The Clinton Weekly News, Saturday, January 9th, 1886

Under the heading of "City and County"

"What Shall the Harvest Be."

The close observer of the Mayor's docket has doubtless, ere this, arrived at the conclusion that sometimes religion as well as politics make strange, but not always unnatural, bedfellows. As an illustration of this we refer to the two members of the Salvation Army who were arrested Tuesday night on complaint charged with illicit intercourse. The charge required no evidence to substantiate it as both parties pleaded guilty and paid the fine and costs -- $14.85 each. Some of the members of the Army went aroun to the Mayor Wednesday afternoon and wanted to hush the matter up, but as the complaint had been made and the police who made the arrest were quite positive as to what they had seen, there appeard to be no occasion for hushing up anything, and when the hour approached for trial, the twain became penitent and confessed. This would appear to be a slow process by which to increase the numerical strength of the Army.

Which One?

A convert at the revival meeting hel at the M. E. church, on Tuesday evening, while relating his experience said, "that he had work to do in a saloon in the city and while performing it and mentally praying God to keep him from temptation surrounding him, a prominent clergyman of Clinton walked into the saloon, stepped up to the bar and asked for a glass of beer. Drank and paid for it and departed." If this statement is true it is due to the entire ministry of the gospel in this city that the convert be made to name the one of their number to whom it applies. Otherwise all will be scandalized by the broad assertion made. The gossips already are rolling it under their tongue and the guessing as to who was meant includes every minister in the city. It is a foul aspersion upon the character of these gentlemen and we repeat that the man who made the statement should be made to name the clergymen who did the act.

Docket Dots.

The case against the two young toughs, Maloney and Gallagher which was begun on Monday before Justice Seaman was concluded Tuesday forenoon. Upon investigation it was discovered that the Statutes of the State of Iowa make no provisions for the crime they were guilty of and hence the charge of "unlawful and forceable imprisonment" was brought. After the examination of the witnesses the Justice discharged the prisoners, the evidence not being sufficient to convict them. They were at once arraigned on the charge of assault and battery and fined $100.00 and costs. Maloney the older of the two boys, is now out on good behavior, having been convicted of robbery but sentence suspended. In view of his last break it is very probably he will be sentenced to a term in the State's prison where he justly deserves to be, as he is a bad boy, as is his pal, Gallagher.

Iowa Knights of Honor.

The following were installed in their respective offices Saturday evening b J. R. Magee, Sen P. D.: J. F. Wilde, P. D.; Wm. Zingg, D.; J. W. Seitz, V. D.; Jacob Koons, Chap.; J. R. Magee, R.; B. F. Mattison, F. R.; R. P. Johnson, Treas.; W. F. Ferguson, Guide; John Smith, Guard; Fred Bulow, Sentinel; Representative to Grand Lodge, J. R. Magee, W. F. Furguson, alternate; Trustees: R. P. Johnson, P. J. Farnsworth, D. J. Wood.

Brotherhood of Brakemen.

Brother G. W. Mewman of the B. R. R. B. was in the city Tuesday organizing a Lodge of that order in Clinton. Officers were elected as follows: G. W. Henyon, W. M.; Jack Clark, V. M.; J. A. Phillips, P. M.; Van Horn, Secretary; A. C. Harvey, Financer; C. E. Lake, Chaplain; J. M. Murphy, Cond; G. R. Peach, Warden; W. S. Bagley, Inner Grand; Jos. Delaney, Outer Grand; H. Beemer, Managing Agent.

Transfer of Prisoners.

From the Old to the New Jail - new Quarters, New Clothes and General Satisfaction.

The transfer of prisoners from the old jail in DeWitt to the new one in this city took place Wednesday. Sheriff Hudson, Deputy Saxton, Geo. N. Wheeler, Marshal of DeWitt, and D. Armentrout, Esq., of the same place accompanied the fourteen prisoners to this city. The latter were hand-cuffed in pairs, and when they left the N. W. noon train there was a crowd of curious spectators awaiting their arrival rarely seen at Clinton station only on train Sundays. The prisoners, in charge of the officers mentioned, were marched up Second street to their new home, and a large number of those who were at the depot followed them until they entered the new quarters. The prisoners were taken into a room, where they changed their clothing. Each one was furnished a new pair of overalls, a hickory shirt and a new pair of shoes without the usual steel shanks that are a part of all ordinary shoes. For prisoners the steel shanks are a dangerous article, as they have been known to have been taken out of the shoe by prisoners and made into saws with which they might cut their way out of prison. For this reason they are furnished with shoes without steel or other material that they could use for this purpose.

The following names of the prisoners transferred, and the charges against them, will be of interest:

Charles Press, one year; assault to do great bodily harm. Sentenced last March.
Matt. Gallagher, twenty days; disturbing the peace.
James Wilson, same.
John Holmes, twenty days; vagrancy.
Peter Anderson, same.
Charles Hamilton, three months; assault to commit great bodily injury. Sentenced last term.
Hugh Brown, sisty days; larceny. Sentenced in November.
James Martin, thirty days; disturbing the peace.
Gallagher and Maloney were put in Wednesday to serve thirty days each for the nameless crime recently perpetrated in this city.

The following prisoners await the action of the District court in March:

John Sullivan, attempt to commit murder, and burglary and larceny.
Louis Seeds, rape.
William Byrne, attempt to commit murder.
Frank Stephens and Henry Clark, breaking, entering and larceny.

The prisoners are well pleased with the change of quarters, and the new jail is a model of cleanliness and is equipped with every modern improvement as to safety, comfort and sanitary measures found in any of the first-class jails of the country. It is heated by steam, supplied with water and is provided with an independent sewer to the river. Nothing essential to its completeness has been omitted. The system of locks are of the latest improved, and the steel cages, furnished with suspended cots for beds, to hold forty-eight persons, looks impregnable.

Sheriff Hudson, with his sisters, has moved in the residence part of the jail, and while as yet everything is in a chaotic state but few days will elapse ere they will be permanently settled and at home to their friends from every part of the country. The exterior of the new structure presents an attractive appearance and with its interior so well arranged and stubstantially finished it mades a building creditable to the enterprising citizens of the county and an ornament to block eight.

School Board.

The School Board med Monday evening with Directors Farnsworth, Curtis, Lake and Reynolds present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The following bills were read and ordered paid: (note: the cents were very hard to read and may not be correct)

Thos Peterson, sprinkling streets ....................$ 7.00
E. H. Andrews & Son, painting ........................ 7.10
Francis Lee, supplies ................................ 2.00
Clinton Lumber Co., lumber ........................... 17.00
L. P. Allen, supplies ................................ 32.05
Gas Co., gas to Dec. 14 .............................. 4.00
C. E. Armstrong & Co., repairs on furnance ........... 6.85
Towle & Spreter, matting, curtains, etc. ............. 17.45

The committee on teachers, etc. reported that Miss Maude Thayer had resigned her position as teacher. The resignation was accepted and the committee authorized to fill the vacancy, also to engage Miss Carrie Smith, whose single term had expired, for the remainder of the year. The same committe were authorized to engage teachers for a non-graded winter school, if thought best.

It was decided to continue the Island school under the same management as during the last term -- the district to furnish a teacher, if a room is provided.

Following is the Superintendent's report of city schools for the month ending Dec. 23, 1885:

(Once again, the numbers are very hard to read, but number of students enrolled was 2,085) Henry Sabin, Superintendent.

Court Record.


Thos E Polley to Grace J. Adams.
Fred Rebelsky to Minnie Krause.
Adolph Brinkman to Lizzie S?enerding (Stenerding ?).
Carl Moehr to Josephine Krau e (Krause ?). [sic]


Mary S??wers (Stowers ?), Clinton, 5 yr.


Henry Hamer, DeWitt, b.
John Shields, Clinton, b.
Alexander Zimmer, Clinton, g.
Chas. L. Jefferson, Clinton, g.
Wm. Jenks, Clinton, g.
John Flaneghan, Clinton, g.
Wm. Norman, Chancy, b.
B C Kennedy, Clinton, g.
J S Lowell, Clinton, g.
Thos Peterson, Clinton, g.
A Behr, Chancy, b.
W F Truesdel, Clinton, g.
Eugene Little, Clinton, b.
N Valleren, Spring Rock, b.


Wm R English to Hanna D Cranston for $300 piece of land in sec 8, 81, 4.
N and L Davidson to August Lohmann and Chas Pasche for $850 ne sw and n qr se sw 14, 81, 1.
Mary J hungerford to Lucy A Blakely for $1500 lot 8, blk 52, Lyons.
Annie E Schofield to Hattie E Crawford for $2000 lot 20, 21, 22 and 23, blk 3, Clinton.
Oliva H Carpenter to E L Carpenter for $3000 lot 18, blk 40, Clinton.
Amanda C Gibbs to Emily R Pipping for $1000, lots 2 and 8 blk 9, Ringwood.
Herman Lewesfield to John Cresay & Sons for $2,323 an undivided half o [sic], of a piece of land in blk 8, Lost Nation.
Phillip Stein to John C Donely for $25, blk 22, Delmer.
Lottie I Manley to R S Shambaugh for $1,160 ne se 27, 82, 5, also all interesterest [sic] in a private road two rods wide in e side sw se 27, 82, 5.
T S Hudson for Rebecca Adams et al to Clinton county for school fund, for $453.71, se nw 12, 81, 3.

Frank Johnson & Co.

That is the way the firm name will hereafter read of that popular Fourth street grocery house. Will K Nickel who has been in the employ of Mr. Johnson for the past six years has been taken into partnership, dating from January 1, and will hereafter be recognized as the Co. It is a reward of faithful service and true merit. Success to the new firm of Frank Johnson & Co.

(No heading - just under City and County)
Mr. Con Murphy, of DeWitt, was in the city yesterday on business.

Excavating for the erection of a new brick store, on Second street, between First and Second avenues, was begun yesterday. M. Blodt is to be owner and proprietor.

Mr. Purcell, the contractor, was thrown from a buggy while driving along Fourth street yesterday, dislocating his wrist and cutting his head. The injuries were not serious.

Mr. Chas. Pipping and bride have arrived in the city. The wedding occurred at Batavia, Ill., on Wednesday and is said to have been one of the grandest that has occurred in the city for some time.

Death of Mrs. Meade.

Special to the Morning News.

PHILADELPHIA, Jan 8 -- Mrs. Margeretta Seargant Meade, widow of Major General Meade, died in this city to-day. She leaves several small children.


Board of Supervisors. -- Circuit Court. -- The Old and New Officers.

The January term of the Circuit Court opened Tuesday, Judge Leffingwell, presiding. The Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session and Messrs. Frazier, Muhs and Quigly entered upon their onerous duties in a manner that denoted their well known ability to attend to the mulitudinous work presented for their consideration and action at each recurring meeting. They compose a trio of honest, competent officials that are creditable to the county, and their past satisfactory work in behalf of the taxpayers is but an index of what may be expected of them during the year 1886.

Virtus Lund has taken the keys of the treasurer's office and is now the watch dog of Clinton county's finances. He has succeeded in the outgoing treasurer, Mr. B. A. Henningsen one of the most efficient officers that ever served the county in any capacity. The latter steps down and out at his own request, honored and respected by all who have the pleasure of his acquaintence. In the new incumbent, Mr. Lund, there is no doubt but he will prove a worthy successor and every citizen may rest assured that this important office is in competent and honest hands.

Mr. D. O'C. McCarthy succeeds himself, an endorsement for past services from the voters of the county that needs no elaboration at our hands. His re-election is a reward of merit, creditable to himself as well as to the intelligent citizens of Clinton county.

Thomas Hudson is also his own successor, the people at the polls having endorsed the wisdom of the Board of Supervisors in appointing him to th epostition of Sheriff inwhich this long tried and faithful officer will continue with satisfaction to all.

The old officials -- Mr. Hopkins as Recorder and Schuyler as clerk will continue during the year 1886 to serve the people in the same satisfactory manner that they have done in the past, while their chief clerks, Jordan and Purcell will remain at their respective posts treating every citizen having business with them in that courteous, pleasant manner that has made for them hosts of friends in the county.

The new County Superintendent, Mr G. B. Phelps, has taken up his residence in this city and is busy making all preliminary arrangements to faithfully perform the duties impose [sic] upon him.

The county is peculiarly fortunate in having so efficient and cmpetent a corps of officers as are now duly installed in the several postitions, and with such men as the above there is no doubt that the affairs of Clinton county will continue to be managed in the future in the same satisfactory manner that they have been in the past.


The Circuit Court disposed of a number of cases yesterday and from the time that it convened in the morning the old rickety temple of justice, so called, was all bustle and activity. Lawyers, clerks and court officers were busy, and Judge Leffingwell handled the cases and questions presented in a manner that denoted his eminent qualifications for the position that he occupies. No jury cases will be called until next Monday at which time the jury will report. The following cases were disposed of yesterday:

J. F. McGuire vs Daniel Forague. Dismissed by the plaintiff.
McLean vs Kitchen. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
Clinton Furniture Co. vs Edward and Mattie Manning. Dismissed.
Kesley vs Kesley. Default.
Ball vs Michelsen. Defendant given until Saturday to plead.
Lorenson vs Carlson. Continued.
Welch vs Merrill. Settled
Hannaher vs Laughlin & Carrey. Dismissed.
Buckman vs Buckman. Default.
Anderson vs Wiese. Dismissed
Gilmore vs Gilmore. Dismissed.
Straus & Co. vs Grohe. Defendant given until Saturday to plead.
Minnie A Walker vs W. H. Walker J. S. Darling appointed guardian for defendant.
Hattie Hopkins vs J. O . Hopkins. Default. Decree as prayed.
Mrs. Florence A Foster vs W H Foster. Decree as prayed.
Bertha A Mater vs A. F. Mater. Default.
Nailla vs Bail. Defendant until Monday to answer.
Caroline Cubbage vs Geo. Cubbage. Default to Court. Judgment.
Coan vs J J Bauer. Default. Judgment against defendant and $25 attorney fee.
Eagen vs Reidesel. Default. Judgment against John H. Reidesel, $231.84 interest and attorney fees. Decree of foreclosure against all defendants.
Maxham & Cook vs Edith Campbell. Default. Judgment for plaintiff.
Peterson & Freund vs G. P. Mathiers. Default as to all defendants. Judgment and attorney fees.
Rosenthal vs Jacob Grohe. Defendant until Saturday to plead.
Mundt vs Richardson. Settled.
Milo Smith vs Rodman. Default. Tried to Court. Judgment for $878.62 and interest.
Stalz vs Buckley. Defendant until Saturday to plead.
W A Lee vs Hawkeye M L A Motion to dismiss. Appeal sustained. Defendant except.
E F Nash vs Lyons Manufacturing Co. Default. Trial to Court. Judgment 3977.39 and interest. John Jackson was appointed a commission to take guaranshee answers for the term.


Nothing of importance was done yesterday at the court house. The Circuit Court met at 2 pm and soon after adjourned. The Supervisors adjourned until Monday and the members left for their respective homes. Next week will be a busy week in court. The jury will be on hand Monday ready to hear cases and the preliminary work of this week will give them active employment during the term. Judge Leffingwell, in inaugurating the custom of calling the jury for the second week of the term has introduced a measure of economy in court expenses that is appreciated by the taxpagers. It is a saving of $48 a day for six days, aggregating $288 for the week. The first week is invariably consumed in calling the docket, setting of cases for trial, taking defaults, and such other proceedings as make the presence of a jury unnecessary, and the Judge, realizing this, did a wise act in not having them called.


The numerous friends of Mrs. W. E. Baldwin in Lyons and Clinton will be pleased to know that she is rapidly recovering from her severe illness.

It is a girl and Chris Graffe and wife are perhaps the happiest pair in Lyons since Wednesday night. Their neighbors are showering blessings upon the little darling.

Mr and Mrs John Sine are receiving congratulations upon the advent of a bright eyed boy that makes their humble home happy within notwithstanding the rugged blizzard without.

If Tony Brandt, the popular foreman at the Joyce mills wears a more cheerful countenance these days than usual attribute it to the arrival of a bran new boy which came to gladden the household on Thursday.

Detlef Siefert has purchased from Charles Zweigart the skin of the bear that amused children and attracted the atten of adults during the summer and autumn when passing Zweigart's market on Main street. Mr. Siefert is having it handsomely mounted and will use it to ornament his place of business.

The funeral of the late Mrs. Grimm who died on Wednesday last of senile infirmity at her residence on Sixth street near Joye's [sic] mill, occurred from St. Boniface Church yesterday. Not-withstanding the rugged weather it was largely attended. The deceased has been a resident of Lyons for more than a quarter of a century. She leaves four sons all grown, together with a large number of friends to mourn her loss. The interment took place at the Catholic cemetery.

Adams, Grace J Court Record: Marriages
Adams, Rebecca et al Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Allen, L P School Board
Anderson  At the Court House
Anderson, Peter Transfer of Prisoners to new jail from DeWitt
Andrews, E H & Sons School Board
Armentrout, D Esq Transfer of Prisoners to new jail from DeWitt
Armstrong, C E & Co School Board
Bagley, W S Brotherhood of Brakemen
Bail At the Court House
Baldwin, Mrs W E Lyons
Ball At the Court House
Bauer, J J At the Court House
Beemer, H Brotherhood of Brakemen
Behr, A Court Record: Births Chancy, b
Blakely, Lucy A Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Blodt, M City and County
Brandt, Tony Lyons boy
Brinkman, Adolph Court Record: Marriages
Brown, Hugh Transfer of Prisoners to new jail from DeWitt
Buckley At the Court House
Buckman At the Court House
Bulow, Fred Iowa Knights of Honor
Byrne, William Transfer of Prisoners to new jail from DeWitt
Campbell, Edith At the Court House
Carlson At the Court House
Carpenter, E L Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Carpenter, Oliva H Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Carrey At the Court House
Clark, Henry Transfer of Prisoners to new jail from DeWitt
Clark, Jack Brotherhood of Brakemen
Coan At the Court House
Conant, Capt Edward Resolution of Respect
Cook At the Court House
Cranston, Hanna D Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Crawford, Hattie E Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Cresay, John & Sons Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Cubbage, Caroline At the Court House
Cubbage, Geo At the Court House
Darling, J S At the Court House
Davidson, N and L Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Delaney, Jos Brotherhood of Brakemen
Donely, John C Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Eagan At the Court House
English, Wm R Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Farnsworth, P J Iowa Knights of Honor
Ferguson, W F Iowa Knights of Honor
Flaneghan, John Court Record: Births Clinton, g
Forague, Daniel At the Court House
Foster, Mrs Florence A At the Court House
Foster, W H At the Court House
Frazier, Mr At the Court House
Freund At the Court House
Gallagher, Matt Transfer of Prisoners to new jail from DeWitt
Gibbs, Amanda C Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Gilmore At the Court House
Graffe, Chris Lyons girl
Grimm, Mrs Lyons funeral
Grohe At the Court House
Grohe, Jacob At the Court House
Hamer, Henry Court Record: Births DeWitt, b
Hamilton, Charles Transfer of Prisoners to new jail from DeWitt
Hannaher At the Court House
Harvey, A C Brotherhood of Brakemen
Haywood, G W Resolution of Respect
Henningsen, B A At the Court House
Henyon, G W Brotherhood of Brakemen
Hicks, H C Court Record: Births Clinton, g
Holmes, John Transfer of Prisoners to new jail from DeWitt
Hopkins, Hattie At the Court House
Hopkins, J O At the Court House
Hopkins, Mr At the Court House
Hudson, Sheriff Transfer of Prisoners to new jail from DeWitt
Hudson, T S Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Hudson, Thomas At the Court House
Hungerford, Mary J Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Jackson, John At the Court House
Jefferson, Chas L Court Record: Births Clinton, g
Jenks, Wm Court Record: Births Clinton, g
Johnson, Frank & Co Frank Johnson & Co
Johnson, R P Iowa Knights of Honor
Jordan, Mr At the Court House
Kennedy, B C Court Record: Births Clinton, g
Kesley At the Court House
Kitchen At the Court House
Koons, Jacob Iowa Knights of Honor
Krau?e, Josephine Court Record: Marriages
Krause, Minnie Court Record: Marriages
Lake, C E Brotherhood of Brakemen
Laughlin At the Court House
Lee, Francis School Board
Lee, W A At the Court House
Leffingwell, Judge At the Court House
Lewesfield, Herman Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Little, Eugene Court Record: Births Clinton, b
Lohmann, August Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Lorenson At the Court House
Lowell, J S Court Record: Births Clinton, g
Lund, Virtus At the Court House
Magee, J R Iowa Knights of Honor
Maloney, ? Transfer of Prisoners to new jail from DeWitt
Manley, Lottie I Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Manning, Edward At the Court House
Manning, Mattie At the Court House
Martin, James Transfer of Prisoners to new jail from DeWitt
Mater, A F At the Court House
Maters, Bertha A At the Court House
Mathiers, G P At the Court House
Mattison, B F Iowa Knights of Honor
Maxham At the Court House
McCarthy, O C At the Court House
McGuire, J F At the Court House
McLean At the Court House
Merrill At the Court House
Mewman, G W Brotherhood of Brakemen
Michelsen At the Court House
Moehr, Carl Court Record: Marriages
Muhs, Mr At the Court House
Mundt At the Court House
Murphy, J M Brotherhood of Brakemen
Murphy, Mr Con City and County
Nailla At the Court House
Nash, E F At the Court House
Nickel, Will K Frank Johnson & Co
Norman, Wm Court Record: Births Chancy, b
Pasche, Chas Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Peach, G R Brotherhood of Brakemen
Peterson  At the Court House
Peterson, Thos School Board
Peterson, Thos Court Record: Births Clinton, g
Phelps, G B At the Court House
Phillips, J A Brotherhood of Brakemen
Pillsbury, Geo F Resolution of Respect
Pipping, Emily R Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Pipping, Mr Chas City and County
Polley, Thos E Court Record: Marriages
Press, Charles Transfer of Prisoners to new jail from DeWitt
Purcell, Mr City and County
Quigly, Mr At the Court House
Rebelsky, Fred Court Record: Marriages
Reidesel, Hohn H At the Court House
Richardson At the Court House
Rodman At the Court House
Rosenthal At the Court House
Saxton, Deputy Transfer of Prisoners to new jail from DeWitt
Schofield, Annie E Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Schuyler, Mr At the Court House
Seaman, R S Resolution of Respect
Seeds, Louis Transfer of Prisoners to new jail from DeWitt
Seitz, W Iowa Knights of Honor
Shambaugh, R S Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Shields, John Court Record: Births Clinton, b
Siefert, Detlef Lyons
Sienerding, Lizzie Court Record: Marriages
Sine, Mr and Mrs John Lyons boy
Smith, John Iowa Knights of Honor
Smith, Milo At the Court House
Smith, Miss Carrie School Board
St5wers [sic], Mary Court Record: Death Clinton, 5 yr
Stalze At the Court House
Stein, Phillip Court Record: Real Estate Transfers
Stephens, Frank Transfer of Prisoners to new jail from DeWitt
Sullivan, John Transfer of Prisoners to new jail from DeWitt
Thayer, Judge For Clinton's Benefit
Thayer, Miss Maude School Board
Towle & Spreter School Board
Truesdel, W F Court Record: Births Clinton, g
Vallersen, N Court Record: Births Spring Rock, b
Van Horn, ? Brotherhood of Brakemen
Walker, Minnie A At the Court House
Walker, W H At the Court House
Welch At the Court House
Wheeler, Geo N Transfer of Prisoners to new jail from DeWitt
Wiese At the Court House
Wilde, J F Iowa Knights of Honor
Wilson, James Transfer of Prisoners to new jail from DeWitt
Wood, D J Iowa Knights of Honor
Zimmer, Alexander Court Record: Births Clinton, g
Zingg, Wm Iowa Knights of Honor
Zweigart, Charles Lyons