Planing Mill

A few days ago the community was startled out of its books by the shrill notes of a new steam whistle in the south part of town where steam whistle never whistled before. The north side of town has been made musical for years past with the sound of the steam whistle, the shuttle and the locomotive, but whence came the sounds of industry and a steam whistle in the south part of town?

We have investigated the matter briefly, and have learned that nearly opposite the M. E. church a tall brick smoke stack reaching far into the blue vault above has been raised and at its base an engine house and planing mill have been erected.

A manufactory of sash, doors, blinds, mouldings and dressed lumber has been put into successful operation and the proprietor, Mr. Treigor, is now prepared to do all kinds of work in the Planing Mill line of business. There is nothing that adds so much to the material worth of a town as good manufactories. Osceola now has a good Woolen Mill, Merchant Flouring Mill and last but not least importance a Planing Mill. We say welcome to the whistle.

From the Osceola Republican, 1870.

Source: Osceola Centennial Issue 1851-1951, section 3, page 5.

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