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Lived In Nashua In The Early Fifties

John Butler, of Junction City Ore., who is here for a visit with old friends, comes very nearly being the first inhabitant in Nashua. Mr. Butler came to this county in 1855 at which time there were but two buildings here, one being a double log house occupied by Sands Howard, and a shanty owned by Barney Feency, both buildings being located on what was then called the "lower flats", or in the neighborhood of where the feed mill now stands. He opened up the first blacksmith shop in Nashua in a little rough building on the site where now stands the DeNoyelles House, and he was among the first to erect a frame residence having built the house now owned by Mrs. Wilson Miller formerly (Mrs. Mary Myers). However, the first house was built by John S. Hall down on "the flats", across the street from where now stands A. Hartman's livery barn. Mr. Butler's looks and appearance would hardly lead one to think that he had been a person who had witnessed the birth of our fair city.

Nashua Reporter - August 1906 Page 1
Contributed By Claudia Groh