CHICKASAW COUNTY Another IAGenWeb Project |
5/30/1912 There was a family reunion Memorial day at the A. G. Stocks' home, Mr. Stocks' brothers all being here to honor the memory of the father and mother by decorating the graves. Those here were Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stocks, from Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Stocks, from Osage, and Dr. C. L. Stocks, from Bushong, Kan. 4/41912 (caption for a large photograph) The Lynes family reunion as they appeared at their seventh annual picnic at the A. J. Lynes home, one fourth mile west of Plainfield, on Saturday, June 22, 1912. Almost eighty-five of the Lynes relatives were in attendance and an elaborate dinner was served on the lawn. In the afternoon a fine program was rendered by the children and a ball game indulged in by the men. Relatives were present from New York, Massachusetts, Illinois, South Dakota and different parts of Iowa. E. A. Roach, of Plainfield, was retained as president, and Edna Lynes as secretary of the association. 8/22/1912 The Cagley Family Reunion-The annual reunion of the Cagley family was held last Thursday in the pinic grounds at Chickasaw near the mill, a lovely place for a picnic, and there were about a hundred relatives present, which represented 23 families. Those from a distance are Mr. and Mrs. Levi Cagley, of Paige county, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kegley, of Bellingham, Wash., Miss Ina Cagley, of Bruce, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. John Cagley of South Dakota and Jake Cagley, of Horton. It was an ideal day and everyone present enjoyed themselves to the utmost. The main feature, of course was the big picnic dinner. Much time was consumed but time was not in it with the amount of eatables consumed. After the dishes had been cleaned and packed away a short program was rendered after which the women folk enjoyed social conversation while the men pitched horseshoe, the honors falling to John F. Cagley and Mike Keasling. New officers for the coming year were chosen as follows: President, Geo. M. Cagley; Secretary, J. R. Keasling; and Treasuruer, David Hine. 9/5/1912 Annual Reunion of the Thomas Family--The fourth annual reunion of the Thomas family was held Thursday, August 22, on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Thomas. The day was spent in having a general good time and visiting among relatives not seen by some for several years. At the noon hour fifty happy people sat down to one long table and enjoyed the good things to eat. Among those from away were Lyle Thomas, Royal, Neb., Wallace and Duane Rowman, Madison Wis., Mrs. Fanny Wilder (Winter ?) and childre, Davenport, Ia.; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Robinson and family and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Tracy and family, Nashua. 11/21/1912 From the Greene Recorder: A Family Reunion-On Sunday, Nov. 10, a family reunion of the Hildebrand families, thirty-two in number, met at the Charles Hildebrand home on Second street. Visiting, music, both vocal and instrumental and a fine luncheon at high noon and an ideal day was very much enjoyed by all. A fine dinner was served at six o'cclock, after which all returned to their homes. The out of town guests present were Mr. John Hildebrand and wife, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Marks and son of Nashua; Mr. Pool, of Charles City. Other guest present from in and around Greene were Mr. Fred Hildebrand and family, C, Bickness, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hildebrand, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hildebrand and Misses Mayme Thorp and Elsie Stolte. |
Many Thanks To Volunteer Sheryl McClure