daughter, helping nurse her father in his years of helpless illness. We say it without intending to flatter but as it is universally acknowledged that she is a Christian in the highest sense that of altruistic devotion to the welfare of others. She has led a life of self-sacrifice and we hope and trust that her married life will be one of unalloyed happiness.
Buchwald - Siegelt
Denison Review - January 20, 1897
Married on Thursday, Frank Buchwald and Miss Jennie Siegelt. Frank said it was h-l on earth to batch it and if married life is not better he don't want to be in existence. We know he will find married life o.k. and wish he and his bride joy unbounded.
Cassaday - Hitchcock
Denison Review - December 3, 1901
On Thursday, Dec. 5, 1901, the marriage of Mr. Leon M. Cassaday of Denison and Miss Maud L. Hitchcock of Greenfield took place at the home of the bride's parents in Greenfield. It is with pleasure that we make this announcement.
The groom, Mr. Leon Cassaday, is one of Denison's best young men. He was born in this city and has lived here all his life. His standing is beyond reproach and his acquaintance is far reaching. Together with his father he is conducting an extensive drug business. Everything he undertakes is a success and his work in business, church and social circles is such that everybody is his friend.
The bride we are unacquainted with but we feel sure she is in every way fitted as a companion for the man of her choice, and she will receive a warm welcome to Denison. This evening the Baptist young people will give the happy couple a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McHenry to which a large number are invited. It will afford all pleasure to thus welcome this newly wedded couple home.
Champion - Molony
Denison Review - October 8, 1901
The marriage ceremony of Mr. John Champion to Miss Margaret Molony in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives was performed at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church on Tuesday morning at nine o'clock. Miss Katie Molony, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and Mr. Ed. Champion, brother of the groom, as groomsman, Rev. Father Farelly officiating.
After the ceremony, the party accompanied by the many friends and relatives, repaired to the home of the bride's parents where they partook of a sumptuous wedding dinner and supper followed by a wedding ball.
Mr. Champion is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Champion, old residents of Crawford Co. and is well and favorably known in our midst as an honest, industrious gentleman, highly esteemed by all who know him.
The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Molony, being one of our most estimable young ladies known from infancy in the community and carries the high regard and best wishes of all. They will begin housekeeping in Vail at once where Mr. Champion is engaged in the barber business.
Chesney - Menagh
Denison Review - January 4, 1901
Wedding bells have been mingling their gladsome peals with the New Year chimes this week and three young and popular couples are beginning the new century together.
A quiet, but none the less happy wedding, took place on Monday evening at 6:30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Menagh. The contracting parties being their daughter, Miss Sarah Menagh and Mr. J. P. Chesney of DeWitt, Nebr. Dr. E. M. Holmes officiated at the simple, but impressive ceremony, and was witnessed only by the immediate relatives.
After a most bountiful wedding supper, the happy couple took the Colorado special for Omaha where they will remain for a few days before proceeding to their new home in DeWitt.
The new made bride is one of Denison's handsome and capable daughters. She has shown more than ordinary ability by successfully conducting a business of her own for more than six years, and at the same time she has lost none of those womanly graces which go toward the making of a happy home.
Mr. Chesney is one of the prominent business men of DeWitt; for a number of years he was the postmaster of that place and he now has a large business in real estate and insurance lines. The best wishes of many friends and relatives go with this newly wedded pair and all join in the hope theirs may be the happiest of happy homes.
Christiansen - Hansen
Denison Review - August 20, 1901
There were married, Aug. 8, Rev. Lothringer officiating, Mr. Peter Aug Christiansen to Miss Cath. Frericka Hansen, both of Iowa Twp., Wm. and Fred Schurke serving as witnesses.
Clauson - Lundberg
Denison Review - January 18, 1901 - Johnsonville
Married, Wednesday, January 16, 1901, at 7 o'clock p.m., Mr. Otto E. Clauson and Miss Emma C. Lundberg, at the home of Mr. Andrew Johnson in Sac County, Rev. A. Modig officiating.
Both of these young people are well and favorably known in our midst, Mr. Clauson as an upright and hard working farmer and Miss Lundberg as a charming and accomplished young lady and excellent housekeeper. Both have a host of friends who join with us in wishing them a happy and prosperous journey through life.
Immediately after the ceremony and congratulations were over a delicious supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Clauson were the recipients of many pretty and useful presents. Somewhere near a hundred guests were present.
Denison Review - January 22, 1901
Married - Mr. Otto E. Clauson to Miss Emma Lundberg at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Andrew Johnson, in Sac County, Rev. A. Modig performing the ceremony, on last Wednesday evening, January 16, 1901, in the presence of nearly one hundred friends and relatives. The couple received a large assortment of very nice and useful presents from the guests. This couple are well and widely known and all join in bespeaking and wishing them a pleasant life and journey together. May success and peace reign with them in their new life.
Cooper - Baber
Denison Review - May 3, 1901 - Dow City
Married at the home of the bride's parents, Mrs. Fanny Baber to Albert Cooper by Elder D. M. Rudd. After congratulations and a sumptuous feast the happy couple received numerous presents. Only a few of the special friends and invited guests were present and among whom were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cooper, father and mother of the bridegroom and Mrs. Lois Lowey of Pocahontas county.
Copps - Henney
Denison Review - February 11, 1902
One of the largest wedding parties ever given in Willow Township occurred at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Henney, on Tuesday, the 4th. The bride is Miss Mary, eldest daughter of the host, and is a young woman of many excellent traits of character, having taught school in Nebraska and Iowa. Mr. Dan Copps, the groom, is a young man highly respected by all who know him for integrity, sobriety and industry.
The wedding occurred at the church in Charter Oak on Tuesday morning, Rev. Father Cooper officiating. After the wedding many friends, repaired to the home of the bride's parents where they were greeted by friends with many sincere felicitations. Over one hundred and fifty people participated in the festivities. In the evening the young people took possession, cleared the room for action and until the "wee small hours" made merry in dance and games. The list of wedding presents is too large to be given entire and were of the most useful and valuable kind. - Dunlap Reporter
Darling - Brogden
Denison Review - February 19, 1901 - Deloit
Married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. Arthur Darling and Miss Pearl Brogden, Sunday, Feb. 17, 1901, J. T. Turner officiating. No explanation from us can add to the merits of this worthy young couple as they were raised here and are well known. They have the respect and best wishes of the entire community.
Davidson - Willroth
Meyer - Wohlert
Denison Review - November 8, 1901
There were married, Nov. 6, Rev. Lothringer officiating, at Denison, Mr. Dan F. Meyer of Garfield Township, Ida County, to Mrs. E. D. Marg. Wohlert nee Jansen. Witnesses: Rud. Bumann and Freida Harder.
Also in Milford township, Mr. Geo. C. Davidson of Acton, Minn., to Miss Marie A. C. Willroth of Milford Township. Witnesses: Will Stagleman and Pauline Willroth.
Dethlefsen - Sachau
Denison Review - April 7, 1897
Mr. Nic Dethlefsen and Miss Mary Sachau were married before Justice Gulk last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dethlefsen will make their home at the hotel across the corner from the court house, which they have purchased and will in the future run a farmer's hotel. The Review extends congratulations.
Dixon - Henderson
Denison Review - March 19, 1901
Mr. Ernest Dixon and Miss Anna Henderson were married on Thursday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents, Rev. F. W. Bateson officiating. They are well known young people and have a host of friends who wish them every happiness.
Duffy - Casey
Denison Review - 6-4-1901 - Vail
Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock at St. Ann's church occurred the marriage of Miss Lizzie Casey to Joe P. Duffy, Rev. Father Murphy officiating. Miss Bessie Brogan and Mr. James Duffy were bridesmaid and groomsman. After the ceremony a reception was given at the home of the bride's parents to relatives and very near friends.
The bride is the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Casey, a young lady of refinement and culture, a graduate of St. Ann's academy.
Mr. Duffy is a young man of good business qualities, having been head clerk in the general store of M. J. Casey for several years and has won the respect of a large circle of friends. The happy couple left on the afternoon train for a trip to Omaha, Hartford, Kan., and Kansas City. The best wishes of a host of friends go with them. Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Casey of Iona, Minn., Bessie Brogan of Hartford, Kan., and Joe McCormick of Manchester, Iowa.
Evers - Lorenzen
Denison Review - January 10, 1902
Married - Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. Louis Evers and Miss Ida Lorenzen, Rev. C. G. Claussen officiating. The contracting parties are both well known among the Denison young people. Mr. Evers has made Denison his home all his life and has by his industry and integrity won an enviable reputation. He is engaged in the carpenter business with his father and is a first-class mechanic. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. A. B. Lorenzen and is a lady of high attainments and will make an ideal helpmate. The Review joins in congratulations and wishes the happy couple success.
Faus - Staley
Denison Review - February 10, 1897
Wednesday, Feb. 3, 1897, at high noon at the Presbyterian parsonage, Mr. Warren Faus and Miss May Staley, Rev. A. G. Martyn speaking the words that made them one. Only the near relatives together with Mr. Leon Cassady as best man and Miss Florence Wygant as bridesmaid witnessed the ceremony.
These young people are both well known to Denison society, Miss Staley having been raised here her kind, happy and affectionate disposition has won her a circle of warm friends that wish her just enough clouds to make a golden sunset. Mr. Faus is a young man of true worth, strictly honorable and of high moral standing. He enjoys a good business as junior partner of the firm of Faus Bros., Makers of cement walks.
Mr. and Mrs. Faus started shortly after the ceremony for Cherokee for a short visit with the parents and relatives of the groom. They will be at home to their friends at the home of Mr. Faus' brother. It is with pleasure we chronicle this happy event and may their cup be filled to overflowing with the better things of life.
Fee - Conry
Denison Review - January 11, 1901
Married Tuesday, January 8, 1901, occurred the marriage of Mr. Frank Fee and Miss Margaret Conry at St. Rose of Lima's church, Denison, Iowa.
Mr. Fee is an energetic and exemplary young man whose ability as a contractor and architect has been realized by Denison and many of our surrounding towns.
Miss Conry is a very charming and intelligent young lady of many accomplishments who has a host of friends who join with the Review in wishing the happy couple all the blessings and peace of wedded bliss through life.
Immediately after the ceremony they repaired to the home of the bride where with a few immediate friends and relatives they partook of a sumptuous repast served in several courses. In the afternoon they departed for Denver and other western points. After January 20th they will be at home in Denison. The out-of-town guests were Mrs. Devitts of Toronto, Ia., Mr. John McKune of Centerville, S. D., Mr. T. J. Connelly of Sac City and Mrs. E. T. McAndrews and daughter, J. T. Walsh and sister Miss Johanna and G. B. McAndrews of Vail.
Fink - Brogden
Denison Review - February 24, 1897
At the residence of the bride's parents, Wednesday evening, Feb. 17, Mr. Oliver L. Fink was married to Miss Florence E. Brogden, Rev. E. E. IlgenFritz officiating. The ceremony took place promptly at 8 o'clock in the presence of relatives of the bride and a few invited guests. An excellent supper was served in honor of the contracting parties and Mrs. Brogden as hostess proved herself equal to the occasion.
The bride is well known in Denison, as possessing many accomplishments and worthy traits of character and Mr. Fink, who possesses like qualifications, well deserves the bride he has wooed and won. They will make their home on the farm one mile north of town, just deeded to Mrs. Fink by her father. May the years of their married life be many and their happiness unbounded.
Fuller - Bohart
Denison Review - November 15, 1901
Married - Wednesday, Nov. 13th, at 4 p.m. at the home of the bride's parents, one mile south of Denison, Mr. Fred Fuller and Miss Florence Bohart, Rev. A. G. Martyn officiating. Only a few intimate friends and relatives witnessed the ceremony, after which a bounteous supper was served.
The groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fuller of Manilla and is a prosperous young farmer. The bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Bohart and has spent the past few years in teaching school and music.
The happy couple were the recipients of many beautiful and useful gifts. They will make their home on a farm near Astor. Many friends join in wishing this estimable couple a happy and prosperous journey through life.