Thursday, September 17, 1908



Mrs Mary McFarland went to Osceola Thursday to spend a day or tow with her daughter Mrs T N Keeran.

Mrs. Mont Stevens and children left Thursday for her home at Redlands, California after an extended visit with relatives and friends in Weldon and other parts of Iowa.

Robert Mitchell and wife returned from Pleasanton Tuesday of last week where they had gone several days before to visit the latters sister Mrs Milo Potter and family.

A J Davis left Friday for Jamesport, Mo to visit his brother Isaac Davis.

G N Ayres pleasantly surprised his many friends in Weldon by coming in unexpectedly Tuesday from his home in Oklahoma City to which place he and his family moved in June.  He reports being well pleased with his new home.



Thursday, November 12, 1908


County Letters - Weldon

Mrs. R. D. Chapman spent a day or two last week in Leon visiting at the home of her cousin, Mrs. C. E. Lane, and family. Dallas Hicks went to Derby Wednesday and assisted his brother, Robert, until Saturday in a closing out sale. Miss Viola Hogue of Osceola, returned to her home Monday after being here several days looking after some improvements she was having done on her property. Enos Davis who lived many years on his farm near Garden Grove in Decatur county, died Saturday in Osceola at the home of his son, Geo., and family, and was buried in the Garden Grove cemetery Monday. His brother A. J. Davis, and daughter, Kitty, of this city attended the funeral. Mrs. Pearl Hoshaw of Osceola, spent last week in this city at the home of her mother, Mrs. Schofield. The first number of this season,s lecture course will be given at the M. E. church here Tuesday evening, November 17th. Lovers of music will miss a great deal if they fail to attend. Geo. Howman visited his sister, Mrs. Rayl in Osceola Monday. W. C. Lowe of Osceola, visited his parents here over Sunday. His former neighbors and friends here were pleased to here of his re-election to the office of auditor of Clarke county, which he has filled so satisfactorily for the past two years. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tillotson of Osceola, visited Sunday in this city at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Emma Tillotson. Wm. Monroe has purchased of C. A. McCartney the lots directly west of the F. E. Adams residence. He probably will improve them at some future time. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Depuew drove to Van Wert Sunday to visit the latters uncle, Dr. Tallma.


Thursday, November 19, 1908


North Weldon

Mrs Lucinda DeLong has been visiting Mrs. Dr. Jamison for a week past.   Frank Boynton has purchased the three lots north of the railroad on which stood the old cheese factory. The purchase price was $50.   A. J. Davis and daughter, Kitty, left Tuesday morning for Denver, Colo., where they will visit their daughter and sister, Mrs. Cage.  They will be away three weeks.   Dr. J.F. Linder, Osteopathic physician, Dr. E.I. Agnew assistant will be at the hotel in Weldon, Monday Wednesday and Fridoy [Friday] of each week.  Treat all diseases both acute and chronic.   Pearl Yates, the depot agent at Leslie and his wife spent Sunday in this city at the home of the latter's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Chapman.   Mrs. Lillard, our postmistress, wen to Oskaloosa the latter part of the week to visit at the home of W.H. Lillard and family.   Mrs. Berry of Des Moines, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Dr. Ayers.   E.A. Lockwood was in Chicago and Des Moines the greater part of last week.  He purchased his supply of holiday goods while away.   Olin Monroe went to Osceola Saturday and visited till Sunday at the Kennedy home.  His brother, Burrell, and Geo Warren drove up Saturday and all returned together in the evening.   Mrs. Rife went to Leslie Monday afternoon to visit her grandmother McPherson who is said to be sick.   Rev. G.E. Mitchell went to Osceola Thursday to attend a family reunion at the home of Dr. Mitchell and family, four brothers and their only sister, Mrs. R.F. Goff of Elliston, were present.   A. Lockwood of Osceola, came Monday for a short visit in this city with his son, Ed and family.   Robert Landis has lately sold 85 acres of his farm west of town for $80 per acre.   Merle Tillotson went to Ashton, Mo., last week where he will take charge of the depot as agent.   Mrs. Jennie Barnhouse of this place and Dick Pace of Leon, were married at the Tansey home in north Weldon Wednesday evening, Rev. G.E. Mitchell officiating.  They left Monday for Leon where they will go to housekeeping immediately.   Hugh Smith and family are moving into Miss Viola Hagues property lately vacated by J.E. Paul.   C.A. Luce made a business trip to Osceola Thursday.   We were misinformed last week as to the sale of the J.W. Tygart farm.  It was purchased by John Barger instead of C.C. Tabler as reported.   Geo and Roy Terry, the little grandsons of Mr. and Mrs. G.L. Terry, came down from Des Moines Saturday for a visit of some length with their grandparents.   E.A. Lockwood had traded 80 acres of land northeast of town to John Jenison for town property in Weldon.  The vacant lot south of the central telephone office is included in the deal and we understand that Mr. Lockwood expects to build a house on it for rent.   Dr. Mitchell of Osceola, drove down in his auto and made a professional visit in Weldon Monday.   Mrs. Martha Hall spent two or three days last week in Osceola with relatives.    

Thanks to Gail Meyer Kilgore for providing this information.


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