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Meservey-Thornton High School Class of 1984


Ahrens, MichelleMeints, Tammy
Blau, BettyMosiman, Lynne
DeVries, KrisNicolet, Kent
Gunnerson, MikePals, Jill
Hartwig, GuyPals, Jody
Haspany, BethPals, Lisa
Heitland, DennisPals, Thomas "Tom"
Hopkey, LonRuiter, Scott
Kuhlers, KalinSchlichting, Brian
Love, DianeWiemann, Marcy
Meinders, DaleWonsmos, Valerie

Source: "Meservey-Thornton graduation set." Globe Gazette (Mason City, Iowa). 17 May 1984. Pg 7.
Transcribed for Cerro Gordo County IAGenWeb by Jennifer Gunderson (Feb 2021)