Nashua Reporter
31 December 1930
Ionia Young Woman A Bride Brown Church Christmas Day
Miss Marvilyn (Marvelyn elsewhere in paper) Trusty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Trusty of Ionia, and Mr. Roy Grove, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abner Grove from near New Hampton, were wed at the Little Brown Church in the Vale on Christmas Day. Rev. Gable, of Fredericksburg, pastor of the church at Republic, performed the ceremony before a group of relatives and admiring friends. The ceremony was performed at 4:00 o'clock. The bride was attended by her cousins, Miss Ruth Ransom of Ionia and Miss Kathleen Ransom, of New Hampton. The best men were the groom's twin brothers, Lynn and Glen Grove. Master Billy Grove was the ring bearer and little Elaine Trusty was flower girl. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Guy Handley, sister of he groom, and Marion Knight, cousin of the bride, sang "At Dawning" and "When My Dream Comes True". A 5:30 o'clock wedding dinner was served to about eighty five relatives and friends at the dining room of the Congregational church, Ionia, which had been prettily decorated for the occasion. The bride's entire life has been spent in Ionia. She graduated from the Ionia high school with the class of 1930, and is a most capable young lady in every respect. The groom graduated from the New Hampton high school and attended Iowa College at Ames. For the past two years he has been on the faculty list at the public schools at Hartley, Iowa, where the young couple have gone to take up their residence, followed by the best wishes of their many friends.
Contributed by: Sheryl McClure