Cerro Gordo County Iowa
Part of the IaGenWeb Project
Iowa Recorder Greene, Butler County, Iowa September 22, 1915
A few of the Dougherty people who were in attendance at the lawn social Sunday afternoon and evening at the Dan O'Connor home in Carterville were Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Kelsh, Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. James O'Connor and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lalor and family, Mr and Mrs. William Reed and family, Misses Sadie and Alice Magee, Hannah, Ella and Mary Beecher, Lewine McLaughlin, Petranelle Madden, Williamette Brady, Mamie Cunningham, Katherine Geary, Ella Barnrick, Loretta nad Lenore Dougherty, Anna Conwell, Allie McGee, Anna Zweck, Margaret Boyle, Gertrude Breslin, Mayme Hogan, Messrs. J.J. Will and James Beecher and James McManus, Everett and Peter and John Dougherty, John and Daniel McLaughlin, Leo Geary, Leo Danehy, Ben Barr, R.A. Lowrie, John and Francis Madden, C.C. Wertz, Frank Huss, Ed Sweney, Jim Mullen, Hugh O'Donnell, Thomas Dolan, James and Wade Clark, Ralph and Walter Hogan, and Dr. Barragy. Coffee and sandwiches as well as ice cream and cake were served. A ball game in the after noon between the Dougherty Cubs and Carterville was one of the attractions. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves in spite of the chilly weather. Transcription by C.J.L., October of 2003
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