IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.

1886 Biographies Index

William A. Penfield
Sperry Twp.

William A. Penfield was born in Jefferson, Scholharie County, N.Y., Nov. 9, 1819. When he was but five years old his parents removed to the backwoods of Ohio, and settled in the township of Penfield, Lorain County. He remained at home, assisting his father on the farm, until he attained his majority, when he learned the carpenter's trade.

He was married in Medina County, O., to Miss Sarah L. Chapman, Jan. 15, 1845, who died Aug. 31, 1867, after an ilness of nearly five years.

He was married to his present wife, Miss Lucy A. Chapman, in Medina County, O. They have one child - Alta A., born July 26, 1869.

On Nov. 20, 1854, Mr. Penfield emigrated to Iowa, and settled in Sperry Township on a farm. Being possessed of many of those qualitieswhich eminently fitted him for public positions, he has been elected to many offices of trust. He has been Justice of the Peace for many years, was the first to hold the office of notary public, having been sworn into that office in 1860 by Hon. Thos. Updegraff, who was then County Clerk, and is now a member of Congress. In the fall of 1877 Mr. Penfield was elected Coroner of Clayton County, and still holds that office.

He takes a deep interest in all educational matters, and has been Secretary of all the school boards. He is now serving his fifth year as Township Clerk. He held the office of Assessor two terms. He was appointed enumerator of the census for his district in June, 1880. He is classed among the most respected and popular men of Clayton County.

source: History of Clayton County, Iowa, 1882, p. 1104-1105
Transcribed by Sally Scarff and Marlene Chaney


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