Cerro Gordo County Iowa
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Globe Gazette
Heroes Day Parade and Program Start 7:40 p.m. at Armory
![]() Cerro Gordo county's six gold star families of World war II were named guests of honor for the Heroes Day observance in Central park at 8 o'clock Friday evening, according to W. D. LATTIMER, chairman of the day.
Five of the families will have special places in front of the speaker's platform during the ceremonies, but Mrs. Mary SCHOLL, invalid mother of Hero Raymond Earl SCHOLL, will be unable to attend. The other five families include the following.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene HOWARD. Mr. HOWARD is a brother of Hero Rolan HOWARD.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira J. SEARLE, parents, and also the widow and child of Hero Erwin L. SEARLE.
Mrs. Ida BURKE, mother of Hero William A. BURKE.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. CARROLL, parents of Hero Guy W. CARROLL.
The evening's ceremonies will start with a parade which leaves the armory at 7:40 o'clock, marching south to Second street southwest, east to Federal avenue, north to First street northwest, and west ot Washington avenue nortwest where it will disband with units taking their places in Central park. The parade units will include the colors and color guards of the city's patriotic organizations, the state guard unit, veterans of World war I, Boy and Girl Schouts, the Navy Mothers club, Spanish-American war veterans, Daughters of Union veterans, the American Legion Auxiliary, the V.F.W. Auxiliary, the Gold Star Mothers club, the civil air patrol in uniform and an escort by local and highway police officers. The municipal band will furnish the music. Simultaneously with the start of the parade, two airplanes will fly over the business district and drop numbered tickets. Those with numbers matching those drawn by the committee will be awarded $5 each in war savings stamps. Twelve "Minute Maids," selling stamps and bonds on downtown Mason City streets throughout the afternoon and evening also distributed the number tickets. John A. SENNEFF will be the speaker at the ceremonies in Central park which will follow the retreat and lowering of the colors by members of the vetrans' organizations. He will be introducted by Mr. LATTIMER. Vice-chairman of the day are Roy KISER and Ed PEARSON, commanders of the American Legion and V.F.W., respectively. The program will close with a concert by the municipal band and the benediction by the Rev. C. Burnette WHITEHEAD. The Celebration of American Heroes day was planned by the National Organization of Retailers for Victory and is sponsored locally by every retail merchant in Cerro Gordo county to promote the sale of U.S. war savings stamps and bonds. The boys of this county, risking their lives to protect our liberties, expect the people at home to keep them fed and equipped. Mr. LATTIMER informed listeners to the KGLO Forum hour Thursday evening. "This they have a right to expect and this we must do," he insisted. "Certainly, the investment of our money at almost 3 per cent interest is no great sacrifice. On the other hand, it is a rare and unusual privilege to have the opportunity to buy protection and make an investment at the same time. "Fighting a war requires money the same as it requires men. The purchase of stamps and bonds is one of the few ways you and I can help our boys and protect our homes. "In a broad sense, every boy who has left this country to fight for his country has distinguished himself, regardless of whether or not he ever receives a medal. On far flung battle lines stretching from the snows of Alaska to the sands of Egypt these Cerro Gordo county soldiers have taken their place with soldiers from other states of the union. "Certainly, it is a privilege for those of use who remain at the home front to have this opportunity to honor these Cerro Gordo county heroes." Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2012
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