The following bios were extracted from the Who's Who in Iowa, which was published by the Iowa Press Association, Des Moines, Iowa, 1940.These records give details about prominent leaders in business, professional and public Life in Scott County, during that time.

Biographical Name Index
********** A **********
 Adams, William

********** B **********
 Barber, Rockley Webster
 Bartcher, Charles
 Beirne, Thomas J
 Bell, Andrew
 Bell, Henry
 Benton, Dillman Ellsworth
 Benton, Richard Ellsworth
 Bohlander, Frank
 Boyens, Fred A
 Braase, August
 Brady, Edward Daniel
 Brandt, Rudolpf F
 Brannon, Robert K
 Brodersen, Bernhard
 Brown, Frank
 Bryan, Oliver Clarence
 Bryan, William Kenneth
 Buss, J Louis
 Byers, Vic L
 Byrnes, Francis C

********** C **********
 Carnahan, James Frank
 Casey, Edmund Francis
 Cavett, Norval Percy
 Christiansen, Julius Henry A
 Claussen, C John
 Claussen, Peter Henry
 Collins, Michael Leo
 Conner, Raymond P
 Cronk, Lovell Joy
 Crossley, Robert Pierce

********** D **********
 Dahl, Clarence E
 Dawson, John C
 Ducander, Charles L
 Dyson, Jacob Clinton

********** E **********
 Ehricks, Emil
 Ehricks, Frank

********** F **********
 Fastje, John
 Fiene, Paul Frederick
 Fink, Charles Dan
 Finnern, Henry C
 Fitch, Herbert Leroy
 Fleming, James Dick

********** G **********
 Garner, William Arthur
 Gerbert, Hugo
 Gelander, Anna Elizabeth
 Gilchrist, L V
 Greene, Arthur C
 Greinke, Fred H
 Grigsby, Lemuel Milton
********** H **********
 Hannah, Robert Ralph
 Harker, George Wesley
 Hawk, Fred D
 Hird, Isaac
 Hoffman, Earl Edward
 Hoffmann, Frank
 Hollander, Peter Christian
 Hood, William Stanley

********** I **********
 Imel, Edward Lawrence

********** J **********
 Johnson, Paul A
 Jones, Henry Durst

********** K **********
 Kahler, Waldo Emerson
 Kastner, Louie Richard
 Kehr, Christian Frederick George
 Klinker, Peter J
 Klotz, Henry Auust

********** L **********
 Ladge, Arthur
 Larson, Leslie Arnold
 Lawrence, Charles Curtis
 Leahy, Melvin
 Lehman, E Edward
 Lundeen, Carl E
 Lyon, Percy
 Lyon, Robert Bayard

********** M **********
 McConnaughey, Ralph Otis
 McCord, Harold E
 McCracken, Lynn
 McCTague, v Leo
 McCTague, W John
 Mark, Edward M
 Martins, Elmer J
 Martins, Herman Christian
 Miller, John William Jr.
 Miller, Julius J
 Mitchell, James Adelbert
 Moffitt, Samuel Rex

********** N **********
 Nash, Allan F
 Nellor, William McKinley
 Neilsen, Albert
 Norelius, Everett A
 North, Tracy Thomas
 Norton, Willard Allan

********** O **********
 O'Connor, John H
 Olry, Francis N
 Olson, Chriss M

********** P **********
 Patterson, Charles Luther
 Peters, Emil M
 Peters, Herbert F
 Plimpton, Robert Pearson
 Powers, Leon Walter

********** R **********
 Raun,Ernest Arthur
 Riggelman,Leslie Earl
 Robinson, John L
 Rohwer, Alfred Carl
 Rohwer, Julius A
 Rowe, Frank Noyes
 Ruch, Rex E
 Rumble, Owen

********** S **********
 Saddoris, Cecila
 Saggau, Henry Paul
 Saggau, Hugo P
 Schlotter, William Otto
 Schlumberger, Chester R
 Schlumberger, Philipp August
 Schmidt, Carl William
 Schultz, Walter H
 Schwidder, Ernest F
 Scott, Henry G
 Selander, Hugo Arthur
 Shaw Van, John E
 Sievers, Claudius L
 Slegel, Frank
 Stoltenberg, Ennis James

********** T **********
 Tamm, Clarence H
 Thiedeman, Louie
 Thomas, Theodore Huff
 Thomsen, Fred Theodore
 Tucker, Emanuel Fermin

********** W **********
  Walker, Traffer V
  Wearmouth, William John
  Weberg, Bryan
  Weiss, Al
  Welch, Earl R
  Welch, Wesley Harold
  White, William Clarence
  Wilson, Arthur
  Wilson, Miss Genevieve
  Wingrove, Ben

********** Y **********
 Young, Joseph Wade

NOTE: This book contains a 1940 copyright notice. However, after an extensive search it appears that the copyright was not renewed. As a result, the copyright is presumed to be expired and the book in the public domain.

Sources checked include: U of P: The Online Books Page and Cornell University: Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States