James W. Cox


To All Whom it may Concern


Paid in full 3 Aug. 1865

Saml. C. Adams

Paymaster U.S.A.


Know ye that James W. Cox a private of Captain Job Throckmorton's Company (F) 15th Regiment of Iowa Infantry Veteran Volunteers who was enrolled on the tenth day of February one thousand eight hundred and sixty four to serve three years or during the war, is hereby discharged from the service of the United States, this twenty fourth day of July 1865 near Louisville, Kentucky by reason of G. O. No. 26   3d Inf. Army of Tenn. , 1865.  (*No objection to his being re-enlisted is known to exist.)


Said John W. Cox was born in St. Louis in the State of Missouri, is eighteen years of age, --feet, seven inches high, light complexion, blue eyes, light hair, and by occupation, when enrolled a farmer.  Given near Louisville, Ky. this twenty fourth day of July 1865.


Robt. M. Woods 1st Lieut. 64, Ills. Vol. A.E.M. 4

(*This sentence will be erased should there be anything in  his conduct or physical condition of the soldier rendering him unfit for the Army.

(A.G.O. No. 99)

Job Throckmorton
Capt. Comd. F Co. 15
Iowa Inf. Vt. Vols.



~ Contributed by Constance Diamond