1925 State Census of Iowa, Butler County, Albion Township Transcribed by Donna Deebach for the IAGenWeb State Census Project http://iagenweb.org/census/ Copyright (c) 2005 by Donna Deebach ========================================================================================= IAGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================================= The transcriber has given permission to IAGenWeb to store and utilize the file permanently for free access on IAGenWeb state and county web sites. http://iagenweb.org. ========================================================================================= Formatted November 2005 by IAGenWeb Census Project Coordinator, Stephen D. Williams. All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================================= Census Year: 1925 Microfilm Number: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 State: Iowa County: Butler Township: Albion Town: Enumerator: Irving Toll Enumerator Date: 28 April 1925 Transcriber's Notes: All books - no street names given. ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 1 1 Frey Herman Head M W 30 M 2 G 7 Y Y Iowa Frey Henry Germany Licks Alice Germany Yes Army Iowa A Reformed 1 2 Arends Flossie Wife F W 28 M 2 G 7 Y Y Iowa Arends Siebe Germany 66 Hilmers Elizebeth Germany 67 U K Reformed 1 3 Arends Luella Daughter F W 3 S 1 Iowa Frey Herman Iowa 30 Arends Flossie Iowa 28 Iowa 1 4 Arends Siebe Son M W 2 S 1 Iowa Frey Herman Iowa 30 Arends Flossie Iowa 28 Iowa 1 5 81 Viet Hilka Head M W 25 M 4 10 10 R 4 Y Y Netherlands Viet Ben Netherlands 60 Aukes Jennie Netherlands Netherlands 1 6 Lanterbach Martha Wife F W 23 M 2 R 7 Y Y Iowa Lanterbach Ait Sr Germany 65 Mienders Wemka Iowa Iowa 1 7 81 Klapp Henry Partner M W 34 S 4 11 8 R 6 Y Y Netherlands Klapp Heako Netherlands 64 Kolthof Annie Netherlands Netherlands 1 8 Evers H J Head M W 26 S 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Evers John Germany 68 Rieman Gertie Iowa Iowa 1 9 69 Evers John Father M W 68 S 7 R 4 Y Y Germany Evers Emo Germany Yelderks Trienja Germany Germany Baptist 1 10 Wildebaer Otto Head M W 29 M 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Wildebaer Ben Germany 70 Freese Jennie Germany 68 Germany Yes Army Iowa A M E 1 11 Jejstkes Annie Wife F W 22 M 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Jejsktes Henry Germany 65 Kappel Annie Germany 61 Iowa 1 12 73 Wiley Robb Head M W 56 M 7 R 6 Y Y Ireland Wiley Andrew Ireland Wright Sarrah Ireland Ireland A Congregational 1 13 Creswell Rebecca J Wife F W 43 M 2 H 9 Y Y Iowa Creswell James Ireland Hamilton Mary Ireland Iowa Congregational 1 14 Wiley John L Son M W 19 S 2 H 9 Y Y Iowa Wiley Robb Ireland 56 Creswell Rebecca Iowa Iowa 1 15 Wiley Alittia B Daughter F W 14 S 2 G 8 9 Y Y Iowa Wiley Robb Ireland 56 Creswell Rebecca Iowa Iowa 1 16 Wiley Maxine F Daughter F W 10 S 2 G 6 9 Y Y Iowa Wiley Robb Ireland 56 Creswell Rebecca Iowa Iowa 1 17 Wiley James Andrew Head M W 25 M 2 G 8 Y Y Iowa Wiley Robb Ireland 56 Creswell Rebecca Iowa Iowa A Congregational 1 18 Koldt Poline R Wife F W 24 M 2 H 1 Y Y Iowa Klodt Jans Denmark 68 Denmark Denmark Congregational 1 19 Wiley Mary J Daughter F W 4 S 1 Iowa Wiley Andrew J Iowa 25 Klodt Poline R Iowa Iowa 1 20 Wiley James L Son M W 1 S 1 Iowa Wiley Andrew J Iowa 25 Klodt Poline R Iowa Iowa 1 21 Wiley John B Son M W 1 S 1 Iowa Wiley Andrew J Iowa 25 Klodt Poline R Iowa Iowa 1 22 69 Rieken John A Head M W 32 M 7 R 4 Y Y Germany Rieken Rieks Germany 79 Melmins Annie Germany Germany A Reformed 1 23 Vietor Katie D Wife F W 25 M 7 R 5 Y Y Germany Vietor Melle Germany 62 Obende Nellie Germany Germany 1 24 Rieken Helen A Daughter F W 4 S 2 Minnesota Rieks John A Germany 32 Vietor Katie Germany Minnesota Fathers nativity column shows fathers last name as "Rieks" instead of "Rieken". 1 25 Rieken Richard J Son M W 2 S 2 Minnesota Rieks John A Germany 32 Vietor Katie Germany Minnesota Fathers nativity column shows fathers last name as "Rieks" instead of "Rieken". 1 26 Wallbaum Peter Head M W 26 M 2 H 10 Y Y Iowa Wallbaum Fred Germany Peters Anna Germany U S A Congregational 1 27 Schrick Orra Wife F W 24 M 2 G 8 Y Y Iowa Schrick Richard Holland Bregman Clara Iowa Iowa Congregational 1 28 Wallbaum Beulah Daughter F W 2 S 1 Iowa Wallbaum Peter Iowa Schrick Orra Iowa South Dakota 1 29 Pruin Peter Head M W 29 M 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Pruin John Germany 66 Hilkens Grace Germany 56 U S A Reformed 1 30 Bulthiris Grace Wife F W 23 M 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Bulthiris A W Illinois Thurman Allitta Germany Iowa Reformed ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 1 31 Nieman Casper Head M W 36 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Nieman Oliver Germany Sapp Mary Germany Germany Yes Army Iowa A M E 1 32 81 Swygman Fannie Wife F W 23 M 7 G 7 Y Y Holland Swygman Earnest Holland Hector Trientje Holland 54 Holland M E 1 33 Nieman Oliver Son M W 3 S 2 Iowa Nieman Casper Iowa 36 Swygman Fannie Holland 23 Iowa 1 34 Nieman Earnest Son M W 1 S 2 Iowa Nieman Casper Iowa 36 Swygman Fannie Holland 23 Iowa 1 35 81 Swygman Dick Bro Law M W 15 S 7 R 8 9 Y Y Holland Swygman Earnest Holland Hector Trientje Holland 54 Holland 1 36 65 Hansen Geo Head M W 45 S 7 R 5 Y Y Denmark Hansen John Denmark 71 Nelson Marie Denmark Denmark Yes Army Iowa E Lutheran 1 37 81 Hinders Klaus Head M W 65 M 3 23 23 R 4 Y Y Holland Hinders Henry Germany Holland Holland Reform 1 38 69 Jungling Anna Wife F W 62 M 7 R 4 Y Y Germany Jungling Cornelius Germany Kriyres Emmie Germany Germany Reform 1 39 Imming Lambert Head M W 43 M 2 R 4 Y Y Iowa Imming Engbert Holland Bickner Sophia Iowa 69 Iowa A Christian People 1 40 Schatzberg Lena J Wife F W 38 M 2 R 7 Y Y Iowa Schatzberg John Germany Jager Ella Germany 71 Germany Christian People 1 41 Imming Laura J Daughter F W 15 S 1 G 7 9 Y Y Iowa Imming Lambert Iowa 45 Schatsberg Lena Iowa 38 Iowa Mothers nativity column lines 41 thru 43 shows mothers last name spelled as "Schatsberg" in census. 1 42 Imming Ralph L Son M W 8 S 1 G 3 9 Y Y Iowa Imming Lambert Iowa 45 Schatsberg Lena Iowa Iowa 1 43 Imming Bernice E Daughter F W 5 S 1 Iowa Imming Lambert Iowa 45 Schatsberg Lena Iowa Iowa 1 44 Madison Geo W Sr Head M W 33 M 2 G 8 Y Y Iowa Madison Ralph England Jackson Ester Illinois 55 Illinois A Christian 1 45 12 Miller Kathrin Wife F W 27 M 1 G 8 Y Y Illinois Miller John A N Pennsylvania 71 Brown Charity Ohio 58 Illinois Christian 1 46 Madison Geo W Jr Son M W 8 S 1 R 2 9 Y Y Iowa Madison Geo W Sr Iowa 33 Miller Katherin Illinois 27 Iowa 1 47 Madison Ralph A Son M W 6 S 1 R 1 9 Y Y Iowa Madison Geo W Sr Iowa 33 Miller Katherin Illinois 27 Iowa 1 48 Madison Helen L Daughter F W 4 S 1 Iowa Madison Geo W Sr Iowa 33 Miller Katherin Illinois 27 Iowa 1 49 Madison Dora Le Daughter F W 2 S 1 Iowa Madison Geo W Sr Iowa 33 Miller Katherin Illinois 27 Iowa 1 50 Madison John E Son M W 1 S 1 Iowa Madison Geo W Sr Iowa 33 Miller Katherin Illinois 27 Iowa 1 51 Scholes Richard O Head M W 22 M 1 R 6 Y Y Iowa Scoles Orville Iowa Brown Armida Iowa 50 Iowa Baptist 1 52 Kellmn Susie Wife F W 21 M 1 R 5 Y Y Iowa Kellmn W Iowa 43 Baptist 1 53 Evers Treno J Head M W 29 M 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Evers John Germany 68 Reman Gertie Iowa Iowa Yes Army Iowa A Reformed 1 54 Hinders Jennie Wife F W 23 M 2 G 4 Y Y Iowa Hinders Klaus Holland 65 Jungling Annie Germany 62 Germany Reformed 1 55 Evers John Son M W 4 S 1 Iowa Evers Treno Iowa 29 Hinders Jennie Iowa 23 Iowa 1 56 Evers Clarence Son M W 2 S 1 Iowa Evers Treno Iowa 29 Hinders Jennie Iowa 23 Iowa 1 57 69 Meyer Geo S Head M W 44 M 7 G 8 Y Y Germany Meyer Simond Germany Brand Annie Germany 82 Germany A Christian People 1 58 Meyer Ella Wife F W 37 M 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Meyer H T Germany 60 Hubber Hilka Germany Iowa Christian People 1 59 Meyer Simon Son M W 18 S 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Meyer Geo S Germany 44 Meyer Hilka Iowa 37 Iowa 1 60 Meyer Mary Daughter F W 17 S 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Meyer Geo S Germany 44 Meyer Hilka Iowa 37 Iowa ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 1 61 Meyer Lina Daughter F w 14 S 2 R 7 8 Y Y Iowa Meyer Geo S Germany 44 Meyer Hilka Iowa 37 Iowa 1 62 Meyer Anton Son M W 11 S 2 R 5 9 Y Y Iowa Meyer Geo S Germany 44 Meyer Hilka Iowa 37 Iowa 1 63 Meyer Minnie Daughter F W 10 S 2 R 5 9 Y Y Iowa Meyer Geo S Germany 44 Meyer Hilka Iowa 37 Iowa 1 64 Meyer Hannah Daughter F W 8 S 2 R 2 9 Y Y Iowa Meyer Geo S Germany 44 Meyer Hilka Iowa 37 Iowa 1 65 Meyer Harm Son M W 4 S 2 Iowa Meyer Geo S Germany 44 Meyer Hilka Iowa 37 Iowa 1 66 Meyer Pearl Daughter F W 2 S 2 Iowa Meyer Geo S Germany 44 Meyer Hilka Iowa 37 Iowa 1 67 Meyer Estes Daughter F W 1 S 2 Iowa Meyer Geo S Germany 44 Meyer Hilka Iowa 37 Iowa 1 68 Aswegen John L Head M W 33 M 2 R 7 Y Y Iowa Aswegen Luke D Germany Marks Grace Germany 72 Germany A Lutheran 1 69 Marks Jessie Wife F W 30 M 2 R 6 Y Y Iowa Marks Fred Germany Hempin Carrie Germany Iowa Lutheran 1 70 Aswegen Herman J Son M W 8 S 1 R 2 9 Y Y Iowa Aswegen John L Iowa 33 Marks Jessie Iowa Iowa 1 71 Aswegen Carrie T Daughter F W 6 S 1 R 2 9 Y Y Iowa Aswegen John L Iowa 33 Marks Jessie Iowa Iowa 1 72 Aswegen Lucile Daughter F W 4 S 1 R Iowa Aswegen John L Iowa 33 Marks Jessie Iowa Iowa 1 73 Aswegen Frieda Daughter F W 2 S 1 Iowa Aswegen John L Iowa 33 Marks Jessie Iowa Iowa 1 74 Hart Fred G Head M W 35 M 1 R 6 Y Y Minnesota Hart Tom Violet Yes Army A U B 1 75 Yost Nellie Wife F W 36 M 1 G 6 Y Y Iowa Yost Geo Iowa Chambers Adline Iowa Iowa U B 1 76 Hart Evaline Daughter F W 15 S 1 R 7 9 Y Y Iowa Hart Fred G Minnesota 35 Yost Nellie Iowa 36 Minnesota 1 77 Hart Violet Daughter F W 12 S 1 R 5 9 Y Y Iowa Hart Fred G Minnesota 35 Yost Nellie Iowa 36 Minnesota 1 78 Hart Florence Daughter F W 8 S 1 R 2 9 Y Y Iowa Hart Fred G Minnesota 35 Yost Nellie Iowa 36 Minnesota 1 79 Hart Donald Son M W 4 S 1 Iowa Hart Fred G Minnesota 35 Yost Nellie Iowa 36 Minnesota 1 80 69 Rieken Geo J Head M W 39 M 7 R 8 Y Y Germany Rieken Rick Germany 79 Mehmen Annie Germany Germany A Lutheran 1 81 Damhuis Henderike Wife F W 28 M 7 G 4 Y Y Germany Damhuis Peter Holland 59 Reduis Rosie Germany 59 Germany Lutheran 1 82 Rieken Rieke A Son M W 7 S 2 G 1 9 Iowa Rieken Geo Germany 39 Damhuis Henderike Germany 28 Iowa 1 83 Rieken Peter H Son M W 6 S 2 G 1 9 Iowa Rieken Geo Germany 39 Damhuis Henderike Germany 28 Iowa 1 84 Rieken Anton H Son M W 5 S 2 Iowa Rieken Geo Germany 39 Damhuis Henderike Germany 28 Iowa 1 85 Rieken Henry J Son M W 3 S 2 Iowa Rieken Geo Germany 39 Damhuis Henderike Germany 28 Iowa 1 86 Rieken Geo R Son M W 2 S 2 Iowa Rieken Geo Germany 39 Damhuis Henderike Germany 28 Iowa 1 87 Rieken Rosie Daughter F W 1 S 2 Iowa Rieken Geo Germany 39 Damhuis Henderike Germany 28 Iowa 1 88 Catchpool Will A Head M W 50 M 2 R 6 Y Y Iowa Catchpool Geo England 78 Everetts Julia Wisconsin 75 Illinois A M E 1 89 Gersema Bena M Wife F W 36 M 2 G 8 Y Y Iowa Gersema John Germany Tyjekes Bena Germany 60 Iowa M E 1 90 Catchpool Wilma M Daughter F W 16 S 1 G 9 9 Y Y Iowa Catchpool Will A Iowa 50 Gersema Bean Iowa 36 Iowa ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 1 91 Catchpool Carl G Son M W 13 S 1 G 7 9 Y Y Iowa Catchpool Will A Iowa 50 Gersema Bean Iowa 36 Iowa 1 92 Catchpool Warren A Son M W 2 S 1 Iowa Catchpool Will A Iowa 50 Gersema Bean Iowa 36 Iowa 1 93 Luck John Head M W 60 M 1 R 5 Y Y Iowa Luck Grunberg Missouri 91 Williams Susan Indiana Iowa A M E 1 94 69 Labahn Sophia Wife F W 57 M 7 G 5 Y Y Germany Lebahn Adolph Germany Graber Louise Germany Germany M E 1 95 Luck Fred F Son M W 31 S 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Luck John Iowa 60 Lebahn Sophia Germany Germany Yes Army A M E 1 96 Luck Raymond Son M W 20 S 2 R 4 Y Y Iowa Luck John Iowa 60 Lebahn Sophia Germany Germany M E 1 97 Sells Howard Head M W 29 S 1 R 3 Y Y Iowa Sells Sherman Ohio Ackerson Emma South Dakota A Baptist 1 98 81 Timmer Mrs F H Head F W 46 W 7 R 5 Y Y Holland Roll Edward Holland Ricks Albertha Holland Holland A Evangelism 1 99 Timmer Henry F Son M W 22 S 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Timmer F H Holland Roll Wupka Holland 46 Iowa A Evangelism 1 100 Timmer Albertha Daughter F W 20 S 2 R 7 Y Y Iowa Timmer F H Holland Roll Wupka Holland 46 Iowa 1 101 Timmer Edward Son M W 18 S 2 R 7 Y Y Iowa Timmer F H Holland Roll Wupka Holland 46 Iowa 1 102 Timmer Jeanette Daughter F W 16 S 2 R 8 9 Y Y Iowa Timmer F H Holland Roll Wupka Holland 46 Iowa 1 103 Timmer Thelma Daughter F W 13 S 2 R 7 9 Y Y Iowa Timmer F H Holland Roll Wupka Holland 46 Iowa 1 104 Timmer Freddie Son M W 10 S 2 R 4 9 Y Y Iowa Timmer F H Holland Roll Wupka Holland 46 Iowa 1 105 69 Eckhoff Henry Head M W 60 W 2 R 4 Y Y Germany Eckhoff John Germany Becker Jennie Germany Germany A Baptist 1 106 Freesemann Mulf Sr Head M W 57 M 7 R 8 Y Y Germany Freesemann Ned Germany 31 Timmer Anna Germany Germany A Reform 1 107 Walters Lena Wife F W 52 M 7 R 8 Y Y Germany Walter Hindricns Germany 79 Westermann Suanette Germany Germany Reform 1 108 Freesemann Ned L Son M W 25 S 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Freesemann Mulf Germany 57 Walters Lena Germany 52 Iowa 1 109 Freesemann Geo Son M W 23 S 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Freesemann Mulf Germany 57 Walters Lena Germany 52 Iowa 1 110 Freesemann Mulf Son M W 21 S 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Freesemann Mulf Germany 57 Walters Lena Germany 52 Iowa 1 111 Freesemann Diedrick Son M W 18 S 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Freesemann Mulf Germany 57 Walters Lena Germany 52 Iowa 1 112 Freesemann Richard Son M W 14 S 2 R 7 8 Y Y Iowa Freesemann Mulf Germany 57 Walters Lena Germany 52 Iowa 1 113 69 Loger Fred Head M W 39 M 7 G 6 Y Y Germany Loger John W Germany Luchtenburg Ida Germany 79 Germany A Christian reform 1 114 Adolf Hilka Wife F W 39 M 7 R 5 Y Y Germany Adolf Henry Germany Hillers Tillie Germany Germany Christian reform 1 115 Loger Tillie Daughter F W 15 S 2 R 7 8 Y Y Iowa Loger Fred Germany 39 Adolf Hilka Germany 39 Iowa 1 116 Loger John Son M W 13 S 2 R 6 8 Y Y Iowa Loger Fred Germany 39 Adolf Hilka Germany 39 Iowa 1 117 Loger Ida Daughter F W 12 S 2 R 5 8 Y Y Iowa Loger Fred Germany 39 Adolf Hilka Germany 39 Iowa 1 118 Loger Henrietta Daughter F W 10 S 2 R 4 9 Y Y Iowa Loger Fred Germany 39 Adolf Hilka Germany 39 Iowa 1 119 81 Mulder Gurt Head M W 42 M 7 R 7 Y Y Holland Mulder Henry Holland 64 Siebrans Japun Holland 63 Holland A Christian reform 1 120 Dresselhuis Etyl Wife F W 37 M 7 G 9 Y Y Holland Dresselhuis Edde Holland 78 Havenga Etyl Holland Holland Christian reform ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 1 121 Mulder Henry Son M W 12 S 2 R 6 9 Y Y Iowa Mulder Gurt Holland 42 Dresselhuis Etyl Holland 37 Iowa 1 122 Mulder Edward H Son M W 7 S 2 R 2 9 Y Y Iowa Mulder Gurt Holland 42 Dresselhuis Etyl Holland 37 Iowa 1 123 Mulder John D Son M W 5 S 2 Iowa Mulder Gurt Holland 42 Dresselhuis Etyl Holland 37 Iowa 1 124 Mulder Frank W Son M W 2 S 2 Iowa Mulder Gurt Holland 42 Dresselhuis Etyl Holland 37 Iowa 1 125 Mack I E Head M W 57 M 6 R 8 Y Y Iowa Mack Flander Gould Florence A Baptist 1 126 12 Converse Emmie Wife F W 53 M 1 C 1 Y Y Illinois Converse Harvey Vermont Cooper Lydia Vermont Vermont Baptist 1 127 Mack Lyle L Son M W 14 S 1 G 7 9 Y Y Iowa Mack I E Iowa 57 Converse Emma Illinois 53 Iowa 1 128 Walker Russel G Son M W 7 S 1 G 2 9 Y Y Iowa Walker Clair Illinois Mack Beatrice Iowa 32 Iowa 1 129 Johnson John Head M W 43 M 2 R 1 Y Y Iowa Johnson John Germany Pearl Germany 75 Iowa A Evangelism 1 130 69 Stroh Lena Wife F W 39 M 7 R 8 Y Y Germany Stroh Clays Germany Smith Louisa Germany Germany Evangelism 1 131 Johnson Johnnie Son M W 19 S 2 G 8 Y Y Iowa Johnson John Iowa 43 Stroh Lena Germany 39 Iowa 1 132 Johnson Louisia Daughter F W 14 S 2 G 7 9 Y Y Iowa Johnson John Iowa 43 Stroh Lena Germany 39 Iowa 1 133 Johnson Pearl Daughter F W 10 S 2 G 3 9 Y Y Iowa Johnson John Iowa 43 Stroh Lena Germany 39 Iowa 1 134 Johnson Earl Son M W 7 S 2 G 1 9 Y Y Iowa Johnson John Iowa 43 Stroh Lena Germany 39 Iowa 1 135 Johnson Helen Daughter F W 3 S 2 Iowa Johnson John Iowa 43 Stroh Lena Germany 39 Iowa Census shows Helen as "M" male. 1 136 37 Rose Wm H Head M W 54 M 2 G 5 Y Y Philadelphia Rose Wm E Spain Hartman Elizebeth Pennsylvania Pennsylvania A Protestant 1 137 Hay Goldia Wife F W 34 M 1 G 8 Y Y Iowa Hay Samuel Illinois Eva Illinois Illinois Protestant 1 138 Rose Pearl E Daughter F W 13 S 1 R 7 9 Y Y Iowa Rose Wm H Pennsylvania Hay Goldia Iowa 34 Iowa 1 139 Rose Josephine M Daughter F W 7 S 1 R 3 9 Y Y Iowa Rose Wm H Pennsylvania Hay Goldia Iowa 34 Iowa 1 140 Rose Robert W Son M W 4 S 1 Iowa Rose Wm H Pennsylvania Hay Goldia Iowa 34 Iowa 1 141 Nicklaus A P Head M W 29 M 1 R 8 Y Y Iowa Nicklaus Peter Illinois 60 Brocka Bertha Iowa 55 Iowa A Congregational 1 142 Fleshner Tillie Wife F W 24 M 2 G 8 Y Y Iowa Fleshner Henry Illinois 59 Wildeboer Carrie Germany 54 Iowa Congregational 1 143 Nicklaus Carolyn Daughter F W 3 S 1 Iowa Nicklaus A P Iowa 29 Fleshner Tillie Iowa 24 Iowa 1 144 69 Holin John P Head M W 37 M 7 R 8 Y Y Germany Holm Peter Germany Plombeck Annie Germany 70 Germany A Lutheran 1 145 Galpin Carrie Wife F W 34 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Galpin Eugene New York Pleis Annie Germany Iowa M E 1 146 Reints Dave Head M W 42 M 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Reints John Germany 72 Seifrence Angeline Germany Germany A Lutheran 1 147 81 Bronesma Kattie Wife F W 36 M 7 R 5 Y Y Holland Bronesma Broms Holland Agenis Johanna Holland 68 Holland Lutheran 1 148 Reints Ella Daughter F W 10 S 2 R 3 9 Y Y Iowa Reints Dave Iowa 42 Bronesma Kattie Holland 36 Iowa 1 149 Reints Jennie Daughter F W 9 S 2 R 3 9 Y Y Iowa Reints Dave Iowa 42 Bronesma Kattie Holland 36 Iowa 1 150 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 2 1 Luck E A Head M W 54 M 1 R 5 Y Y Iowa Luck Greenberry Iowa 92 Iowa Iowa A 2 2 Zord Jessie Wife F W 47 M 1 G 5 Y Y Iowa Ford Lark Iowa 69 Hill Cornelia Iowa Iowa M E 2 3 Luck Clifford F Son M W 19 S 1 R 8 Y Y Iowa Luck E A Iowa 54 Ford Jessie Iowa 47 Iowa 2 4 Luck Son M W 16 S 1 G 4 Y Y Iowa Luck E A Iowa 54 Ford Jessie Iowa 47 Iowa 2 5 Luck Earnest M Son M W 14 S 1 G 5 Y Y Iowa Luck E A Iowa 54 Ford Jessie Iowa 47 Iowa 2 6 Linck Irene T Daughter F W 11 S 1 G 4 9 Y Y Iowa Luck E A Iowa 54 Ford Jessie Iowa 47 Iowa 2 7 69 Mehmen Mema H Head M W 37 M 7 25 25 R 1 Y Y Germany Mehmen Jacob Germany Rewerts Gertie Germany 60 Germany A Reform 2 8 Hoveinga Blanche Wife F W 26 M 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Hovenga Frank Germany 60 Jungling Elizebeth Germany 50 Iowa Reform 2 9 Mehmen Jacob H Son M W 3 S 2 Iowa Mehmen Mema Germany 37 Hovenga Blanche Iowa 26 Minnesota 2 10 Mehmen Elizebeth F Daughter F W 2 S 2 Iowa Mehmen Mema Germany 37 Hovenga Blanche Iowa 26 Minnesota 2 11 Mehmen Frank C Son M W 1 S 2 Iowa Mehmen Mema Germany 37 Hovenga Blanche Iowa 26 Minnesota 2 12 Jones Leo C Head W 26 M 1 H 9 Y Y Iowa Jones Frank Iowa 54 Perrin Susie Iowa 49 Iowa A M E 2 13 Cartwright Emma Wife F W 22 M 1 H 12 Y Y Iowa Cartright Geo Iowa 56 Dodd Hattie Iowa Iowa M E 2 14 Jones Harriett L Daughter F W 2 S 1 Iowa Jones Leo C Iowa 26 Cartright Emma Iowa 22 Iowa 2 15 Jones Dalis F Son M W 1 S 1 Iowa Jones Leo C Iowa 26 Cartright Emma Iowa 22 Iowa 2 16 41 Clabough C A Head M W 28 M 1 R 8 Y Y Tennessee Clabough J W Tennessee 58 Franklin Mary Tennessee 52 Tennessee Yes Army A Baptist 2 17 Younker Marie Wife F W 21 M 1 G 8 Y Y Iowa Younker F R Iowa 45 Parson Mand Michigan 43 Iowa Catholic 2 18 Clabough Francis C Son M 2 S 1 Iowa Clabough C A Tennessee 28 Younker Marie Iowa 21 Iowa 2 19 Fleshner Dave Head M W 27 M 2 G 8 Y Y Iowa Fleshner Henry Illinois 27 Wildebaer Carrie Germany 55 Iowa A Congregational 2 20 Janssen Marie Wife F W 21 M 2 G 8 Y Y Iowa Janssen Omms Germany Haack Sarah Germany 50 Iowa Congregational 2 21 Harken T K Head M W 28 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Harken T K Sr Germany 80 Brass Sarah Germany 70 Illinois Yes Army A Congregational 2 22 Wessels Gertie Wife F W 24 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Wessels Engelhard Holland Bruns Maggie Germany 46 Congregational 2 23 Janssan Hilrich Head M W 25 M 2 G 5 Y Y Iowa Janssan Ommo Germany 62 Haack Sarah Germany 50 Iowa A Congregational 2 24 Harms Bertha Wife F W 25 M 2 R 7 Y Y Iowa Harms Henry Germany Rush Fannie Illinois 56 Iowa Congregational 2 25 Linn L N Head M W 40 M 1 R 6 Y Y Iowa Linn Joseph Pennsylvania Linn Rachel Ohio Illinois A Congregational 2 26 Wallbaum Katie Wife F W 40 M 2 R 3 Y Y Iowa Wallbaum Fred Germany 73 Peters Anna Germany 71 Iowa Congregational 2 27 Linn Leongrd L Son M W 8 S 1 R 4 9 Y Y Iowa Linn L N Iowa 40 Wallbaum Katie Iowa 40 Iowa 2 28 Buseman Jacob Head M W 41 M 2 R 4 Y Y Iowa Buseman Tom Germany Buseman Grace Germany 80 Germany A Reform 2 29 69 Klosterboer Martha Wife F W 38 M 7 15 15 R 8 Y Y Germany Klosterboer Ommo Germany Bergman Anna Germany Germany Reform 2 30 Buseman Annetta Daughter F W 14 S 2 R 8 8 Y Y Iowa Buseman Jake Iowa 41 Klosterboer Martha Germany 38 Iowa ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 2 31 Buseman Thomas Son M W 11 S 2 R 4 9 Y Y Minnesota Buseman Jacob Iowa 41 Klosterboer Martha Germany 38 Iowa 2 32 Buseman Louise Daughter F W 10 S 2 R 5 8 Y Y Minnesota Buseman Jacob Iowa 41 Klosterboer Martha Germany 38 Iowa 2 33 Buseman Geo W Son M W 6 S 2 R 1 4 Y Y Minnesota Buseman Jacob Iowa 41 Klosterboer Martha Germany 38 Iowa 2 34 Buseman Olga Daughter F W 3 S 2 Iowa Buseman Jacob Iowa 41 Klosterboer Martha Germany 38 Iowa 2 35 Buseman Ommo Son M W 1 S 2 Iowa Buseman Jacob Iowa 41 Klosterboer Martha Germany 38 Iowa 2 36 12 Cirksena J W Head M W 57 S 2 H 11 Y Y Illinois Cirksena R Germany 82 Kromburg Flouria Germany Germany A Baptist Mothers nativity first name could be "Floreria". 2 37 37 Saltzer Jennie Wife F W 51 M 1 H 10 Y Y Pennsylvania Saltzer Frank Pennsylvania Erdman Susan Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Baptist 2 38 Cirksena Frank Son M W 22 S 1 C 2 Y Y Iowa Cirksena J W Illinois 57 Saltzer Jennie Pennsylvania 51 Pennsylvania Baptist 2 39 Cirksena Margret Daughter F W 11 S 1 R 6 9 Y Y Iowa Cirksena J W Illinois 57 Saltzer Jennie Pennsylvania 51 Pennsylvania 2 40 Bunken Henry Head M W 40 M 2 R 4 Y Y Iowa Bunken Lentjen Illinois Marks Katherine E Germany Germany A Lutheran 2 41 Sink Irene Wife F W 25 M 1 G 8 Y Y Iowa Sink C W Iowa 59 Reed Mariam Iowa Iowa Presbyterian 2 42 Bunken Katherine E Daughter F W 6 S 1 R 1 9 Y Y Iowa Bunken Henry Iowa 40 Sink Irene Iowa 25 Iowa 2 43 Bunken Richard H Son M W 5 S 1 Iowa Bunken Henry Iowa 40 Sink Irene Iowa 25 Iowa 2 44 Bunken Alvin W Son M W 1 S 1 Iowa Bunken Henry Iowa 40 Sink Irene Iowa 25 Iowa 2 45 21 Nelsen Ahrendt Head M W 40 M 2 G 6 Y Y Michigan Nelsen Nels Denmark 76 Ahrandt Mette E Denmark Michigan A M E 2 46 Bawn Edna L Wife F W 41 M 1 H 12 Y Y Iowa Bawn James A Wisconsin 72 Yonker Julia A Pennsylvania 68 Iowa M E 2 47 Nelsen Hugh G Son M W 5 S 1 Iowa Nelsen Ahrendt Michigan 40 Bawn Edna L Iowa 41 Iowa 2 48 65 Nelsen Nels Father M W 76 W 7 30 30 R 8 Y Y Denmark Nelsen Graves Denmark Gardenmerr Elsie C Denmark Denmark Dain Lutheran 2 49 Meyer Fred Head M W 26 M 2 R 6 Y Y Iowa Meyer Harm Germany 58 Webban Helen Germany Iowa A M E 2 50 Brandt Hattie Wife F W 21 M 2 R 7 Y Y Iowa Brandt Alrich Germany 49 Frey Eusica Germany Illinois M E 2 51 Fank Wm Head M W 26 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Fank Carl Germany 73 Marie Germany 57 Iowa A Congregational 2 52 Kneppe Minnie Wife F W 22 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Kneppe Ben Germany 56 Kellivrg Angelena 52 Iowa Congregational 2 53 Fank Marie Daughter F W 1 S 1 Iowa Fank Wm Iowa 26 Kneppe Minnie Iowa 22 Iowa 2 54 Kniper Hann H man M W 17 S 1 R 8 Y Y 2 55 Van Hauen Henry H Head M W 32 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Van Hauen Harm Germany 62 Bomgouden Mary Iowa Iowa M E Mothers nativity last name could be "Bomgarden". 2 56 Peters Martha Wife F W 32 M 1 G 8 Y Y Iowa Peters John Iowa 54 Skuls Addie Iowa 54 Iowa M E 2 57 Van Hauen Earnest Son M W 7 S 1 G 2 9 Y Y Iowa Van Hauen Henry H Iowa 32 Peters Martha Iowa 32 Iowa 2 58 Van Hauen Emma Daughter F W 1 S 1 Iowa Van Hauen Henry H Iowa 32 Peters Martha Iowa 32 Iowa 2 59 69 Bicker John Head M W 68 M 7 30 30 H 10 Y Y Germany Bicker John Sr Germany Koelman Tina Germany Germany A Baptist 2 60 Johnson Annie Wife F W 65 M 7 30 30 H 10 Y Y Germany Johnson Conrad Germany Swada Hilka Germany Germany Baptist ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 2 61 37 Ogline H A Head M W 63 M 1 C 1 Y Y Pennsylvania Ogline David Pennsylvania Barron Lidea A Pennsylvania Pennsylvania A Congregational 2 62 12 Opperman Eva C Wife F W 62 M 2 H 12 Y Y Illinois Opperman Philip Germany Kunkelman Eva C Germany Germany Congregational 2 63 Ogline Edna M Daughter F W 36 S 1 C 5 Y Y Iowa Ogline H A Pennsylvania 63 Opperman Eva C Illinois 62 Iowa Congregational 2 64 Ogline Earl H Son M W 33 S 1 C 5 Y Y Iowa Ogline H A Pennsylvania 63 Opperman Eva C Illinois 62 Iowa Yes Army Congregational 2 65 Wildeborer Henry Head M W 33 M 2 R 3 Y Y Iowa Wildeborer Ben Germany 69 Freese Jennie Holland 65 Holland Yes Army A Congregational 2 66 Aswegen Florence Wife F W 26 M 2 R 7 Y Y Iowa Aswegen David Germany 55 Clear Dina Illinois Iowa Congregational 2 67 Wildeborer Dave Son M W 3 S 1 Iowa Wildeborer Henry Iowa 33 Aswegen Florence Iowa 26 Iowa 2 68 Wildeborer Wilbis Son M W 1 S 1 Iowa Wildeborer Henry Iowa 33 Aswegen Florence Iowa 26 Iowa 2 69 81 Kolder Bert Head M W 44 M (no)4 15 15 G 8 Y Y Holland Kolder Simon Holland 75 Lups Grietje Holland Holland A Reform 2 70 Kniper Carrie Wife F W 39 M 4 15 15 G 8 Y Y Holland Kniper Albert Holland Ritmier Alberje Holland Holland Reform 2 71 Kolder Simon Son M W 4 S 2 Iowa Kolder Bert Holland 41 Kniper Carrie Holland 39 Iowa 2 72 Kolder Albert Son M W 1 S 2 Iowa Kolder Bert Holland 41 Kniper Carrie Holland 39 Iowa 2 73 81 Kniper Grace S Law F W 33 S 7 15 15 G 3 Y Y Holland Kniper Albert Holland Ritmier Alberje Holland Iowa Reform 2 74 Parks M G Head M W 65 M 1 R 8 Y Y Iowa Parks Geo New York Wilson Harriet New York New York A M E 2 75 Norton Stella Wife F W 53 M 1 H 11 Y Y Iowa Norton Edwin Ohio Waters Mary New York Iowa M E 2 76 Parks Harley Son M W 19 S 1 R 7 Y Y Iowa Parks M G Iowa 65 Norton Edwin Iowa 53 Iowa Line 76, mothers nativity, census shows "Norton Edwin". 2 77 Wisen J L Head M W 37 M (no)4 14 14 R 8 Y Y Germany Wisen L Germany Germany Germany A Catholic 2 78 Flascom Margret Wife F W 37 M 4 14 14 R 8 Y Y Germany Flascom Henry Germany Francis Germany Germany 2 79 Lashbrook Mase Head M W 64 M 2 R 6 Y Y Iowa Lashbrook Salmon England King Hariet New York 83 Illinois A Unknown 2 80 Moran Mary R Wife F W 58 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Moran Wm Ireland Kensley Eliza Ireland Illinois Congregational 2 81 Lashbrook R C Son M W 28 S 1 R 8 Y Y Iowa Lashbrook R C Iowa Moran Mary R Iowa 58 Iowa Yes Army A M E Line 81, fathers nativity should probably read "Lashbrook Mase". 2 82 Perrin Fred A Head M W 44 M 1 R 5 Y Y Iowa Perrin A T New York Procter Hattie Iowa Iowa A M E 2 83 Schreurs Lizzie Wife F W 41 M 2 C 1 Y Y Iowa Schreurs Geo Holland Menkens Elizebeth Holland 75 Iowa M E 2 84 Perrin Dorothy Daughter F W 18 S 1 H 12 9 Y Y Iowa Perrin Fred A Iowa 44 Schreurs Elizebeth Iowa 41 M E 2 85 Perrin Esther Daughter F W 14 S 1 H 9 9 Y Y Iowa Perrin Fred A Iowa 44 Schreurs Elizebeth Iowa 41 2 86 Jaquis B H Head M W 57 S 2 G 8 Y Y Iowa Jaquis Elihue New York Stewart Mary Ann Canada Iowa A Congregational 2 87 Canghron Isebelle Mrs None F W 32 M 1 R 5 Y Y Iowa Miller John Wisconsin Simmerman Laura Iowa Wisconsin Baptist 2 88 Canghron Merle B Son M W 7 S 1 R 1 4 Iowa Canghron S B Kentucky 28 Miller Isebella Iowa 32 Iowa 2 89 Canghron Verla Daughter F W 4 S 1 Iowa Canghron S B Kentucky 28 Miller Isebella Iowa 32 Iowa 2 90 Canghron Vera Daughter F W 4 S 1 Iowa Canghron S B Kentucky 28 Miller Isebella Iowa 32 Iowa ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 2 91 Canghron Leonard None M W 1 1 Iowa Canghron S B Kentucky 28 Miller Isebelle Iowa 32 Iowa 2 92 Becker Geo W Head M W 52 M 1 R 5 Y Y Iowa Becker John Germany 87 Atzbaugh Mathilda Illinois Illinois A Reformed 2 93 69 Miller Katherine Wife F W 46 M 7 30 30 H 12 Y Y Germany Miller Stephen Germany 72 Dingel Elizebeth Germany 65 Germany Reformed 2 94 Becker Hazel J Daughter F W 24 S 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Becker Geo W Iowa 52 Miller Katherine Germany 46 Iowa Reformed 2 95 Becker Vernon H Son M W 20 S 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Becker Geo W Iowa 52 Miller Katherine Germany 46 Iowa Reformed 2 96 Becker Marian E Daughter F W 17 S 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Becker Geo W Iowa 52 Miller Katherine Germany 46 Iowa Reformed 2 97 Becker Gerald W Son M W 14 S 2 R 7 9 Y Y Iowa Becker Geo W Iowa 52 Miller Katherine Germany 46 Iowa 2 98 Becker Karl S Son M W 10 S 2 R 4 9 Y Y Iowa Becker Geo W Iowa 52 Miller Katherine Germany 46 Iowa 2 99 Kappers Henry Head M W 31 M (no)4 11 11 H 12 Y Y Holland Kappers Herman Holland Brusrink Johanna Holland Holland A Reformed 2 100 Miller Pearl Wife F W 26 M 2 R 4 Y Y Iowa Miller Everett Germany 60 Johnson Fannie Iowa 53 Iowa Reformed 2 101 Kappers Gesina Daughter F W 1 S 2 Iowa Kappers Henry Holland 31 Miller Pearl Iowa 26 Iowa 2 102 Turner Percil A Head M W 63 S 1 R 7 Y Y Iowa Turner Able Ohio Watters Harriet Pennsylvania Iowa A Spiritualist 2 103 Billman L C Head M W 30 M 1 G 8 Y Y Iowa Billman Fred Illinois 53 Hall Marion E Iowa 54 Iowa A Catholic 2 104 Kllman Margret Wife F W 28 M 1 H 12 Y Y Iowa Kllman John F Iowa 67 Firm Margret Iowa 67 Iowa Catholic 2 105 Billman Ellsworth Son M W 9 S 1 R 3 9 Y Y Iowa Billman L F Iowa 30 Kllman Margret Iowa 28 Iowa 2 106 Billman Marion G Daughter F W 7 S 1 R 3 9 Y Y Iowa Billman L F Iowa 30 Kllman Margret Iowa 28 Iowa 2 107 Billman Howard D Son M W 6 S 1 R 1 9 Iowa Billman L F Iowa 30 Kllman Margret Iowa 28 Iowa 2 108 Billman Ellis C Son M W 4 S 1 Iowa Billman L F Iowa 30 Kllman Margret Iowa 28 Iowa 2 109 Billman Vivian M Daughter F W 2 S 1 Iowa Billman L F Iowa 30 Kllman Margret Iowa 28 Iowa 2 110 Billman Virginia M Daughter F W 1 S 1 Iowa Billman L F Iowa 30 Kllman Margret Iowa 28 Iowa 2 111 Hassmann Annie Head F W 36 W 2 R 7 Y Y Iowa DeGroote Henry Sr Germany 67 Jacobs Annie Germany 69 Germany A Christ Church 2 112 Hassmann Mildred M Daughter F W 15 S 1 R 8 9 Y Y Iowa Hassmann Wm Illinois DeGroote Annie Iowa 36 Iowa 2 113 Hassmann Harold H Son M W 14 S 1 G 8 9 Y Y Iowa Hassmann Wm Illinois DeGroote Annie Iowa 36 Iowa 2 114 Hassmann William E Son M W 12 S 1 R 8 9 Y Y Iowa Hassmann Wm Illinois DeGroote Annie Iowa 36 Iowa 2 115 Hassmann Alma A Daughter F W 9 S 1 R 5 9 Y Y Iowa Hassmann Wm Illinois DeGroote Annie Iowa 36 Iowa 2 116 Hassmann Vernon W Son M W 7 S 1 R 3 9 Y Y Iowa Hassmann Wm Illinois DeGroote Annie Iowa 36 Iowa 2 117 DeGroote Andrew Bro M W 26 S 2 R 7 Y Y Iowa DeGroote Henry Sr Germany 67 Jacobs Annie Germany 69 Germany Christ Church 2 118 81 Schroder Everett Head M W 42 M (no)4 11 11 R 7 Y Y Holland Schroder Everett Holland Germand Trientje Holland Holland A Reform 2 119 Drenth Grace Wife F W 37 M 4 11 11 R 8 Y Y Holland Drenth Wilko Holland 61 Waltge Jennie Holland 61 Holland Reform 2 120 Schroder Wilko Son M W 17 S 4 11 11 R 8 Y Y Holland Schroder Everett Holland 42 Drenth Grace Holland 37 Holland ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 2 121 Schroder Everett Son M W 9 S 2 R 3 9 Y Y Iowa Schroder Everett Holland 42 Drenth Grace Holland 37 Holland 2 122 Schroder Jennie Daughter F W 4 S 2 Iowa Schroder Everett Holland 42 Drenth Grace Holland 37 Holland 2 123 Schwerdtfeges A W Head M W 30 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Schwerdtfeges August Germany 64 Buse Johanna Germany 68 Germany Yes Army A Baptist 2 124 Becker Gladys Wife F W 26 M 1 R 8 Y Y Iowa Becker John Illinois Tahs Corline Iowa 55 Iowa Reform 2 125 Schwerdtfeges Leonard Son M W 3 S 1 Iowa Schwerdtfeges A W Iowa 30 Becker Gladys Iowa 26 Iowa 2 126 Sells Wayne Head M W 28 M 1 R 8 Y Y Iowa Sells Nathan Ohio 55 Ingalls Iva Iowa 53 Iowa Yes Army A Baptist 2 127 Way Thelma Wife F W 20 M 1 H 12 Y Y Iowa Way Samual Iowa 65 Cora Iowa 60 Iowa Christian 2 128 Sells Betty Daughter F W 1 S 1 Iowa Sells Wayne Iowa 28 Way Thelma Iowa 20 Iowa 2 129 DeGroote Thomas Head M W 28 M 2 R 6 Y Y Iowa DeGroote Henry Sr Germany 67 Jacobs Annie Germany 69 Germany A Church of Christ 2 130 DeBuhr Kobey Wife F W 20 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Debuhr Harm Germany 54 Davres Grace Germany Germany Church of Christ 2 131 Schnerderman Evert Head M W 32 M 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Schnerderman Evert Germany 76 Van Hauen Fannie Germany Illinois A Congregational 2 132 Wildeborer Susie Wife F W 31 M 2 R 6 Y Y Iowa Wildeboer Ben Germany 70 Freese Jennie Holland 66 Germany Congregational 2 133 Schnerderman Fannie J Daughter F W 12 S 1 G 8 9 Y Y Iowa Schnerderman Evert Iowa 32 Wildeboer Susie Iowa 31 Iowa 2 134 Schnerderman Bernie J Son M W 10 S 1 R 6 9 Y Y Iowa Schnerderman Evert Iowa 32 Wildeboer Susie Iowa 31 Iowa 2 135 Schnerderman Alfred E Son M W 5 S 1 R 1 9 Y Y Iowa Schnerderman Evert Iowa 32 Wildeboer Susie Iowa 31 Iowa 2 136 Schnerderman Harold H Son M W 3 S 1 Iowa Schnerderman Evert Iowa 32 Wildeboer Susie Iowa 31 Iowa 2 137 Van Ellen Theodore Head M W 32 S 2 R 4 Y Y Iowa Van Ellen Henry Sr Germany 89 Roseboon Etta Germany Illinois A Reform 2 138 Van Ellen Andrew Bro M W 35 S 2 R 4 Y Y Iowa Van Ellen Henry Sr Germany 89 Roseboon Etta Germany Illinois Yes Army Iowa A Reform 2 139 Turner A B Head M W 66 W 2 C 2 Y Y Iowa Turner Abel England Walters Harriet Pennsylvania 69 Iowa A Atheist 2 140 DeGroote Joe Head M W 38 S 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa DeGroote Henry Sr Germany 67 Jacobs Annie Germany 69 Germany A Church of Christ 2 141 Hulsing John Head M W 38 M 2 R 4 Y Y Iowa Hulsing Ben Holland Djons Cena Holland Holland A M E 2 142 Evers Lena Wife F W 31 M 2 R 1 Y Y Iowa Evers John Germany 68 Rieman Gertie Iowa Iowa M E 2 143 Hulsing Annie Daughter F W 7 S 1 R 1 Y Y Iowa Hulsing John Iowa 38 Evers Lena Iowa 31 Iowa 2 144 Hulsing Gertie Daughter F W 3 S 1 Iowa Hulsing John Iowa 38 Evers Lena Iowa 31 Iowa 2 145 Lashbrook H H Head M W 60 S 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Lashbrook Solmon England King Harriet New York 83 Illinois A Unknown 2 146 31 King Harriet M F W 83 W 1 R 3 Y Y New York King Samual New York King Roamie New York 2 147 Schnerderman Okke Head M W 29 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Schnerderman Henry Sr Germany 72 Van Hauen Fannie Germany Iowa Yes Army Iowa A Congregational 2 148 Miller Gladys Wife F W 25 M 1 C 2 Y Y Iowa Miller L E Iowa 47 Smith Mary Iowa 46 Iowa Congregational 2 149 Schnerderman Mary E Daughter F W 1 S 1 Iowa Schnerderman Okke Iowa 29 Miller Gladys Iowa 25 Iowa 2 150 Bowen Geo None M W 25 S 1 R 8 Y Y Iowa Bowen Wm G Illinois King Agusta Kansas Unknown ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 3 1 Pruin John Jr Head M W 25 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Pruin John Sr Germany 66 Hiekes Grace Germany 56 Iowa A Baptist See Bk 3, line 49 in mothers nativity column last name spelled "Heikes". 3 2 Hersey Wife F W 24 M 1 C 1 Y Y Iowa Hersey Eli Iowa 54 Koell Minnie Iowa 49 Iowa Baptist 3 3 Peters John Head M W 53 M 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Peters John Sr Germany Cufradru Martha Holland Iowa A M E 3 4 Skul Martha Wife F W 54 M 1 H 9 Y Y Iowa Skul Clay Pennsylvania Palmer Martha Illinois M E 3 5 Peters Floyd Son M W 20 S 1 H 10 Y Y Iowa Peters John Iowa 23 Skuls Martha Iowa 54 Iowa 3 6 69 Berends Fred Sr Head M W 53 W 7 R 8 Y Y Germany Berends Peter Germany Suthof Foske Germany 88 Germany A Reform 3 7 Berends Fred Jr Son M W 24 S 2 G 8 Y Y Iowa Berends Fred Jr Germany 25 Frebolg Jennie Germany Iowa 3 8 Dineson R Head M W 48 M 2 R 6 Y Y Iowa Dineson Gregor Denmark Jepperson Sine Denmark Iowa A Advent 3 9 Wilson Kittie Wife F W 40 M 2 H 11 Y Y Iowa Wilson Samuel Canada Card Emelina Wisconsin Iowa Congregational 3 10 Dineson G G Son M W 21 S 1 H 10 Y Y Iowa Dineson R Iowa 48 Wilson Kittie Iowa 40 Iowa 3 11 Dineson Dale D Son M W 13 S 1 G 8 9 Y Y Iowa Dineson R Iowa 48 Wilson Kittie Iowa 40 Iowa 3 12 Abbas John Head M W 43 M 2 R 4 Y Y Iowa Abbas Mell Germany 70 Grins Henryetta Germany 70 Germany Lutheran 3 13 Groen Minnie Wife F W 44 M 7 R 4 Y Y Germany Groen Wilke Germany 71 Cooper Minnie Germany 71 Germany Lutheran 3 14 Juel Fred Head M W 31 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Juel Henry Denmark Kalkwarf Flora Germany 60 Iowa A M E 3 15 Balton Merle A Wife F W 23 M 1 R 8 Y Y Kansas Balton C L Iowa 68 Bolton Mabel Iowa Kansas M E 3 16 Juel Vernal L Son M W 5 S 1 Iowa Juel Fred Iowa 31 Bolton Merle A Kansas 23 Iowa 3 17 Juel Mervin H Son M W 2 S 1 Iowa Juel Fred Iowa 31 Bolton Merle A Kansas 23 Iowa 3 18 81 Steenberg Johanna Head F W 73 W 7 G 4 Y Y Holland Blom Geo Holland Demutor Johannah Holland Holland Congregational 3 19 Steenberg John Son M W 40 S 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Steenberg john Sr Holland Blom Johannah Holland 73 Holland Congregational 3 20 Ketwig Rolla G Son M W 23 S 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Ketwig Christ Germany Steenberg Anna Michigan Iowa Congregational 3 21 Younker F R Head M W 45 M 1 H 9 Y Y Iowa Yonker C A Iowa 69 Downey Hattie Illinois 66 Iowa A Catholic 3 22 21 Parson Mand Wife F W 42 M 1 H 10 Y Y Michigan Parsons J B Ohio 69 Hunt Sarah Indiana 66 Ohio Catholic 3 23 Younker Helen Daughter F W 15 S 1 G 8 9 Y Y Iowa Yonker F R Iowa 42 Parson Mand Michigan 42 Iowa 3 24 Cordes Ben Head M W 24 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Cordes Herman Germany 60 Groen Annie Germany 59 Iowa A Lutheran 3 25 Hinders Grace Wife F W 18 M 2 G 8 Y Y Iowa Hinders Ben Germany 60 Shultz Annie Holland 42 Iowa Lutheran 3 26 Cordes Beautrice Daughter F W 1 S 1 Iowa Cordes Ben Iowa 24 Hinders Annie Iowa 18 Iowa 3 27 12 Bulthuis Alfred W Head M W 49 M 2 R 5 Y Y Illinois Bulthuis Gurt Germany 77 Freirks Grace Germany 48 Iowa A Reform 3 28 69 Thurman Letta Wife F W 48 M 7 R 4 Y Y Germany Thurman Korb Germany Soathoff Gretje Germany 79 Iowa Reform 3 29 Bulthuis Gertie Daughter F W 18 S 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Bulthuis Alfred W Illinois 49 Thurman Letta Germany 48 Iowa 3 30 Bulthuis Lida Daughter F W 12 S 2 R 7 9 Y Y Iowa Bulthuis Alfred W Illinois 49 Thurman Letta Germany 48 Iowa ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 3 31 Bulthuis Edward Son M W 9 S 2 R 3 9 Iowa Bulthuis Alfred W Illinois 49 Thurman Letta Germany 48 Iowa 3 32 81 Huren Louis Head M W 31 M 4(no) 16 16 R 7 Y Y Holland Huren Henry Sr Holland 67 Rieks Anna Holland 65 Holland A Christian reform 3 33 Klassen Grace Wife F W 29 M 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Klassen Jacob Germany Clausem Ella Iowa Iowa Christian reform Mothers nativity column line 83 last name could be "Clausun" or "Clausin". 3 34 Huren Ella R Daughter F W 2 S 2 Iowa Huren Louis Holland 31 Klassen Grace Iowa 29 Iowa 3 35 Huren Jacob E Son M W 1 S 2 Iowa Huren Louis Holland 31 Klassen Grace Iowa 29 Iowa 3 36 Huren Henry T Son M W 4 S 2 Iowa Huren Louis Holland 31 Klassen Grace Iowa 29 Iowa 3 37 Kalkwarf Henry J Head M W 30 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Kalkwarf John Germany 69 Kliegie Lizzie Illinois Iowa Yes Army Iowa A Christian reform 3 38 81 Mulder Elizabeth Wife F W 29 M 7 R 8 Y Y Holland Mulder Henry Holland 60 Siebrind Jeppie Holland 60 Holland Christian reform 3 39 69 Cornelius Henry Head M W 37 M 7 R 5 Y Y Germany Cornelius Cornelius Germany 84 Cassen Martha Germany 76 Germany A Believe in Christ 3 40 69 Ahrenholz Annie Wife F W 32 M 7 R 3 Y Y Germany Ahrenholz Andrew Germany 26 Meyer Mary Germany 63 Germany Believe in Christ 3 41 Cornelius Frank Son M W 7 S 2 R 2 9 Iowa Cornelius Henry Germany 37 Ahrenholz Annie Germany 32 Iowa 3 42 Cornelius Marvin Son M W 5 S 2 R Iowa Cornelius Henry Germany 37 Ahrenholz Annie Germany 32 Iowa 3 43 Marks Ubbe Head M W 28 M 2 R 7 Y Y Iowa Marks Fred Germany 49 Hempen Carrie Germany 54 Iowa Yes Army Iowa A Lutheran 3 44 Cordes Effie Wife F W 29 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Cordes Boy Illinois 59 Aswegin Anna Germany 53 Iowa Lutheran 3 45 Marks Carrie L Daughter F W 1 S 1 Iowa Marks Ubbe Iowa 28 Cordes Effie Iowa 29 Iowa 3 46 Bergmann J M Head M W 28 M 2 C 2 Y Y Iowa Bergmann Jacob J Germany Muster Susie Germany Iowa Yes Army Iowa A Christian reform 3 47 Knock Lizzie Wife F W 26 M 1 R 8 Y Y Iowa Knock Enno Iowa 55 Vandust Annie Illinois 50 Iowa Christian reform Mothers nativity column last name could be "Vandeest". 3 48 Bergmann Harold R Son M W 4 S 1 Iowa Bergmann J M Iowa 28 Knock Lizzie Iowa 26 Iowa 3 49 Pruin Louie None M W 21 S 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Pruin John Germany 64 Heikes Grace Germany 55 Christian reform See line 1, Bk 3, mothers nativity column last name spelled "Hiekes". 3 50 41 Allison J B Head M W 49 M 1 R 2 Y Y Tennessee Allison Wm North Carolina 84 Emery Carline South Carolina Tennessee A Baptist 3 51 41 Hargis Rebecca Wife F W 43 M 1 R 7 Y Y Tennessee Hargis Samual Tennessee Sharp Lucinda Tennessee Tennessee Baptist 3 52 41 Allison Sam B Son M W 18 S 1 R 5 Y Y Tennessee Allison J B Tennessee 49 Hargis Rebeca Tennessee 43 Tennessee 3 53 41 Allison Geo W Son M W 16 S 1 R 5 Y Y Tennessee Allison J B Tennessee 49 Hargis Rebeca Tennessee 43 Tennessee 3 54 41 Allison Betsy F Daughter F W 15 S 1 R 6 2 Y Y Tennessee Allison J B Tennessee 49 Hargis Rebeca Tennessee 43 Tennessee 3 55 41 Allison Robert C Son M W 12 S 1 R 4 7 Y Y Tennessee Allison J B Tennessee 49 Hargis Rebeca Tennessee 43 Tennessee 3 56 41 Allison Lucile S Daughter F W 8 S 1 R 3 7 Y Y Tennessee Allison J B Tennessee 49 Hargis Rebeca Tennessee 43 Tennessee 3 57 41 Allison Frank J Son M W 6 S 1 R 1 7 Y Y Tennessee Allison J B Tennessee 49 Hargis Rebeca Tennessee 43 Tennessee 3 58 41 Allison Emil Son M W 4 S 1 Tennessee Allison J B Tennessee 49 Hargis Rebeca Tennessee 43 Tennessee 3 59 24 Miller Jim None M W 25 S 1 R 8 Y Y Missouri Miller James Sr Tennessee Denger Elizebeth Kentucky 60 Missouri Baptist 3 60 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 3 61 Kocher Harry Head M W 39 M 1 H 11 Y Y Iowa Kocher John Pennsylvania Ripson Ida New York 73 E M E 3 62 Dailey Anna Wife F W 34 M 1 H 11 Y Y Iowa Dailey Perry Graham Rebeca Iowa Iowa United B 3 63 Kocher Edith Daughter F W 10 S 1 R 6 9 Y Y Iowa Kocher Harry Iowa 39 Dailey Anna Iowa 34 Iowa 3 64 Kocher Harriett Daughter F W 7 S 1 R 3 9 Y Y Iowa Kocher Harry Iowa 39 Dailey Anna Iowa 34 Iowa 3 65 Kocher Keith Son M W 5 S 1 R 1 7 Iowa Kocher Harry Iowa 39 Dailey Anna Iowa 34 Iowa 3 66 Kocher Lester Son M W 1 S 1 Iowa Kocher Harry Iowa 39 Dailey Anna Iowa 34 Iowa 3 67 Schneiderman R T Head M W 39 M 2 R 6 Y Y Iowa Schneiderman Tony Germany 71 DeKen O*lie Germany 73 Iowa A Evangelist 3 68 69 Schroder Anna Wife F W 35 M 7 G 8 Y Y Germany Schroder Wm Germany 63 Kramer Anna Germany 65 Germany Evangelist 3 69 Schneiderman Tony Son M W 12 S 2 R 4 4 Y Y Iowa Schneiderman R T Iowa 39 Schroder Anna Germany 35 Germany 3 70 Schneiderman Anna Daughter F W 10 S 2 R 4 9 Y Y Iowa Schneiderman R T Iowa 39 Schroder Anna Germany 35 Germany 3 71 Schneiderman Olie Daughter F W 9 S 2 R 3 9 Y Y Iowa Schneiderman R T Iowa 39 Schroder Anna Germany 35 Germany 3 72 Schneiderman Willie Son M W 7 S 2 R 1 9 Y Y Iowa Schneiderman R T Iowa 39 Schroder Anna Germany 35 Germany 3 73 Schneiderman Reint Son M W 5 S 2 Iowa Schneiderman R T Iowa 39 Schroder Anna Germany 35 Germany 3 74 Schneiderman Herman Son M W 3 S 2 Iowa Schneiderman R T Iowa 39 Schroder Anna Germany 35 Germany 3 75 Codner J A Head M W 56 M 1 H 11 Y Y Iowa Codner Geo New York 85 Aplington Marietta New York 85 Iowa A M E 3 76 Codner Malita Wife F W 54 M 2 H 10 Y Y Iowa Codner Chas New York Watson Catharine Ireland Iowa M E 3 77 Bloomfield Ira Head M W 41 M 1 G 5 Y Y Iowa Bloomfield Harvey New York Hersey Ester Massachusetts Iowa A Congregational 3 78 Hersly Clara Wife F W 48 M 1 H 9 Y Y Iowa Hersey Levi Massachusetts Codner Deborah New York Iowa M E 3 79 Bloomfield Naomi Daughter F W 18 S 1 H 10 9 Y Y Iowa Bloomfield Ira Iowa 41 Hersey Clara Iowa 48 Iowa 3 80 Bloomfield Ives Son M W 8 S 1 R 4 9 Y Y Iowa Bloomfield Ira Iowa 41 Hersey Clara Iowa 48 Iowa 3 81 Neeman F F Head M W 33 M 2 H 9 Y Y Iowa Neeman Fred Sr Germany Hook Tillie Germany 77 Iowa A Congregational 3 82 Buss Jennie Wife F W 33 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Buss Dick Germany Backer Lena Germany 63 Illinois Reform 3 83 Neeman Fern J Daughter F W 3 S 1 Iowa Neeman F F Iowa 33 Buss Jennie Iowa 33 Iowa 3 84 Neeman Francis J Daughter F W 3 S 1 Iowa Neeman F F Iowa 33 Buss Jennie Iowa 33 Iowa 3 85 Neeman Thelma I Daughter F W 1 S 1 Iowa Neeman F F Iowa 33 Buss Jennie Iowa 33 Iowa 3 86 81 DeGroote Gus Head M W 40 W 7 R 8 Y Y Holland DeGroote Lewis Holland Mulder Dena Holland 71 Holland Reform 3 87 81 Smith Hiko Head M W 28 M 7 R 4 Y Y Holland Smith Kort Holland 54 Williams Francis Holland 56 Holland Yes Army Minnesota F 2 mo Congregational 3 88 Duisman Lena Wife F W 24 M 2 H 9 Y Y Iowa Duisman Serbo Germany 51 Wildeboer Tillie Germany 49 Iowa Congregational 3 89 Reints Joe E Head M W 37 M 2 R 3 Y Y Iowa Reints John Germany 70 Sciefka Engel Germany Iowa Reform 3 90 Gertsema Grace Wife F W 34 M 2 R 7 Y Y Iowa Gertsema Henry Germany 63 Wildeboer Tillie Germany 54 Iowa Reform ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 3 91 Reints Evelyn Daughter F W 13 S 1 R 7 9 Y Y Iowa Reints Joe E Iowa 37 Gertsema Grace Iowa 34 Iowa 3 92 Reints Tillie Daughter F W 11 S 1 R 5 9 Y Y Iowa Reints Joe E Iowa 37 Gertsema Grace Iowa 34 Iowa 3 93 Reints Jennie Daughter F W 9 S 1 R 3 9 Y Y Iowa Reints Joe E Iowa 37 Gertsema Grace Iowa 34 Iowa 3 94 Reints Ethel Daughter F W 6 S 1 R 1 1 Y Y Iowa Reints Joe E Iowa 37 Gertsema Grace Iowa 34 Iowa 3 95 Baldwin G C Head M W 49 M 1 R 6 Y Y Iowa Baldwin Geo New York Smith Elizebeth Vermont 81 Iowa A Baptist 3 96 Roberts Etta Wife F W 39 M 1 R 6 Y Y Iowa Roberts Alfred Iowa 66 Morris Sarah Iowa 63 Iowa M E 3 97 22 Baldwin Alfred Son M W 21 S 1 H 11 9 Y Y Minnesota Baldwin G C Iowa 49 Roberts Etta Iowa 39 Minnesota 3 98 22 Baldwin Eugene W Son M W 19 S 1 H 9 4 Y Y Minnesota Baldwin G C Iowa 49 Roberts Etta Iowa 39 Minnesota 3 99 22 Baldwin Leon H Son M W 16 S 1 R 8 5 Y Y Minnesota Baldwin G C Iowa 49 Roberts Etta Iowa 39 Minnesota Census person's first name could be "Leeon". 3 100 22 Baldwin Grace E Daughter F W 10 S 1 R 4 9 Y Y Minnesota Baldwin G C Iowa 49 Roberts Etta Iowa 39 Minnesota 3 101 Baldwin Viola M Daughter F W 8 S 1 R 3 9 Y Y Iowa Baldwin G C Iowa 49 Roberts Etta Iowa 39 Minnesota 3 102 Baldwin Roger W Son M W 6 S 1 R 1 9 Y Y Iowa Baldwin G C Iowa 49 Roberts Etta Iowa 39 Minnesota 3 103 Baldwin June D Daughter F W 4 S 1 Iowa Baldwin G C Iowa 49 Roberts Etta Iowa 39 Minnesota 3 104 Baldwin Charles E Son M W 1 S 1 Iowa Baldwin G C Iowa 49 Roberts Etta Iowa 39 Minnesota 3 105 21 Graham Stanley Head M W 29 M 1 R 4 Y Y Michigan Unknown Unknown Yes Army A M E 3 106 Billman Marion E Wife F W 19 M 1 G 7 Y Y Iowa Billman Fred Illinois 58 Hall Marion E Iowa 55 Iowa M E 3 107 Graham Elmer M Son M W 1 S 1 Iowa Graham Stanley Michigan 29 Billman Marion Iowa 19 Iowa 3 108 12 Jurgens Henry Head M W 34 M 2 R 5 Y Y Illinois Jurgens Tommie Germany Ragerman Annie Germany Germany A Lutheran 3 109 Cordes May Wife F W 28 M 2 R 4 Y Y Iowa Cordes Herman Germany 61 Groen Anna Germany 60 Iowa Lutheran 3 110 Jurgens Lenora Daughter F W 11 S 1 R 5 9 Y Y Iowa Jurgens Henry Illinois 34 Cordes May Iowa 28 Iowa 3 111 Jurgens Anna Daughter F W 1 S 1 Iowa Jurgens Henry Illinois 34 Cordes May Iowa 28 Iowa 3 112 81 Timmer F F Head M W 46 M 7 R 5 Y Y Holland Timmer Fred Sr Holland Tehark Fannie Holland Holland Reform 3 113 81 Toben Pauline Wife F W 43 M 7 R 8 Y Y Holland Toben John Holland Felcher Bertha Germany 80 Holland Reform 3 114 Timmer Trena Daughter F W 14 S 2 R 8 9 Y Y Iowa Timmer F F Holland 46 Toben Pauline Holland 43 Holland 3 115 Timmer Minnie Daughter F W 13 S 2 R 8 9 Y Y Iowa Timmer F F Holland 46 Toben Pauline Holland 43 Holland 3 116 Timmer Henerietta Daughter F W 12 S 2 R 8 9 Y Y Iowa Timmer F F Holland 46 Toben Pauline Holland 43 Holland 3 117 Timmer Fred Jr Son M W 10 S 2 R 4 9 Y Y Iowa Timmer F F Holland 46 Toben Pauline Holland 43 Holland 3 118 Timmer John Son M W 8 S 2 R 2 9 Y Y Iowa Timmer F F Holland 46 Toben Pauline Holland 43 Holland 3 119 Timmer Paul Son M W 6 S 2 R 1 9 Y Y Iowa Timmer F F Holland 46 Toben Pauline Holland 43 Holland 3 120 Timmer Harry Son M W 4 S 2 Iowa Timmer F F Holland 46 Toben Pauline Holland 43 Holland ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 3 121 Timmer Lucile Daughter F W 1 S 2 Iowa Timmer F F Holland 46 Toben Pauline Holland 43 Holland 3 122 Hart F E Head M W 35 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Hart Wm Germany Shipphans Emma Germany 65 Germany A Evangelism 3 123 Lashbrook Hattie E Wife F W 36 M 1 R 8 Y Y Iowa Lashbrook Mose Iowa 65 Moran Mary R Iowa 59 Iowa Congregational 3 124 Hart Iva M Daughter F W 10 S 1 R 5 9 Y Y Iowa Hart F E Iowa 35 Lashbrook Hattie E Iowa 36 Iowa 3 125 Hart Vernon L Son M W 9 S 1 R 3 9 Y Y Iowa Hart F E Iowa 35 Lashbrook Hattie E Iowa 36 Iowa 3 126 Hart Kenneth E Son M W 4 S 1 Iowa Hart F E Iowa 35 Lashbrook Hattie E Iowa 36 Iowa 3 127 69 DeWall Claus None M W 54 W 7 R 8 Y Y Germany Dewall Harm Germany Shoen Annie Germany Germany Lutheran 3 128 73 Spain Wm Head M W 58 S 7 G 8 Y Y Ireland Spain Thomas Ireland McCoy Ann Ireland Ireland A Catholic 3 129 73 Spain Thomas Brother M W 56 S 7 G 8 Y Y Ireland Spain Thomas Ireland McCoy Ann Ireland Ireland Catholic 3 130 73 Spain Bridget Sister F W 60 S 7 G 8 Y Y Ireland Spain Thomas Ireland McCoy Ann Ireland Ireland Catholic 3 131 81 Vanderlan R Head M W 51 M 7 R 8 Y Y Holland Vanderlan A Holland Bodiker Gertrude Holland 78 Holland A Presbyterian 3 132 69 Youngling Emma J Wife F W 40 M 2 R 6 Y Y Germany Youngling Henry Germany Smith Gesina Germany 64 Germany Presbyterian 3 133 Vanderlan Earl Son M W 22 S 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Vanderlan R Holland 51 Youngling Emma Germany 40 Iowa 3 134 Vanderlan Harry Son M W 19 S 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Vanderlan R Holland 51 Youngling Emma Germany 40 Iowa 3 135 Vanderlan Gertrude Daughter F W 17 S 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Vanderlan R Holland 51 Youngling Emma Germany 40 Iowa 3 136 81 Vanderlan Henry Brother M W 50 S 7 R 7 Y Y Holland Vanderlan A Holland Bodiker Gertrude Germany 78 Holland Presbyterian 3 137 Lashbrook Oscar L Head M W 54 M 2 H 9 Y Y Iowa Lashbrook J M England Lush Mary L New York Illinois A M E 3 138 Orvis Bernice L Wife F W 50 M 1 G 8 Y Y Iowa Orvis Fletcher Ohio Cunningham Josephine New York 75 Iowa Baptist 3 139 Lashbrook Ethel L Daughter F W 23 S 1 H 9 Y Y Iowa Lashbrook Oscar L Iowa Orvis Bernice Iowa 50 Iowa M E 3 140 Lashbrook Hazel L Daughter F W 21 S 1 H 12 Y Y Iowa Lashbrook Oscar L Iowa Orvis Bernice Iowa 50 Iowa M E 3 141 Lashbrook Helen Daughter F W 19 S 1 H 12 Y Y Iowa Lashbrook Oscar L Iowa Orvis Bernice Iowa 50 Iowa M E 3 142 69 Feckers Geo Head M W 39 M 7 R 4 Y Y Germany Feckers Geo Sr Germany Haseborg Sintga Germany Germany A Reform 3 143 Beherends Malena Wife F W 33 M 2 R 4 Y Y Iowa Beherends Claus Germany 62 Wolters Margret Germany 60 Germany Reform 3 144 Feckers Claus Son M W 11 S 2 R 4 9 Y Y Iowa Feckers Geo Germany 39 Beherends Malena Germany 33 Iowa 3 145 Feckers Margret Daughter F W 10 S 2 R 4 9 Y Y Iowa Feckers Geo Germany 39 Beherends Malena Germany 33 Iowa 3 146 Feckers Grace Daughter F W 6 S 2 R 1 4 Y Y Iowa Feckers Geo Germany 39 Beherends Malena Germany 33 Iowa 3 147 Feckers Henry Son M W 8 S 2 R 2 9 Iowa Feckers Geo Germany 39 Beherends Malena Germany 33 Iowa 3 148 Feckers Sena Daughter F W 3 S 2 Iowa Feckers Geo Germany 39 Beherends Malena Germany 33 Iowa 3 149 Feckers Marie Daughter F W 1 S 2 Iowa Feckers Geo Germany 39 Beherends Malena Germany 33 Iowa 3 150 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 4 1 Hersey Eli F Head M W 55 M 1 C 3 Y Y Iowa Hersey Levi F Masschusetts Codner Debra New York Iowa B Congregational Nativity column mothers first name could be "Debro". 4 2 Koell Minnie Wife F W 48 M 2 H 12 Y Y Iowa Koell Wm Germany 91 Unknown Iowa Congregational 4 3 Hersey Lena Daughter F W 23 S 1 H 12 Y Y Iowa Hersey Eli F Iowa 55 Koell Minnie Iowa 48 Iowa 4 4 Hersey Ethel Daughter F W 21 S 1 C 3 Y Y Iowa Hersey Eli F Iowa 55 Koell Minnie Iowa 48 Iowa 4 5 Hersey Mary Daughter F W 19 S 1 C 3 Y Y Iowa Hersey Eli F Iowa 55 Koell Minnie Iowa 48 Iowa 4 6 Hersey Henry Son M W 17 S 1 R 8 Y Y Iowa Hersey Eli F Iowa 55 Koell Minnie Iowa 48 Iowa 4 7 Hersey **** Son M W 16 S 1 R 8 Y Y Iowa Hersey Eli F Iowa 55 Koell Minnie Iowa 48 Iowa 4 8 Hersey Bernice Daughter F W 13 S 1 R 8 9 Y Y Iowa Hersey Eli F Iowa 55 Koell Minnie Iowa 48 Iowa 4 9 Hersey Dorthie Daughter F W 11 S 1 R 7 9 Y Y Iowa Hersey Eli F Iowa 55 Koell Minnie Iowa 48 Iowa 4 10 Hersey Alice Daughter F W 7 S 1 R 2 9 Y Y Iowa Hersey Eli F Iowa 55 Koell Minnie Iowa 48 Iowa 4 11 69 Doeden E W Head M W 45 M 7 20 20 R 8 Y Y Germany Doeden Geo Germany 65 Engelkes Anna Germany Germany A Reform 4 12 Bergman Ella Wife F W 38 M 7 20 20 R 5 Y Y Germany Bergman Johnnas Germany Hertland Dena Germany Germany Reform 4 13 Doeden Geo A Son M W 17 S 2 R 6 Y Y Iowa Doeden E W Germany 45 Bergman Ella Germany 38 Iowa 4 14 Doeden Dena F Daughter F W 15 S 2 R 8 9 Y Y Iowa Doeden E W Germany 45 Bergman Ella Germany 38 Iowa 4 15 Doeden Johnnas B Son M W 12 S 2 R 6 9 Y Y Iowa Doeden E W Germany 45 Bergman Ella Germany 38 Iowa 4 16 Doeden Anna J Daughter F W 10 S 2 R 5 9 Y Y Iowa Doeden E W Germany 45 Bergman Ella Germany 38 Iowa 4 17 Doeden Omkae B Son M W 8 S 2 R 3 9 Y Y Iowa Doeden E W Germany 45 Bergman Ella Germany 38 Iowa Census persons first name could be "Ornkae". 4 18 Doeden James C Son M W 6 S 2 R 1 9 Y Y Iowa Doeden E W Germany 45 Bergman Ella Germany 38 Iowa 4 19 Doeden Grace A Daughter F W 4 S 2 Iowa Doeden E W Germany 45 Bergman Ella Germany 38 Iowa 4 20 Doeden Thomas A Son M W 1 S 2 Iowa Doeden E W Germany 45 Bergman Ella Germany 38 Iowa 4 21 81 Timmer Steffen Head M W 47 M 7 11 11 R 8 y y Holland Timmer Jake Holland 78 Stuns Titia Holland 78 Holland A Christian reform 4 22 VanderLaan Frauwke Wife F W 45 M 7 11 11 R 6 y y Holland VanderLaan Peter Holland 70 VanderKamp Marie Holland Holland Christian reform 4 23 Timmer Harm Son M W 21 S 7 11 11 R 6 y y Holland Timmer Steffen Holland 47 VanderLaan Frauwke Holland 45 Holland 4 24 Timmer Titia Daughter F W 18 S 7 11 11 R 8 y y Holland Timmer Steffen Holland 47 VanderLaan Frauwke Holland 45 Holland 4 25 Timmer Annie Daughter F W 13 S 2 11 11 R 8 9 y y Iowa Timmer Steffen Holland 47 VanderLaan Frauwke Holland 45 Holland 4 26 Timmer Sander Son M W 11 S 2 R 4 9 y y Iowa Timmer Steffen Holland 47 VanderLaan Frauwke Holland 45 Holland 4 27 Timmer John Son M W 10 S 2 R 3 9 y y Iowa Timmer Steffen Holland 47 VanderLaan Frauwke Holland 45 Holland 4 28 Timmer Mattie Daughter F W 7 S 2 R 1 9 y y Iowa Timmer Steffen Holland 47 VanderLaan Frauwke Holland 45 Holland 4 29 Timmer Geo Son M W 5 S 2 Iowa Timmer Steffen Holland 47 VanderLaan Frauwke Holland 45 Holland 4 30 Timmer Elsena Daughter F W 3 S 2 Iowa Timmer Steffen Holland 47 VanderLaan Frauwke Holland 45 Holland ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 4 31 Aswegen Earnest Head M W 31 M 2 R 6 Y Y Iowa Aswegen David Germany 56 Kliege Dena Illinois Iowa Yes Army A Congregational 4 32 Timmer Bertha Wife F W 24 M 7 11 11 R 2 Y Y Holland Timmer F F Holland 46 Tobin Poline Holland 43 Holland Congregational 4 33 Aswegen Paul Son M W 2 S 1 Iowa Aswegen Earnest Iowa 31 Timmer Bertha Holland 24 Iowa 4 34 Aswegen David Son M W 1 S 1 Iowa Aswegen Earnest Iowa 31 Timmer Bertha Holland 24 Iowa 4 35 69 Oltman Dick Head M W 38 M 7 15 15 R 5 Y Y Germany Oltman John Germany 73 Rimers Helen Germany 74 Germany A Reformed 4 36 81 Swygman Ellis Wife F W 28 M 7 15 15 R 8 Y Y Holland Swygman Earnest Holland Hecto Trentja Holland 57 Holland Reformed 4 37 Oltman Earnest Son M W 10 S 2 R 2 9 Y Y Iowa Oltman Dick Germany 38 Swygman Ellis Holland 28 Iowa 4 38 Oltman Rima Son M W 8 S 2 R 2 9 Y Y Iowa Oltman Dick Germany 38 Swygman Ellis Holland 28 Iowa 4 39 Oltman Ben Son M W 5 S 2 Iowa Oltman Dick Germany 38 Swygman Ellis Holland 28 Iowa 4 40 Oltman Helen Daughter F W 3 S 2 Iowa Oltman Dick Germany 38 Swygman Ellis Holland 28 Iowa 4 41 Oltman Trentja Daughter F W 1 S 2 Iowa Oltman Dick Germany 38 Swygman Ellis Holland 28 Iowa 4 42 Young Chas Head M W 52 M 1 R 3 Y Y Iowa Young Jason New York Staley Mary New York New York A M E 4 43 Manzer Lulu Wife F W 44 M 1 G 8 Y Y Iowa Manzer James Indiana Owen Laura Indiana Iowa Baptist 4 44 Young Earl Son M W 25 S 1 G 8 Y Y Iowa Young Chas Iowa 52 Manzer Lulu Iowa 44 Iowa 4 45 Young Dale Son M W 18 S 1 C 9 Y Y Iowa Young Chas Iowa 52 Manzer Lulu Iowa 44 Iowa 4 46 Young Laura Daughter F W 15 S 1 C 10 9 Y Y Iowa Young Chas Iowa 52 Manzer Lulu Iowa 44 Iowa 4 47 Young Jessie Son M W 13 S 1 G 7 9 Y Y Iowa Young Chas Iowa 52 Manzer Lulu Iowa 44 Iowa 4 48 Young Louis Son M W 10 S 1 G 6 9 Y Y Iowa Young Chas Iowa 52 Manzer Lulu Iowa 44 Iowa 4 49 Young Donabell Daughter F W 7 S 1 G 3 9 Y Y Iowa Young Chas Iowa 52 Manzer Lulu Iowa 44 Iowa 4 50 Young Adelbert Son M W 4 S 1 Iowa Young Chas Iowa 52 Manzer Lulu Iowa 44 Iowa 4 51 81 Kroeze M Head M W 37 M 4 12 12 R 8 Y Y Holland Kroeze Aldrick Holland VanDenmark Macklina Holland Holland A Reformed 4 52 Hector Swentje Wife F W 37 M 4 12 12 R 7 Y Y Holland Hector Homo Holland 76 Moburg Elsena Germany Holland Reformed 4 53 Kroeze Homo Son M W 19 S 4 12 12 R 7 Y Y Holland Kroeze M Holland 37 Hector Swentja Holland 37 Holland 4 54 Hector Homo None M W 70 W 4 13 13 R 6 Y Y Holland Hector Ben Holland Graves Frower Holland Holland Reformed 4 55 69 Ulfers Harm Head M W 52 M 4 22 22 R 8 Y Y Germany Ulfers Henry Germany Smith Heneretta Germany Germany Reformed 4 56 81 Oldenburg Grace Wife F W 44 M 4 22 22 R 8 Y Y Holland Oldenburg Fred Holland 75 Steinhuis Gertie Holland 77 Holland Reformed 4 57 Van Hauen H R Head M W 30 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Van Hauen Harm Germany 70 Boomgarden Mary Iowa Iowa A Reformed 4 58 Jungling Mary Wife F W 22 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Jungling Henry Germany Smith Genrina Germany 65 Iowa Reformed 4 59 Van Hauen Marie Daughter F W 8 S 1 R 3 Y Y Iowa Van Hauen H R Iowa 30 Jungling Mara Iowa 22 Iowa Mothers nativity column lines 59, 60 census shows mothers first name as "Mara". 4 60 Van Hauen Harvey Son M W 4 S 1 Iowa Van Hauen H R Iowa 30 Jungling Mara Iowa 22 Iowa ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 4 61 Van Hauen Gensina Daughter F W 2 S 1 Iowa Van Hauen H R Iowa 30 Jingling Mary Iowa 22 Iowa 4 62 81 Oldenburger Ben Head M W 49 M 7 22 22 R 8 Y Y Holland Oldenburger Gerrit Holland Jansen Harmke Holland 70 Holland A Reform 4 63 81 Oldenburger Wyrke Wife F W 50 M 7 22 22 R 4 Y Y Holland Oldenburger Frederick Holland 76 Steinhuis Gertie Holland 78 Holland Reform 4 64 Oldenburger Amy Daughter F W 19 S 2 R 6 Y Y Iowa Oldenburger Ben Holland 49 Oldenburg Wrejrke Holland 50 Iowa 4 65 Oldenburger Fred Son M W 17 S 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Oldenburger Ben Holland 49 Oldenburg Wrejrke Holland 50 Iowa 4 66 Oldenburger Gertie Daughter F W 15 S 2 R 8 9 Y Y Iowa Oldenburger Ben Holland 49 Oldenburg Wrejrke Holland 50 Iowa 4 67 Alberts Jake F Head M W 24 M 2 G 8 Y Y Iowa Alberts Folkert Holland 50 Rieken Hauka Iowa 46 Iowa A Presbyterian 4 68 Rindles Sara Wife F W 26 M 2 R 6 Y Y Iowa Rieken Jake Germany 56 Harrinstern Jennie Illinois 52 Iowa Reform 4 69 Alberts Roy Son M W 8 S 1 R 2 9 Y Y Iowa Alberts Jake F Iowa 24 Rindles Sara Iowa 26 Iowa 4 70 Alberts Genevieve Daughter F W 1 S 1 Iowa Alberts Jake F Iowa 24 Rindles Sara Iowa 26 Iowa 4 71 81 Oldenburger John Head M W 48 S 7 22 22 R 4 Y Y Holland Oldenburger Geo Holland Francin Harmka Holland Holland A Reformed 4 72 Kieviet Tom Head M W 55 M 4 22 22 H 9 Y Y Holland Kieviet John Holland Jurgans Elsie Holland 82 Holland A Reformed 4 73 DeGroote Ella Wife F W 49 M 4 22 22 G 8 Y Y Holland DeGroote Ludwig Holland Miller Dena Holland 72 Holland Reformed 4 74 Kieviet Dena Daughter F W 22 S 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Kieviet Tom Holland 55 DeGroote Ella Holland 49 Holland 4 75 Kieviet Elsie Daughter F W 18 S 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Kieviet Tom Holland 55 DeGroote Ella Holland 49 Holland 4 76 Kieviet Louis Son M W 14 S 2 R 8 9 Y Y Iowa Kieviet Tom Holland 55 DeGroote Ella Holland 49 Holland 4 77 Kieviet Jennetta Daughter F W 10 S 2 R 6 9 Y Y Iowa Kieviet Tom Holland 55 DeGroote Ella Holland 49 Holland 4 78 Wallbaum Conrad Head M W 49 M 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Wallbaum Fred Germany 76 Peters Anna Germany 73 Iowa A Reform 4 79 Kettwig Dena Wife F W 45 M 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Kettwig Harm Germany 82 Rave Minnie Germany 79 Illinois Reform 4 80 Wallbaum Anna Daughter F W 20 S 1 R 6 Y Y Iowa Wallbaum Conrad Iowa 49 Kettwig Dena Iowa 45 Iowa 4 81 Wallbaum Minnie Daughter F W 18 S 1 R 6 Y Y Iowa Wallbaum Conrad Iowa 49 Kettwig Dena Iowa 45 Iowa 4 82 Wallbaum Fred Son M W 16 S 1 R 5 Y Y Iowa Wallbaum Conrad Iowa 49 Kettwig Dena Iowa 45 Iowa 4 83 Wallbaum Herman Son M W 14 S 1 R 4 9 Y Y Iowa Wallbaum Conrad Iowa 49 Kettwig Dena Iowa 45 Iowa 4 84 Wallbaum Edward Son M W 11 S 1 R 4 9 Y Y Iowa Wallbaum Conrad Iowa 49 Kettwig Dena Iowa 45 Iowa 4 85 Wallbaum Simon Son M W 9 S 1 R 3 9 Y Y Iowa Wallbaum Conrad Iowa 49 Kettwig Dena Iowa 45 Iowa 4 86 Wallbaum Lillian Daughter F W 6 S 1 R 1 4 Y Y Iowa Wallbaum Conrad Iowa 49 Kettwig Dena Iowa 45 Iowa 4 87 Reints F E Head M W 35 M 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Reints John Germany 73 Seferince Angeline Germany Iowa A Congregational 4 88 Wilson Mabel Wife F W 35 M 1 R 4 Y Y Iowa Wilson James Nebraska Jamerson Effie Nebraska 60 Nebraska Congregational 4 89 Reints Marie Daughter F W 12 S 1 R 5 6 Y Y Iowa Reints F E Iowa 35 Wilson Mabel Iowa 35 Iowa 4 90 Reints John Son M W 10 S 1 R 4 9 Y Y Iowa Reints F E Iowa 35 Wilson Mabel Iowa 35 Iowa ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 4 91 Reints Margret Daughter F W 8 S 1 R 4 9 Y Y Iowa Reints F E Iowa 35 Wilson Mabel Iowa 35 Iowa 4 92 Reints Benny Son M W 6 S 1 R 1 6 Iowa Reints F E Iowa 35 Wilson Mabel Iowa 35 Iowa 4 93 Reints Vernon Son M W 4 S 1 Iowa Reints F E Iowa 35 Wilson Mabel Iowa 35 Iowa 4 94 Mehmen Seibo Head M W 27 M 2 G 6 Y Y Iowa Mehmen Jacob Germany Ravers Gertrude Germany Germany A Reform 4 95 Eckhoff Bertha Wife F W 26 M 6 R 6 Y Y Iowa Eckhoff Egbert Illinois Rust Maggie Unknown Unknown Reform 4 96 Richards E A Head M W 54 M 1 R 7 Y Y Iowa Richards Willard Michigan Eldridge Amy Michigan 74 Michigan A Unknown 4 97 Wilson Irene Wife F W 46 M 1 C 1 Y Y Iowa Wilson Seth Indiana Tejlor Parnell New York Iowa M E 4 98 Richards Mildred Daughter F W 18 S 1 C 1 9 Y Y Iowa Richard E A Iowa 54 Wilson Irene Iowa 46 Iowa Lines 98, 99 in fathers nativity column census shows last name as "Richard". 4 99 Richards Willard Son M W 15 S 1 R 5 9 Y Y Iowa Richard E A Iowa 54 Wilson Irene Iowa 46 Iowa 4 100 12 Chapman W H Head M W 45 M 2 C 1 Y Y Illinois Chapman Edgar Illinois Heilman Anna Germany 77 Illinois D Congregational 4 101 Curtis Lorena Wife F W 41 M 1 H 10 Y Y Iowa Curtis S J Indiana 77 Pingrie Laura Illinois Iowa Congregational Mothers nativity column last name could be "Pingrie". 4 102 48 Chapman Lynn K Son M W 17 S 1 H 11 9 Y Y Wisconsin Chapman W H Illinois 45 Curtis Lorena Iowa 41 Iowa 4 103 26 Chapman Laura B Daughter F W 15 S 1 H 9 9 Y Y Nebraska Chapman W H Illinois 45 Curtis Lorena Iowa 41 Iowa 4 104 65 Juel C H Head M W 44 M 7 25 25 R 4 Y Y Denmark Juel Hans Denmark Peterson Hanna Denmark Denmark E D Lutheran 4 105 Williamson Hazel Wife F W 30 M 6 H 9 Y Y Iowa Williamson Jack Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown M E 4 106 Juel Maxine Daughter F W 5 S 2 Iowa Juel C H Denmark 44 Williamson Hazel Iowa 30 Iowa 4 107 Juel Dale Son M W 3 S 2 Iowa Juel C H Denmark 44 Williamson Hazel Iowa 30 Iowa 4 108 Turner R E Head M W 24 M 1 G 8 Y Y Iowa Turner R Ohio 46 Jaquns Hattie Iowa 72 Iowa A M E 4 109 15 Poe Sula Wife F W 21 M 1 R 8 Y Y Kansas Poe W A Missouri 66 Hodson Annie Kansas Kansas M E 4 110 Turner Ester Daughter F W 1 S 1 Iowa Turner R E Iowa 24 Poe Sula Iowa 21 Kansas 4 111 69 Wilkens Wilke Head M W 56 M 4 34 34 R 4 Y Y Germany Wilkens Otto Germany 80 Janssan Tena Germany 84 Germany A 4 112 Schultz Fannie Wife F W 58 M 4 34 34 R 4 Y Y Germany Schultz Henry Germany Foof Stena Germany Germany 4 113 Wilkens Otto Son M W 32 S 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Wilkens Wilke Germany 56 Schultz Fannie Germany 58 Germany Yes Army Iowa A Reform 4 114 Wilkens Henry Son M W 28 S 2 R 6 Y Y Iowa Wilkens Wilke Germany 56 Schultz Fannie Germany 58 Germany Reform 4 115 Wilkens Willie Son M W 21 S 2 R 6 Y Y Iowa Wilkens Wilke Germany 56 Schultz Fannie Germany 58 Germany 4 116 Brocka W J Head M W 39 S 2 R 6 Y Y Iowa Brocka Earnest Unknown Freese Lurie Holland 61 Iowa A Evangelism 4 117 Herkes Anna Wife F W 34 M 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Herkes (Unknown) Germany Unknown Unknown Unknown Evangelism 4 118 Brocka Harvey E Son M W 16 S 1 R 8 9 Y Y Iowa Brocka W J Iowa 39 Herkes Anna Iowa 34 Iowa 4 119 Brocka Susie P Daughter F W 13 S 1 R 7 9 Y Y Iowa Brocka W J Iowa 39 Herkes Anna Iowa 34 Iowa 4 120 Brocka Eddie O Son M W 11 S 1 R 5 9 Y Y Iowa Brocka W J Iowa 39 Herkes Anna Iowa 34 Iowa ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 4 121 Brocka Alice M Daughter F W 9 S 1 R 4 9 Y Y Iowa Brocka W J Iowa 39 Herkes Anna Iowa 34 Iowa 4 122 Brocka Chris E Son M W 8 S 1 R 1 9 Y Y Iowa Brocka W J Iowa 39 Herkes Anna Iowa 34 Iowa 4 123 Brocka Evert W Son M W 4 S 1 Iowa Brocka W J Iowa 39 Herkes Anna Iowa 34 Iowa 4 124 Church Lydia Head F W 55 M 1 H 9 Y Y Iowa Codner Lyman New York Codner Malinda New York Wisconsin M E Mothers nativity column shows birth place as "York State" in census. 4 125 81 Mulder Henry Head M W 26 M 4 12 12 R 8 Y Y Holland Mulder Henry Sr Holland 63 Siebrands Jajnen Holland 61 Holland A Reform 4 126 Allspach Catherine Wife F W 24 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Allspach Jacob Germany 56 Poppen Flora Germany 55 Iowa Reform 4 127 69 Van Hauen Okke Head M W 66 M 7 30 30 R 4 Y Y Germany Van Hauen Henry Germany Jenssen Hattie Germany Germany A Baptist 4 128 Leister Aloida Wife F W 62 M 3 30 30 R 5 Y Y Germany Leister Fred Germany Wellman Johannah Germany Germany Baptist 4 129 Van Hauen Herman Son M W 30 S 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Van Hauen Okke Germany 66 Leister Aloida Germany 62 Iowa Yes Army Iowa A Baptist Lines 129, 130 in mothers nativity column shows her age as "64" in census. 4 130 Van Hauen Alice M Daughter F W 19 S 2 C 9 Y Y Iowa Van Hauen Okke Germany 66 Leister Aloida Germany 62 Iowa 4 131 Hilfers John Head M W 40 M 2 R 7 Y Y Iowa Hilfers John Sr Germany Houden Ella Germany 82 Germany A Reform 4 132 Adolphs Henenrica Wife F W 35 M 2 R 7 Y Y Iowa Adolphs Henry Germany Hilfers Tillie Germany Germany Reform 4 133 Hilfers Ella Daughter F W 14 S 2 R 6 9 Y Y Iowa Hilfers John Jr Germany 40 Adolphs Henenrica Iowa 35 Minnesota 4 134 Hilfers Henry Son M W 12 S 2 R 4 9 Y Y Iowa Hilfers John Jr Germany 40 Adolphs Henenrica Iowa 35 Minnesota 4 135 Hilfers Johnnie Son M W 2 S 2 Iowa Hilfers John Jr Germany 40 Adolphs Henenrica Iowa 35 Minnesota 4 136 Adolphs John B Head M W 35 M 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Adolphs Henry Germany Hilfers Tillie Germany Germany Congregational 4 137 Boomgarden Elizebeth Wife F W 30 M 1 R 4 Y Y Iowa Boomgarden Martin Illinois 62 Kniper Anna Germany Iowa Congregational 4 138 Bartels John E Head M W 39 M 2 G 7 Y Y Iowa Bartels Evert Germany 82 Smith Jennie Germany 71 Iowa Baptist 4 139 Frey Clara Wife F W 35 M 2 G 5 Y Y Iowa Frey William Germany 86 Fluth Johannah Germany 72 Iowa Baptist 4 140 Bartels Edward Son M W 17 S 1 H 9 9 Y Y Iowa Bartels John Iowa 39 Frey Clara Iowa 35 Iowa 4 141 Fleshner S Head M W 47 M 2 R 7 Y Y Iowa Fleshner Christopher Germany Unknown Germany Germany A M E 4 142 Butjer Kate Wife F W 44 M 2 R 7 Y Y Iowa Butjer Dick Germany Klingberg Trentje Germany Germany M E 4 143 Fleshner Minnie Daughter F W 16 S 1 R 8 Y Y Iowa Fleshner S Iowa 47 Butjer Katie Iowa 44 Iowa 4 144 Fleshner Paul Son M W 12 S 1 R 7 9 Y Y Iowa Fleshner S Iowa 47 Butjer Katie Iowa 44 Iowa 4 145 Oldenburger Hilke Head M W 29 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Oldenburger Gerrit Holland Johnson Haunke Holland Holland Reform 4 146 Berends Stina Wife F W 29 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Brends Evert Germany Schultz Sina Germany Germany Reform 4 147 Oldenburger Hazel Daughter F W 4 S 1 Iowa Oldenburger Hilke Iowa 29 Berends Stina Iowa 29 Iowa 4 148 Oldenburger Edward Son M W 3 S 1 Iowa Oldenburger Hilke Iowa 29 Berends Stina Iowa 29 Iowa 4 149 Iblings E E None M W 29 S 1 H 10 Y Y Iowa Iblings C A Illinois 57 Slight Mattie Iowa 59 Iowa Yes Army Iowa Congregational 4 150 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 5 1 69 Johnson Geo H Head M W 35 M 7 25 25 R 4 Y Y Germany Johnson Henry G Germany Riekena Johannah Germany Germany A Lutheran 5 2 Rieken Etta Wife F W 30 M 7 25 25 R 7 Y Y Germany Rieken Rieke Germany 79 Mehmen Antje Germany Germany Lutheran 5 3 Johnson Johannah Daughter F W 8 S 2 G 2 9 Y Y Iowa Johnson Geo H Germany 35 Rieken Etta Germany 30 Iowa 5 4 Johnson Anna Daughter F W 7 S 2 G 2 9 Y Y Iowa Johnson Geo H Germany 35 Rieken Etta Germany 30 Iowa 5 5 Johnson Henerietta Daughter F W 5 S 2 G 1 9 Y Y Iowa Johnson Geo H Germany 35 Rieken Etta Germany 30 Iowa 5 6 Johnson Richard Son M W 3 S 2 Iowa Johnson Geo H Germany 35 Rieken Etta Germany 30 Iowa 5 7 Johnson Harold Son M W 2 S 2 Iowa Johnson Geo H Germany 35 Rieken Etta Germany 30 Iowa 5 8 Johnson Edward Son M W 1 S 2 Iowa Johnson Geo H Germany 35 Rieken Etta Germany 30 Iowa 5 9 DeGroote Henry H Jr Head M W 43 M 2 R 6 Y Y Iowa DeGroote Hindrick Germany Jacobs Anna Germany 70 Germany A Lutheran 5 10 Van Hauen Lizzie Wife F W 39 M 6 G 8 Y Y Iowa Van Hauen Harm Unknown Boombgarden Mary Unknown Iowa Lutheran Fathers nativity column, see book 4, line 57 census shows "Van Hauen, Harm" born in Germany. Mothers nativity column, see book 4, line 57, census shows "Boomgarden, Mary" born in Iowa. 5 11 DeGroote Henry Jr Son M W 19 S 1 R 5 Y Y Iowa DeGroote Henry H Jr Iowa 43 Van Hauen Lizzie Iowa 39 Iowa 5 12 DeGroote Harm Son M W 15 S 1 R 5 9 Y Y Iowa DeGroote Henry H Jr Iowa 43 Van Hauen Lizzie Iowa 39 Iowa 5 13 DeGroote Annie Daughter F W 12 S 1 R 5 9 Y Y Iowa DeGroote Henry H Jr Iowa 43 Van Hauen Lizzie Iowa 39 Iowa 5 14 DeGroote Marion Son M W 10 S 1 R 3 9 Y Y Iowa DeGroote Henry H Jr Iowa 43 Van Hauen Lizzie Iowa 39 Iowa 5 15 DeGroote Florence Daughter F W 7 S 1 R 1 9 Y Y Iowa DeGroote Henry H Jr Iowa 43 Van Hauen Lizzie Iowa 39 Iowa 5 16 DeGroote Johannah Daughter F W 4 S 1 Iowa DeGroote Henry H Jr Iowa 43 Van Hauen Lizzie Iowa 39 Iowa 5 17 DeGroote Lizzie Daughter F W 1 S 1 Iowa DeGroote Henry H Jr Iowa 43 Van Hauen Lizzie Iowa 39 Iowa 5 18 69 Schrage Chas Head M W 58 M 7 25 25 R 8 Y Y Germany Schrage Earnest Germany Romke Charlotte Germany Germany A Lutheran 5 19 12 Schnerderman Hattie Wife F W 47 M 2 R 7 Y Y Illinois Schnerderman Henry Germany 74 Van Hauen Fannie Germany Illinois Lutheran 5 20 Schrage Henry Son M W 19 S 2 G 8 Y Y Iowa Schrage Chas Germany 58 Schnerderman Hattie Illinois 47 Iowa 5 21 Schrage Lenora Daughter F W 17 S 2 G 8 Y Y Iowa Schrage Chas Germany 58 Schnerderman Hattie Illinois 47 Iowa 5 22 Schrage Fayett Daughter F W 13 S 2 R 8 9 Y Y Iowa Schrage Chas Germany 58 Schnerderman Hattie Illinois 47 Iowa 5 23 Schrage Normandy Daughter F W 11 S 2 R 6 9 Y Y Iowa Schrage Chas Germany 58 Schnerderman Hattie Illinois 47 Iowa 5 24 Schrage Robert Son M W 8 S 2 R 4 9 Y Y Iowa Schrage Chas Germany 58 Schnerderman Hattie Illinois 47 Iowa 5 25 Schrage Thomas Son M W 5 S 2 R 1 4 Y Y Iowa Schrage Chas Germany 58 Schnerderman Hattie Illinois 47 Iowa 5 26 Nussen Thelma Daughter F W 7 S 1 R 3 9 Y Y Iowa Nussen Thomas Iowa 29 Schrage Charlotte Iowa Iowa 5 27 Miller L E Head M W 47 M 1 H 12 Y Y Iowa Miller Chas Pennsylvania Lenas Catherin Pennsylvania Pennsylvania D Congregational 5 28 Smith Matie Wife F W 47 M 1 H 12 Y Y Iowa Smith W W Illinois 83 Small Annie E Illinois 78 Illinois Congregational 5 29 Anfinson Wm None M W 27 S 1 H 9 Y Y Iowa Anfinson Albert Iowa Smith Laura Iowa 56 Iowa A 5 30 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 5 31 Hyde F E Head M W 48 M 1 H 11 Y Y Iowa Hyde Chas Connecticut 84 Fargo Ella Connecticut Connecticut A Congregational 5 32 24 Riddle Stella Wife F W 39 M 1 H 12 Y Y Missouri Riddle Newton Missouri Ohowell Martha Missouri 84 Missouri Church reform 5 33 4 Hyde Earnest Son M W 20 S 1 R 8 Y Y California Hyde F E Iowa 48 Riddle Stella Missouri 39 California 5 34 Hyde Gorda Daughter F W 18 S 1 H 11 9 Y Y California Hyde F E Iowa 48 Riddle Stella Missouri 39 California 5 35 Hyde Minnie Daughter F W 16 S 1 H 10 9 Y Y California Hyde F E Iowa 48 Riddle Stella Missouri 39 California 5 36 Hyde Jimmie Son M W 14 S 1 R 6 8 Y Y Iowa Hyde F E Iowa 48 Riddle Stella Missouri 39 California 5 37 Hyde Elizebeth Daughter F W 12 S 1 R 5 9 Y Y Iowa Hyde F E Iowa 48 Riddle Stella Missouri 39 California 5 38 Hyde Bill Son M W 10 S 1 R 4 9 Y Y Iowa Hyde F E Iowa 48 Riddle Stella Missouri 39 California 5 39 Hyde Gladys Daughter F W 7 S 1 R 3 9 Y Y Iowa Hyde F E Iowa 48 Riddle Stella Missouri 39 California 5 40 Hyde Geo Son M W 6 S 1 R 1 9 Y Y Iowa Hyde F E Iowa 48 Riddle Stella Missouri 39 California 5 41 Hyde Francis Son M W 4 S 1 Iowa Hyde F E Iowa 48 Riddle Stella Missouri 39 California 5 42 Berends Henry F Head M W 26 M 2 G 8 Y Y Iowa Berends Fred Sr Germany 52 Unknown Unknown Unknown A Reform 5 43 81 Ryks Anna Wife F W 25 M 7 15 15 R 7 Y Y Holland Ryks Martin Holland 48 Huren Carrie Holland 45 Holland Reform 5 44 Berends Florence Daughter F W 4 S 1 Iowa Berends Henry F Iowa 26 Ryks Anna Holland 26 Iowa 5 45 Berends Carrie Daughter F W 2 S 1 Iowa Berends Henry F Iowa 26 Ryks Anna Holland Iowa 5 46 Berends Marvin Son M W 1 S 1 Iowa Berends Henry F Iowa 26 Ryks Anna Holland Iowa 5 47 Blau Ben H Head M W 38 M 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Blau Ben Germany Tiepker Grace Germany Iowa A Reform Census persons last name could be "Blaw" or Blan". 5 48 Wildeboer Grace Wife F W 33 M 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Wildeboer Ben Germany 71 Freese Jennie Germany 67 Iowa 5 49 Blau William R Son M W 2 S 1 Iowa Blau Ben H Iowa 38 Wildeboer Grace Iowa 33 Iowa 5 50 Blau Jim Son M W 1 S 1 Iowa Blau Ben H Iowa 38 Wildeboer Grace Iowa 33 Iowa 5 51 Grun John Head M W 40 M 2 R 4 Y Y Iowa Grun William Germany 72 Cooper Minnie Germany 72 Germany A Reform 5 52 Faber Ollie Wife F W 34 M 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Faber Harm Germany Bruns Christina Germany Germany Reform 5 53 Grun William Son M W 14 S 1 G 7 9 Y Y Iowa Grun John Iowa 40 Faber Ollie Iowa 34 Iowa 5 54 22 Grun Harm Son M W 12 S 1 G 6 9 Y Y Minnesota Grun John Iowa 40 Faber Ollie Iowa 34 Iowa 5 55 Grun Vera Daughter F W 8 S 1 G 2 9 Y Y Iowa Grun John Iowa 40 Faber Ollie Iowa 34 Iowa 5 56 Grun Milo Son M W 6 S 1 G 1 9 Y Y Iowa Grun John Iowa 40 Faber Ollie Iowa 34 Iowa 5 57 5 58 5 59 5 60 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS-YEAR: 1925 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Butler DIVISION: Albion Twp ENUMERATOR: Irving Toll ENUM DATE: 28 April 1925 MICROFILM: FHL # 1429240 v.1-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSE S/M/OWN/ FREE/ HOME MORT RENT INS FRGN YRS YRS SCHOOL HIGHST # MO PLACE OF FATHER MOTHER PARENTS CIVIL WAR SPANSH-AM WAR WORLD WAR OCCUP ILLNESS COND CHURCH TRANSCRIBER'S BOOK LN ST NBR LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI RELATION SEX CLR AGE W/D RENT MORT VAL DEBT AMT AMT NATR US IOWA R/G/H/C GRADE ATTND READ WRT BIRTH NAME BIRTH PL AGE NAME BIRTH PL AGE MARRIAGE PL VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH AGE VET BRANCH STATE A - F MO UNEM $ LOSS UNEMP AFFILTN REMARKS 1 1 2 2 3 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 6A 6B 6C 7.1ABCD 7.2ABCD 7.3 7.4 7.5 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 9cA 9cB 9cC 9sA 9sB 9sC 9wA 9wB 9wC 10 10G 10H 10I 11 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 5 61 Brocka Herman Head M W 57 M 2 R 6 Y Y Iowa Brocka August Germany Hememeyer Ametia Germany 88 Illinois A Lutheran 5 62 Sinram Carrie Wife F W 57 M 2 R 5 Y Y Iowa Sinram Carl Germany Bucholtz Anna Iowa 76 Iowa Lutheran 5 63 Brocka A C Son M W 29 S 1 R 8 Y Y Iowa Brocka Herman Iowa 57 Sinram Carrie Iowa 57 Iowa A 5 64 Brocka Mabel Daughter F W 27 S 1 R 8 Y Y Iowa Brocka Herman Iowa 57 Sinram Carrie Iowa 57 Iowa 5 65 Brocka E L Son M W 25 S 1 R 8 Y Y Iowa Brocka Herman Iowa 57 Sinram Carrie Iowa 57 Iowa 5 66 Brocka H H Son M W 20 S 1 R 8 Y Y Iowa Brocka Herman Iowa 57 Sinram Carrie Iowa 57 Iowa 5 67 Brocka L E Son M W 17 S 1 R 8 Y Y Iowa Brocka Herman Iowa 57 Sinram Carrie Iowa 57 Iowa 5 68 Parks Lee Head M W 35 M 1 R 8 Y Y Iowa Parks M G Iowa 67 Norton Stella Iowa 56 Iowa A M E 5 69 Brown Ethel Wife F W 35 M 1 H 11 Y Y Iowa Brown Will Illinois 71 Rash Minnie Ohio 67 Iowa M E 5 70 Parks Lista Daughter F W 11 S 1 R 7 9 Y Y Iowa Parks Lee Iowa 35 Brown Ethel Iowa 35 Iowa 5 71 Parks Marlys Daughter F W 7 S 1 R 3 9 Y Y Iowa Parks Lee Iowa 35 Brown Ethel Iowa 35 Iowa 5 72 Parks Merlyn Son M W 3 S 1 Iowa Parks Lee Iowa 35 Brown Ethel Iowa 35 Iowa 5 73 Huting Daniel Head M W 46 M 2 R 6 Y Y Iowa Huting Remt Germany Miller Ella Germany 75 Illinois A 5 74 Pruisonio Reintjie Wife F W 44 M 2 R 6 Y Y Iowa Reintjie Meine Germany Unst Jennie Germany Illinois Unknown 5 75 Huting Jessie M Daughter F W 19 S 1 R 8 Y Y Iowa Huting Daniel Iowa 46 Pruisonio Rentje Iowa 44 Iowa Unknown Mothers nativity column census shows first name as "Rentje". 5 76 Huting Margret E Daughter F W 15 S 1 R 8 4 Y Y Iowa Huting Daniel Iowa 46 Pruisonio Rentje Iowa 44 Iowa 5 77 Huting Doris Daughter F W 12 S 1 R 7 9 Y Y Iowa Huting Daniel Iowa 46 Pruisonio Rentje Iowa 44 Iowa 5 78 Huting Frances Daughter F W 9 S 1 R 3 9 Y Y Iowa Huting Daniel Iowa 46 Pruisonio Rentje Iowa 44 Iowa 5 79 Huting Esther Daughter F W 6 S 1 R 1 9 Y Y Iowa Huting Daniel Iowa 46 Pruisonio Rentje Iowa 44 Iowa 5 80 Huting Bernice Daughter F W 4 S 1 Iowa Huting Daniel Iowa 46 Pruisonio Rentje Iowa 44 Iowa 5 81 81 Timmer Henry Head M W 44 M 7 25 25 R 8 Y Y Holland Timmer Henry Sr Holland Reiks Jennie Holland 73 Holland 5 82 Gersma Effie Wife F W 36 M 2 R 7 Y Y Iowa Gersma Henry Germany 65 Wildeboer Tillie Germany 56 Iowa 5 83 Timmer Henry Jr Son M W 15 S 2 R 8 9 Y Y Iowa Timmer Henry Sr Holland 44 Gersema Effie Iowa 36 Iowa 5 84 Timmer Raymond Son M W 11 S 2 R 5 9 Y Y Iowa Timmer Henry Sr Holland 44 Gersema Effie Iowa 36 Iowa 5 85 Toll Irving P Head M W 45 M 2 R 8 Y Y Iowa Toll Fredrick Germany Borchers Jane Germany Iowa 5 86 Perry Mary J Wife F W 41 M 1 G 7 Y Y Iowa Perry W W Illinois 85 Phelps Lydia New York Wisconsin 5 87 Toll Mark I Son M W 19 S 1 H 9 9 Y Y Iowa Toll Irving P Iowa 45 Perry Mary J Iowa 41 Iowa