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Adolphus Ebenezer MARSH, brother of Olive MARSH GRANGER, was born in Eglin, Illinois, October 14, 1845. Olive and A.E. MARSH were children of Melvin M. MARSH and Sarah MASON, both of whom were natives of Onondaga County, New York. In 1834, the Melvin MARSH Family removed westward to Illinois, passing through Chicago when there were but seven houses in town. Mr MARSH located on a farm in Kane County where he was a railroad contractor and was instrumental in building all the depots on the Fox River Railroad. Subsequently they removed to Howard County, Iowa in 1856, settling on the site of the old town of Lime Springs. The following year he established a grist mill which he busily engaged in the operation until 1869, when he sold his property and retired, to live with his children in Chickasaw and Howard Counties until death called him to his final home. A.E. MARSH, was educated in district schools and Cedar Valley Seminary at Osage, Iowa before entering Upper Iowa University. He bought a drug store in Lime Springs and operated it for fifteen years before becoming a salesman covering the western states to Montana. He returned to Iowa and operated a hotel for three years in the new Lime Springs, and then spent a year exploring Kansas and Indian Territory. He again tried farming and in 1897 he traded his farm property for his present hardware business. In 1873, Mr MARSH was married to Miss Hattie A. STALKER, and to them three children were born: Lena J., wife of Anthony MARSHALL; Eugene S., who is with the New York Central Railroad as a traveling storekeeper; and Marvin M. who is a commercial salesman. Olive MARSH, sister of A.E. MARSH, was married to Ebenezer Adolphus GRANGER, of Nashua, Chickasaw County. (For additional detail, see the page for Lester A. GRANGER). The extended MARSH/GRANGER families have traveled together from New York, to Illinois, to Bremer, Howard and Chickasaw Counties during the years 1834 to 1855. Source: History of Chickasaw and Howard Co (1919), Vol II, Synopsis of pages 224 - 227 and GRANGER Family History |
P. E. McGINN |
P.E. McGinn, a well known figure in the business circles of New Hampton, is conducting an insurance and real estate office and has gained a good clientage along both lines. He is numbered among the native sons of Chickasaw County, for his birth occurred in Utica township, April 18, 1869, his parents being James and Bridget (Hardmon) McGinn, who are natives of Ireland. They came to the United States in young manhood and womanhood and were married on Staten Island, New York, in 1851. There they resided for two years and on the expiration of that period removed westward to Illinois. They settled first in Ogle county, were they resided for a decade. The father was a poor boy when he came to the United States and for years he worked as a a day laborer or by the month as a farm hand. But he was ambitious to engage in business on his own account and made the most of his opportunities toward that end. Eventually he began farming for himself in Ogle county upon rented land and in 1865 he removed from Illinois to Chickasaw county, where he purchased where two years before he had purchased one hundred and forty acres of land in Utica township, buying this from the man for whom he had worked in Ogle township, Illinois. His farm was situated on sections 30 and 31, Utica township, and upon this place he took up his abode, making it his home to the time of his death or for a period of thirty-five years. He passed away September 17, 1900, at the venerable age of eighty-four years, leaving to his family not only a comfortable competence but also a priceless heritage of a good name. His wife survived him for about seventeen years, her death occurring June 26, 1917, when she had reached the age of eighty-nine. During her later years she made her home with her two sons, P. E. and Frank McGinn. The record of the father is one which would well serve as a source of encouragement and inspiration not only to his sons but to all who read his life history. Starting out in the business world as a poor boy without capital and without the aid of influential friends, he steadily worked his way upward and ultimately became the owner of six hundred acres of the most fertile land in Chickasaw county and was numbered among its men of affluence. P. E. McGinn, has been a lifelong resident of Chickasaw county. He was educated in the district schools near his father's farm, in the public schools of New Hampton and in the Breckenridge Institute at Decorah, from which institution he was graduated with the class of 1891. When his school days were over he took up educational work and for ten years devoted his time to the profession of teaching. He also engaged during that period in farming and more and more largely concentrated his efforts and attention upon agricultural pursuits and stock raising. He began specializing in the breeding of thoroughbred Percheron horses, black polled Angus cattle and Chester hogs and his livestock interests have constituted an important branch of his business, bringing to him gratifying success. At the time of his marriage he was deeded one hundred and twenty acres of land by his father, this tract constituting a part of the old homestead upon which he was born. Subsequently he bought one hundred and forty acres more, on which was located the old family residence and farm buildings, and he continued to reside upon the farm until December, 1914, when he removed to New Hampton, where he has since made his home. He still owns the farm of two hundred and sixty acres, however, and it is now being developed and cultivated by tenants under his direction. Since taking up his abode in the city, Mr. McGinn has given his attention to the real estate and insurance business and has gained a very large clientage. He was one of the organizers of Saude Cooperative Creamery Company and a member of the committee that drafted its by-laws. For ten years after its organization he served as president and placed the business upon a substantial basis. Mr. McGinn has always been an earnest democrat in his political views and for many years was chairman of the Utica township democratic central committee, thus being very active in formulating the policy and directing the interests of the party in Chickasaw county. He has served as a member of the board of township trustees and was acting in that capacity when the board introduced the first tractor into the county for the purpose of road grading. He likewise served on the school board for a number of years and for eleven years was secretary of the school board. In the November election of 1914 he was chosen for the office of county auditor of Chickasaw county and easily discharge his duties. He filled the position for four years and upon his retirement from office entered upon the real estate and insurance business. On the 19th of September, 1899, Mr. McGinn was joined in wedlock to Miss Mary Commerford, a daughter of Terrence and Mary Commerford, who are numbered among the earliest of the pioneer settlers of Utica township, there being but two families in the township at the time of their arrival. Mr. and Mrs. McGinn are the parents of five children: Irene, James, Olivette, Ambrose, and Virgil. All are yet at home and are being accorded excellent educational advantages. The religious faith of the family is that of the Catholic church and Mr. McGinn is identified with the Knights of Columbus. His position in Chickasaw county is that of a representative citizen, honored for his sterling worth, for what he has accomplished in a business way and for what he has done in behalf of public progress. Source: History of Chickasaw and Howard Counties, Vol. 2, Pages 499 and 500. Transcribed by Lookup person Leonard Granger. |
John McHugh, was born at Lindsay, Ontario, Canada, on the 23rd of December 1842, his birthplace being on the farm his mother had been reared and also his father spent his boyhood days. John McHugh experienced farm life on the frontier, with handling the plow, swinging the axe, in cradling grain, and caring for livestock. In July, 1863, he married Miss Margaret Falvey and the following fall left the farm to accept position of governor of the county jail. In June 1867, he rented the Canadian farm and headed west to Dubuque, Iowa and a few months later entered the employ of W. and J. Fleming Company, well known agent in the lumber trade at McGregor, Iowa. After a year of training at the extensive yard as a foreman, John McHugh was sent to Lawler, Chickasaw County, Iowa as manager of its interests in that place. He took up his new duties and also became a recognized leader in local affairs. He acted as township trustee, as school director, as recorder, and was also major of the town of Lawler. In the fall of 1875, he was nominated by the Republican Party and elected to the office of State Representative for Chickasaw County. In the same fall, he established the Bank of Lawler in company with D. R. Kirby and in November, 1877 he opened the Howard County Bank at Cresco. He extended his efforts in various fields and opened the Kendallville Roller Mills and raised livestock with a fine herd of shorthorn cattle. For eight years he filled the office of National Bank Examiner for the state of Iowa. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orvine J. McHugh, is numbered among Iowa's native sons, his birth having occurred at Lawler, Chickasaw County, on the 18th of January, 1877. He spent his youthful days in Cresco, Howard Co., Iowa to which city his parents Mr. and Mrs. John McHugh had removed in 1878. He attended Notre Dame University, at Notre Dame, Indiana, became head bookkeeper at the Chicago office of the Northern Trust Co., and after four years returned to Cresco in 1899 where he entered into business with his father-in-law, D.A. Lyons in the conduct of an implement business. In 1899, Mr. McHugh, was joined in wedlock to Miss Mary Lyons, a daughter of D. A. Lyons and Catharine (Frizgerald) Lyons, a native of Decorah, Winneshiek, Iowa. They have two children, Katherine, whose birth occurred in 1904 and Margaret, who was born in 1906. He is senior partner in McHugh and Lusson, a farm implement dealer and garage owner with the agency for the Ford cars in Cresco, Howard Co. Source: History of Chickasaw and Howard Co (1919), Vol II, Synopsis of pages 400 to 403 |
C.J. MILLER, closely identified with one of the old pioneer families in this county, ownes a fine farm property of 260 acres, situated on Section 9, Chickasaw Township, Chickasaw County were he was born February 7, 1871.![]() C.J. MILLER married on March 6, 1892, Miss Mabel HOOVER, a daughter of George HOOVER and Teresa WHITEHALL, both whom passed away in Chickasaw County. The MILLER family now have four living children: Maude, the wife of Ellsworth IDLER, who is engaged in the cement block and tile business at Bassett, Iowa; Ada, who is a teacher in the grade schools of Spencer, Iowa; Harland, who enlisted in the World War and now assists with the family farm, and Earl, also at home. Source: History of Chickasaw and Howard Co (1919), Vol II, Synopsis of pages 304 - 307 |
Since 1905 Thomas W. Munson has resided upon the farm which he now occupies on section 20, Jacksonville township, Chickasaw county. In the meantime, however, he has extended its boundaries and has made it a valuable property owing to the thrift and industry which he has displayed in the management of his business affairs. He was born August 1, 1880, in the township which is still his home, his parents being Halvor and Anna (Aberg) Munson, who were natives of Norway. The father left the land of the midnight sun when a boy of eleven years in company with his parents, making the voyage across the Atlantic in 1857. The mother came alone to America when a girl of fourteen years and she, too, crossed the briny deep in 1857. Both became residents of Wisconsin, Mr. Munson living in Dane county and the lady who later became his wife making her home in Madison. The Munson family afterward removed to Union county, South Dakota, settling near Yankton, which was the capital of the territory of Dakota. There Halvor Munson, when not yet sixteen years of age, enlisted for service in the Civil war and was for three years and three months a member of Company I of the First Dakota Cavalry. He participated in a number of hotly contested engagements and with a most creditable military record returned to his home. After receiving an honorable discharge he hired out to the government to drive oxen on a government train used in hauling supplies from Sioux City, Iowa, to Salt Lake City, Utah. Thus the summer was passed and in the following winter he worked in a lumber camp in Montana. In the spring of 1867 he came to Iowa, his parents having removed to this state in 1862, during the Indian outbreaks in South Dakota and Minnesota. They settled in Utica township, Chickasaw county, and it was here that Halvor Munson met and married his life's companion, the marriage ceremony being performed in the church at Saude in the fall of 1867. The young couple located on a farm in Jacksonville township, where Mr. Munson continued to make his home and carried on general agricultural pursuits for thirty-nine years. In 1906 he left the farm and established his home in New Hampton, where he lived retired from active business until his death, which occurred April 26, 1918, when he was seventy-two years of age, for he was born in 1846. His wife, who was born in 1844, passed away December 18, 1915. In his business affairs Mr. Munson had won substantial success and at one time owned an entire section of land in Jacksonville township, Chickasaw county, and had large land holdings in Kansas. He was a republican in polities and he and his wife were members of the Lutheran church, consistently following its teachings. Mr. Munson ever enjoyed a well deserved reputation as an upright citizen and a man of sterling character. Thomas W. Munson, after acquiring a district school education in Jacksonville township, took up farming on his own account in 1900, at the age of twenty years, operating a part of his is father's land. In 1902 he was united in marriage to Miss Anna Robinson, of Jacksonville township, a daughter of Andrew Robinson, one of the early pioneers who is still living in this locality. Following his marriage, in the fall of 1902, Mr. Munson removed to eastern Kansas, where he resided for three years, owning there two hundred and forty acres of land which he purchased from his father. In 1905 he traded his Kansas property for a part of his present home farm, obtaining one hundred and sixty acres. The boundaries of this he has since extended by additional purchase until he now has three hundred and seventy-six acres. At one time he bought a tract of one hundred and thirty-six acres and on another occasion eighty acres and today he is the owner of an extensive and valuable farm property, which he most carefully cultivates and which returns to him a gratifying annual income. He is also a stockholder in the Jerico Creamery Association and is a member of its board of directors. To Mr. and Mrs. Munson have been born six children: Anna P., Alice M., Sigrid M., Harold A., Henry W. and Ruth L. The family is widely and favorably known in this section of the state and Mr. and Mrs. Munson are faithful followers of the Lutheran church, in which they hold membership. In politics he is a republican and in the November election of 1910 was made a member of the board of county supervisors, serving for two terms or six years, his loyal support being given to every plan or measure of the board for the upbuilding of the county and the development of its interests. He is a leading and public-spirited citizen whose life is in many respects most exemplary. Source: History of Chickasaw and Howard Co (1919), Vol II, pages 251 - 252 |
Thomas J. MURPHY was born in Chicago, Illinois on October 1, 1857. When he was but three years old, he was brought by his parents, Michael and Catharine MURPHY, to Chickasaw County. The family farm was located four miles west of New Hampton, on which Thomas helped with the work and attended public schools and then in due course of time graduated from Bradford Academy. For the next twelve years he took up the profession of teaching, until the death of his father, when he concentrated his efforts on the careful management and improvement of the family farm. He became one of the well-to-do men of Chickasaw County. ![]() In 1911, the family moved to New Hampton and erected one of the beautiful residences of the city on Walnut Avenue. In Dayton Township he served as clerk for thirty-two years and was treasurer for over thirty-five years. Death came to him on the 6th of June 1913, at age fifty-five years. He demonstrated throughout his life "the way to win a friend, is to be one" and whenever assistance was needed he was among the first to respond to the call and his attainment of wealth never, in any way, affected his relations towards those less fortunate. Source: History of Chickasaw and Howard Co (1919), Vol II, Synopsis of pages 240 - 243 |
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