Cerro Gordo County Iowa
Part of the IaGenWeb Project


Cerro Gordo Court House Records
County Tax Roll Index ~ 1877 ~ A - C Surnames

There are misspellings in this file.  Apparent ones are marked by *

Surname First Name or Initial
Abbott L.C.
Abbott L.C.
Able G.
Able G.
Adams C. W.
Adams Charles M.
Adams Charles M.
Alden Jane and Jennie
Alders Jacob
Alderson R.
Alexander Mrs. R. V.
Allen G.A.
Allen G.C.
Allyn W.N.
Anderson Ole
Arnold E.L.
Ashton Hugh
Askin A. Asklin
Atkins George
Atkins George
Awest Rose
Babcock D.R.
Babcock D.R.
Babcock R. Babcock
Bacher M.S. Bacher
Bailey Ira L.
Bailey John
Bailey John
Baker D.G.
Baker Daniel G.
Baker M.C.
Ballard George
Ballard George
Ballard George O.
Bangess T.S.
Barnard W. O.
Barnes J.A.
Barney R.
Bartholomew Charles
Bates E. H.
Bates O.A.
Becker James M.
Behr C.J.
Behr John Behr
Bell H.C.
Bell John Bell
Benson R.S.
Berlin C. Berlin
Berlin C. Berlin
Bierd C.A.
Bigelow G.W.
Bill Prusian
Birney C.V
Birney V.C.
Bishop John
Blair A.F.
Blake T.
Blake T.
Blythe S.G.
Boble N.
Bogarder * J.J.
Bogardeux J.J.
Book J. W.
Boom Mary
Booth W G.
Borst James
Bortt William
Bosmoth & Co. J.
Bosworth Charlotte
Bouldrin Sarah S.
Bowden E.G. Bowdeni
Bowen A.M. Bowen
Boyington A.
Brardman Josie A. Brardman
Brayton Charles
Brayton Charles Brayton
Brentner L.L.
Brett William
Brett William
Brett William Brett
Brilmll O.B.
Britt William
Britt William
Brooks & Phelps -
Brown B.F.
Brown Dwight
Brown H.E.
Brown M.W.
Browne M.M.
Bruce James
Bryen A.
Bumak W.A.
Bumak W.A.
Burlingham A.J.
Burnham Francis B.
Burns William Burns
Burritt J.M.
Bush F. J. Bush
Bushnel N.N.
Butler N.F Butler
Buttimer William Buttimer
Butts T.H.
Cale W. N.
Calkins C.B.
Callaman Thomas
Callanan Michael, Jr.
Cameron W.H.
Card J.W.
Card L.W.
Card Mary
Care E.R.
Carey James
Carey James
Carlton George
Carr J.R.
Carr Perry
Carr William
Carter E.A.
Carter Lewis
Caslyen T. N.
Cathen M.M.
Cathie R.W.
Chadbonn Henry
Chapin D.J.
Chapin N.
Chickering & Son -
Chilson John
Christian Jon
Christoferson Ole
Church J.S. Church
Cleveland W.
Cliggett John
Clock Fannie E
Close C.
Coe W.C.
Cogsmell -
Colby C.
Connanghton Roger
Connanghton Roger
Conner Mary C. Conner
Connoly E.C.
Cookman F.
Coons C.C.
Cooper J.
Corey D.W.
Corey D.W. Corey
Corliss N.
Coslyn William
Coyles D.
Crane C.G.
Crapsey * J.C.
Crosby J. O.
Crouse J.W. Crouse
Crowell E.
Culon W.P.
Cumming & Ba * -
Cummings William E
Cummings William E. Cummings
Curvers Henry
Curvo Henry
Cutter C.
Cutter Corydow E.
Cutter Cynthia M.


Transcription by a volunteer, March of 2009

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