Cerro Gordo County Iowa
Part of the IaGenWeb Project


Cerro Gordo Court House Records
County Tax Roll Index ~ 1875 ~ E - I Surnames

There are misspellings in this file.  Apparent ones are marked by *

Surname First Name or Initial
Eggers J. T.
Elder George W.
Eldred N.
Eldridge A.D.
Eldridge A.D.
Ell * S.
Ellis M.
Ellis N.W.
Ellis W.W.
Elsham John
Emerson George M. 
Emerson George M. 
Ennis Michael
Ensley T.G.
Erickson H.L.
Erickson N. L.
Fall George
Farmington C.
Farmington C.
Farmington Charles
Farmington Charles
Farmsworth Guy
Featherston M.N.
Fenn Lucy J. 
Fink N.C.
Fletcher H. C.
Fletcher J. H.
Florence F.B.
Florence F.B.
Florence F.B.
Florence F.B.
Florence F.B.
Florence H.S.
Florence W.
Florence W.
Florence William
Foar William
Ford E.I.
Ford J.J.
Ford J.J.
Ford J.J.
Ford J.J.
Ford W.F.
Foster W. H.
Foster W. H.
Foster W.H. 
Foster W.M.
Foster W.M.
Fowle N.
Fowle N.
Fowle N.
Fowle N.
Fowle N.
Fowle N.
France E.
Frary R.B.
Frederick J.
Freeman J.D.
Freman J. D.
Frink E.G. 
Frost B.
Frost B.
Frost B. H.
Frost E.
Frost George E.
Frost George E.
Frost George E.
Frost George E.
Frost George E.
Frost George E.
Frost George E. 
Frost George E. 
Frost M.
Frost, Church, Ensign & Graves -
Frost, Church, Ensign & Graves -
Fulgham M.
Fuller G.W.
Fuller G.W. 
Furlgham J.A.
Gaduck D.A.
Gale Thomas K.
Gale Thomas K. 
Gale Thomas K. 
Gale & Gale -
Galtin R.W.
Gardner James
Gardner N.
Gardner Sal
Gardner Thomas
Garey A.G.
Garland James J. 
Garlock N.
Gash H.
Gash H.
Gaylord Edson 
Gerbach F.
Gibson Henry
Gilmor A.
Gilmore George
Glass Robert
Glass S. H.
Glass S.H.C. 
Goodkoontz * F.M.
Goodman C.S.
Goodman C.S.
Goodman C.S.
Goodman C.S.
Goodman C.S.
Goodmin C.S.
Goodmin G.S.
Gordman James
Goude Henry
Graham Charles
Graves A.S.
Graves J.G.
Graves J.G.
Graves J.G.
Graves J.G.
Graves Estate -
Gray Samuel
Grechil? P.N.
Green George
Green Bros. -
Greene Thomas
Griffin John
Griffin John
Groves H. A.
Groves N. H.
Grummond N.H.
Gummon S.B.
Hale E.D.
Hale E.D.
Hale E.D.
Hall George F.
Hall J. J.
Hall J.D.
Hall J.D.
Halthom B. F.
Hamstreet C.R.
Hanchis J.
Hanson H.
Harding W.S.
Harding W.S.
Hardman H.
Harkins E. 
Harmstrong J.
Harriman D.
Harris A.
Harris A. W.
Hartshorn B. F.
Haunches J.
Haunches J.
Haven L.  
Hawley C.M.
Haynes D.W. 
Hazelberger J.B.
Headrick A. W.
Headrick A. W.
Heansen C.
Heaton & Todd -
Heaton & Todd -
Hefferman J.
Henderson Martha
Hernzelman James
Hickok E.R.
Hickok G.R.
Hilel David
Hill T.S.
Hill T.S.
Hill T.S.
Hill T.S.
Hillyer J.M.
Hodson J. Homes
Holden Eli
Holshouser Jacob
Honey J.
Hood H
Hood H.
Hood H.
Hood H.
Hood H.
Hood Mrs. E. Z.
Houdnixsen F.M. 
Houston Samuel
Hovend L.  
Howard E.
Howard R. A.
Hubbard C.N.
Hubbard C.P.
Hughes R.
Hunt G.
Hunt L.
Hunt L.
Hurd Joseph
Hurd Joseph
Ingersoll F.F.
Irwin W.R.
Irwin W.R.


Transcription by a volunteer, March of 2009

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