Unnamed Cemetery

Deep Creek Township
Clinton Co., Iowa

Special recognition is given to the Friends of Clinton County Family History for compiling the info and sharing it with us and to Fran Barsema who typed much of the info.

Name Died
Aitken, Thomas 03/27/1892
Anderson, Jennie 03/15/1887
Bartler, Ella 04/18/1892
Bathalter, John 08/18/1898
Collins, Seth L. Apr-14
Daily, Mary 04/04/1891
Dohrmann, Annie 10/27?/1895
Doyle, James
Fitzpatrick, J. A. (Infant Son) 3/18/1902
Flannery, Thomas 12/20/1911
Folen, Thomas 10/1/1907
Gallagher, Richard 07/11/1890
Harmon, Richard 06/29/1890
Henrichs, Dora 11/25/1887
Hogan, Michael 01/02/1883
Kane, Thomas 12/2/1915
Kelly, Elizabeth 01/03/1892
Lyman, John M. 8/19/1907
Manning, John 07/06/1893
Mc Dermod, Thos. 04/26/1891
Mc Enley, Frank 07/26/1887
Mc Gaffney, Mike 09/27/1886
Mc Guire, Mary 11/14/1893
Munson, Lena 02/09/1898
Murray, Margaret 3/11/1927
Ommen, Katherine 04/06/1881
Purcell, Mary E. 10/05/1893
Schumacher, Agusta 2/2/1910
Scott, Unknown 09/14/1899
Svenksen, Benjamin 08/23/1894
Vath/?Wath, Myla Clark 03/26/1895
Wagner, Unknown 04/08/1897
Waren, Grace 8/7/1921
Wiese, Catherina 9/14/1921

To make additions or corrections to this cemetery please contat the Clinton Co. IAGenWeb County Coordinator.

Page Last Updated 04/30/2024 01:37:52