Peter Weberg of Sweden

Peter W. Weberg, Sr. (1815 - 1890)

The following is based on a biography  published in the 1912 "History of Crawford County Volume II":


P. W. Weberg, jr. an extensive farmer and stock-raiser of Crawford county who has, by his perseverance and continuous industry, accumulated sufficient of this world's goods to render him independent for life, is a native of Sweden, born January 13, 1854. His parents emigrated to the United States in 1867, first locating in Boone county, Iowa, whence they removed in 1868 to Crawford county.  Here the father bought eighty acres of land, upon which he resided for several years, and then disposed of his holdings and removed to Omaha, Nebraska. To him and his wife were born seven children, of whom six survive, as follows: Anna married Peter Larsen, who died in Sweden, and she is now living in Los Angeles, California. Christina is the widow of E. W. Anderson and resides on a farm near Kiron, Crawford county. Larson lives in Omaha, Nebraska; Lydia became the wife of Andrew Larson, and makes her home in St. Louis, Missouri. Inez married N. A. Christinson, formerly of Omaha but now living in Los Angeles. P. W. completes the family. The mother departed this life at the age of seventy-four, the father passing away two years later in his seventy-sixth year.

The youth of P. W. Weberg was spent in assisting his father on the home farm, continuing thus employed until he was twenty-two years old, when he rented the place, which consisted of eighty
acres, and cultivated it on his own account for two or three years. He then bought the farm in partnership with his sister, to whom he subsequently sold his interest. His next purchase was
eighty acres of land one mile west in Otter Creek township, which he still owns and to which he has added five hundred and thirty-five acres, this comprising his property in that and Stockholm
townships. In April, 1906, he bought seventy-six acres within the city limits of Denison, to which he has added one hundred and twenty-four acres, and here he has since made his home, giving it the name of "City View Stock Farm". Besides general farming he makes a specialty of raising shorthorn cattle and Duroc Jersey hogs, in which he has met with splendid success. During a great flood that swept this part of the country in August 1907, he suffered considerable loss in stock, besides which about forty acres of his hay was destroyed.

Mr. Weberg has been twice married, his first wife being Miss Bertha Larson, whose death took place in 1885. He was subsequently united in marriage to Lottie, a daughter of N. F. and Ingred Rodine. Her mother died February 13, 1907. By his first wife, Sophia, Mr. Rodine had the following eight children; Matilda, Caroline, John, Carl, Maud, John Abel, Maria and Charlotta, all of whom are deceased except the first named. To Mr. and Mrs. Weberg have been born four children, as follows: Earl DeWitt, Ralph Waldo, Percy Bryan and Peter Carroll, who reside at home with their parents.

Politically Mr. Weberg gives his support to the Democratic party and has been active in local affairs, as is indicated by his having filled several township offices. In his religious views he
is a faithful follower of the Baptist denomination. His life has been one of great activity and his ability in business circles has found expression in the acquirement of the valuable property
which he now owns, the cultivation of which has made him one of the substantial residents of the community, while his worth as a man is demonstrated by the high esteem in which he is uniformly

Son in law:  EDWIN W. ANDERSON

Among the worthy citizens of Stockholm township contributed by Sweden must be numbered the late Edwin W. Anderson, a son of Andrew and Christina Anderson, both of whom spent their entire lives in the land of their nativity. His birth occurred on the 21st of October 1840. He acquired his education in the common schools of his native land, of which he remained a citizen until he
reached the age of twenty-nine years. Being convinced that the United States must afford better opportunities for industrious young men than Sweden, he took passage for America, and on his
arrival in this country he located upon a homestead in South Dakota, in the cultivation of which he engaged until he had proved up his claim. He then removed to Sioux City, where he followed the
carpenter's trade for nine years. Coming to Crawford county in 1887, he settled upon a forty acre tract of land on section 19, Stockholm township, which belonged to Mrs. Anderson. After operating this for a time they added to their holdings another tract of similar size, which they acquired by purchase from Mrs. Anderson's brother, thus making their homestead eighty acres, and Mr. Anderson later bought eighty acres on section 29, south of the homestead. He continued to reside on the original eighty acres, engaged in general farming and stock raising, until he passed away on the 12th of March 1908.

Mr. Anderson was united in marriage on the 25th of May 1876, to Miss Christina Weberg, a daughter of Peter and Bertha (Johnson) Weberg. Four children were born to them: Anna, who is at home; Naomi, the wife of W. R. Torbert, of Denver, Colorado; Leroy; and Lillian, deceased.

Mr. and Mrs. Anderson affiliated with the Baptist church. Although he never actively participated in public affairs of a governmental nature, he gave his political support first to the Republican
party, but later to the Democratic party, believing that its policy was best adapted to serve the interests of the working man.

Descendants of Peter Weberg and Bertha Jonsdotter

1-Peter Spaakan
sp: Karin Spaak
    2-Peter W. Weberg (26 Aug 1815-25 Dec 1890)
    sp: Bertha (Lydia?) Jonsdotter (13 Jun 1813-7 Oct 1888)
        3-Christina Weberg (6 Jan 1844-14 Feb 1926)
        sp: Edwin W. Anderson (21 Oct 1840-12 Mar 1908)
            4-Anna Annette Anderson (14 Jul 1877-6 Nov 1969)
            4-Christina Naomi (Amy) Anderson (16 Feb 1880-29 Sep 1965)
            sp: ? Torbet
                5-Bob Torbet
                5-Kathleen Torbet
            4-Edwin Leroy Anderson (15 Dec 1882-7 Sep 1968)
            4-Lillian Elvira Anderson (2 Aug 1884-2 Feb 1892)
        3-Anna Weberg
        sp: Peter Larson
        3-Larson Weberg
        3-Lydia Weberg
        sp: John Olson (bef 1855-)
            4-Ida G. Olson (9 Sep 1875-11 Nov 1880)
            sp: Andrew Larson
        3-Inez Weberg
        sp: N. A. Christianson
        3-Peter W. Weberg (13 Jan 1854-20 Jan 1923)
        sp: Bertha Larson (5 Jul 1856-1 Apr 1884)
            4-infant Weberg (16 Apr 1884-16 Apr 1884)
            sp: Lottie Rodine (20 Sep 1869-22 Dec 1959)
            4-Earl Dewitt Weberg (Mar 1892-1963)
            4-Ralph Wallace (Waldo) Weberg (26 Jan 1893-)
            4-Percy Waldo (Bryan) Weberg (1 Apr 1896-24 Jul 1982)
            sp: Margaret Pearson (17 Apr 1898-23 Apr 1991)
                5-Lois Weberg
                sp: Charles V. Buchanan (3 Dec 1927-6 Oct 1981)
                    6-Valentine Buchanan
                    sp: ? Buchanan?
                        7-? Buchanan
                    6-Robin Buchanan
                5-Lynn Weberg
            4-Roy Carroll (Peter) Weberg (21 Jul 1902-)

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