This photo was contributed by Rebecca Richardson in September 2007. She obtained it in a box of photos that her grandmother (Helen Luhring Gorman 1890 - 1990) had and were given to her by her aunt. In addition she found the following article that appeared in the Nashua Reporter on 4 April 1907 and has concluded that the photo and article go together.
"Doloras" at the Opera House
The beautiful play of "Dolores, or Through the Fires of Sorrow," a drama in three acts, will be presented at the opera house, Nashua, Friday evening, April 12, by local talent. The proceeds are to be used for the benefit of the Catholic school. The following is the cast of characters:
Doloras ....................................Edith Luhring
Mrs. Norton .........................Louise Fangman
Augusta ...........................Cornelia Fangman
Pauline ..............................Gertrude Luhring
Nellie Claghorn .............Catherine McMahon
Grace Claghorn ....................Florence Gogg
Isabel Claghorn ...................Catherine Gogg
Baby Constance ..................Helen Fangman
Mrs. Worthington ........................Eva Shields
Fanchetta (maid) ....................Helen Luhring
Tom Pincher ............................Norton Bloom
Aunt Betsy ...............................Nellie Shields
Sally Ann Tompkins .........Marcella Fangman
Miss Edith Temple ..................Bernice Bloom
Miss Clara Meredith ..............Margaret Gogg
Miss Heloise Zacharie .............Laura Luhring
Please contact the County Coordinator via the link above if you can identify any of the persons in the photo above.