Cerro Gordo County Iowa
Part of the IaGenWeb Project
The Globe Gazette Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa Saturday, September 12, 1942
to Be Used as a Household Guide. It Can Be Clipped Out and Pasted in a Convenient Place.
Red Cross - For all activities (first aid, home nursing, etc.)
except production, chapter headquarters, 19 1/4 North
Federal avenue, phone 1321. For sewing, knitting,
surgical dressings, production headquarters in Lincoln school
basement, (after Labor day) Mrs. Jay LORENZ, chairman.
Navy - Recruiting office, C. R. MOORE, officer in charge, Federal
building, phone 739.
Army - Recruiting office, Sgt. Gerald E. NELSON, officer in charge, Federal building.
Draft Boards - No. 1, Max CLAUSEN, phon 578; No. 2,
Dorothy PRICE, phone 831, Federal building.
Rationing Board - C. A. ANDERSON chariman, phone 1316,
Federal building.
Books for Servicemen - Mason City public library, Miss
Lydia M. BARRETT, phone 716.
War Jobs - U.S. employment service, 19 Third street
north-east, phone 28, Clay COWAN, manager.
Civil Air Patrol - Stanley H. MacPEAK, commander, phone
170, Armory, Tuesday and Friday nights.
Iowa State Guard - Capt. Leslie R. WHIPPLE, phone 548.
Headquarters in armory, phone 706.
Auxiliary Firemen - Chief Daniel H. SHIRE, phone 61 at
central fire station.
Auxiliary Police - Chief Harold F. WOLFE, phone 2140, at police station.
Grease Salvage - Home chairman, Mrs. H. D. MAKEEVER;
Dealer's chairman, George WATKINS; County chairman, F. W. KRUEGER.
War Savings Bond Drive - E. H. WAGNER, chairman
headquarters at Chamber of Commerce, 121 1/2 East State street, phone 146.
Scrap Metal, Rubber and Rags - L. A. PAGE, chairman. For
collection call 146, the junior division of the Chamber of Commerce.
Defense Transportation - For information call B. J.
DRUMMOND, manager traffic department, Chamber of Commerce, phone 146.
Phonograph Records - Take to any grocery store or Service
Men's club, 317 North Federal avenue, phone 2032.
Air Raid Setup - J. F. WAGNER, chief warden; Walter B.
and Fred C. WILTS, assistant chief wardens; George BARRETT,
first ward; Charles W. BARLOW, second ward; A. L.
SCHMIDT, third ward; Roy V. HARRIS, fourth ward, and
Everett HUFFMAN, New Haven and Central Heights.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2011 |
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