Folger News Articles

OSCEOLA SENTINEL excerpts of Folger news .

February 28, 1895

Mrs. Frank Rayl and son Orval, and Mrs. Thomas Horton, of Groveland, visited in the neighborhood a part of last week...Wessie Fulton, of Truro, visited at Mr. Delmage's last Friday ngiht...George Dietrick is very ill at this writing...Miss Hannah Delong has gone to Madison county to stay at her grand fathers until the spring school begins...Mr. John Mullen is on the sick list...Bro. Randolph began a series of meetings at Fremont which will continue all week if the weather permits...Mrs. Love has gone to Lucas county to visit her sister...Truro and new Virginia were well represented at the entertainment at the Pleasant Point school house.


March 14, 1895

Quite a surprise was given James Drennen Tuesday, it being his forty-fourth birthday. While the people were gathering Mr. Drennen and Mr. Thomas Carter, one of his old Illinois neighbors, were looking over a place he had recently bought of Charles Switzer. Not dreaming of anything of the kind, he returned home and found about sixty of his neighbors and a nice table set with everything a hungry person could relish... Miss Mollie Lowe has gone to Des Moines to work, she expects to be gone quite a while...Mable Horton, of Groveland, visited Myrtle Stoneburner the past week...Mollie and Lula Lowe entertained quite a number of young friends at their home Thursday night...Hannah Delong who has been staying with her aunt in Madison county, returned home Sunday...Mrs. Joel Pound and son Willie and Mrs. Gussie Pound and little daughter Eunice were in the neighborhood visiting last week...Mr. Nelson Folger has gone to housekeeping again...


April 4, 1895

Every one is through sowing oats and are plowing for corn...We hear of gardens being made. Think it is quite early for we have no doubt but what there will be some freezing weather yet...Pleasant Point school began Monday with Earnest Saddoris as teacher...Miss Cora Delong who has been working in Madison county will spend a few days at home visiting after which she will go to Des Moines to work. Cora is a good girl and we hope she will find a good place to work...Miss Sallie Lowe returned home from her school last week...Born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Deitrick, Friday, a fine boy...Misses Florence and Myrtle Stoneburner entertained quite a number of young people at thier home Tuesday night...


July 4, 1895

Quite a number of the Fremont people attended Children's services at the Christian church in Truro, Sunday afternoon...Mrs. J. W. Drennen and Mrs. V. Stoneburner visited in Groveland last week...The two Misses Lowe, of Osceola are visiting at their uncle's , Mr. Seaf Lowe...The ice cream supper at Mr. John Mullen's last Wednesday night was a success and was largely attended...R. F. Collins and wife visited Mr. Bell's near Osceola, Saturday night and Sunday...The organ for the Fremont church has arrived...A surprise was given George Deitrick, Thursday in honor of his twentieth birthday. He was presented with a nice gold watch and chain. Supper at six o'clock which consisted of ice cream and cake...Miss Ora Lowe startred for Des Moines where she expects to attend the fall term of school and then expects to go into some business after school. Ora is a good girl and we wish her success in what ever business she may be...Miss Cora Delong who is working in Des Moines expects to spend the Fourth at home...


July 25, 1895

Miss Mollie Lowe is home from Des Moines on a visit...Miss Maud and Blanche Lowe are still in the nieghborhood visiting...Miss Emma Howe, of Douglas county, Illinois, is visiting relatives in this neighborhood. She is on her way home from the N.E.A. at Denver, Colorado...An ice cream supper will be given at V. Stoneburner's Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Howe...Mr. George Cleveland has arrived home from Illinois where he has been for almost a year feeding cattle...Miss Myrtle Collins came home Monday from Winterset where she has been visiting since the Fourth...Mr. Roy Welch and sister, Helen, visited at J. W. Drennen's Saturday night and V. Stoneburner's Sunday.


August 29, 1895

Since the rains the pastures look green. The rain was also a great help to the late corn crop...Rev. Randolph filled his appointment at Fremont Sunday afternoon, the first time in six weeks on account of the sickness and death of his son...A tabernacle meeting will begin just south of the Washington school house Tuesday evening...Mr. and Mrs. V. Stoneburner and daugher, Florence visited Mrs. Allen Brady, Friday and Saturday...Miss Myrtle Collier is staying with Aletha Moore while her father is gone...Chicken thieves are very numerous in this neighborhood. Chickens are few enough now and I don't know what people will do if any more are taken...Uncle Sam's Murray papers are very numerous in this neighborhood but will be very scarce as soon as they can be stopped...


October 17, 1895

A United Brethren tabernacle meeting is now in progress near South river. Several from Fremont attended meeting there Sunday afternoon...Miss Lillie Lowe began her winter school at the Ream school house Monday...Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Teller visited at J. N. Delong's Sunday...Miss Hannah Delong is visiting her uncle, Mr. Anderson Collins, in Madison county...Husking corn is the order of the day. Corn is good in this part of the country...Mr. Boid Beatly is husking corn for Frank Collins...Rev. Smith pastor of the Murray circuitr filled the pulpit at Fremont Sunday. We all join in wishing him success. Mrs. H. M. Muller, of Osceola, is visitng her son, John, who has been quite sick for some time but is better at present.
