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Chapter #63 Pentalpha - Osceola, Clarke Co.

Charter granted 10/18/1871. No. of members yr. ending Sept. 1882: 76

No. of members yr. ending Oct. 1890: 80


A-B, C-E, F-H, J- L, M-P , R-S , T-V , W

Alexander, John m-82,90 Bell, Edgar m-90
Alexander, W.H. RSMD,Di-80 Bolibaugh, W.R. Ex,RSMD-80/GMSV-82
Babb, S.R. m-90  Bowden, J.W. m-90 
Backer, Daniel m-82,90 Bower, A.L. Ex,RSMD-80/GMFV-82/m-90 (Bowers)
Baker, Ezekiel RSMD-80/m-82 (Baken) Brown, E.H. RSMD-80/m-82
Baker, J.S. RSMD-79/Di-82 Brown, James reinstated,RSMD-80/K-82
Baker, O.E. m-82 Bruffey, W.J. Ex,RSMD-82/m-90
Ballou, J.N. RSMD-80/m-82,90 (Balow) Bumgardner, George Ex-79/RSMD-80/GMTV-82/m-90
Bates, Randall m-90 Burd, C.H. m-90


Cathells, D.D. Ex,RSMD-82/m-90 Cowles, G.H. m-82
Chamberlin, H.M. Ad,RSM-81/S, PS-82  Cowman, D.F. GFTV-90 
Chaney, John m-90  Crowley, J.A. Ad-80/Di-81
Chapman, B.F. RSMD-80/HP-82/S-90 Dare, Thomas m-82 
Coles, G.H. D-90 (2/1/1890)  Deering, N.W. Ex,HP,RSMD-80/HP, GCh-81/Sc-82
Collier, J.H. RSMD-80/m-82  Dufer, D.O. m-90
Cory, N.E. m-82,90 (Correy)  Dufer, E.T. m-90
Covert, S.C. m-82,90 Dunlevy, E.N. D-81 (10/3/1880) 
Cree, James Su-80/reinstated-81/RSMD-82 Eheardt, Ed. m-90 

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Farley, W.T. m-90  Greenland, Robert Ad-81/m-82 
Felger, Jerry R. RSMD-79/m-82  Grigs, R.C. m-90 
Ferguson, A.S. Di-80 Guyton, Wilbur Ex,RSMD-80/m-82,90 
Ferguson, H.T. Di-80  Hall, E.M. RSMD-80/m-82 
Franklin, D.C. m-90  Hall, W.H. m-90 
Funston, Frank Ex-90  Harper, J.M. RSMD-79/m-82,90 
Funston, Robert RSMD-79/m-82,90 (Funstone)  Hermance, H.B. Su-78/RSMD-80/m-82/HP-90 
Funston, T.C. RSMD-79/m-82,90 (Funstone)  Henry, M.A. Ex-90 
Gafford, S.B. m-90 Hogue, R.S. Su-82 
Garrett, O.E. Sc-90 Holmes, C.L. Ex-90
Goldsmith, Julius RSMD-80/T-82,90  Hyland, W.M. m-90 
Grant, J.O. Di-82   

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Jamison, John H. m-82,90  Lamb, Hiram 'High' m-82/GMSV-90 
Jenks, A.P. m-82,90  Landis, S.L. m-90 
Johnson, D.C. Se-82/m-90  Laurence, Ed. m-90 
Jones, Benton Ex,RSMD-80/m-82,90  Laurence, Harry m-90
Karr, H.L. HP-78/GCh,HP,OHP-79/S,GCh-80/GCh,*K-82/ K-82 Lawder, S.H. m-90 
Kennedy, E.R. m-82  Laws, E.M. D-79 
Kennedy, W.G. Di-82  Ledgerwood, Will m-90 
Kerr, John m-90  Lewis, A.W. m-90 
Knox, Albert Ex-78/m-82  Linder, J.M. RSMD-80/m-82 
Kyte, F.M. CH-82,90  Loudon, L.W. Ex,RSM-81/m-82,90 (London) 


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Mabra, Elias Ex-90  Minard, R.D. Ad-81/m-82 
Majors, Columbus m-82  Molesworth, James Ex,RSMD-79/m-82 
Mattatall, L.P. m-82  Mulkey, Charles W. m-90 
McCullough, W.A. Ex,RSMD-82  Mulkey, J. m-90 
McIntire, C.C. Ex,RSMD-80/m-82,90 Myer, W.L. m-90
McIntire, Daniel m-82,90 Nnotts, J.B. m-82 (?typo?)
McKinsey, A. Se-90  Nunn, B.A. m-90 
McPhail, D.O. m-90  Prole, A.W. Ex,RSMD,GCh,*Sc-82 
Meyer, W.L. m-82 Proudfoot, C.F. Ex,RSMD-80/m-82 
Miller, F.W. PS-90  Proudfoot, C.L.W. m-82 


Ream, N.B. m-82,90 Spencer, J.H. Su-81 
Redmon, M.F. Ex-90  Stanley, N.H. Ex,RSMD-82 
Rice, S.H. Ex,RSMD-80/RAC-82  Stiffler, J.W. m-90 
Richards, A.D. Ex-82  Stiffler, W.B. m-90 
Risler, C.D. Ad-82/m-90  Striker, T.S. m-82 
Sayre, D.E. Di-79  Stuart, C.W. m-90 
Scott, A.L. m-82/GMFV-90  Stuart, Dell Di-80 
Simmons, H.F. Ex,RSMD-82/m-90  Swan, J.O. Ex-81/RSMD-82 
Sparks, Wesley m-82,90   

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Taylor, J.J. m-90  Thornburg, Charles Q. Ex-79/RSMD-80/m-82/Di-90 (Thorburg) 
Tedrow, J.L. Ad,RSMD-79/m-82 Touet, J.E. Di-80 
Teller, Tobias Ex-82/Di-90  Trenary, Charles Ex-90 
Temple, M.L. m-90  Turner, J.S. Ex,RSMD-80/m-82 
Thoreau, Philip RSMD-80/m-82  Vanscoy, H.S. m-90 


Warriner, O.S. m-82,90 (Warinor)  White, C.W. PS-90 
Webster, D.W. K-90  Wick, J.E. m-82 
Webster, E.T. RSMD-80  Wilson, George W. S-78,79/GCh-80/*Sc,GCh-81/GCh, HP-82
Wellington, Harris m-90  Wilson, H.M. Di-80 
Wellington, Horace m-82  Wilson, J.C. Ex-81/m-82,90 
Wescott, C.K. Di-90  Wilson, T.W. Di-78 
Wescott, C.R. m-82  Wilson, W.M. GCh-80/m-82,90 
Whaling, Isaac Ex,RSMD-82/m-90  Workman, H.H. D-81 (7/17/1881) 

Last Revised September 13, 2021