by J. Irvine Dungan

Transcribed for the Internet by Norma Jennings


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             From the formation of the Regiment to the 4th day of September, the time was occupied in drawing clothing, arms and equipments, camp and garrison equippage, (sic) and in receiving the farewell visits of our friends.

            The 4th day of September, we marched down through the streets to the wharf where lay the steamer “Theodore L. M’Gill,” on which we were placed. The levee was thronged by friends come to bid us a last adieu and see us leave our State.

            The boat moved slowly out from the crowded wharf, and with sad hearts and moist eyes we watched those faces fade in the dim distance, and know that our beloved State would know very many of us "no more forever"..

            Our passage down the river was pleasant, although we were somewhat crowded owing to the size of the regiment.

            We were nine hundred and eight strong, and all aboard. The following day we landed at St. Louis, and with out “knapsacks strapped upon our backs, “ marched out to Benton Barracks, a distance of five miles, and being our first attempt at marching, many fell out as we passed through the streets, and showed a decided preference for riding in street cars, to walking under such a load.

            Often from soldiers out before us, we had heard flattering accounts of Benton Barracks, and no word of praise too much had bee said, for all that should be, was, and all undesirable things, were not, in that

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memento (sic) of care to the soldier from John C. Fremont.

            The time here was well spent in drilling, until Sept. 11th, when we marched through a driving rain to take the cars for Rolla, Mo.

            The rain kept pace with our train, and when near midnight we climbed off our cattle cars in Rolla, we found that, however uninteresting a time we were having, we could not say it was dry.

            We learned too that unpracticed hands, putting up wet tents on a muddy side hill in Egyptian darkness, was not rapid work.

            On the 13th inst. Moved out to Sigel Springs, where we took a long breath ere starting to Springfield–walking one hundred and twenty-five miles, seeming an herculean task to our uninitiated minds, or rather “soles.”

            We were brigaded her with two other regiments, the brigade consisting of the 20th Wisconsin Infantry, Col. Pinckney; the 94th Ills., Col. W. W. Orme; and the 19th Iowa Infantry, Col. B. Crabb, Brig. Gen. Frank J. Herron, commanding.

            On the morning of Sept. 16th, after having fallen in for the march, Col. Crabb told us in a few well-chosen remarks, that from some misunderstanding at the war department, he was not our Colonel. At once a committee of three–Captains Bruce, Paine, and Roderick, drafted resolutions asking that Col. Crabb be our Colonel; signed by all the officers, and voted upon favorably by the men, after which we took upon our line of march, going into camp at the end of ten miles

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            At Waynesville we were joined by Capt. T. H. Stanton, of Co. “C,” who had been detained by his duties as a member of the State Legislature. His presence was felt to be quite an acquisition by his company and the regiment.

            The country was fine and peaches abundant, and well appreciated by the boys, for although strict orders had been issued about jay hawing, yet peaches were held as contraband and confiscated accordingly.

            The march on the 20th inst. Was fatiguing, though we traveled but fifteen miles; the weather was so hot and the roads so dusty, that we stacked arms very willingly, not half the regiment coming in. No water but a stagnant pool in which the half decayed carcasses of many hogs and mules were but partly hidden by a thick green scum, and there was no remedy but to use it, which we did, boiling and straining it first. Some on first coming in flushed and exhausted rushed to the water side, and heedless of the corruptions, pushed away the scum and drank, though each swallow of the rotten liquid seemed to choke them; others lying down by the pond washed their hands and face to satisfy their inward longing.

            The succeeding day found us determined to go to better water before stopping, and at the end of twenty two miles, Niagua Creek gave us the much wished for water.

            At Mil Springs rations were scanty, and peaches formed the principal part of our subsistence for one day, __A fine place to camp, with the best of water. Here we were rejoined by Col. Crabb, who was hailed with joyful cheers as he rode into camp. He assumed command, and by two o’clock the next day we en-

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tered Springfield, once a pleasant town in a fine tract of country, but showing the marks of war. Camping near town by Fort No. 1, we rested a few days and then were put at work on the fort.

            Having drawn rations in the shape of flour, some of the boys took their rations out to a good lady to bake for them, and the following day on calling for the biscuits found them in diminutive cakes; for the baking of which, was asked ten cents per dozen. After she had refused to take the whole batch as part pay for her work, they paid her, feeling devoutly thankful that pious Union ladies were scarce about there.

            Rain for four or five days and nights prepare the roads for us, and when they are in a properly soft stage we have orders to leave, which we do on the 11th of October, camping after a tedious wade at camp Curtis, alias Twin Springs, alias Camp McCulloch alias Double Springs, rejoicing in more names than a Spaniard.

            The name Twin Springs seems most apt, for two springs a few yards apart, sends forth water sufficient to supply the largest army.

            The houses are many of them burned,–a high stone chimney marking many a pot where once stood somebody’s home.

            Near our camp was the old Wilson Creek battleground, and on the spot where Nathaniel Lyon fell, is a heap of stones, to which each visitor adds one from the rocky hill-side.

            The march to Cassville was hard, for the limestone hills covered with small rough stones were severe on the feet.

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            Here at Cassville, Lieut. Col. McFarland came to us. At sight he seemed to inspire the men with respect and on further knowledge with love. The votes of the Regiment were taken in this camp. On the night of October 16th, the long roll was beat, and “such a getting,” not “upstairs” but into line with a glare of fire in the town a half mile to the south and all for practice too, just to get the boys used to alarms. Such things if repeated makes the soldier cooler and more collected when the wolf does come. October 17th we left Cassville, only marching four miles, to an old orchard, which made a fine camp; but we enjoyed it only one night leaving early in the morning--passing through Keitsville--a mournful looking village. About 3 P.M. we passed the State line, and found ourselves in Arkansas. The Missouri State Militia showing themselves a little fractious, were taught that often might and right, go hand in hand. While delayed here by the Missouri brethren, Gen. Herron received a dispatch that caused us to turn back for two miles, taking another road__ as hilly and rough a one as we had ever yet seen traversed by wagons.

            After a long and wearisome march of thirty-eight miles, over hills and vale, we camped at Sugar Creek; but could not rest well, as we had t o lie on our arms all night, and in line. The following day the regiment fell in hastily, hearing sharp firing near by, but learned it was only a picket detail discharging their pieces on their return to camp.


            Here a party of Indians passed us on their way to Gen. Blunt’s Army. Some were on foot–some on horseback and others –wee ones–swinging in baskets from the saddle–both sexes, old and young, in no kind of order, enjoying life too, apparently–on the principle, I suppose that “ignorance is bliss.”

            On Monday, October 20th, we brought in sheep, apples, potatoes and many other good things from the country around, and were preparing a sumptuous feast when an order to move at once was received, and striking tents, throwing away our half cooked supper, we moved out.

            That night we met the 11th Kansas Infantry with a large provision train, for the Western Army (Blunt’s). Marching along at night for most of the night, and all the next day, we stopped at 5 o’clock that evening, on the bank of White River to cook supper. Having no Hard Tack, we had to use flour and very little of it at that. Perhaps some economical housekeeper may wish to know how cheap bread (?) Can be made. A few spoonsful of flour, and cold water to mix, salted to the taste, then kneading it as much as needed, make it into a long roul (sic) about the thickness of the forefinger (ours were not very long) roll it around a stick like the threads of a screw, then hold it in the blaze till you deem it a healthy black__ to served with hunger, and the least possible morsel of very fat and very old pork. At dark we were again in line, and on the move--the river had to be crossed the first


thing, and we stripped off our clothes, it being so deep, cold too, and in the bottom were many little sharp stones that make one think of walking on needles. After going a short distance on the road, we turned off into an old field, built fires of the rails and dried ourselves for in spite of all care and precaution, we had got wetted somewhat.

            It was 10 o’clock before we th ought worthwhile to lie down, not knowing whether we would go on or not. Then being told we would stay there a few hours, we wrapped our blankets around us and for a short time, forgot that we were cold, hungry soldiers; but before day we were reminded of the fact, and by daylight were on our way again.

            Company “C” was dependent on charity for rations, as their wagon was not seen after the first night’s march, till we got to Cross Hollows. When within ten miles of Bloomington, commonly known as Mudtown, we loaded our pieces, threw off our knapsacks and double quicked into the town, where hastily the whole command was thrown in battle array, awaiting the arrival of an enemy; but none making their appearance, we marched five miles farther to Cross Hollows, and went into camp. We had marched from the evening of the 20th to the 23d, at noon, eighty five miles with our knapsacks and forty rounds–the rations were not the in the least burdensome, over a rough rocky road, macadamized by nature and were but thirty miles from our camp, at Sugar Creek. The boys aptly termed it the “Grand Rounds.” Company “C,” had not yet heard of their wagon containing tents, rations and cooking utensil, so were paupers;

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but at night, nature spread a snow white covering over them.

            Remained in this camp till Nov. 4th, doing not much duty but picket, and unluckily for the inhabitants, the boys here formed quite a taste for mutton. One night a few rapid shots were heard and the regiment was in line at once, the alarm was caused by Peasly, of Company “E,” who hearing voices on the hill above camp, had taken his gun and slipped up easily till getting aim at a man, he fired; the intruders returned the fire, and this little passage at arms had no other effect than to make the regiment stand nodding in line a few hours.

            Our next move was a backward one–to Pea Ridge, though through choking dust that penetrated every pore. Camped on the field and early on the morning of the 5th resumed our march, passing down a valley where the rebels had fallen timber to obstruct Curtis’ march, and were obliged to cut themselves out as they skedaddled (sic) southward. The dust was three or four inches deep and the wind blew almost a gale, raising choking clouds. The men suffered severely from heat and dust. Reached an old camp in the orchard near Cassville and staid over night, but being very short of rations struck tents quite early in the morning and moved on rapidly.

            I quote from a letter in the Wapello Republican: “Men gave out by dozens, dropping by the roadside,–horses and mules dropped dead. We reached our camp on Crane Creek about 9 o’clock at night, after a march of thirty five miles. Here we found our provision train awaiting us, and you may rest assured there were many thankful hearts in the division. Those

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who had fallen out came in the next day–the 7th–during which we rested and refreshed ourselves after our fatiguing march, as we did also on sabbath.

            “On Sunday the 9th, we buried two men from our regiment, the first that have died under the treatment of our own surgeons, and only seven out of the entire regiment since its organization. The two that died, here were Samuel P. Dalzell of Capt. Bird’s Company, (F) and Thomas Ogden of Capt. Taylor’s Company (G). They received every attention that kind friends and willing hands could give, but they died, and now repose on the verge of a hill on the west bank of Crane Creek. They were dressed in uniform and placed in nicely made coffins, a flag was placed on each, and the members of their messes with reversed arms marched beside them, followed by their respective companions, and the regiment, to their graves–the drums mufled (sic) and plaing (sic) a dead march. They were buried–a prayer said–a salvo fired, and the men returned with sad and thoughtful faces to their quarters.

            “They will rest calm and peacefully there as in their own loved Iowa. SO mote it be”“

            Here Capt. T. H. Stanton of Company “C” left us to assume the duties of a higher rank. We parted from him sorrowfully, feeling that in him we had lost a good officer and a noble man.



            On Monday the 10th, we struck tents and started in a north-east course, and after a march of about twenty miles camped on James River. At this camp occurred the original of a much told anecdote. Among the many things brought into camp by stragglers, were chairs, feather-beds, a clock and a spinning wheel. Men who had taken articles useless to them were “sent for” and reported at the Colonel’s headquarters, where among other things, the following is said to have transpired.

Col. “Why did you take that spinning wheel?”

Man. “Got it to wind the war up, Colonel.”

The Colonel not feeling as if that was a success, tried another.

Col. “What did you steal a clock for?”

Man “To see how long that fellow will be in winding up the war.”

            It has also been told that he asked why a grindstone was taken and was told “it was thought there were men in camp who needed their wits sharpened,” but I don’t believe that of course.

            The succeeding day moved on to Ozark, on the Findley river where we found Totten’s division. A heavy rain fell, and at night we had a heavy frost. Here in the valley of the Findley lay the two divisions, and from a neighboring hill the city of tents miles long, with hum and bustle peculiar to camp, presented an enlivening panorama.

            On the 14th, moving on we camped at White Oak Springs, where we lay till the 18th, when we struck

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tents, and the heavens opened at the same time, and both the rain and ourselves kept going–the rain much the fastest, till we camped again, which was three or four days. That march through darkness and mud and falling torrents of chill November rain will be remembered often as we sit in warmth and comfort listening to the storm without. On this trip some forty or fifty sick men were sent back in charge of Ass’t surgeon L. M. Sloanaker, and doubtless many think of that as one of the most disagreeable experiences of their soldier life, as sick and weak they wended their feeble way back to Ozark, –one man perishing on the road.

            Of the people of the country, we saw no men, and the sallow-dejected unintelligent females inspired no feelings of admiration.

            Traveling for days over rocky ridges, you see nothing but stone cropping out of the hills from top to bottom. The fields have stone fences, and all over the fields are heaps of stone, in fact, “stone is the principal product of the hardest country I ever visited.

            November 22nd, we moved six miles to camp Curtis or Twin Springs, and again enjoy all the luxuries a soldier may possess. Here we had battallion (sic) drill a few times. The time a few times. The time passed most pleasantly, until December 3d, when we received orders to move. At 3 o’clock P. M. We started –all our sick being left and afterward sent to Springfield.

            Carrying our knapsacks and forty rounds, we marched fifteen miles ot Crane Creek, and again moving on , the next day we traveled thirty-five miles to Cassville. The following day thirty miles, stopping at Sugar Creek, and early the next morning of the 6th we

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were up and away, halting only long enough to cook supper in a cornfield, seven miles from Fayetteville.

            Here, before starting on, Lieut. Col. McFarland commanding the regiment, (Col. Crabb had taken command of the Post of Springfield,) in a few impressive and fitly spoken words told the men they might prepare for battle. It is greatly to be regretted that those words were not preserved. The only record kept of t hem, was in the hearts that by them were nerved to stand in battle’s front and die, rather than give an inch,–the last Godlike utterance of one of nature’s noblest men. That night we lay in Fayetteville around fires in the streets, and tired as we were, we admired the pleasant little town that looked so still and quiet with an army slumbering in its streets.

            At 5 o’clock, the morning of Sabbath, December 7th, the army was moving out in a Southward direction, and in about six miles were met by parts of the 1st Arkansas Cavalry, riding back in hot haste many of them without hats or coasts, carbines had been thrown down, and everything that might impede their flight, altogether that retreat partook of the nature of a panic, one man had actually been wounded that I saw and a few others we heard of.

            Our brigade was at once put in fighting trim, the men throwing off their knapsacks, overcoats, haversacks, and many thoughtlessly their canteens.

            The rebels had taken the 1st Arkansas Cavalry by surprise, capturing a train and some prisoners. Where we were met by the flying cavalry men, a line was formed and the Batteries taking position, shelled the woods in advance, while listening for some manifesta-


tion of the presence of the opposing force, one of the 1st Missouri Light Artillery was taking cool and steady aim at a man he had discovered in a treetop on a hill side, near a mile away and following the noise of the screaming shot, we beheld the tree cut off below the man, both limb and Reb. Toppling over into the valley below. Moving on, the enemy were discovered posted strongly beyond Illinois Creek on the brow of a long slope, running back from the Creek. A short distance from the point where the road, crosses the Creek was an old field inthe right of the road and in the immediate front a prairie sloping back from this Creek, making quite an elevation in a thousand yards, which was about the width of the open ground. On the opposite side of the prairie from the Creek, was a heavily timbered hill, on which the enemy were well and strongly posted, estimated at twenty-five thousand men, under Gen. T. C. Hindman.

            In the old field to the right of the road, the second brigade was formed, and Murphy’s Battery, Company “F,” 1st Missouri Light Artillery was moved across the Creek and, up the Creek through the woods to high ground to the right of the second brigade. The Rebel batteries were silenced. The Infantry moved across the open

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prairie , under a terrible fire of grape and canister. When within one hundred yards of the ridge, the 20th Wisconsin and our own Regiment were ordered to charge a battery stationed on the brow of the hill, in front of a farm house.

            The charge was made in gallant style, the enemy driven back, the battery captured; but rallying, the rebels hurled regiment after regiment out of infantry against those two and th ey fell back, leaving dead and wounded on the field around the battery, the 20th Wisconsin, two hundred and eight, our Regiment one hundred and ninety, among them was Col. McFarland, who fell at the head of the Regiment, as the brave man should fall, in his armor.

            Following the two retreating regiments, the rebels made a charge en masse on our batteries, Faust’s and Backoff’s and Lieut Borrie’s Gen Herron, in his report says: “Never was there more real courage and pluck displayed and more down-right hard fighting done than at this moment by the above named batteries; advancing to within one hundred yards of the guns, the rebels received a fire that could not be withstood, and retreated in disorder, receiving as they ran, a terrible fire, causing a great slaughter among them.”

            After this, the 19th rallied and supported the batteries, Companies “A,” “B,” “C,” were out as skirmishers, and were not in the charge, so the heavier loss was sustained by the remaining seven companies.. Capt. Bruce, of Company “A,” commanded the skirmish line, Capt. Jordan commanding Company “B,” and Sergeant Tom McGannon Company “C.”

            At about half-past three, as the cause seemed growing almost desperate, the vastly superior force of the


rebels pressing hard our little band of wearied heroes, an aid of Gen Blunt’s reported on the extreme right to Lieut. Col. J. B. Leake of the 20th, and soon the booming of cannon from a new part of the field announced the day was saved. Yelling--Blunt’s Indians went into the fight, and the knowledge that we were reinforced, added strength to our own decimated command, the welcome words, “Blunt has come,” flashing from lip to lip, had a magic influence, and hearts that before were half sick with dread now beat strong in hope. Darkness ended the conflict, and night with its chilling air hovered over the bloody scene.

            Till far into the night with stretchers and ambulances we worked removing the wounded from the field. A full moon was in the zenith and in the cold light shed down upon them, the stark-wide open glassy eyes gazing up at the sky, looked horrible.

            In the orchard where the 19th Iowa and 20th Wisconsin charged Blocker’s Battery, the dead and wounded lay so thick we could with difficulty walk through with our bloody loads.

            Readers, the “Star of Glory” pales and shines but dimly, when seen through the vistas of the hospital; it is almost extinguished by the sanguinary clouds and gloom of death suffering that gather there.

           In this battle, as the march had been so long and rapid, were none but men of genuine nerve and pluck as was proved by the desperate fighting done by them.

            The loss of our forces was reported officially, nine hundred and fifty-three. The rebel loss they did not know themselves.

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    That night through the stillness could be heard the sound of muffled wheels rolling over the rocky road toward Van Burn, and whne morning came the filed was found to be left to us.

    The following is a list of the killed, wounded and missing of the 19th in this action:

Company and/or Rank Name Killed or Wounded
Lieut Col. Saml. McFarland Killed
Sergt. Major C. B. Buckingham Killed
Co. A. - Private Wm. B. Baltzell Killed, shot in head
Co. B. - Private Robt. B. Caulk Killed, shot through head and breast
"    " Joseph McCully Killed, shot through breast
Capt. Harry Jordan Wounded - Left shoulder
Pvt J. F. Sanford "   " -  left hip - severely
" " Wm. McCormick "  " - right leg - severely
"  " Isaac Rumer "  " - left arm - severely
"   " Lewis Heald " "   - left arm - severely
"   " Joseph McMurray " "  - left arm - mortally
"  " Manfred hall "  " - left leg - slightly
" " Gilbert Locke " "  - left shoulder and leg.
" " Wm. Taylor " " - left shoulder
Co. C - Sergt. Wm. R. Jeffrey " " - left leg - severely
Co. C. - Corp. Thos E. Johnson, Color guard " " - left arm - severely
" " Pvt. W. A. Bailey, Color Guard " " - left leg - severely
"  " A. P. Randall " " - right foot
" " Cyrus Condit " " - left and right side - severely
Co. D. Pvt. Marion Marlow Killed
" " John Crowner Killed
" " James Clelland Killed
" " Geo. W. Ream Killed

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Company and/or Rank Name Killed or Wounded
Co. D Pvt.. John W. Roberts Killed
"  " Wm. F. McReynolds Killed
" " John F. Ball Mortally wounded -- since died
" " Capt. Joshua Wright right arm
1st Lieut. Harrison Smith right hand
2d Lieut Wm. S. Brooks left thigh - severely
Sergt S. W. Gregg right ankle - severely
Sergt W. M. Campbell leg - severely
Corp. George McCrary right elbow - severely
" " Ervin F. Cowger foot
Pvt. John H. Webb both thighs - severely
" Henry D. Williams right thigh - severely
" John Huddlestone both thighs - severely
" Willard Fleenor back - slightly
" Geo. E. Wilson thigh - severely
" Leander Powellson left thigh broken
" Stephen Burris left hand - severely
" A. Holmes knee -slightly
" L. A. McReynolds thigh - severely
" C. A. Campbell left thigh - slightly
" J. C. Taylor Captured
 Co. E. Pvt. Albert Thompson Killed
" Samuel H. Rogers Killed
" Edward Mooney Killed
Sergt Chas E. Gibbs left knee- severely
Corp. James M. Layton both arms and leg - severely
" James E. Henderson right arm - severely
Pvt. Edwin Mallettt left hip - severely
" Wm. E. Kent left arm - severely
" Edwin Smith left side and head - severely
" Samuel W. Campbell left thigh - severely

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Company  and/or Rank Name Killed or Wounded
Co. E. Pvt. John H. Mallett left knee - shattered
" Jefferson R. McKaig left side - slightly
" Decatur Pittman left hip - slightly
" Fieldon Taylor left leg - slightly
" Wm. Wilkins right shoulder - slightly
" Geo. H. Dewey right hand - slightly
" Thos. J. Matlock left leg - slightly
Co. F. 2d Lieut. Loammie M. Smith Killed
Pvt. Henry S. Fowler "
" Robt. H. Brown "
" Edwin Smith "
" Kendall Littleton "
Sergt. Thos. D. Chapman Wounded - both legs - since died
" Wm. A. Hall "  - bowels and left leg - severely
Corp. Charles F. Morris, Color Guard thigh broken - since died
Pvt. John A. Brubaker hip- severely
" Madison G. Chapman arms
" G. B. Dotson left hand
" Hiram B. Davidson right leg
" Henry F. Gibbs right leg
" Joseph Higbee left shoulder - severely
" Chas. E. Knight left leg - amputated
" John W. Littleton right leg - severely
" Daniel McKay both thights
" Thos. B. Morris left hand
" Wm. H. McDanile right leg -- severely
" Henry C. Pike right leg
" Joseph Racer left leg
" Cicero Thomas back and right arm

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Company and/or Rank Name Killed or Wounded
Co. F Pvt. Joseph Wagner left hand
" Aurelius Wood left leg
" Solomon P. Key right thigh
" Martin Blair hip - severely
Co. G. Sergt Wm. Gregory Killed
Corp. Richard Morgan Killed
Sergt. B. W.  Huff Wounded - right arm amputated, left arm - slightly
Sergt Ellison Holland arm broken
Corp. Wm. Peyton hip, thigh and leg
Pvt. Wm Chapman hips and abdomen - severely
" W. H. Dowll arm and breast
" George Erwin thigh
" Samuel Griffith hand
" Jeremiah Helmick left ankle and right leg
" Wm. Hoffman leg and neck
" Fred. Kircher foot shattered
" Z. B. Lyle shoulder and hips
" Charles Law right thigh - severely
" Chris Lyster back and shoulder - severely
" Wm. H. Marshall right arm broken
" Joe Ross back - slightly
" A. G. Scott hips
" James Smith left leg
" Fred Webber hip - severely
" Harmon Gast hip, shoulder and thigh
Co. H. Sergt Samuel Bonney Killed
Corp.. Wm. H. Locke Killed
Pvt. Chas. W. Fisher Killed
Pvt. Levi W. Taylor Killed
" Joshua F. Phillips Killed

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Company and/or Rank Name Killed or Wounded
Co. H. (cont.) Pvt. Thos. B. Linning Killed
" Levi Keller Killed
" Marshall Byers Killed
" Wm. Kennion Killed
" Albert Cochrane Wounded - back and leg - severely
" Moses Groom  left breast - severely
" Isaac D. Evans  left hip - severely
" Henry Green  left hip - severely
" Robt. F. Robinson  left leg - severely
" Francis M. Cook side of face and eye - severely
" J. M. W. Cretcher left shoulder - severely
Corp. O. B. Miller head
Corp. A. J. Smith left hip
Pvt. Silas Langford head
" Robt. H. Parsons left foot
" Robt. D. Foster right leg
" Joseph H. Lannam neck
" Tillman Langford back and hips
Capt. T. W. Richmond Captured - released on parole
Co. I. 2nd Lieut. Thos Johnson Killed
Corp. John Douglass Killed
" Augustus B. Rehkoff Killed
Pvt. Henry V. Gaddis Killed
" Wm. McKenny Killed
" Jonathan J. Lee Killed
" James Patterson Killed
Capt. S. E. Paine Wounded - left hip severely
Sergt. Wm. A. Strong head - severely
" Jacob Nixon face and head - severely
Corp. Datus D. Proper foot

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Company and/or Rank Name Killed or Wounded
Co. I, Corp.. Alex. Fix leg - severely
" , Pvt. Lyman A. Brooks side
" Wm. Short arm - severely
" Martin Hornbaker side and leg - severely
" James L. Fry leg severely
" John H. Webber hip - severely
" Ferguson Teal foot
" Russell Johnson foot
" Harrison O'Hara knee - severely
Co. K Pvt. Lorenzo P. Servass Killed
" Ben F. Harland Killed
" Wm. E. Kenyon Killed
" Robt. S. Brown Killed
" Marion McCoy Killed
" Madison Moore Killed
Sergt Geo. Cramer Wounded - left shoulder - severely
Corp. Stokely Wright breast - severely
 " Elias H. Dickerson leg - amputated
" John D. Trobridge face and head - severely
Pvt. Wm. F. Birge both legs - severely
" Doctor F. Brown shoulder - severely
" Wm. Erwin right arm broken
" Robt. E. Jameson ankle - severely
" James E. Jay leg broken
" Thos. W. Savage back - severely
" Wm. J. Spring both legs - broken
" Jefferson Creekbaum right groin - severely


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Company and/or Rank Name Killed or Wounded
Co. K (cont.) Pvt. Wiley Jay arm broken
Sergt D. H. Roderick leg
Pvt. Francis H. Alter leg
" Wm. G. Anderson leg
" S. H.  Humphrey ankle
" Brant Lloyd ankle
" Wm. R. Macey leg
" Joseph Week ankle
" Ithamar Doane shoulder
" Robt. N. Bailey left side
" Jacob Grimes heel
" Sol. Luce left hip
" Samuel Evans left shoulder


This list does not include some who se wounds were so very slight,. and unimportant as not to unfit them for duty.



    Several days after the battle were spent in burying the dead and recuperating our strength.

    Some sad scenes, necessarily follow such a battle--southern women hunting their husbands, sons, and brothers, whose sorrow was very demonstrative, where they found some sacrifice to Moloch.

    Our fallen heroes were buried in long trenches--each Company by itself and marked by a stone or board. The rebels sent in details tobury their dead: but when they saw what an Herculean task was before them, they returned without doing anything, and four or five days some wer lying exposed; but after all our own dead were interred, details buried the rebel dead.

    For miles around, every house was used as a hospital; in as short a time as pracitcable, the wounded were removed to Fayetteville, a beautiful village, but bearing evidence of the ravage of war.

    The following order was issued by General Herron to his army:



PRAIRIE GROVE, December 10th, 1862


    Fellow Soldiers:--It is with pride and pleasure, that I am able to congratulate you on the victory so recently achieved over the enemy, meeting their combined forces, vastly superior to us in numbers, armed and equipped in the most efficient manner, contrary to what we had been led to believe, marshalled by their ablest generals, posted in a strong position of their own selection, prepared and ready to attack us, and entertaining toward us, feelings of hatred and fiendish passion, evoked by infamous lies, which rebel generals should have disdained to utter. You, fellow-soldiers, after a forced march of over one hun-

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dred miles in less than three days, weary, exhausted and almost famishing, animated only by that feeling of patriotism that induced you to give up the pleasures and comforts of home, to undergo danger and hardship in the field; did most gallantly meet, fight, and repulse the enemy.

    Your fellow-soldiers elsewhere, your friends and relatins at home, your fellow-citizens, and your country, as they learn of the splendid service of the artillery, and of the determined and brilliant daring of the infantry, will render  you that praise and honor that is justly your due.

    Soldiers of Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Missouri! Your native states are proud of her noble sons. I, who witnessed your gallant daring in every encounter, in behalf of your country and myself, tender you grateful thanks for the service you have rendered. While therefore, we drop a tear for those who have fallen and sympathize with those who are yet suffering, let us not forget to render thanks to the Beneficient Giver of all blessings, for the success thaty has thus far attested teh truth of our glorious cause.

F. J. Herron

Brigadier General, Commanding.

December 13th, brought us an immense train with ammunition and provisions from Springfield; but no mail, and from the 4th of December to the 21st, we waited , and watched for one, when at length, we heard from those homes where were now so many hearts.  Having given Gen. Herron's order to the forces  under his command, I think it not out of pace to insert an order of Gen. Hindman's issued previous to the battle, several copies of which we found printed on poor paper:



IN THE FIELD, Dec 4th 1862

   Soldiers: --From the commencement to the end of battle, have constantly in mind what I now urge upon you.

   First. Never fire because your comrades do, because the enemy does, because you see the enemy, nor for the sake of firing rapidly. Always wait until you are within the range of your guns, then single out your man, take deliberate aim as low down as teh knee and fire.

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   Second: When occasion offers, be certain to pick off the enemies officers, especially the mounted, and kill his artillery horses.

   Third: Never shout except you charge the enemy; as a general thing keep silent, that orders may be heard, but pay no attention to unauthorized persons or idle rumors.

   Fourth. Do not stop with your wounded comrades; the surgeons and the infirmary corps will take care of them, but go forward and avenge them

   Fifth: Do not break ranks to plunder. If we whip the enemy, all he has will be ours; if not, the spoils will be of no benefit to us. Plunderers and stragglers will be put to death on the spot. Remember that the enemy has no feelings of mercy or kindness towards you; his ranks are made up of Pin Indians, Free Negroes, Southern Traitors, and Kansas Jayhawkers, Dutch cutthroats, and bloody ruffians, who have invaded your country, stolen and destroyed your property, murdered your neighbors, outraged  your women, driven your children from their homes and defiled the graves of your kindred.

   If each man will do what is here urged, you will utterly destroy them. We can do it,--we must do it,--our country will be ruined if we fail. A just God will strengthen our arms,  and give us a glorious victory.


Major Gen. Com.


            With such things as the foregoing, the rebel leaders constantly strove to stir up a feeling of bitter hate toward us, and yet, with such language always around them, many men were true to the old flag in the very rank and file of this army.

    I have seen blank cartridges in dead men's pockets and their supply in the box untouched; they had never fired a bullet at a Union soldier.

    At our camp on the battle-field of Prairie Grove, we lay till Dec. 27th, when leaving behind all who were unfit for a log and hard march, we started at 4 o'clock A.M., with six days rations,  and one blanket apiece, for Van Buren, a distance of sixty miles. At daylight we halted and heard a complimentary order 

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read from Gen. Herron, informing us that the object of the present expedition was to chase the rebels out from Van Buren and destroy stores at that place. That day we marched over thirty miles, crossing one stream,--Cole Creek--over twenty times, and not stopping till 2o'clock at night; many of the boys giving out, lay down many miles behind and slept till day, then hurried forward again.

    The road crossed the Boston Mountains, ascending sometimes up great steps of rock that was extremely difficult to get the artillery over. At a distance of a few rods from camp flowed a broad clear shallow stream, called Lee's Creek, and the cavalry knowing a long and hard days march was before us, kindly  carried us over dry shod.

    One cavalry man would lead two or three horses on each of which two or three of the infantry would scramble.

    To-day's march was much the same, the monotony being varied by being fired on as we wound our weary way through a gorge, killing one horse, but no more. About 2 P.M., we passed Gen. Blunt's train. This force had left their camp near Cane Hill, nearly the same time we had left Prairie Grove.

    Toward evening as we were passing over a ridge, on our right we saw a long low valley stretching far to the westward, with either side hemmed in by pine-clad hills, and far down as through an avenue of trees the last lingering sunbeam played a moment on the green valley then sunk in a bed of fire; ahead teh booming of cannon announced that there was else to do than gaze at a beautiful sunset. Double-quick for an hour and we are one mile north of Van Buren, 


where we hear the rebels have left the town to our cavalry, and we turn off the road, build fires, make our coffee, and lay down to dream of Iowa, where is no more marching and short rations.  

    The following morning we marched down into town and keeping step to our band, were were highly compliments by an elderly lady of color, who said: "Lu, don't dem Yanks step high!"

    At the landing lay five steamboats laden with corn, commissary stores, and clothing. Going aboard these we removed all the mattrasses (sic) there and loaded all the ambulances with them for our wounded boys at Fayetteville. The commissary stores in town were destroyed, the streets flowed with whisky and molasses, -- a second promised land. The Fort, (Smith) was evacuated after a short but vigorous shelling.

    After we marched out of town, the cavalry set fire to the steamboats "Frederic," "Key West, " "Violet," "Erie No 2," "Van Buren" and "Rose Douglass," and the glare of the burning boats lit up the sky for miles around. Several hundred head of cattle were brought in from the surrounding country by our cavalry, who deserved the honor of the expedition, which was a perfect success.

    On the 30th, as we were returning, we were met by Gen. Schofield, who had ridden fast and far, attended by a small escort of the 1st Iowa Cavalry.

    Gen. Curtis becoming alarmed, had sent Gen. Schofield post haste to extricate the "Army of the Frontier" from the perilous position in which it had been placed by the brave, but short sighted Herron.

    At that time, Gen Schofield was much disliked by the Army of the West; but none can deny but that 

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he deserved the sole credit of the campaign that drove the rebels out of Missouri. The jealousies between Generals Blunt, Herron, and Schofield materially delayed the execution of Schofield's well matured plans for the salvation of Missouri.

    But the history of Gen. Schofield since that time renders all comment not only superfluous but ridiculous. The 31st we reached our old camp at Prairie Grove early in the day, having marched over one hundred miles, captured a city, destroyed a number of boats and stores, taken many cattle, and the roads too so bad we hauled the artillery up many a steep hill and through many a mud hole, all this in four days, and in campt we found a hot supper awaiting us, prepared by the thoughtful boys who not being able to go with us remained in camp.

    New Years day in Dixie! brought thoughts of home. With cheery words we passed the day, wondering where would be.the end. The first of a new year, it was a "time for memory and for tears.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Early the morning of January 2nd the Division moved from the scene of its first battle, and retraced its steps to Fayetteville, the wounded heroes from sunny street corners and hospital windows greeted us warmly, and there were unbidden tears at a cheery salute from some comrade who stood before us on one leg. Not stopping any length of time in town, we passed on through, camping three miles southeast of Fayetteville, on White River, where on t he 5th we had our first Grand Review, and on the succeeding day again took the road passing through a thrifty looking settlement, and bivouaced (sic) at the end of eleven 

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miles. Taking advantage of the country, our bill of fare was good, comprising, beef, port and mutton, chickens, some krout (sic) and molasses; quite a variety that, for us. The succeeding day our stopping place was a mile north of the town of Huntsville, and a fine camp with good water and a fence very conveniently near.

    Here Col. Kent (promoted since the battle of Prairie Grove,) was taken sick and remained, leaving Senior Capt. John Bruce in command of the regiment. We rested here until January 10th, when we pursued our course toward the North traveling till after dark over rough rocky hills.

    Three miles from camp six "bushwhackers" were shot, having been tried and convicted by court martial. One of them was the man who fired the woods at Pea Ridge, burning many of our wounded on the field.

    At our camp to-night we learn of Marmaduke's attack on Springfield, Missouri, and the galland (sic) defense made by Col. Crabb and the convalescents from the different hospitals.

    Capt. Bird of Company "F" had command of one of the forts and elicited the highest praise for his coolness and intrepidity. Lieut Root, of Company "K" also participated, it is unnecessary to say that he did well, the battlefield seemed his element. It believed that the bravery and skill shown by Col. Crabb saved the place from capture; and the loss of Springfield, from the immense quantity of stores there would have been an irreparable loss to our army of the Frontier, and an incalculable gain to the enemy.  Rumors are rife of the close proximity of the ubiquitous Marmaduke, and we lay in line of battle all night, ready for 

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any emergency and the pursuing day we took position to receive him; but all that was visible of the rebel force, was five prisoners taken in the bush and a Major, a recruiting officer.

Carrolton, Carroll County, Arkansas, was our next stopping place, and one that was anything but agreeable, for it rained and showed and blew and froze, and rations grew scarce, our train being delayed by the high stage of water in the mountain streams. For a few days our diet was parched corn and coffee, our main dependence being coffee, but we shivered and starved successfully through the freezing days and the evening of the fourth day the train made its appearance; but we enjoyed but one good meal till another move was made.  Leaving Carrollton about the middle of the afternoon our Regiment, rear guards, trudged many miles through mud and slush, over roads cut up by a long heavily laden train, and all our Artillery which was ahead of us. After 11 o'clock at night we stopped in an old cornfield, and very sweetly did I sleep on a pile of brush and old stalks, going supperless to bed so tired and sleepy were we. That night it froze quite hard, and we were more comfortable on the move than in camp.

    The road led through a large pine forest, and was over rolling upland. In the afternoon some of those in front fired the pitch that had accumulated on the roots of the trees, and the smoke was so dense, it was next to impossible to pass through it; but it had to be done, and finally with red and watery eyes and oppressed lungs we emerged into fresh air. Water was so scarce that in camp the boys used melted snow.

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    During the night we had rain, then sleet, then snow, all freezing together, gave our blankets an additional weight and size, not at all convenient to carry. No tents were erected as the stay would be but for one night.

    The following day, January 19th, brought us to White River, opposite Forsyth, Missouri, where we pitch our tents in a heavy fall of snow. White River was very high, and for several days no way of crossing could be made, but on the 21st a hawser was shot across and after some hard and dangerous work the boat was ready to cross the troops.

    The ferry-boat was one that had been built by Gen. Curtis, and is a very small affair to cross a train of near five hundred wagons and the troops there. Some of the Cavalry attempting to swim across, one of their number--James Robertson--was drowned. The ferry ran night and day, and the night of the 25th our regiment made a successful landing in the mud at the Forsyth wharf. (?)    

    Our camp was on a hill about a mile from town down the river, where we lay till February 16th. In this time a heavy snow had fallen and many of the boys brought i n, as results of the chase, both turkeys and deer.

    In our Sibley tents, with a camp stove of sheet iron, we thought ourselves quite comfortable, but at an hour we least looked for such a catastrophe, the rain began to fall. It was ten o'clock at night, and we all slept, but the waters dashed against the canvass tent with such force that miniature showers fell upon us, and all the immunity we received from our war-worn Sibley was a slight abatement in the force with which the 


descending water pelted us, and perhaps the larger drops were parted, making three or more.  The bottom of our tent was soon a muddy pool, while rivulets of trickling rain flowed from center-pole, rent and seam. Rolling our blankets up in Rubbers we sat dripping and sleepy till the floods had all been poured upon us, then crawled to damp repose. *  *  *

    February 17th, we moved camp and took possession of the town itself, all the houses being deserted. Citizens are daily coming in and drawing rations from the Government, representing their families in a starving condition, which is true in a majority of cases.

    Refugees form Arkansas pass through almost every day on their way north; they look pitiable indeed, with their skeleton teams, ragged clothes and pallid, restless children.

    The scenery around Forsyth is wild and picturesque. Swan Creek empties into the river above town, and above the mouth of the creek rises a wall of dark gray stone near two hundred feet, from the side of which spring a few scrubby cedars, stunted and moss-wreathed.

    Just under this lofty precipice, the building of two ferry boats were began, larger and better than the old one.

    All the forces now at the post were the 19th Iowa and Companies "B" and "M" of the 1st Iowa Cavalry, forming a small brigade under Lieut. Col. Kent.

    Our forage trains would cross the river and go from fifty to seventy-five miles down the country, attended by only a small escort, often not more than thirty men beside the teamsters. Once when retuning from a point about sixty miles down the river, the train was

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attacked but the escort, consisting of about thirty infantry and as many cavalry, kept them at bay till a courier rode into Forsyth desiring reinforcements.

    At once more men volunteered than could go. All the teams were taken, and our sutler--Charlie Lewis--contrary to the usual spirit and custom of sutlers, hitched up his team and drove a load out to the scene of action, but when the reinforcements go there, no enemy was visible.

    The 1st day of March a large forage train with about one hundred men, cavalry and infantry, returned from a trip down near Yellville, Lieut. E. A. Dunham of the 1st Iowa Cavalry, Co. "B," was in command, and upon their arrival on the opposite side of the river they found the new ferry-boat was in operation  Two heavily laden six mule teams were put aboard and crossed safely, and the next trip, beside the two teams, Dunham against the wishes of the men insisted on both cavalry and infantry going over at the same load.

    The river was very high. White river has at all times the swiftest current I ever saw in a stream of that size and the water was very cold. When the boat was near the middle of the stream the guy ropes became disordered in some manner, and one of them broke, letting the boat swing round and giving it such a jerk that it broke in the middle, the ends sinking several feet in the water. Men began jumping off, the teams struggled and got entangled in the harness, the force of the current sweeping over the partially submerged boat soon breaking the remaining rope, and they were at the mercy of the stream, with no boat or skiff to aid them. We, their friends, were forced to

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stand upon the shore and see one after another in their death struggle throw up their arms and go down. Long will we hear the bubbling cry of some strong swimmer in his agony, and the swollen river covered with forms of many brave soldiers. Their bodies were never recovered.

    Live here was quiet and monotonous; mail coming in every week from Springfield, which was forty miles north. Deserters and refugees were coming in every day and taking the oath. A few--six  or seven--joined our regiment.

    About the 20th of March, quite an alarm was raised by reports by scouts that Marmaduke was coming with a strong force, and all our energies were bent to the task of  fortyfying (sic).  All the old log buildings were sacrificed to the forts, and in a few hours three forts of imposing appearnace at least, were erected in the most commanding positions, and would really have proved quite effective against anything but artillery. But Marmaduke did not come, and our forts, breastworks and rifle pits remained as monuments of the activity of a single day and night.