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Cerro Gordo County

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Card Index of Licensed Bakers, ca. 1918

Business / ProprietorAddressCity
The Canton Cafe Co.107 S. Federal Ave.Mason City
Greek Bakery & Grocery, George Popotonopolous25 St. N.W.Mason City
Iowa I. O. O. F. & Orphans HomeR.F.D. 7Mason City
Lehigh Bakery, Karamitros BrothersR.F.D. 1 Box 69Mason City
Mason City Bakery Co.319-321 Delaware Ave. S.Mason City
Edward McLaughlin215 North FederalMason City
Milwaukee Bakery, Tony Coleff626 S. JacksonMason City
Serve Self Cafeteria, Charles Gilman25 1st St.Mason City
C. B. SilsbyMain St.Clear Lake
Van Noy Inter State Co. Mason City
Venice Cafe111 South FederalMason City
Vermilya Cafe, C. S. Sanborn15 South Federal Ave.Mason City
Mrs. L.G. Wattrs4th St.Clear Lake
Wilson & Kelley219 First St.Mason City

Source: U.S. Food Administration. Iowa State Food Administration. (7/1917 - 1919). Series: Card Index of Licensed Bakers, ca. 1918 - ca. 1918. Record Group 4117676106: Records of the U.S. Food Administration, 1917 - 1920.
Repository: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.
Transcribed for Cerro Gordo County IAGenWeb by Jennifer Gunderson (Mar 2021).