Mississippi Valley Spiritualists Association aka Mt. Pleasant Park
This is some information we've collected from various sources. There was an article in the Clinton Herald written by Gary Herrity in 2013. You can read that online at The Clinton Herald website.
Notice of Incorporation (April 1884)
(I believe the following was published in the Clinton Advertiser but, unfortunately, I didn't get the exact date.) The Mount Pleasant Park Stock Company has been organized and hereby gives notice:
1st. That the undersigned hereby incorporate as provided by the laws of the State of Iowa and the name of the corporation is the Mount Pleasant Park Stock Company and it's place of transacting business is in the city of Clinton and State of Iowa.
2nd. The general nature of the business to be transacted is to acquire and hold the title to the land comprising Mount Pleasant Park, to improve and lay out the same into lots and furnish the same for the use of the Iowa Conference of Spiritualist as a campmeeting ground and for educational and scientific purposes and to lease the same temporarily for such other object as the said Stock Company may approve of.
3rd. The authorized Capital Stock is fifty thousand dollars, and is to be paid in at such times and on such conditions as its Board of Directors may determine.
4th. The time of the commencement of the corporation shall be the first day of April, A. D.,1884, and to continue for twenty-five years unless sooner dissolved by the consent of the stock holders.
5th. The affairs of this corporation shall be conducted by a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and a Board of Directors of six persons, who shall be elected annually on the Second Saturday in August as follows: On the first annual meeting, two of the directors shall be elected for three years; two for two years and two for one year, and annually thereafter two of the directors shall be elected to hold their office for three years.
6th. The highest amound of indebtedness to which this company shall at any time subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of its Capital Stock paid up.
7th. The private property of the Stock holder is to be exempt from corporate debts.
B. A. Cleveland President; Daniel Skinner, Sec'y
(Source: Clinton Morning News, Clinton Iowa, Aug. 19, 1884, Page 4)
The Camp Meeting
Owing to the threatening weather and other attractions there was not as large a crowd at Mount Pleasant Park on Sunday as was expected, although the grounds were confortably filled during the day.
In the morning, Dr. Samuel Watson, of Memphis, Tenn., gave a discourse on "The Old and the New." In the afternoon Moses Hull lectured on the bible and in the evening Dr. Randall lectured on his experiences in Spiritualism.
There was no formal programme yesterday.
At a meeting of the Mount Pleasant Park Association yesterday forenoon the following trustees were elected for the ensuing term: For three years -- A. W. Fleming, Kitkville, Mo., and B. B. Hart, Clinton; two years -- W. H. Roberts, New Boston, Ill., and W. F. McCarroll, Ottumwa; one years -- O. D. W. Adams, Wisconsin, and A. B. Dobson, Maquoketa. Mr. Jackson was appointed superintendent of the grounds. The Trustees will elect other officers.
The programme for to-day will be as follows:
11 a.m. -- Lecture by Dr. Samuel Watson, of Memphis, Tenn.
3 p.m. -- Lecture by Mrs. Mattie E. Hull
8 p.m. -- Psycological entertainment in pavilion by Mrs. J. E. Kidd.
Admission 10 cents
(Source: Clinton Morning News, Clinton Iowa, Aug. 24, 1884 Page 4)
The Camp Meeting
The Spiritualists' camp meeting at Mount Pleasant Park is now drawing to a close and the various campers are preparing to flit.
Yesterday forenoon was occupied with a business meeting and the afternoon by a lecture by Mrs. Woodruff.
The evening was occupied by a circle and the fire test in the pavilion, which was witnessed by quite an audience of believers and skeptics, each side retiring at the close with a firm belief that they were correct in their views on the subject.
The closing exercises of the meeting will take place to-day. The programme laid out for the closing is as follows:
10 a.m. -- Conference
11 a.m. -- Lectures of thirty minutes each by Mss. A. C. Woodruff
and Mrs. Dr. J. H. Severance
2 p.m. -- Conference
3 p.m. -- Lectures by Mrs. H. S. Lake and Moses Hull of thirty
minutes each
8 p.m. -- Lectures by A. J. Fishback and Mrs. S. E. Bishop, of
thirty minutes each
A well known civil engineer of the city offers to wager that Mrs. Porter cannot hold melted sealing wax in her hand without burning it. This, he things, would be a "fire-test" in fact.
In the matter of the "fire-test" the questions have been asked the News "Can the medium put her hand in boiling sugar?" "Can she allow a jet of steam at 100 pounds pressure to play on her naked hand, arm or face without being burnt?"
We would respectfully refer the above questions to the medium herself for answer.
(Source: Clinton Advertiser, Clinton Iowa, Aug 4, 1920 Page 8. The following was several small articles.)
News of the Camp Ground
"The Needs of the Cause," was the subject on Tuesday morning's conference at Mount Pleasant park, where the Mississippi Valley Spiritualists's association is holding its annual camp meeting.
It was a people's meeting and was largely attended. A large number of those present participated in the general discussion which featured the morning conference, bringing out many interesting questions. The conference was much enjoyed.
Mr. Myrick Lectures
The afternoon lecture by H. W. B. Myrick was exceptionally interesting and attracted a large gathering to the park pavillion. "The Fruits of the Spirit" was the topic of this interesting lecturer, a favorite at Mt. Pleasant, who gave his first talk yesterday. Mr. Myrick is on the program for another lecture Thursday and the event is awaited with much interest by the people of Mt. Pleasant.
First Dance Held
The first of the summer series of dancing parties was conducted Tuesday evening at Mount Pleasant park, and was unusally well attended, attracting scores of young folks from the city. Shean's orchestra played a fine dancing program during the evening, and the affair was enjoyed to the utmost. Another dancing party is scheduled for Friday evening.
A slight change was made in the afternoon program yesterday. The message was given by Mrs. Fuller.
The Ouija Board
The ouija board has been much in the public prints of late, but few persons, however, probably know the meaning of the word "ouija." Mrs. Goetz, president of the M. V. S. A. gives the information that it is an Egyptian word meaning "good luck."
At this morning's conference at the park the topic was "The Place of the Ouija Board in Spiritualism, Its Service and Its Detriment."
Tea Party Today
The first of the summer series of tea parties for women is given at Mt. Pleasant park at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Mrs. Louie Ward of St. Joseph Mo., gives the address this afternoon at the park.
Message Service
A benefit message service for the M. V. S. A. is announced for this evening. It will be given by Mrs. Fuller, the visiting medium.
Many Arrivals
The unually large number of strangers arriving at the park for the first week of the summer camp meeting is striking. Members of the association say the attendance for the first week indicates a most successful meeting. Today there were new arrivals from Colorado, Nebraska and several other states, many of whom had never before registered at the park.
Program at Mt. Pleasant
The regular program was carried out today at Mt. Pleasant park where the annual camp meeting of the Mississippi Valley Spiritualists association is in progress. New arrivals are reaching the grounds daily.
Today's program follows:
10:15 a.m. -- Round Table talk
2:15 p.m. -- Address -- Mrs. Elizabeth H. Goetz
4:00 p.m. -- Women's Union
8:00 p.m. -- Mrs. Inez Wagner -- Benefit M. V. S. A.
The program for Thursday, August 5th follows:
10: 15 a.m. -- Conference
2:15 p.m. -- Address -- Rev. H. W. B. Myrick
4:00 p.m. -- Message Service -- Mrs. Inez Wagner
8:00 p.m. -- Entertainment
(Source: The Clinton Advertiser 21 Aug 1920)
The annual business meeting of the Mississippi Valley Spiritualists Association was held yesterday at Mt. Pleasant park. The meeting opened at 10 o'clock in the morning and reports were read by the officers and special committees and the regular outline of business was transacted.
Officers for the new year were elected. Mrs. Elizabeth Goetz of Baltimore, Md., being re-elected as president for the eighth time. Other officers elected were:
Vice President -- Mrs. Louie Ward, St. Joe, Mo.
Secretary -- Wm. Kellogg, New Boston, Ill.
Treasurer -- A. A. Buffum of Edgerton, Ill.
Two trustees were elected, Mrs. Mull of Sterling to take the place of Wm. Kellogg and E. L. Kilby of Ottumwa, Iowa to take the place of Mrs. A. M. Hunt of this city.
The business meeting continued from 10 a.m. until 5 o'clock in the afternoon and in the evening a dance was given.
Today the regular program was carried out with the conferene in the morning, the address at 2:15 and the message service at 4 o'clock by Mr. Whitney.
Tomorrow W. C. Whitney will give an address at 10:15 a.m. and a concert is scheduled to be given at 1:20 by Weize's orchestra. Mrs. Goetz will give the address in the afternoon at 2:15 and a concert will be gien by the orchestra at 3:30 with the message service at 4 o'clock by Mr. Whitney. Weise's orchestra will give another concert at 6:30 which will close the Sunday program.
Firemen Hurt On Way to Park Blaze (1923)
Here are a few pictures of Mt. Pleasant Park
Mt. Pleasant Park Sanborn Map from 1909
Contributed by Nettie Mae Lucas 2024