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They were married on October 4, 1937 at the Immaculate
Conception Church in Charles City, Floyd county.Above is their wedding photo.
Searles was the son of Merle and Lillian Hayden. Alice was the daughter of Frank and Winifred White Mahoney, who farmed in Deerfield township.
The following announcement was
in the Charles City Press.
CHURCH TODAYMiss Alice Mahoney, niece of Mr. and Mrs. George Kane of this city, and Searles Hayden, son of Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Hayden of Waterloo, were united in marriage at the Immaculate Conception church this morning at seven o'clock. The Rev. Fr. Thomas Rooney performed the double-ring ceremony.
The bride was attired in a costume suit. The tailored dress of wine wool was worn with a dark gray lapin fur jacket and with wine accessories to match. Her sister, Mrs. Harvey Baldwin of Pleasantville, served as matron of honor. She wore a tailored wine ensemble suit with matching accessories. Both bride and her attendant wore corsages of tea roses and sweet peas.
The groom wa attended by Mr. Baldwin of Pleasantville, brother-in-law of the bride. They both wore dark suits.
Sister M. Calasanctus presided at the organ and sand appropriate songs.
Following the ceremony a three course breakfast was served at the St. Charles hotel. Those present in honor of the bride and groom were:
The Rev. Thomas Rooney; Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Hayden; Mrs. M. C. Troutner, Miss Catherine O'Connor, Robert Pritchard, Miss Leona Weber, Waterloo; Miss Arlyne Hayden of Mankato, Minnesota; Mrs. Margaret Rohlf, Davenport; Mrs. J. J. Murray and son Frances, Dubuque; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baldwin, Pleasantville, Iowa; Mrs. Margaret Mahoney and son, Ambrose and daughters, Lorretta and Mary, Elma; Mrs. Anna Brady, Des Moines; Miss Frances Schuetz, Leo Soulek, Mrs. Pratt Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. John White and son, Robert, and daughter Juanita, Mr. and Mrs. George Kane and son, Virgil, Mr. and Mrs. Dan White and Mrs. Nettie Benhke, all of Charles City.
The newly married couple will live at 415 West Twelfth street in Waterloo.
Mrs. Hayden is a graduate of the Immaculate Conception academy. She attended Iowa State Teachers College and taught one year near Elma. Mr. Hayden graduated from the Charles City high school.
Credit: Kathy Christensen, Oct. 2016