Carl Frederick Claesson of Sweden

Carl Frederick Claesson (1837-1916)

The following is based on biographies published in the 1912 "History of Crawford County Volume II":

Among the leading men of Stockholm township, Alfred J. Clauson has won recognition by special ability both as a farmer and a public official. He is a native of Sweden, born October 20, 1865, a son of Carl Frederick Clauson, who is a son of Claus and Anna Clauson, both of whom died in the old country. There were eight children in their family, two of whom besides C. F. are now living, namely: Swan A., who still makes his home in Misterhult, Sweden; and Charlotte, the wife of N. P. Erickson, of Alcester, South Dakota.

C. F. Clauson was educated in the common schools of his native land and continued in Sweden until 1868, when he came to America, locating in Stockholm township, Crawford county, Iowa. He is now living upon the old homestead, which comprises three hundred acres and is one of the valuable farms of the township, having been greatly improved under his directions. He was married in Sweden to Miss Helen Pearson, a daughter of John and Sarah Pearson. To this union eleven children were born, six of whom are now living, namely: John A. and Alfred J., both of whom make their home upon their father's farm; William, of Crawford county; Edward, of Kiron; Ida, the wife of Ed Anderson, of Crawford county; and O. E., also of this county. The beloved wife and mother passed away in April, 1892. She was a woman of excellent character and many admirable attributes which greatly endeared her to those with whom she was associated. Mr. Clauson is a member of the Baptist church and politically gives his support to the republican party. He has served as school director and road superintendent, displaying the same interest in public affairs that he exercised in his own business. For more than forty years identified with Crawford county, he is justly regarded as one of its leading and substantial citizens. He has shown those elements of courage, energy and perseverance which are so important in accomplishing worth objects in life, and his success in his adopted country is the result of the wise application of those principles. He is now living retired and younger members of the family have assumed the responsibilities and labors necessary in the maintenance of the farm.

Alfred J. Clauson, whose name introduces this review, came to America with his parents in early childhood and was reared in Stockholm township. He was educated in the public schools and continued to assist his father upon the home farm until twenty-seven years of age, when he began farming upon his own account by renting land. After two years he rented the old homestead, upon which he has since lived. He makes a specialty of raising red polled cattle and Duroc Jersey hogs, and as he understands how to take care of farm animals and handles only the best grades he has met with deserved success. The position he has attained in the respect of those who know him is the result of faithful application and a deep interest in a work to which he is devoting the best energies of his life.

In 1893 Mr. Clauson was united in marriage to Miss Lottie Anderson, who was born in Sweden in 1866. Five children have blessed this union, namely: Edith, Ethel, Ruth, Lillie and Myrtle. Mr. and Mrs. Clauson are active members of the Baptist church of Kiron and are rearing their children in the same faith and also giving them every desirable advantage of education. Politically he supports the Republican party and has been very active in its councils in his part of the county. He served as township clerk one term, justice of the peace two terms and is now member of the school board and assessor of the township, having filled the latter position very acceptably for the last nine years. He is a man of high character and great perseverance and he generally succeeds in what he undertakes. He is thoroughly practical in his work and his name is associated with improvement in public as well as in private affairs, no man in the township ranking higher than Alfred J. Clauson.


For sixteen years William Clauson has been engaged in the cultivation of a farm in Stockholm township. A native of Crawford county, his birth occurred on the 14th of July 1869, a son of C. F. and Catherina Clauson, who emigrated to the United States from Sweden in 1868, and located upon a farm in Stockholm township, where the father continues to live at the venerable age of seventy years. The mother, however, passed away on the 10th of April 1892. Fourteen children were born to them, five of whom still survive: Alfred J., a resident of Crawford county; William, our subject; Edward E., living in Kiron; Otto E., also of this county; and Eda C., now Mrs. Edward Anderson, of Crawford county.

The education of William Clauson was acquired in the district schools of Crawford county. He has always been engaged in agricultural pursuits first assisting his father in the management of the homestead, following which he rented eighty acres in 1895 which he has farmed continuously since. He has met with reasonable success in his undertakings and has invested in a forty acre tract on section 21, Stockholm township. Although he is engaged in general farming he devotes considerable energy to stock raising, in which he is meeting with gratifying returns.

On the 19th of January 1895, Mr. Clauson was united in marriage to Miss Annie Naslund, a daughter of John and Sarah M. (Hanson) Naslund. Two children were born unto Mr. and Mrs. Naslund: Annie, and Peter, a resident of Crawford county. Mr. and Mrs. Clauson have become the parents of five children, two of whom, Edward and Myrtle, the second and third in the order of birth, have passed away. The others are: Clarence, Eldon and Mabel, all of whom are at home.

The religious views of the family are indicated by their membership in the Baptist church of Kiron. Mr. Clauson votes in accordance with the dictates of the Republican party and always takes a prominent part in local politics, having held various offices in his township and is now serving as constable. He is well regarded in the community where he has spent his entire life and has many friends who esteem him for his worthy qualities as a citizen and neighbor.

Prominent among the business men of Kiron and vicinity is Edward E. Clauson, a member of the firm of Clauson Brothers, for the last eight or nine years a flourishing concern of Crawford county. He was born in this county, February 8, 1871, a son of C. F. and Katherine (Johnson) Clauson, both natives of Sweden. They came to America in 1865 and located on a farm in Stockholm township, which became the family homestead. The mother passed away about 1890, but the father
is now living at his old home and has arrived at the age of seventy years. Fourteen children
were born to them, five of whom still survive, namely: Alfred J., William C., Edward E., Otto E.
and Eda C., now Mrs. Edward Anderson. All reside in Crawford county.

Edward E. Clauson was reared under the protecting influence of a good home and received his early education in the district schools. He assisted his father in farm work until twenty years of age and then, being attracted to mercantile pursuits, entered the employ of N. L. Hunts, the owner of a general store at Deloit, where he continued for four years, also filling the position of assistant postmaster. He next came to Old Kiron and clerked in a store for two years, also filling the position of postmaster in this town about ten years. In 1902 he moved to new Kiron and has since been engaged in the furniture and undertaking business under the title of Clauson Brothers and has served for six years as postmaster. He is a man who possesses a variety of talents and as an auctioneer he has gained an enviable reputation in this section. He is thoroughly wide-awake and energetic, and as he has the confidence of the community his efforts are yielding handsome returns.

In February 1901, Mr. Clauson was united in marriage to Miss Anna Lundberg, who was born in Sac county, Iowa, a daughter of Axel and Matilda Lundberg, both of whom are natives of Sweden. They came to America in the '60s and located in Sac county, where they now reside. There were nine children in their family, all of whom are still living. Four children came to bless the union of Mr. and Mrs. Clauson, namely: Raymond B., Berniece O., Newell F. and Ralph C.

Mr. and Mrs. Clauson are both earnest members of the Free Mission church, in which he takes an active interest and served for eleven years as superintendent of the Sunday school, being now treasurer of the same organization. Politically he gives his support to the Republican party, and although he has not urged claims for office, he was the first treasurer of Kiron. The excellent business ability of Mr. Clauson is exemplified in the prosperity of the firm with which he is connected, and his reliability is beyond question. His life has been characterized by principles of industry and justice which are recognized the world over as of enduring worth.

Among the young business men of Crawford county who are every year advancing to greater responsibilities is Otto E. Clauson of Kiron. He has from the beginning of his business career shown an ability and interest in his work which gives bright promise as to the future. He was born in Stockholm township, August 9, 1876, son of C. F. and Kathrine (Johnson) Clauson, mention of whom is made in the sketch of Edward Clauson, elsewhere in this work.

Mr. Clauson of this review grew to manhood under the paternal roof and attended the district schools, where he secured the foundation of an education that has assisted him very materially in his contact with the world. At eighteen years of age he began farming on his own account by renting part of his father's land, which he cultivated industriously for seven years. He then purchased twenty acres in Stockholm township and also a house and lot in Kiron. In 1904 he took up his residence in town and entered into partnership with his brother in the furniture and undertaking business. They also handle real estate, and as they are active and efficient and pay close attention to the needs of their patrons, they have attained a gratifying measure of prosperity. In 1901 Mr. Clauson was united in marriage to Miss Emma Lundberg, who was born in Sweden, a daughter of John and Anna Lundberg. The parents came to this country and located in Sac county, Iowa, where the father is now living, the beloved mother having passed away in 1910. Three children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Clauson, namely: Leslie Myron, and Eveline and Emma, both of whom are deceased. In 1904 the mother of these children was called from earthly scenes and in 1905 Mr. Clauson was married to Miss Alfena Lillieholm, who was born in Rockford, Illinois, and is a daughter of A. F. Lillieholm.

Politically, Mr. Clauson ever since reaching manhood has given his support to the Republican party. He has taken quite an active and influential part in public affairs, serving as assistant postmaster of Kiron for six years and as mail carrier for three years. He has also held the office of justice of the peace and school director of Stockholm township and was a member of the town council of Kiron for six years. He is not connected with any religious denomination but his wife is a valued member of the Free Mission church. He readily makes friends as he has a genial address and pleasing manner and possesses in a high degree the warm regard of all with whom he associates.

Descendants of Carl Frederick Claesson and Lena Carin Jonsdotter

1-Klaes Persson (9 Sep 1798-26 Jan 1853)
sp: Anna Stina Johansdotter (12 Dec 1803-8 Apr 1867)
    2-Peter Johan Claesson (15 Jul 1825-9 Dec 1864)
    sp: Anna Lotta Olofsdotter (29 Sep 1825-)
        3-Carl Johan Petersson (1849-)
        3-Anna Christina Classon (10 Jun 1852-)
        3-Mathilda Sofia Classon (27 Aug 1855-)
        3-Sven Peter Classon (15 Nov 1858-1863)
    2-Sven August Claesson (24 Jul 1830-11 May 1916)
    sp: Anna Lovisa Andersdotter (2 Nov 1837-)
        3-Mathilda Maria Svensdotter (9 Sep 1861-)
        sp: Johan Peter Olsson (24 Aug 1855-)
            4-John Albin Olsson (16 May 1882-)
            4-Ellen Maria Olsson (21 May 1883-)
        3-Charlotta Svensdotter (1 Jun 1866-)
        3-Carl August Svensson (20 Nov 1869-1882)
        3-Sophia Lovisa Svensdotter (24 Mar 1872-9 Apr 1874)
        3-Sven Peter Svensson (10 Aug 1875-)
        3-Johan Fredrik Svensson (25 Nov 1878-27 Feb 1881)
        3-Ellen Sofia Svensdotter (11 Aug 1881-)
        sp: Swen Axel Karlsson (18 Sep 1879-)
    2-Maria Greta Claesdotter (30 Apr 1832-5 Jun 1905)
    sp: Petter Nelson (1 Aug 1817-20 Feb 1888)
        3-Charles (Carl Fredric Pettersson) Nelson (18 Nov 1857-bef 1935)
        sp: Alice Norgren (-)
            4-Ralph Nelson (10 Dec 1884-21 Jan 1885)
        3-Sven August Pettersson (7 Apr 1859-18 Feb 1860)
        3-Mathilda Sofia (Tilda Pettersdr) Nelson (24 Sep 1860-bef 1935)
        sp: ? Williamson (-)
        3-Lovisa (Luie) (Pettersdotter) Nelson (8 Feb 1862-bef 1935)
        3-Amanda A.(Pettersdotter) Nelson (8 Oct 1863-bef 1935)
        3-Ephraim (Pettersson) Nelson (20 Dec 1864-bef 1935)
        3-Sven August (Pettersson) Nelson (5 Aug 1866-bef 1935)
        3-Adelia Nelson (6 Aug 1868-27 Jun 1890)
        sp: Edward Erickson (1855-)
            4-George David Erickson (24 Feb 1887-28 Oct 1891)
            4-Anna Elizabeth Erickson (3 Dec 1889-30 Oct 1975)
            sp: James W. Bontems (1 Jun 1890-25 Feb 1962)
                5-James W. Bontems
                sp: Lois Virginia Bentley
                    6-Gayle Marie Bontems
                    sp: James Edward Eakins
                    sp: Richard Cook Arnds
                    6-Sherry Louise Bontems
                    sp: Michael Quin Miller
                        7-Sondra Renee Miller
                    6-Leslie Ann Bontems
                5-Lelia Mary Louise Bontems
                sp: Hubert Howard Daily (26 Apr 1920-8 Mar 1968)
                    6-Robert Lee Daily
                    sp: Annetta Lynn Capelino
                        7-Melissa Christine Daily
                        7-Kristin Leigh Daily
                    6-Glenn Emerson Daily
                    sp: Doris Dee Stansell
                        7-Nathan Bryant Daily
                5-Edward Ellsworth Bontems
                sp: Anne Elizabeth Reed
                    6-Richard Reed Bontems
                    sp: Patricia Joann Henry
                5-Stanley Page Bontems
                sp: Betty Pauline Custer
                    6-Marsha Sue Bontems
                    6-Bradley James Bontems
                    6-Jeffrey Paul Bontems
                5-Lynelle Virginia Bontems
                sp: Kenneth George Carhill
                    6-Norman Wayne Carhill
                    6-Deanna Louise Carhill
        3-Anna (Annie) Nelson (1870-abt 1 Jan 1935)
        sp: Albert Lindberg (1871-)
        3-Oscar Nelson (16 Mar 1872-2 Oct 1873)
        3-Arthur (Otto C.) Nelson (1875-bef 1935)
        3-Issac E. Nelson (1877-)
        sp: ? Nelson? (-)
            4-1st (Leslie?) Nelson (-)
            4-2nd Nelson (-)
    2-Anna Stina Claesdotter (24 Jun 1834-23 Sep 1860)
    2-Carl Fredric Clauson (17 Mar 1837-10 May 1916)
    sp: Lena Carin (Catherine) Jönsdotter (9 Jun 1836-10 Apr 1892)
        3-Christina Maria Clauson (19 Jul 1862-5 Aug 1862)
        3-Carl August Clauson (20 Sep 1863-8 Jun 1868)
        3-August Frank Clauson (1 Feb 1864-)
        3-Alfred Johan Clauson (20 Oct 1865-18 Mar 1944)
        sp: Lottie Anderson (22 Mar 1866-21 Jun 1945)
            4-Edith Elvira Clauson (1 Jan 1898-1990)
            sp: Merit O'Banion (-)
            4-Ethel Marie Clauson (2 Aug 1899-13 Nov 1920)
            4-Ruth Harriet Clauson (12 Mar 1901-31 May 1984)
            sp: John Stehlik (7 Jul 1896-29 Jan 1973)
            4-Lillian Eunice Clauson (4 Aug 1905-17 Feb 1997)
            sp: Joseph Stehlik (4 Aug 1899-16 Feb 1978)
                5-Francis Joseph Stehlik
                sp: Olive Velma Lacey
                    6-Michelle Marie Stehlik
                    sp: Kevin Powers
                        7-Erin Elizabeth Powers
                        7-Justin Mackenzie Powers
                    6-Sharon Kay Stehlik
                    sp: Anthony Siddon
                        7-Eli Joseph Siddon
                    6-Lori Ann Stehlik
                    sp: Terry Malone
                        7-Andrew James (A.J.) Malone
                        7-Alexander Paul Malone
                5-Wesley Stehlik
            4-Myrtle Julia Clauson (20 Feb 1908-27 May 1993)
            sp: Clarence A. Waldemar (22 Aug 1904-5 Apr 1983)
                5-Lowell Clifton Waldemar
                sp: Gretchen Ann Boman (24 Apr 1929-1995)
                    6-Douglas Waldemar
                    sp: Bonnie Waldemar?
                        7-Billy Waldemar
                        7-Casey Waldemar
                        7-Corey Waldemar (-Mar 1997)
                        7-Craig Waldemar
                    6-Craig Allen Waldemar (10 Feb 1958-11 Feb 1958)
                    6-Becky Waldemar
                    sp: Doug Cord
                    6-Karin Waldemar
                    sp: Doug Schardt
                        7-Andrew Schardt
                sp: Marilyn Waldemar?
                5-Ramona Maydelle Waldemar
                sp: Donald John Ullrich
                    6-Kyle Keith Ullrich
                    sp: Stephanie Gibson
                        7-Heidi Malissa Ullrich
                            8-Shelby Ullrich
                        7-Chris Ullrich
                        sp: Wendy Stone
                        7-Holly Ullrich
                            8-Hillary Ullrich
                        7-Hope Ullrich
                    6-Dudley Don Ullrich
                    sp: Rebecca Veit
                        7-Adam Ullrich
                        7-Levi Ullrich
                        7-Sarah Ullrich
                    6-Jeffrey Jay Ullrich
                    sp: Terri Lynn Gronau
                        7-Drew Alexander Ullrich
                        7-Danielle Lynne Ullrich
                        7-Alicia Anne Ullrich
                sp: Dennis John Lochmiller
                5-James Roger Waldemar
                sp: Elfrieda Fedderson
                    6-Tamara Lynn Waldemar
                    sp: Brian Lon Batschelet
                        7-Ethan Robert Batschelet
                        7-Caleb Lon Batschelet
                    6-Shelly Renee Waldemar
                    6-Colby Adair Waldemar
                    sp: Brenda Little
                        7-Ashley Jean Waldemar
                        7-Curtis Waldemar
                5-Larry Forrest Waldemar
                sp: Sandra Kay Boman
                    6-Bradley Scott Waldemar
                    sp: Kim Benson
                        7-MacKenzie Waldemar
                    6-Laura Lee Waldemar
                    sp: Stephen John Fahs
                        7-Elizabeth Evelyn Fahs
                        7-Ivy Fahs
                        7-Chloe Fahs
                        7-Lily Fahs
                    6-Todd Carey Waldemar
                    sp: Carla Stomp
                        7-Caleb Christopher Waldemar
                        7-Zane Waldemar
                        7-Cannon Waldemar
                    6-Wendy Waldemar
        3-(Infant Daughter) Clauson (24 Nov 1867-28 Nov 1867)
        3-Charles William Clauson (14 Jul 1869-2 Feb 1949)
        sp: Anna Margaret Naslund (26 Jul 1871-8 Dec 1948)
            4-Clarence Emmanuel Clauson (26 Aug 1895-8 May 1957)
            sp: Bessie Lee Bruce (23 Sep 1901-8 Jan 1936)
                5-Lila Lee Clauson
                sp: Willard Oscar Gustafson
                    6-Marc Elliott Gustafson
                    6-Mary Jo Gustafson
                    sp: James Robert Litwiller
                        7-Brandon James Litwiller
                5-Gordon Gayle Clauson
                sp: Nora Anne Kennedy (7 Feb 1931-23 Jun 1986)
                    6-Michael William Clauson
                    sp: Mary Jo Thompson
                        7-Crystina May Clauson
                        7-Sean Michael Clauson
                        7-Matthew Ryan Clauson
                    6-Daniel Roy Clauson (11 Sep 1959-6 Jul 1968)
            4-Alvin Edward Clauson (7 Mar 1897-8 Mar 1897)
            4-Myrtle Clauson (7 Aug 1898-11 Aug 1898)
            4-John Eldon Clauson (21 Jun 1900-29 Jul 1967)
            sp: Dorothy Florence Greene (28 Sep 1900-28 Aug 1981)
                5-Wallace William Clauson (16 Nov 1922-2 May 1991)
                sp: Marilyn Eloise Malmquist
                    6-William Leonard Clauson
                    sp: Marilee Schuchard
                        7-Luke William Clauson
                        7-Elizabeth Louise Clauson
                        7-Paul Albin Clauson
                        7-Deborah Anne Clauson
                    6-Dawn Ann Clauson
                    sp: David V. Axene
                        7-Erik David Axene
                        7-Amy Lynn Axene
                        7-Joshua William Axene
                    6-Nedra Lynn Clauson
                    sp: Dirk Simon
                        7-Laurel Dawn Simon
                        7-John Wallace Simon
                    6-John Weston Clauson
                    sp: Celeste Carlisle
                        7-Christian Carlisle Clauson
                        7-Caitlyn Mary Clauson
                        7-Jonathan Eldon Clauson
                5-Dolores Mae Clauson
                sp: Bruce Curtis Paulson (30 Aug 1917-17 Oct 1991)
                    6-Brenda Marie Paulson
                    sp: Samuel Arthur Brubaker
                        7-Sarah Lynn Brubaker
                        7-Amy Mae Brubaker
                        7-Emily Sue Brubaker
                        7-Rachel Louise Brubaker
                    6-Kent Curtis Paulson
                    sp: Wendy Borchert
                        7-Bethany Rose Paulson
                    6-Barbara Louise Paulson
                    sp: Keith Hoffman
                        7-Justin Timothy Hoffman
                        7-Megan Elizabeth Hoffman
                    6-Keith Clark Paulson
                    sp: Gail Lynn Devan
                        7-Alexandra Clara Paulson
            4-Mabel Elizabeth Clauson (20 Jan 1908-5 Jun 1979)
            sp: Ernest Emil Gustafson (6 May 1903-18 Sep 1963)
                5-Dennis Ernest Gustafson
                sp: Irma Jane Geissinger
                    6-Alan Dennis Gustafson
                    sp: Debra Ann Palm
                        7-Jeffrey Alan Gustafson
                        7-Hannah Christine Gustafson
                        7-Lydia Ann Gustafson
                    6-John Glenn Gustafson
                    sp: Leslie Kaye Albers
                        7-Raelyn Anna Gustafson
                        7-Abigail Kaye Gustafson
                    6-Bruce Carl Gustafson
                    6-Anita Jane Gustafson
                    sp: Kevin Curtis Larson
                        7-Aaron Curtis Larson
                    6-Brian Neal Gustafson
                    sp: Kristin Keri Ives
                5-Glenn William Gustafson
                sp: Sarah Joe Payne
                5-Nancy Mabel Gustafson
                sp: Dale Gustaf Swan
                    6-Sandra Lynn Swan
                    6-Jon Raymond Swan
                    sp: Sara Snyder
                5-Nelda Ann Gustafson
        3-Edward E. Clauson (8 Feb 1871-23 Jun 1953)
        sp: Anna Othelia Lundberg (22 Dec 1881-12 Nov 1967)
            4-Raymond Edward Clauson (9 Jun 1902-30 Jan 1938)
            sp: Jane Abbott (4 Aug 1904-14 Jul 1975)
                5-Robert Leroy Clauson
                sp: Wanda Veryl Swiese
                    6-Deborah Kay Clauson
                    6-Steven Douglas Clauson
                    6-Michael David Clauson
                    6-Robert Allen Clauson
                    6-Tawn Linda Clauson
                5-Lewis Edward Clauson
                sp: ? Clauson?
                    6-Kenneth Eugene Clauson
                    6-Richard Allen Clauson
                    6-Raymond Bradley Clauson
                    6-Elizabeth Ann Clauson
                5-James Franklin Clauson
                sp: Dorothy Marie Sanders
                    6-Ronnie Dale Clauson
                    6-Roger Dean Clauson
                    6-Roberta Diane Clauson
                5-Donald Raymond Clauson
            4-Berniece Othelia Clauson (4 Feb 1905-31 Aug 1991)
            sp: Oscar L. Hillberg (9 Dec 1900-1975)
            4-Newell Fredrick Clauson (12 Feb 1908-)
            sp: Julia Elizabeth Lindstrom (4 Aug 1905-6 Feb 1974)
                5-Gwendolyn Annelle Clauson
                sp: Garland Gene Wells
                    6-Ricky Neverne Wells
                    6-Loren Gene Wells
                    6-Rachelle Ju'ne Wells
                    sp: Strutz
                    6-LaWanda Annelle Wells
                    sp: Dale Schriver
                5-Dorothy Ann Clauson
                sp: Bud Lavern Wells
                    6-Deborah Lynn Wells
                    sp: Tom Lirazan
                        7-Catherine Lirazan
                    6-Connie Denise Wells
                    sp: Keith Beasinger
                        7-Tyler Beasinger
                        7-Victoria Beasinger
                    6-Stephen Mark Wells
                    6-Brian Timothy Wells
                5-Edward Eugene Clauson
                sp: Darlene Elise Ploegman
                    6-Darrell Eugene Clauson
                    sp: Marisa Clauson?
                        7-Kayla Clauson
                    6-Wendy Lynn Clauson
                    sp: Michael Cambra
             4-Ralph Alfred Clauson (8 Apr 1910-18 Sep 1956)
            sp: Luella Mae Elaine Skarin
                5-Daniel Ralph Clauson
                sp: Darla King
                    6-Kimberly Lynn Clauson
                5-Sammy Edward Clauson
                sp: Rebecca Jean Ahrens
            4-Lowell Francis Clauson
            4-Stanley William Clauson (7 Aug 1915-28 Jul 1966)
            sp: Doris Sederberg
                5-Thomas Dale Clauson
                sp: Evelyn Foutch
                    6-Stanley Clauson
                    6-Karen Clauson
                    6-Trina Clauson
                    6-Ted Wesley Clauson
                5-Richard Allan Clauson
                5-John Wesley Clauson
        3-Ida Christina Clauson (25 Sep 1872-19 Nov 1942)
        sp: Adolph Edward Anderson (5 Feb 1869-4 Apr 1928)
            4-Walter Anderson (17 Mar 1902-24 Jan 1994)
            sp: Margaret Ann Tate
            4-John Edwin Anderson (14 May 1905-15 May 1905)
            4-Florence Anderson (24 May 1907-8 Jan 1979)
            sp: Oscar Anderson (24 Feb 1902-21 Jan 1987)
                5-Curtis Oscar Anderson
                sp: Charlene Maxwell
                    6-Curtis Brent Anderson
                    sp: Anna Katherine Bendell
                        7-Isaac Brent Anderson
                        7-Isaiah Moore Anderson
                    6-Bethene Ilene Anderson
                    sp: Todd L. Middleton
                        7-Micah John Middleton
                        7-Charis Kaelene Middleton
                sp: Pamela Sue Gosch
                    6-Mark Curtis Anderson
                    sp: Julie Kay Murra
                    6-Matthew Roger Anderson
                    sp: Brenda Ann Fosse Stepleton
                        7-Logan Ann Anderson
                    6-Michael Oscar Anderson
                5-Jean I Ann Anderson
                sp: James C. Dexter
                    6-Shelly Jean Dexter
                    sp: John William VanNote
                    6-Brenda Sue Dexter
                    6-Jody Christine Dexter
                5-Dean Robert Anderson
                sp: Jean Ann Christoffers
                    6-Laurie Lynn Anderson
                    sp: Thomas E. Gelles
                    6-Erik Oscar Anderson
                    sp: Wendy Anne Van Wey
                        7-Ashley Nicole Anderson
                sp: Nancy Ann Landon Korwes
                5-Donna Marie Anderson
                sp: John H. Simon
                    6-Tracy Kay Simon
                    6-Corey John Simon
                sp: James Weissinger Hudson
        3-Otto Emil Clauson (9 Aug 1876-31 Aug 1933)
        sp: Emma Lundberg (12 Oct 1872-4 Mar 1904)
            4-Leslie Myron Clauson (18 Nov 1901-16 Jan 1988)
            sp: Mattie Buller (26 Apr 1901-23 May 1994)
                5-Bonita Mazelle Clauson (3 May 1924-22 Apr 1972)
                sp: Thomas Edward McElherne
                    6-Jennifer Anne McElherne
                    sp: Bret Thomas Voorhees
                        7-Dale Thomas Voorhees
                        7-Audrey Marie Voorhees
                    6-James Leslie McElherne
                    sp: Jean Marie Ullerich
                        7-Aaron Jomes McElherne
                        7-Laura Star McElherne
                5-Leslie Boyd Clauson
                sp: Gloria Clark
                    6-Leslie Clark Clauson
                    sp: Jennifer Lynn Vescio
                        7-Ashleigh K. Clauson
                    6-Jeffrey Scott Clauson
                    sp: Rose M. Laturo
                        7-Kevin Clauson
                        7-Troy Clauson
                    6-Kimberly Kay Clauson
                    sp: Michael Wayne Wagner
                        7-Nathan Alan Wagner
                        7-Clarissa Anne Wagner
                    6-Ronald Corey Clauson
                    sp: Brenda Sue ?
                        7-Samantha Renee Clauson
                sp: Carol Hoover
                5-Nancy Ann Clauson
                sp: Donald Louis Gephart
                    6-Lisa Diane Gephart
                    6-Francis Joseph Gephart
            4-Eveline(Edna B) Clauson (abt 1902-abt 1902)
            4-Emma Clauson (abt 1903-abt 1903)
            sp: Alfena Janet Lillieholm (29 Nov 1870-6 Apr 1942)
        3-Lotta Clauson (11 Apr 1882-Aug 1882)
    2-Clais Wilhelm Claisson (22 Dec 1839-20 Jul 1883)
    sp: Charlotta Fredrika Hammerqvist (18 Jan 1838-2 Oct 1882)
        3-Bror Harry Wilhelm Claisson (18 Apr 1880-)
    2-Sara Lotta(Charlotta) Claesdotter (20 Jan 1842-5 Mar 1924)
    sp: Nils Petter Erickson (31 May 1840-1908)

(The following data is from non-verified sources)
        3-Edward Erickson (1869-)
        sp: Mrs. Edward Erickson? (-)
            4-Issaca Erickson (abt 1902-)
            4-Nimrod Erickson (abt 1906-)
            4-LaDonna Erickson (abt 1910-)
        3-Anna C. Erickson (1871-)
        sp: Peter A. Lawson (1864-)
            4-Clifford A. Lawson (1898-)
            4-Caleb Lawson (1900-)
            4-Sylvia Lawson (1902-)
            4-Ruby Lawson (1904-)
            4-Pearl Lawson (1907-)
            4-Archie Lawson (1912-)
        3-Edlo V. Erickson (1871-1911)
        3-Peter A. Erickson (1872-)
        sp: Victoria Erickson? (1871-)
            4-Edwin Erickson (1894-)
            4-Edith Erickson (1896-)
            4-Ethel Erickson (1903-)
        3-Amy Erickson (1874-)
        3-Albertina Erickson (1877-1901)
        sp: D. Peter Anderson (1866-1926)
        3-August Erickson (1878-)
        3-Carl Oscar E. Erickson (1878-1923)
        sp: Emma Erickson? (1884-)
            4-Earl N. Erickson (1905-)
            4-Myrtle L. Erickson (1907-)
            4-Mable J. Erickson (1909-)
            4-Lloyd O. Erickson (1913-)
            4-Edna M. Erickson (1917-)
        3-Issac (Isarel) Erickson (Oct 1879-)
        sp: Phoebe Erickson? (1882-)
        3-Anna Erickson (1883-1924)
        3-Charlotta Erickson (1889-1899)
        3-Eddie Erickson (-)
        3-Emma C. Erickson (-)
        3-Emma Erickson (-)
        (Return to verified data.)
    2-Nils Magnus Claesson (14 Jun 1845-bef 1911)
    sp: Helena Kristina Johansdotter (22 Feb 1854-)
        3-Othelia Nilsdotter (14 May 1874-)
    2-Anders Gustaf Claesson (1 Jan 1848-23 May 1853)

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