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Cerro Gordo County

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Patrons' Directory
Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1895

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Allen, JamesFarmerBurchinal19
Carr, A. T.Farmer and Township AssessorRockwell14
Coe, L. H.Farmer and Breeder Pure Bred Short Horn Cattle and Poland China HogsRockwell16
Cook, Peter PFarmerRockwell19
Hansen, J. H. Farmer and Breeder Short Horn Cattle and Poland China HogsBurchinal18
Gauld, J. J. and Lakins, J. L.Proprietors of "Home Dairy Farm;" Breeders of Registered Holstein Cattle, Poland China Hogs; Manufacturers of Separated Butter and Milk, with a herd of 30 to 50 CowsRockwell25
Lillibridge, R. L.Farmer and Township ClerkRockwell16
Lorenzen, H. J.FarmerBurchinal7
Norman, Emma EFarmerBurchinal6
Richards, Wm.Farmer and Breeder of Registered Red Polled Cattle. Young Cattle for saleRockwell21
Sadler, S. H.FarmerRockwell35
Stevenson, J. M.Farmer and Breeder Percheron HorsesMason City9
Walch, SFarmerBurchinal18
Adams, PeterFarmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake31
Auchampach, W. J.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake30
Bokelman, HenryFarmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake9
Bokelman, J. H.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake8
Chapin, J. M.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake2
Clapsaddle, D. D.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake3
Eddy, J. W.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake30
Fish, FredFarmer and Stock RaiserVentura17
Geist, C. E.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake29
Grimm, C. M.Farmer and Stock Raiser and Possessor of "The World's Fair" medal for shooting, it being awarded in contestClear Lake26
Hansen, H. C.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake2
Hyde, W. W.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake9
Kimball, W. H.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake9
McGrady, J. F.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake9
Mosher, W. L.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake29
Oxley, G. V.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake33
Peitzke, Wm.Farmer and Breeder Polled Angus Cattle and Registered "Jersey Red" HogsClear Lake1
Quick, J. H.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake28
Sandry, A. H.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake28
Sheriff, E. J.Farmer and Stock RaiserVentura19
Skene, RobertFarmer and Stock Raiser; Making a specialty of Breeking Trotting and Road Horses. Also, Buyer and Shipper of Grain and Dealer in CoalVentura30
Smith, S. O.Farmer and Stock Raiser. Also Assessor of Clear Lake TownshipClear Lake4
Thomas, C.Farmer and Stock RaiserVentura19
Tofflemire, J. V.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake33
Whitfield, R.ClergymanClear Lake2
Wilcken, C.Broom ManufacturerClear Lake11
Brown, F. F.Farmer, Stock Raiser and Breeder of Draft Horses.
Bates, E. H. 
Burnap, W. A.Attorney-at-Law and Expert Accountant.
Cerro Gordo State BankD. W. Hurn, President; D. H. Palmeter, Vice-President; H. E. Palmeter, Cashier; G. A. Elzel, Assistant Cashier. Does a General Banking Business.
Clear Lake BankF. M. Rogers, Presidetn; F. L. Rogers, Cashier. A General Banking Business, Real Estate, Collections, Farm Loans, Insurance, etc..
Cooley & GrayEditors and Publishers County Official Paper.
Cobb, E.Retired Farmer. Agent and Mutual Insurance against Fire, Lightning, Tornado and Wind.
Clausen, S. J.General Dealer in Grain, Seeds, Ground Feed, Oil, Meal, etc. Elevators at Clear Lake and Britt, Iowa.
Clark, C. T. & SonPropietors Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
Carlyon, T. H.Dealer in Farm Machinery, Pumps, Wagons, Buggies, etc.
Elzel, John L.The Druggist. Dealer in Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Paints, etc.
Grimm, A. N. 
Hollingsworth, Mahlon FLaw, Loan and Real Estate
Hammond Bro's & YoungReal Estate, Loans and Insurance.
Hall, E. E.Proprietor of Livery, Feed and Real Estate.
Hanson, J. S.Real Estate Dealer.
Halvorson, JohnDealer in General Merchandise.
Lambertson, C. M.Proprietor of Livery, Feed and Sale Barn. First-class Rigs furnished on short notice, with or without drivers.
Lindon, I. G.Dealer in Stock and Real Estate.
Leavenworth, J. H.Retired Wheelwright.
McDowell & AldrichG. F. McDowell and L. I. Aldrich, Physicians and Surgeons.
Paulson, J. P.Practical Blacksmith and Wagon-maker. Plow work a specialty.
Pramer, P. M.General Blacksmith, Wagon, Carriage and Repair Shop.
Sirrine, R. O.Retired Farmer.
Simenson, SewellRetired Farmer.
Woodford, Wheeler & TompkinsDealers in Lumber, Coal and Wood, Posts, Lime, Stucco, Cement, etc. Yards in Garner, Fonda and Pomeroy.
Watts, George A.Dealer in Live Stock and Proprietor of Milwaukee Meat Market.
Dougherty, D.FarmerCold Water36
Grady, H. S.Farmer, Breeder of Registered and Grace Short Horn Cattle and Poland China Hogs. Township TrusteeRockford1
Hogan, MartinCatholic PriestCold Water25
Lalor, RichardFarmerRockwell11
Massee, Geo. A.Farmer, Breeder of Short Horn Cattle and Poland China HogsSheffield32
McMonagle, JamesFarmerRockwell6
Merrick, G. F.Farmer and Breeder of Registered and Grade Short Horn Cattle, Poland China Hogs, and Full Blood Black Langshang and Brown Leghorn ChickensCold Water24
Merrick, A. J.FarmerMarble Rock25
Merrick, H. N.FarmerMarble Rock25
Mullin, R.FarmerCold Water25
O'Donnell, Con.FarmerRockwell33
O'Donnell, DanFarmerRockwell33
Ormsby, John F.Farmer and Breeder of Full Blook Short Horn Cattle, Poland China and Berkshire HogsRockwell31
Treston, J. E.Farmer and Breeder of Registered and Grade Short Horn Cattle. Township Clerk.Rockwell8
Weaver, B.Farmer and Breeder of Clyde HorsesRockwell3
Christiansen, L. N.FarmerRock Falls34
Cochonour, J. F.Proprietor of "May Flower Creamery"Rock Falls22
Ehlers, FredCashier Bank of PlymouthPlymouth5
Hansen, B.FamerRock Falls28
Helm, M.FarmerPlymouth1
Hemphill, R. J.Physician and SurgeonPlymouth5
Holroyd, A. M.FarmerPlymouth6
Johnson Bros.Dealers in General MerchandisePlymouth5
Keidle, J.FarmerRock Falls26
Keidle, Wm.FarmerRock Falls26
McNitt, HenryFarmerPlymouth18
Meier, Wm. A.FarmerRock Falls15
Morse, Geo. O.FarmerRock Falls21
Page, G. W.Dealer in Lumber and GrainPlymouth5
Sherman, S. J.FarmerNora Springs36
Siewertsen, G.FarmerMason City33
Siewertsen, PaulFarmerMason City32
Stebens, Jno C. F.FarmerMason City32
Stevens, J. L.FarmerPlymouth18
Sutton, J. A.FarmerPlymouth8
Weitze, H. E.FarmerNora Springs25
Amendt, S.Farmer and Breeder of Full-blood Poland China Hogs, Short Horn Cattle and Norman HorsesRockwell16
Bealafald, H.Farmer and Breeder of Registered Chester White Hogs and Full-blood Short Horn CattleSheffield25
Bird, IsaacFarmerSheffield34
Block, GerhardFarmerRockwell24
Bruce, Chas. T.Farmer and Breeder Full-bred Poland China HogsRockwell4
Conrin, MichaelFarmerRockwell5
Demo, M.FarmerRockwell13
Ennis, M.FarmerRockwell23
Fansler, L. S.Farmer and Township TrusteeRockwell17
Gaffney, JohnFarmerRockwell11
Ganley, FrankFarmerSheffield28
Gerdes, D.FarmerSheffield30
Gray, G. H.FarmerSheffield28
Holihan, JamesFarmerRockwell23
Kennedy, SteveFarmerRockwell24
Kew, JohnFarmerRockwell9
Lyman, Geo. E.FarmerSheffield36
McMullen, FrancisFarmerRockwell9
Moorehead, Geo. E.Farmer and AssessorRockwell15
Quincey Bros.FarmerRockwell17
Roben, GerdFarmerRockwell20
Smith, Wm.FarmerRockwell3
Wellendorf, Wm.FarmerSheffield27
Dawson, J. H.Farmer and Breeder of Registered Jersey Cattle and Grade Short HornsClear Lake35
Garlock, David A.FarmerClear Lake25
Hill, HenryProprietor of "Burr Oak Stock Farm"Clear Lake11
Hill, SilasFarmerFertile11
Sampson, E. H.Proprietor of "Bear Grove Stock Farm"Clear Lake17
Buche, C. A.FarmerMeservey21
Bruchner, Wm.FarmerThornton14
Clemons, ScottFarmerThornton10
Floy, Peter P.Farmer and Stock RaiserThornton3
Floy, Marius P.FarmerThornton27
Floy, Martin P.FarmerThornton36
Floy, S. P.Farmer and Stock RaiserThornton3
Foss, Ed.FarmerMeservey19
Hansen, Christ.FarmerThornton22
Hansen, Peter F.FarmerThornton34
Hemming, M. T.FarmerThornton35
James, J. L.Farmer and Township ClerkThornton36
Juhl, S. P.FarmerThornton16
Long, Geo.FarmerThornton12
McBride. H. G.FarmerThornton11
Messelheiser, Wm.FarmerMeservey18
Miller, A. S.FarmerMeservey33
Myers, N. A.FarmerMeservey20
Myers, T. H.FarmerThornton17
Nealis, PhillipFarmer and Stock RaiserThornton2
Neve, NicholasFarmerThornton26
Nielsen, JerryFarmerThornton16
Nissen, J.Proprietor of "Pleasant Hill Stock Farm," Breeder of Polled Angus Cattle, Joseph of Kane, No. 18,554, at head; also of Clydesdale Horses and Poland China Hogs. Young Things for Sale.Meservey32
Riedel, CarlFarmerThornton12
Schlutz, HenryFarmerThornton1
Schumacher, FredFarmerThornton2
Schumacher, H.C.FarmerThornton6
Schumacher, S. C.FarmerThornton5
Sylvester J. W.FarmerThornton13
Wagner, PeterFarmerThornton23
Wagner, GeorgeFarmerThornton7
Watson, Wm.FarmerThornton22
Wickersheim, G.FarmerMeservey32
Wohler, HansFarmerMeservey34
Ytzen, LudvigFarmerThornton27
Ziebarth, A. W.FarmerThornton24
Ziemann, FrederickFarmerThornton21
Aitchison Bros.Farmers and Stock Raisers; also Breeders of Chester White HogsClear Lake21
Ashland, G. C.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake31
Ashland, O.C.Farmer and Stock Raiser; also Feeder and ShipperClear Lake19
Baker, FrankFarmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake17
Baker, W. H.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake16
Colby, C. L.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake34
Colby, W. M.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake27
Daker, A. B.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake32
Dorchester & SonFarmers and Stock Raisers; also Breeders of Short Horn Cattle and Poland China Hogs.Clear Lake16
Dawson, JohnFarmer and Stock Raiser; also Proprietor of "Clear Lake Dairy," and milk routeClear Lake8
Hill, EdgarFarmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake28
Hill, Frank W..Farmer and Stock RaiserBurchinal26
Hodnefeld, IverFarmer and Stock RaiserBurchinal34
Jargensen, Christ.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City25
Iverson, C. L.Farmer and Stock Raiser; also operates a Steam ThresherClear Lake33
Knutson, OleFarmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake29
McKercher, FinlayFarmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake28
Millard, MyronFarmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake26
Miller, S. W.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City12
Nelson, A. H.Farmer and Stock Raiser; also Assessor of Lake TownshipClear Lake20
Nielson, M.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake35
Olson, OleFarmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake20
Pederson, P. J.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake15
Pester, JamesFarmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake8
Scanland, R. N.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake9
Skadeland, Ole O.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake31
Skadeland, G. Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake31
Telford, H. H.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City36
Turner, JohnManager of County Poor FarmClear Lake11
Alitz, W.Farmer and Stock RaiserManly Junction6
Boy, CharlesFarmer and Stock RaiserMason City36
Bryant, A. M.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City9
Carr, RobertFarmer and Stock RaiserMason City23
Davis, F. W.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City1
Dancliff, H. A.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City17
Fontaine, Wm.Farmer and Proprietor of Jersey Stock FarmMason City26
Freeman, H. C>Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City15
Fromm, Chas.Farmer and Stock RaiserPlymouth11
Gould, L. E.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City22
Harding, A. E.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City32
Hubbard, M. B.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City27
Kling, M. H.Farmer and Secretary of Lime Creek Farmers' Co-operative AssociationMason City7
Kruger, Theo.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City28
Lamb, E. P.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City6
Mayne, J. J.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City28
Mayne, ThomasFarmer and Stock RaiserMason City27
McArthur, D.Farmer and Stock Raiser; Clydesdale Horses a SpecialtyMason City14
Morris, W. V.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City26
O'Neil, C. H.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City21
Otzen, LorenzFarmer and Stock RaiserMason City7
Peek, L.A.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City24
Plath, C.Farmer and Stock RaiserManly Junction6
Richardson, J. R.Farmer, Gardener and Fruit GrowerMason City34
Russell, J. J.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City33
Tietjens, MarxFarmer and Stock RaiserMason City35
Tofflemire, AlbertFarmer and Stock RaiserMason City18
Cobb, Harry L.FarmerCreamery16
Gohlmann, John C.Farmer, Stock Raiser and FeederClear Lake29
Knudson, S.FarmerClear Lake31
Merchant, C. H.Farmer and Breeder of Shire Horses; also Hogs and CattleMason City12
Nelson, G.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City35
Paul, JohnFarmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake30
Pedelty, SimonFarmer and Stock RaiserMason City36
Pedelty, JosephFarmer and Stock RaiserMason City36
Peterson, O.B.FarmerClear Lake30
Phillips, C. H.Farmer and Stock RaiserCreamery9
Richardson, B. G.Farmer and Stock RaiserFertile6
Schmidt, F.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake19
Spilman, N.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City34
Tagne, M. E.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City26
Tifft, Chas. S.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake29
Voltz, Geo. W.FarmerClear Lake30
Wells, E. J.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City14
Dean, RichardFarmer and Stock RaiserMason City25
Freeden, H. W.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City34
Hanson, N.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City1
Harrington, H. S.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City1
Letts, Wm.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City23
McCulloch, W. A.Dairyman, Proprietor of "Maplewood Dairy Farm"Mason City8
McGowen, A.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City36
Meurs, ClausFarmer and Stock RaiserMason City18
Nelson, S. G.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City1
Paulsen Bros.Farmer and Stock RaisersMason City32
Potter, B. S.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City12
Thompson, O. B.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City23
Wheeler, C. E.Farmer and DairymanMason City14
Williams, J. R.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City33
Adams, A. A.Real Estate and Loan Agent. Also Dealer in Fine Upper Grades of Lumber. Interior Finish a Specialty.
Allen, W. D.Owner of Allen's Addition. Choice Residence Lots for sale on Reasonable Terms.
Anderson, E. W.Agent for the Mason City and Ft. Dodge Railway.
Anderson, P. G. & SonsPropriesotrs of hotel, "The Anderson."
Baker, C. M.Proprietor of Livery, Feed and Sale'Stable
Beach, R. H.Dealer in Ice.
Beacon, T. H.Yard-Master of the C. M. & St. Paul Railway. Also Dealer in Real Estate.
Beebe, Chas. A.Engineer for C. M. & St. Paul Railway
Belding, S. C.President of the Belding Stone Company, Lime Creek Sandstone Quarries. Rough Stone on Hand and Dressed Stone Furnished.
Bennett, O. D.Dealer in Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines and Musical Merchandise, Real Estate.
Blythe, Markley & SmithLawyers
Brett & TelfordD. W. Telford, Attorney-at-Law and City Solicitor; Geo. W. Brett, Real Estate Dealer. 10,000 Acres Improved and Wild Lands in Winnebago, Butler and Cerro Gordo Counties
Brett, Wm.Dealer in Real Estate.
Brown, EugeneCounty Superintendent of Public Schools
Buchecker, O. D.Miner and Shipper of Anthracite and Bituminous Coal.
Burns, M. M. Conductor C. M. & St. P. R. R., also Real Estate owner and Dealer.
Cummings, A. H.Attorney-at-Law.
Clark, W. C.Sheriff of Cerro Gordo County.
Cadwell & KotchellProprietors Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, also Transfer, Bus line.
Commercial Savings BankI. R. Kirk, President; Hon. Jas. E. Blythe, Vice President; Geo. E. Winter, Cashier. Interest Paid on Deposits, General Banking.
City National BankJames Rule, President; O. T. Denison, Vice President; H. A. Merrill, Cashier; Richard Valentine, Assistant Cashier.
Calkins, J. M.Stock and Real Estate Dealer.
Collins, M. J.Dealer in Grain, Coal, Wood, Etc.
Cerro Gordo County Farmers' Mutual Insurance CompanyN. Dunsmore, President. Comprising 100,000 Farmers and Covering $130,000,000 of Property.
Carolan, Rev. M.Pastor Catholic Church
Daggett, B. B.Of the Firm of Daggett & Schwie, Dealers in Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies.
Dakin, J. B.Physician and Surgeon.
Day, C. H.Dealer in Real Estate.
Davey, P.Postmaster and Dealer in Agricultural Implements.
Dayton, C. G.Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Marble and Granite. Cemetery Work a Specialty.
Dike, C. T.City Engineer.
Dimmick & WrateManufacturers and Jobber of Fine Cigars.
Dunham, A. G.Farmer and Dealer in Real Estate.
Edmonds, A. J.Foreman of Round-house of Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad
Egloff, W. J.Physician and Surgeon.
Featherstone, M. H.Farmer and Stock Raiser.
First National BankH. I. Smith, President; William D. Balch, Vice President; C. H. McNider, Cashier. Do a General Banking Business.
Fitch, W. P.Manager Electric Light Plant
Glass & McConlogueAttorneys-at-Law.
Globe Printing C.Publishers of the "Daily and Weekly Globe," Job Printers.
Goude, H.Farmer and Stock Raiser.
Habetter & MyersAttorneys-at-Law. Collections, Real Estate, Insurance and Loans.
Hancock C. A. Dealer in Books, Stationery, News and Periodicals, School Supplies, Wall Paper, Windo Shades, Plush and Novelty Goods, Baby Cabs, Wagons, Velocipedes, Tricycles and Sewing Machines.
Hitchcock, E.Blank-book Maker. Blank-books, County Records, Shipping Books, Magazines, Special Ruling, Pass Books.
Hogg & SchipmanProprietors of the "Hub" Hats, Caps. Gents' Furnishing Goods for sale and Fine Tailoring.
Holcomb, Homer I.Abstracter. Absrracts of Title, Real Estate and Insurance, Money to Loan on Improved Farms. Wild Lands for sale.
Hoy, Wm.Attorney-at-Law.
Huxley, A. F.Physician and Surgeon.
Jackson, M. Y.Agent Royal Insurance Company of Liverpool. Real Estate Agent.
Jackson, O. A. General Accountant. Office Specialties.
John Paul Lumber Co.Wholesale and Retail Dealersin Lumber, Lath and Building Materials. Estimates Furnished.
Keeney, S. W.Proprietor of Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
Keerl, I. W.Clerk of District Court. Secretary and Treasurer of Mason City Transfer and Storage Company, a General Storage and Forwarding House, Especially Adapted to the Handling of Heavy Machinery, Platforms, Side Trucks, Etc.
Keith, F. S.Proprieter of Mason City Green House. Dealer in Plants, Cut Flowers and Designs.
King, W. A.Proprietor of Slocum House
Kirschman Bros.Lawyers
Klienfelter, L. L.Attorney-at-Law. Real Estate Collections.
Knudson, J. E.Dealer in Grain. All Kinds Bought and Sold.
Lee, JohnDealer in General Line of Hardware.
Lloyd, DellaFarmer and Stock Raiser.
Long, J. J.County Auditor
Longenecker, W. M.Dealer in Improved and Vacant City Real Estate. Proprietor of Carriage Repository.
Mason City Brick & Tile CompanyManufacturers of Wire Cut Brick and Drain Tile, Vitrified Paving and Sidewalk Brick, and Dealers in St. Louis Firebrick and Fire Clay. O.I. Denison, President and Manager.
Mason City Stone Co.Dealers in all Kinds Building Stone. Furnished in Lots to Suit Purchasers. E. Randall, President; Ad. Randall, Manager.
McEwen, J. H.County Recorder
McKeen, M. I.Plain and Fancy Dressmaking.
McMonagle, C.Proprietor of Restaurant at Mason City Junction.
Meyers & Meyers"Cerro Gordo County Republican." Official Paper. $1 Per Year in Advance. A Good Advertising Medium.
Munson, A. P.Of the Firm of Munson & Fry, Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries. Wholesale Dealers in Fruit.
Mudgett, F. P.Proprietor of Hotel Wheeler. Clean and Newly Furnished. The Management of this House deal neither in Politics nor Whiskey. Entire Time Taken in Catering to the Wants of Guests. Rates, $1 Per Day.
Naramore & Co.Roofers and Pavers. Dealers in Asphalt, Coal Tar and Pitch; also Asphalt Prepared Roofing. Manufacturers of Cement and Asphalt Walks, Curbing, Cellar Floors, Driveways, Etc. Encaustic and Marble Tile Floors, Grates, Etc.
Nelso, GustafCarpenter and Farm Owner.
Nettleton, Wm.Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Agent.
Noble, A. F.Proprietor of Livery and Sale Stable.
Page, L. A.Dealer in Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Posts, Mouldings, Etc.
Parker, H. G.Real Estate Dealer.
Paulsen, K. C.Retired.
Prichard, M. H. & Co.Dealers in Agricultural Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Binder Twine, Etc.
Quinn, Rev. Dr. J. C.Rector of Episcopal Church
Roberts, T. S.Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Banking.
Sanborn, G. W. Retired.
Schermerhorn, M. S.Attorney-at-Law and Life Insurance Agent.
Shepard, A. H.Abstracter of Titles. Abstracts to all Lands and Lots in Cerro Gordo County.
Shipley, C. P.Job Printing. High Art Work.
Smith, C. H.Physician and Surgeon.
Stanbery & ClarkLawyers, Notaries Public. Loan and Collecting Agents.
Stanton, JohnProprietor of Hotel Stanton. Rates, $2 Per Day. Electric Lights, Steam Heat, Transfer Busses to all Depots.
Sundell & WoodruffLeaders in Footwear. Don't Fail to See Them.
Taylor, W. W.Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Robes, Blankets, Turf Goods, Etc.
Tiffany, MajorFarmer and Stock Raiser.
The Times-Herald Co.Publishers of "The Daily and Weekly Times-Herald." Daily, $2 Per Year; Weekly, $1 Per Year. Artistic Job Printing. Book and Catalogue Departments are Unexcelled in Northern Iowa.
The Gazette Printing CompanyPublishers of "Mason City Gazette." Commercial Printers.
Vermilya, Geo.Dealer in Real Estate.
Wanninger, JoeManufacturer of Carriages and Sleighs. Fine Carriage Painting and Repairing Done on Short Notice. All Work Warranted.
Waterbury, A. L.Manager of Telephone Company. Proprietor of Park House and Hotel Anderson Barber Shops.
Wheeler, J. S.Farmer and Stock Dealer.
Wheeler, A. L.Farmer (Retired).
White, E. F.Headquarters for Dry Goods, Carpets, Notions, Etc.
Wilber, RichardLawyer. Practice in all Courts.
Willson, AlonzoDealer in Chattle Mortgage Loans.
Wilson, Chas. D. Contractor and Builder. Dealer in Houses and Lots.
Worden, F. H.General Agent for the New York Life Insurance Company.
Zoller, F.Proprietor of Zoller Block. Dealer in Real Estate.
Barney & HillBankers of Meservey. Doing a General Banking, Real Estate, Loan and Collection Business. Tickets on sale for European Ports.
Dries, C. T.Merchant.
Humphreys, L.Proprietor of City Restaurant; Fancy Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco, Ice Cream and Summer Drinks for Sale.
Knoll, J. J. & Co. Dealers in Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Agricultural Implements, Wind Mills, Oils and Paints.
Mayer, C.Proprietor of "Hotel Transietn." Rates, $1.00 per day. Good Livery in connection.
Moran, J. A.Publishers of Meservey Independent.
Peters, JohnProprietor of General Blacksmith, Wagon and Repair shop.
Stauffer, J. J.Land Agent and Conveyancer, Real Estate, Loan and Collection Agent, Public Auctioneer.
Campbell, PeterFarmerSwaledale28
Carstens, D.Farmer and Proprietor of "Prairie Gem Stock Farm"Burchinal11
Cheney, Chas.Farmer and Stock RaiserSwaledale30
Clark, I.Farmer and Stock RaiserSwaledale18
Cook, A. L.FarmerBurchinal10
Cookman, FrankFarmer and Stock RaiserBurchinal9
Eilers, D.FarmerRockwell25
Gregory, E. O.Farmer and Proprietor of "Burchinal View Stock Farm," Breeder of Registered Poland China HogsBurchinal1
Harris, Alfred E.FarmerBurchinal9
Herrman, HenryFarmer and Proprietor of "Woodbine Stock Farm," Breeder of Pure Bred Short Horn CattleBurchinal3
Hodnefield, JohnFarmerBurchinal3
Jinkins, H. J.FarmerSwaledale27
Johnson, PederFarmerSwaledale28
Kerr, A. D.Farmer and Stock RaiserSwaledale32
Knarr, Charles & EdFarmer and Stock RaisersClear Lake7
Lane, R. T.FarmerSwaledale29
Mann, Jr., JamesFarmerSwaledale27
McMillan, D.FarmerSwaledale25
McMillan, R.FarmerSwaledale25
Nelson Bros.Dealers in Live Stock, Grain and CoalBurchinal12
Patten, RobertFarmer and Breeder of Poland China HogsSwaledale28
Schow, Martin P.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake6
Severson, Ed.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake7
Severson, S. J.Farmer and Proprietor of "Maple Grove Stock Farm," Breeder of Pure Bred Durham CattleClear Lake18
Shaffer, JohnFarmerSwaledale31
Thompsen, Paul C.FarmerBurchinal3
Tipp, JohnFarmerSwaledale19
Westover, FredFarmerSwaledale33
Wilson, John R.Farmer and Proprietor of "Pleasant Hill Farm"Burchinal1
Young, Chas.Farmer and Stock RaiserSwaledale30
Armitage, E. E.Farmer and Stock RaiserOwen
Backer, Henry E. A.Farmer and Stock Raiser, Postmaster and MerchantOwen
Barragy, Mrs. JohnFarmer and Stock RaiserRockwell
Benzel, Wm.Farmer and Stock RaiserRockford
Bird, J. W.Farmer and Stock RaiserRockford
Blanchard, A. W. Farmer and Stock RaiserPortland
Blunt, James M.Farmer and Stock RaiserRockford
Board, W. H.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City
Burke, Jr., Michael J.Farmer and Stock RaiserRockwell
Cahill, Jr., JohnFarmer and Stock RaiserRockford
Clark, Thos. H.Farmer and Stock RaiserRockwell
Fullerton, NeilFarmer and Stock RaiserRockford
Geiser, JacobFarmer and Stock RaiserRockford
Hardman, H. F.Farmer and Stock RaiserRockwell
Hardman, J. W.Farmer and Stock RaiserRockwell
Jacobs, E. W.Farmer and Stock RaiserPortland
McClean, Thos.Farmer and Stock RaiserRockwell
Merchant, Thos.Farmer and Stock RaiserRockwell
Milloy, Daniel A.Farmer and Stock RaiserRockford
Miner, C. H.Farmer and Stock RaiserRockwell
O'Connor, JohnFarmer and Stock RaiserRockwell
Quackenbush, ErminaFarmer and Stock RaiserRockford
Sherwood, C. E.Farmer and Stock RaiserRockwell
Sherwood, H. M.Farmer and Stock RaiserRockwell
Tourtellott, ByronFarmer and Stock RaiserRockwell
Agler, B. J.Proprietor of "Pleasant Valley Stock Farm," Breeder of Standard Bred Trotting and Pacing Horses. "Ferris," 25102, by "Fast Mail" 6808, (by Nutwood)Thornton19
Beelar, JesseFarmerSwaledale27
Bertelsen, S. N.Farmer and Breeder of Polled Angus Cattle, and Proprietor of English Shire Horse "Cannock Watch Him," No. 11, 163 and 4056Thornton31
Brown, NielsFarmer. Proprietor of "Vineyard Farm"Thornton19
Cable, GeorgeFarmerRockwell24
Carr, R. F.Farmer (Retired)Swaledale3
Crouse, J. W.Farmer. Proprietor "Pleasant Grove Stock Farm," Breeder of High Grade Percheron Horses, Short Horn Cattle and Chester White HogsSheffield26
Davis, T. B.FarmerSwaledale4
Hemming, A. L.Farmer. Proprietor of Imported Percheron Horse "Didier," No. 38,127Thornton31
Jensen, HansFarmerSwaledale34
Nau, J. I.FarmerThornton32
Sornsen, N. P.FarmerThornton31
Toulouse, H. P.Farmer. Proprietor of "Fair View Farm"Thornton17
Toulouse, JohnFarmer. Proprietor of "Mineral Spring Farm"Swaledale20
Wilhelm, J. T.FarmerSwaledale34
Abbott, A. J.Farmer and Stock RaiserPortland32
Barker, A. J.Farmer, Stock Raiser and Breeder of Road Horses; Proprietor of "Rock Rest Stock Farm."Portland7
Banker, Geo.Farmer and Stock RaiserPortland17
Bell, Malcom G.Farmer and Stock RaiserNora Springs27
Bigelow, L. H.Farmer and Stock RaiserPortland20
Bitterman, E. L.Farmer and Stock RaiserNora Springs9
Bitterman, M. E.Farmer and Stock RaiserNora Springs11
Bowlus, C. F.Proprietor "Portland Roller Mills."Portland18
Bauer, JacobFarmer and Stock RaiserPortland8
Burlingham, A. J.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City26
Christiansen, B.Farmer and Stock RaiserNora Springs2
Confer, J. S.Farmer and Stock RaiserPortland8
Cutler, V. D.Farmer and Stock RaiserNora Springs35
Dunn, F. W.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City19
Emmert, G. L.Farmer and Stock RaiserPortland5
Fellows, B. R.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City6
Felt, Benj. R.Dealer in General Merchandise, Making Specialty of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Harness, Carriages, Road Wagons, Hardward, Flour and Feed. Portland18
Felt, C. H.Farmer and Breeder of Short Horn Cattle, Poland China Hogs and Road HorsesPortland18
Ford. J. J.Farmer and Stock RaiserNora Springs2
Freese, EdFarmer and Stock RaiserPortland22
Hill, S. C.Dealer in Grain and Live StockPortland18
Huffman, J. C.Farmer and Stock RaiserNora Springs24
Ingwersen, JohnFarmer and Stock RaiserNora Springs26
Jackson, Mrs. W. A.Farmer and Stock RaiserNora Springs3
Jensen, H. C.Farmer and Stock RaiserPortland31
Johannsen, JohanFarmer and Stock RaiserRock Falls4
Kehm, W. F.Farmer and Stock RaiserPortland8
Krause, F. A.Farmer and Stock RaiserPortland16
Krause, JohnFarmer and Stock RaiserPortland17
Ladwig, C. F.Farmer and Stock RaiserPortland9
Lichtenwalter, W. A.Farmer and Stock RaiserNora Springs10
Meacham, SylvesterFarmer and Stock RaiserMason City34
Moore, W. H.Farmer and Stock RaiserNora Springs23
Renshaw, J. S.Farmer and Stock RaiserPortland31
Schlosser, A.Farmer and Stock RaiserPortland7
Seidel, G. R.Farmer and Stock RaiserPortland32
Stark, J. H.Farmer and Stock RaiserPortland6
Steil, Peter P.Farmer and Stock RaiserMason City9
Steiner, Geo.Farmer and Stock RaiserPortland17
Stoner, Mary A.Farmer and Stock RaiserNora Springs3
Turnure, U. B.Farmer and Stock RaiserPortland28
Van Auken, L. M.Farmer and Breed of Poland China HogsMason City7
Ward, J. W.Farmer and Stock RaiserNora Springs14
Angell, J. B.Editor and Publisher of Swaledale Bee. Fine Job Printing a Specialty.
Bardsley, JohnNotary Public, Justice of the Peace, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, making Collections a Specialty.
Bouldin & SonDealers in All Kinds of Seeds and Grain, Hard and Soft Coal, Flour and Feed.
Foord & WoodwardDealers in Furniture. Undertaking Goods; Agents for Farmers' Mutual Hail Association; also Fire Insurance Writers. Lands for Sale in Winnebago, Kossuth, and Cerro Gordo Counties.
Halloran, M. J.Proprietor of Lincoln St. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable; Good Rigs, Reasonable Rates. City Dray Hire. Dealer in Farm Machinery of Every King. Constable.
Henderson, H. H.Druggist. Dealer in Stationery, Books, and School Supplies.
Henderson, J. R.Dealer in Drugs, Stationery and Books
Roberts & JenkinsBankers
Strong, Geo. M.Proprietor of Commercial Hotel and Strong's Livery. Good Accommodations at Hotel and Firest-class Rigs at Livery.
Sykes, BennettBlacksmith. Shoeing and Repairing. Plow Work Neatly and Promptly Done. Cultivator Shovels Polished at Short Notice.
Van Kirk, D. H.Real Estate Dealer. One Hundred Village Lots in Swaledale for Sale.
Whittle, E. J. Dealer in Grain.
Young, Chas. W.Mason and Bricklayer. Solid Stucco Walls and Cistern Work a Specialty. Stucco Cement, Lime and Glass for Sale.
Alberty, C. F.Contractor and Builder. Plans and Specifications furnished. Dealer in Plain and Plate Glass, etc.
Bank of ThorntonH. N. Johnson, President; J. D. Barlow, Cashier. Real Estate and General Banking.
Greeley, Horace E.Proprietor of the Thornton Enterprise, best advertising medium in Northern Iowa. Job printing facilities unsurpassed.
Holdren, W. A.Manager of Farmers' Co-operative Society. Dealer in Grain, Coal, Salt, Flour and Feed.
Kennedy, G. W.Manufacturer of Creamery Butter.
Patterson, James E.The Pioneer Dealer in Harness and Saddlery Goods, Blankets, Robes and Fly Nets. Repair work promptly and neatly done. Prices as low as the lowest.
Peters, HinrichBlacksmith. First-class Repairing in Iron. Honest work and reasonable charges
Powell, Z. T.Proprietor of City Restaurant and Zack's Livery. Board by day or week and First-class Rigs from Livery.
Tiffany Bros.E. W. Tiffany and F. G. Tiffany. Dealers in Lumber and Building Material, Barbed Wire, Posts, etc.
Allison, J. A.Farmer and Stock RaiserSwaledale35
Cullen, HughFarmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake15
Eddy, C. J.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake14
Edie, CharlesFarmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake18
Edmondson, I.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake4
Foote, Wm.FarmerSwaledale22
Fuller, Edwin B.FarmerClear Lake16
Gillett, Wm.Farmer and Stock RaiserKlemme30
Grimm, G. W.Farmer and Feeder. Owner of "Perfection Farm"Clear Lake14
Hansson, HansFarmerKlemme30
Hansen, NielsFarmer and Stock RaiserSwaledale36
Hinds, Arthur T.Farmer and Breeder of Fine Poland China Hogs and High Grade Shire HorsesClear Lake9
Muir, J. R.Farmer and Feeder of Cattle, Hogs and SheepClear Lake33
Neilsen, CarlFarmerThornton35
Olsen, ArneFarmer and Stock Raiser and Breeder of High Grade Shire HorsesClear Lake3
Proctor, T. J. Swaledale25
Sawyer, J. E. Clear Lake7
Stork, E. L.Owner and Proprietor of "Pleasant Hill Farm." Stock RaiserClear Lake18
Wallis, S. W.Farmer and Stock RaiserClear Lake15
Fullerton & McKelvieReal State, Farm Loans and Insurance, Rockford, Iowa.
Sheffield BankDoes a General Banking Business. Money Loaned on Improved Farms, Sheffield, Iowa.

Source: Plat Book of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa. Philadelphia, Pa. North West Publishing, 1895.
Transcribed for Cerro Gordo County IAGenWeb by Jennifer Gunderson (Mar 2021).