The Crawford County, Iowa, IAGenWeb Project

1925 Iowa State Census

Denison Town, Crawford County, Iowa

Page 6 of 24

PageLineSurnameFirst NameRelationSexColor AgeMarital
NaturalizedYears U.S. Years IowaBirthplaceSurnameFirst NameBirthplaceAge Maiden NameFirst NameBirthplaceAgeParents
25 1 Brodersen John head M W 28 M R     28 Iowa Brodersen Peter Germany 58 Thoms Marie Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
25 2 Brodersen Murine wife F   24 M       23 Minnesota Hamley David Iowa   Vasa Augusta Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
25 3 Brodersen Donald son M   3 S       3 Iowa Brodersen John Iowa 28 Hamley Murine Minnesota 24 Minnesota      
25 4 Brodersen Maryland daughter F   2 S       2 Iowa Brodersen John Iowa   Hamley Murine Minnesota   Minnesota      
25 5 Brodersen Mary L. daughter F   1 S       1 Iowa Brodersen John Iowa   Hamley Murine Minnesota   Minnesota      
25 6 Greves P. J. head M   71 M O Y 54 53 Germany Greves Jerry Germany   Hager Dora Germany   Germany   Catholic  
25 7 Greves Maggie wife F   60 M       60 Iowa McDonald Mike Ireland   Hilla Maggie Michigan   Iowa   Catholic  
25 8 Fastje Dorthy roomer F   18 S       18 Iowa Fastje John Germany   Christiansen Anna Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
25 9 Burka James head M   38 M R     38 Iowa Burke James Bohemia   Benda Barbay Bohemia   Iowa   Protestant  
25 10 Burka Mamie wife F   31 M       31 Iowa Ratliffe George Iowa   Trueblood Laura Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
25 11 Burka Fern daughter F   14 S       14 Iowa Burke James Iowa 38 Ratliffe Mamie Iowa 31 Nebraska   Protestant  
25 12 Burka James H. son M   11 S       11 Iowa Burke James Iowa   Ratliffe Mamie Iowa   Nebraska   Protestant  
25 13 Burka Mamie daughter F   9 S       9 Iowa Burke James Iowa   Ratliffe Mamie Iowa   Nebraska   Protestant  
25 14 Burka Cleo son M   4 S       4 Iowa Burke James Iowa   Ratliffe Mamie Iowa   Nebraska   Protestant  
25 15 Jessen Christ head M   59 M O Y 35 35 Germany Jessen Hans Germany   Andresen Mary Germany   Germany   Protestant  
25 16 Jessen Anna wife F   72 M       37 Germany Voigt Johnie Germany   Olda Anna Germany   Germany   Protestant  
25 17 Loewe Henry head M   50 S O     41 Illinois Loewe Fredrick Germany       Germany   Germany   Protestant  
25 18 Scott Nickolas head M   54 M O   40 22 England Scott Thomas H. England   Scott Elizabeth England   England   Protestant  
25 19 Scott Emily wife F   49 S     40 22 England Loa Thomas England   Townsend June England   England   Protestant  
25 20 Scott Arthur son M   28 S       22 Iowa Scott Nickolas England 54 Loa Emily England 49 England   Protestant  
25 21 Scott Glen son M   21 S       21 Iowa Scott Nickolas England   Loa Emily England   England   Protestant  
25 22 Scott Gerta daughter F   11 S       11 Iowa Scott Nickolas England   Loa Emily England   England   Protestant  
25 23 Clark Fred roomer M   36 S       21 New York Clark Ezra New York   Trensere Louise Canada   New York   Protestant  
25 24 Ely Richard B. head M   36 M O     36 Iowa Ely Clark P. New Jersey   Servoss Anna Iowa   Iowa WWI, Army, Iowa Protestant  
25 25 Ely Klattea wife F   30 M       30 Iowa Bohlken John Germany   Brandenburg Louise Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
25 26 Ely Joyce daughter F   4 S       4 Iowa Ely Richard B. Iowa 36 Bohlken Klattea Iowa 30 Iowa   Protestant  
25 27 Ely Wanda daughter F   3 S       3 Iowa Ely Richard B. Iowa   Bohlken Klattea Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
25 28 Wight H. B. head M   30 M       1 New York Wight Bryon Scotland 63 Wightman Mary Scotland   New York WWI, Army, Pennsylvania Not Any  
25 29 Wight Luetta wife F   32 M       1 Oklahoma Hall H. W. Missouri 63 May Nora Missouri   Oklahoma   Not Any  
25 30 Wight Ida P. daughter F   14 S       1 Texas Wight H. B. New York 30 Hall Luetta Oklahoma 32 Colorado   Not Any  
26 31 Wight Lyda daughter F   12 S       1 Texas Wight H. B. New York   Hall Luetta Oklahoma   Colorado   Protestant  
26 32 Wight Forest C. son M   8 S       1 Texas Wight H. B. New York   Hall Luetta Oklahoma   Colorado   Protestant  
26 33 Wight Cecil C. son M   5 S       1 Texas Wight H. B. New York   Hall Luetta Oklahoma   Colorado   Protestant  
26 34 Zee G. H. head M   71 M O     70 New York Zee Sylvester New York   Van Fleet Marie New York   New York   Protestant  
26 35 Zee Marthy wife F   51 M       40 Missouri Streeter Silas Ohio   Landon Bell Missouri   Missouri   Protestant  
26 36 Zee Jennie daughter F   19 S       19 Iowa Zee G. H. New York 71 Streeter Marthy Missouri 51 Iowa   Protestant  
26 37 Zee Ida daughter F   16 S       16 Iowa Zee G. H. New York   Streeter Marthy Missouri   Iowa   Protestant  
26 38 Zee Dale son S   14 S       14 Iowa Zee G. H. New York   Streeter Marthy Missouri   Iowa   Protestant  
26 39 Zee Lorani daughter F   11 S       11 Iowa Zee G. H. New York   Streeter Marthy Missouri   Iowa   Protestant  
26 40 Winans Eli head M   26 M R     26 Iowa Winans Henry Iowa   Hetery Minnie Iowa 50 Iowa   Latter Day Saints  
26 41 Winans Lena wife F   22 M       22 Iowa Galland Henry Iowa 51 Tripp Emma Iowa 49 Iowa   Latter Day Saints  
26 42 Telford Fred head M   40 M O     15 England Telford William England 60 Watson Ernnie? England 58 England   Protestant  
26 43 Telford Elizabeth wife F   42 M       14 England Balzer John Ireland   Walsch Jennie England   England   Protestant  
26 44 Telford Frank son M   16 S       14 England Telford Fred England 40 Balzer Elizabeth England 42 England   Protestant  
26 45 Telford William H. son M   13 S       13 Iowa Telford Fred England   Balzer Elizabeth England   England   Protestant  
26 46 Telford Edna M. daughter F   9 S       9 Iowa Telford Fred England   Balzer Elizabeth England   England   Protestant  
26 47 Telford Doris daughter F   5 S       5 Iowa Telford Fred England   Balzer Elizabeth England   England   Protestant  
26 48 Bumgarner Ralph J. head M   35 M R     10 Missouri Bumgarner William Indiana   Lang Maggie Missouri   Missouri   Protestant  
26 49 Bumgarner Nina wife F   25 M       25 Iowa Zee George New York 71 Streeter Martha Missouri   Iowa   Protestant  
26 50 Bumgarner Norma daughter F   3 S       3 Iowa Bumgarner Ralph J. Missouri 35 Zee Nina Iowa 25 Iowa   Not Any  
26 51 Bumgarner Winona daughter F   2 S       2 Iowa Bumgarner Ralph J. Missouri   Zee Nina Iowa   Iowa   Not Any  
26 52 Bumgarner Ellwood son M   1 S       5 mo Iowa Bumgarner Ralph J. Missouri   Zee Nina Iowa   Iowa   Not Any  
26 53 Bumgarner Alfred L. head M   31 M R     10 Missouri Bumgarner William Indiana   Lang Maggie Missouri   Missouri   Protestant  
26 54 Bumgarner Ruby wife F   23 M       23 Iowa Zee George New York 71 Lang Maggie Missouri   Iowa   Protestant  
26 55 Bumgarner Betty daughter F   1 S       10 mo Iowa Bumgarner Alfred L. Missouri 31 Zee Ruby Iowa 23 Iowa   Not Any  
26 56 Mesenbrink Frank head M   51 M O     51 Iowa Mesenbrink Henry Germany   Flier Mary Germany   Missouri   Protestant  
26 57 Mesenbrink Virnie wife F   42 M       39 Germany Christiansen Hans Germany   Banishsen? Meta Germany   Germany   Protestant  
26 58 Mesenbrink Herbert son M   22 S       22 Iowa Mesenbrink Frank Iowa 51 Christiansen Virnie Germany 42 Iowa   Protestant  
26 59 Mesenbrink Harlow son M   18 S       18 Iowa Mesenbrink Frank Iowa   Christiansen Virnie Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
26 60 Mesenbrink Elizabeth daughter F   16 S       16 Iowa Mesenbrink Frank Iowa   Christiansen Virnie Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
27 61 Mesenbrink Thomas son M   15 S       15 Iowa Mesenbrink Frank Iowa   Christiansen Virnie Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
27 62 Mesenbrink Lenard son M   13 S       13 Iowa Mesenbrink Frank Iowa   Christiansen Virnie Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
27 63 Mesenbrink Lorette daughter F   11 S       11 Iowa Mesenbrink Frank Iowa   Christiansen Virnie Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
27 64 Mesenbrink Melvin son M   10 S       10 Iowa Mesenbrink Frank Iowa   Christiansen Virnie Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
27 65 Mesenbrink Ruth daughter D   7 S       7 Iowa Mesenbrink Frank Iowa   Christiansen Virnie Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
27 66 Mesenbrink Helen daughter D   5 S       5 Iowa Mesenbrink Frank Iowa   Christiansen Virnie Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
27 67 Mesenbrink Vera daughter D   4 S       4 Iowa Mesenbrink Frank Iowa   Christiansen Virnie Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
27 68 Mesenbrink Robert son M   2 S       2 Iowa Mesenbrink Frank Iowa   Christiansen Virnie Germany   Iowa   Not Any  
27 69 Winebrandt Willie head M   27 M R     20 Iowa Winebrandt August Germany 72 Stocks Albertena Germany 57 Iowa   Protestant  
27 70 Winebrandt Jennie wife F   31 M       31 Iowa Winters Adolph Germany   Schultz Henriette Germany 67 Iowa   Protestant  
27 71 Kruger John head M   63 W O Y 36 36 Germany Kruger Carl Germany   Vinehart Mary Germany   Germany   Protestant  
27 72 Hirsch Mary C. housekeeper F   72 W       15 Germany Hansen Carl Germany   Stegelman Catherine Germany   Germany   Protestant  
27 73 Blackman Carl head M   33 M R     33 Iowa Blackman Jerome New York   Hasper Celia New York   New York   Protestant  
27 74 Blackman Minnie wife F   34 M       34 Iowa Miller S. H. Pennsylvania 69 Heins Anna Germany 59 Illinois   Protestant  
27 75 Blackman Francis daughter F   11 S       11 Iowa Blackman Carl Iowa 33 Miller Minnie Iowa 34 Iowa   Protestant  
27 76 Blackman Daltry daughter F   6 S       6 Iowa Blackman Carl Iowa   Miller Minnie Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
27 77 Blackman Donald son M   6 S       6 Iowa Blackman Carl Iowa   Miller Minnie Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
27 78 Poole Archie head M   29 M R     2 Missouri Poole John Ireland   Knight Florence Missouri 54 Missouri   Protestant  
27 79 Poole Violet wife F   29 M       2 Missouri Caffee Luther Kentucky 58 Wright Anna Missouri 40 Kansas   Protestant  
27 80 Poole Edward son M   6 S       2 Missouri Poole Archie Missouri 29 Caffee Violet Missouri 29 Missouri   Protestant  
27 81 Poole Geneva daughter F   5 S       2 Missouri Poole Archie Missouri   Caffee Violet Missouri   Missouri   Protestant  
27 82 Poole Anna L. daughter F   2 S       2 Missouri Poole Archie Missouri   Caffee Violet Missouri   Missouri   Not Any  
27 83 Holleran William head M   59 M O     55 Canada Holleran Michel Canada   OBrien Carrie Canada   Canada   Not Any  
27 84 Holleran Lizzie wife F   46 M         Germany Heine Herman Germany   Heine Lizzie Germany   Germany   Protestant  
27 85 Holleran Margaret daughter F   11 S       11 Iowa Holleran William Canada 59 Heine Lizzie Germany 46 Iowa   Protestant  
27 86 Holleran Frank son M   24 M       24 Iowa Holleran William Canada   Heine Lizzie Germany   Iowa   Not Any  
27 87 Holleran Cora daughter in law F   24 M       24 Iowa Holleran William Canada   Heine Lizzie Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
27 88 Danielsen Christ head M   73 M O Y 40 40 Germany Danielsen Senka? Denmark   Jensen ??mein Germany   Germany   Protestant  
27 89 Danielsen Gerta wife F   72 M     40 40 Denmark Andresen Andrew Denmark   Hansen Amelia Germany   Germany   Protestant  
27 90 Suitor W. D. head M   52 M R     40 Iowa Suitor Cyrus Pennsylvania   Gotten Margaret Kentucky   Illinois   Protestant  
28 91 Suitor Nany wife F   47 M       35 Iowa McCord David Pennsylvania   Scheuter Phoebe New York   Illinois   Protestant  
28 92 Suitor Richard son M   21 S       21 Iowa Suitor W. D. Iowa 52 McCord Nany Iowa 47 Iowa   Protestant  
28 93 Suitor Jennie daughter F   18 S       18 Iowa Suitor W. D. Iowa   McCord Nany Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
28 94 Suitor Mamie daughter F   16 S       16 Iowa Suitor W. D. Iowa   McCord Nany Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
28 95 Suitor Cora daughter F   14 S       14 Iowa Suitor W. D. Iowa   McCord Nany Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
28 96 Suitor Robert son M   11 S       11 Iowa Suitor W. D. Iowa   McCord Nany Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
28 97 Suitor Billie son M   8 S       8 Iowa Suitor W. D. Iowa   McCord Nany Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
28 98 Suitor Edgar son M   5 S       5 Iowa Suitor W. D. Iowa   McCord Nany Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
28 99 Coburn Lee E. head M   37 S O     37 Iowa Coburn J. B. Pennsylvania 85 Baber Jennie West Virginia 73 Iowa   Not Any  
28 100 Coburn John B. father M   85 M       64 Pennsylvania Coburn Aaron England   Brown Carrie England   England   Not Any  
28 101 Coburn Rebecka mother F   73 M       50 Pennsylvania Jumper James England   Burrows Mary England   England   Latter Day Saints  
28 102 Pilcher Fred head M   42 M R     1/2 Illinois Pilcher Frank Illinois   Woodrow Maggie Illinois   Illinois   Not Any  
28 103 Pilcher Myrtle wife F   41 M       1/2 Illinois Fleming W. B. Kentucky   Woolston Irine Illinois   Illinois   Protestant  
28 104 Pilcher Hillard son M   21 S       1/2 Illinois Pilcher Fred Illinois 42 Fleming Myrtle Illinois 41 Illinois   Not Any  
28 105 Pilcher Mable son M   15 S       1/2 Kansas Pilcher Fred Illinois   Fleming Myrtle Illinois   Illinois   Not Any  
28 106 Pilcher Freddie son M   10 S       1/2 Nebraska Pilcher Fred Illinois   Fleming Myrtle Illinois   Illinois   Not Any  
28 107 Pilcher Morris son M   8 S       1/2 Nebraska Pilcher Fred Illinois   Fleming Myrtle Illinois   Illinois   Not Any  
28 108 Pilcher Alice R. daughter F   3 S       1/2 Nebraska Pilcher Fred Illinois   Fleming Myrtle Illinois   Illinois   Not Any  
28 109 Fitch H. L. head M   45 M O     45 Iowa Fitch Robert Iowa   McNamee Sarah Missouri   Iowa   Protestant  
28 110 Fitch Laura wife F   43 M       43 Iowa McMurray David Iowa 63 Lockerd Luella Iowa 60 Iowa   Protestant  
28 111 Fitch Herbert son M   16 S       16 Iowa Fitch H. Z. Iowa 45 McMurry Laura Iowa 43 Iowa   Protestant  
28 112 Fitch James son M   9 S       9 Iowa Fitch H. Z. Iowa   McMurry Laura Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
28 113 Noel Albert head M   34 M R     34 Iowa Noel Marion Ohio 74 Smith Mary Iowa 62 Iowa   Protestant  
28 114 Noel Amelia wife F   31 M       31 Sweden Pearson Lars Sweden 53 Rasmussen Johanna Sweden   Sweden   Protestant  
28 115 Noel Marcella daughter F   8 S       8 Iowa Noel Albert Iowa 34 Pearson Amelia Sweden 31 Iowa   Protestant  
28 116 Wearmouth William head M   63 M O     41 England Wearmouth Nicholas England   Watson Mary England   England   Protestant  
28 117 Wearmouth Mary wife F   58 M       43 England Hurd Robert England   Bales Mary England   England   Protestant  
28 118 Wearmouth Elizabeth daughter F   24 S       24 Iowa Wearmouth William England 63 Hurd Mary England 58 Iowa   Protestant  
28 119 Hird Marthy sister F   56 S       43 England Hird Robert England   Bales Mary England   England   Protestant  
28 120 Mesenbrink Ben head M   37 M O     37 Iowa Mesenbrink Henry Minnesota 62 Nibhow? Agusta Germany 57 Iowa   Not Any  
29 121 Mesenbrink Mildred wife F   29 M       29 Iowa Brady Frank Iowa 56 Vangunda Susan Iowa 49 Nebraska   Protestant  
29 122 Mesenbrink Russel son M   9 S       9 Iowa Mesenbrink Ben Iowa 37 Brady Mildred Iowa 29 Iowa   Protestant  
29 123 Mesenbrink Donavan son M   4 S       4 Iowa Mesenbrink Ben Iowa   Brady Mildred Iowa   Iowa   Not Any  
29 124 Mesenbrink Virginia daughter F   3 S       3 Iowa Mesenbrink Ben Iowa   Brady Mildred Iowa   Iowa   Not Any  
29 125 Mesenbrink Junior son M   1 S       1 Iowa Mesenbrink Ben Iowa   Brady Mildred Iowa   Iowa   Not Any  
29 126 Adams Glen head M   29 M R     18 Illinois Adams Arthur Scotland 51 Saunders Louise Iowa 47 Iowa   Catholic  
29 127 Adams Elizabeth wife F   25 M       25 Iowa Pelley Patrick Ireland 60 Kelly Margaret Ireland 58 Iowa   Catholic  
29 128 Adams Francis son M   4 S       4 Iowa Adams Glen Illinois 29 Pelley Elizabeth Iowa 25 Iowa   Catholic  
29 129 Adams Alma daughter F   3 S       3 Iowa Adams Glen Illinois   Pelley Elizabeth Iowa   Iowa   Catholic  
29 130 Henessen Chris head M   82 W O   35 35 Germany Henessen Chris Germany     Freda Germany   Germany   Protestant  
29 131 Spigel Henry head M   54 M O     52 Germany Spigel Godtlef Germany   Robuka? Lizzie Germany   Germany   Protestant  
29 132 Spigel Lizzie wife F   50 M       41 Germany Muller William Germany   Sluter Jennie Germany   Germany   Protestant  
29 133 Spigel Hattie daughter F   27 S       27 Iowa Spigel Henry Germany 54 Muller Lizzie Germany 50 Iowa   Protestant  
29 134 Spigel Rosa daughter F   17 S       17 Iowa Spigel Henry Germany   Muller Lizzie Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
29 135 Coan William head M   66 M O     44 West Virginia Coan Patrick Ireland   Dinsmore Grace Ireland   West Virginia   Catholic  
29 136 Coan Mary wife F   56 M       56 Iowa Sheridan James Ireland   Clinton Bridget Ireland   Illinois   Catholic  
29 137 Coan Grace daughter F   32 S       32 Iowa Coan William West Virginia 66 Shredan Mary Iowa 56 Iowa   Catholic  
29 138 Bowen Alfred H. head M   80 W O       New York Bowen Nathinal New Hampshire   Courdey Welthy? Vermont   Vermont   Protestant  
29 139 Bowen Alfred Jr. sister M   33 S       33 Iowa Bowen Alfred H. New York 80 Lyman Lucy Ohio   Iowa WWI, Army, Iowa Protestant  
29 140 Bowen Mildred daughter F   43 S       43 Iowa Bowen Alfred H. New York   Lyman Lucy Ohio   Iowa   Protestant  
29 141 Blackman Claud head M   42 R       42 Iowa Blackman Jerome Illinois   Harper Celia Iowa 75 Illinois   Protestant  
29 142 Blackman Mary wife F   45 M       35 Iowa Carey George Wisconsin 72 Munson Anna Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
29 143 Blackman Trenna daughter F   15 S       15 Iowa Blackman Claud Iowa 42 Carey Mary Iowa 45 Minnesota   Protestant  
29 144 Blackman Earl son M   14 S       14 Iowa Blackman Claud Iowa   Carey Mary Iowa   Minnesota   Protestant  
29 145 Blackman Margret daughter F   12 S       12 Iowa Blackman Claud Iowa   Carey Mary Iowa   Minnesota   Protestant  
29 146 Blackman Irene daughter F   11 S       11 Iowa Blackman Claud Iowa   Carey Mary Iowa   Minnesota   Protestant  
29 147 Blackman Edward son M   9 S       9 Iowa Blackman Claud Iowa   Carey Mary Iowa   Minnesota   Protestant  
29 148 Blackman Claudia daughter F   6 S       6 Iowa Blackman Claud Iowa   Carey Mary Iowa   Minnesota   Protestant  
29 149 Blackman Myron son M   4 S       4 Iowa Blackman Claud Iowa   Carey Mary Iowa   Minnesota   Protestant  
29 150 Blackman Clarence son M   2 S       2 Iowa Blackman Claud Iowa   Carey Mary Iowa   Minnesota   Not Any  

Blue Folder Page 7 of Denison Town Census
Transcribed by Bob Kuehl
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