Cerro Gordo County Members
Crabb, Dr. George M., 4 Hampshire Court, Mason City, Iowa; Grinnell College, 1924A. |
Garfin Louis, 932 N. Monroe Ave., Mason City, Iowa; Univ. of Iowa, 1938. |
Graves, Elizabeth H., 204 5th St., N. E., Mason City, Iowa; Univ. of Iowa, 1929. |
Handel, Mrs. Paul (Ruth Miller), 18 Beaumont Dr., Mason City, Iowa; Cornell College, 1924, A.B.; Homemaker. |
Hanson, Mrs. Volney A. (Mabelle Eddy), 830 N. Hampshire Ave., Mason City, Iowa; Cornell College, 1923, A.B.; Housewife. |
Harris, Addie, 224 6th Pl., S. E., Mason City, Iowa; Univ. of Iowa, 1918. |
Hart, Jane A., c.o. Hanford Hotel, Box 1069; Mason City, Iowa; Univ. of Iowa, 1939, A.B., A.M. |
Herfindahl, Orris, 308 S. Indiana Ave., Mason City, Iowa; Univ. of Minnesota, 1939. |
Holland, E. Cathryn, 426 S. Quincy, Mason City, Iowa; Univ. of Iowa, 1940, A.B.; Teaching. |
MacDonald, Jeanne C., 933 N. Delaware Ave., Mason City, Iowa; Univ. of Iowa, 1929. |
MacGowan, Mollie P., Clear Lake, Iowa; University of Iowa, 1907, A.B.; Mathematics, High School, Mason City, Iowa. |
Runcie, Dorothy F., 608 N. Fourth St., Clear Lake, Iowa; Carleton College, 1932. |
Schwartz, Esther A., 609 N. Federal, Mason City, Iowa; University of Iowa, 1923. |
Shepard, Hugh H., 115 10th St., Mason City, iowa; Univ. of Iowa, 1897, Ph.B.; 1900, LL.B.; Lawyer; President, Shepard Abstract Co. |
Smiley, Mrs. Ralph E., 1205 3rd St., S. W., Mason City, Iowa; Grinnell College, 1929. |
Starr, Dr. Charles, 807 N. Jefferson Ave., Mason City, Iowa; Grinnell College, 1935, A.B.; Johns Hopkinds Univ., Ph.D.; Teacher of Chemistry |
Thomas, Ursula, E. Main St., R. F. D. 2, Clear Lake, Iowa; Univ. of Iowa, 1939, A.B.; 1940, A.M.; Student. |
Titus, Mrs. Grace B., 412 E. State St., Mason City, Iowa; Indiana Univ., 1921. |
Vedeler, Harold C., Clear Lake, Iowa; Univ. of Iowa, 1926. |
Whitehead, Winston R., 105 10th St., N. W., Mason City, Iowa; Northwestern Univ., 1940, B.S. |
Woodward, Lee E., 102 N. Washington Ave., Mason City, Iowa. Grinnell College, 1909. |
Yoseloff, Tom, 621 1st St., S.E., Mason City, Iowa; Univ. of Iowa, 1935. |
Source: Phi Beta Kappa. Phi Beta Kappa Directory, 1776-1941. New York, N.Y.: The United chapters of Phi beta kappa, 1941.
Transcribed for Cerro Gordo County IAGenWeb by Jennifer Gunderson. (Oct 2021)
Transcribed for Cerro Gordo County IAGenWeb by Jennifer Gunderson. (Oct 2021)