For the arrest and detention, anywhere in the United States, of Rudolph Benhke, alias George Miller, alias Perry Clark, who broke jail at New Hampton, Iowa, on August 6, 1912.
Age 22 but looks older, heighth,5 feet 7 or 8 inches; weight, 145 to 150 pounds; hair, black complexion, dark; eyes, grayish blue. Smooth shaven. Tattoo "R. B.†and bust of woman and other marks on forearm. Face, broad, and features rawboned and coarse. When he escaped wore gray coat and pants, soft shirt, blue cap. Has worked as brakeman on railroad. Has done time in Minnesota penal institutions. Was discharged from Minnesota State Reformatory, Nov. 1, 1911. This man is a natural crook and burglar. His people live in St. Paul, Minn. The above is a good likeness of him.
Wire at my expense.
Sheriff Chickasaw Iowa
New Hampton, Iowa
August 22, 1912
Postcard from the collection of Phillip Thomas