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Clear Lake High School Class of 1949


Ashland, Kenneth C.Latham, Lucy Isabelle
Azbill, E. JoanneMartin, Barbara Joan
Bachellor, Merlin J.Miles, Joan Ruth
Bailey, Beverly AnnMusgjerd, Donna E.
Beck, Alvina LouiseNelson, Mary Lou
Bisgrove, Donald G.Nesbit, K. Ellerson
Boyle, Susan JaneNichols, Jr., John
Cook, Donavan D.Olson, Marilynne
Dahl, Curtiss E.Ostercamp, Daryl L.
DeVries, Edwin MerlePetersen, Richard A.
Doescher, Margaret I.Pierce, Patricia Lee
Edgar, Wesley D.Pugh, Lora Lee
Estep, Dean R.Reckard, Betty Irene
Frenz, Carol LenoreRenberg, Arthur L.
Fuller, DorothyReplogle, Robert L.
Furleigh, Richard G.Rice, Daniel A.
Furleigh, Robert H.Rickard, Lois Elaine
Garth, Chester H.Roberts, Beverly
Geilenfeldt, LaVon E.Rowe, Janet Marie
Goodell, Elizabeth J.Shook, Petty Jane
Grandon, C. RomaineSorensen, Peggy A.
Haxton, Barbara JaneSteege, Alice L.
Hegtvedt, Edward O.Swain, Eugene D.
Hoeft, Marilyn L.Wilson, Robert T.
Kimball, Jack H.Zimmerlee, Sally V.
Klang, Don B.Zirbel, Fred H.
Knutson, Emily M.Zirbel, Glen H.

Source: "Plans Made for Granduation." Globe Gazette (Mason City, Iowa). 12 May 1949. Pg 5.
Transcribed for Cerro Gordo County IAGenWeb by Jennifer Gunderson (Feb 2021)

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