CENSUS: 1856 State Census; Index for Butler County, Iowa ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES PROJECT NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://usgwarchives.net/ ************************************************************************ The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner. All submissions become part of the permanent collection. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Michael F. Roszelle____________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: For more information on Butler, Iowa Please visit the Butler County, IAGenWeb page at http://iagenweb.org/butler/ ____________________________________________________________________________ Index of the 1856 census of Butler County, Iowa Based on the 1856 census transcribed by Rebecca Seehusen Indexs compiled 25 March, 2001 by Michael F. Roszelle LAST FIRST TOWNSHIP FILE NAME ------------ ---------------- --------- ------------ Ackerman Hiram Beaver but56bea.txt Ackerman Laura Beaver but56bea.txt Ahrams Jacob West Point but56wes.txt Ahrams Jacob West Point but56wes.txt Ahrams John West Point but56wes.txt Ahrams Mary West Point but56wes.txt Ahrams Zada West Point but56wes.txt Allen Darius Des Moines but56dsm.txt Allen George Des Moines but56dsm.txt Allen Lewis Des Moines but56dsm.txt Allen Marion Des Moines but56dsm.txt Allen Merrill Des Moines but56dsm.txt Allen Sylvester Des Moines but56dsm.txt Allen Elizabeth Butler but56but.txt Allen Geo R. Butler but56but.txt Allen Nancy Butler but56but.txt Ames Jos T. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Ames Jos. T. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Ames Laura Des Moines but56dsm.txt Ames Mary E. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Angell Chas. H. Butler but56but.txt Angell Delia Butler but56but.txt Angell Eleanor Butler but56but.txt Angell John Butler but56but.txt Angell Leander Butler but56but.txt Angell Martha Butler but56but.txt Armstrong Elizabeth Des Moines but56dsm.txt Armstrong Geo Des Moines but56dsm.txt Armstrong John Des Moines but56dsm.txt Armstrong Nancy Des Moines but56dsm.txt Armstrong Anna Shell Rock but56she.txt Armstrong J. A. Butler but56but.txt Armstrong Martha A. Butler but56but.txt Armstrong R. C. Shell Rock but56she.txt Armstrong Samuel Butler but56but.txt Armstrong Sarah A. Butler but56but.txt Atchinson Geo Shell Rock but56she.txt Atchinson Henry Butler but56but.txt Ayres Jonathan D Shell Rock but56she.txt Ayres Mariah Shell Rock but56she.txt Ayres Phineas Shell Rock but56she.txt Ayres Sarah A Shell Rock but56she.txt Babcock Ann Des Moines but56dsm.txt Babcock Annetta Des Moines but56dsm.txt Babcock Jos Des Moines but56dsm.txt Babcock Lois Des Moines but56dsm.txt Babcock Ruth Des Moines but56dsm.txt Babcock Sarah Des Moines but56dsm.txt Baker A. Jane Des Moines but56dsm.txt Baker Alex Des Moines but56dsm.txt Baker Allen F. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Baker Amsey Des Moines but56dsm.txt Baker Henry Des Moines but56dsm.txt Baker Mary Des Moines but56dsm.txt Baker Mary E. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Baker Mary H. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Ball Benjamin West Point but56wes.txt Ball Daniel West Point but56wes.txt Ball Drucila West Point but56wes.txt Ball Filora West Point but56wes.txt Ball Mary West Point but56wes.txt Ball Nathaniel West Point but56wes.txt Ballew Bertha Butler but56but.txt Ballew Elizabeth Butler but56but.txt Ballew Ellen Butler but56but.txt Ballew Richmond A. Butler but56but.txt Bannon Chas A Des Moines but56dsm.txt Baughman Elizabeth J. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Baughman John T. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Baughman Martha Des Moines but56dsm.txt Baughman Mary J. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Baughman Seth H. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Baylor James West Point but56wes.txt Baylor Jane West Point but56wes.txt Baylor Wm West Point but56wes.txt Bebee Silas Monroe but56mon.txt Beebe Eli H. Butler but56but.txt Beebe Levi Butler but56but.txt Beebe Olive Butler but56but.txt Beebee Eli Butler but56but.txt Beebee Sefrona Butler but56but.txt Beetle Alle A. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Beetle Andrew Des Moines but56dsm.txt Beetle Catherine Des Moines but56dsm.txt Beetle David Des Moines but56dsm.txt Beetle Ellen Des Moines but56dsm.txt Beetle John H. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Beetle Mary J. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Beetle Sarah Des Moines but56dsm.txt Beetle Susanna Des Moines but56dsm.txt Bement Alfred Des Moines but56dsm.txt Bement McCarty Des Moines but56dsm.txt Bement Nelson Des Moines but56dsm.txt Bement Olive Des Moines but56dsm.txt Bement Susan E. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Bess Jesse Des Moines but56dsm.txt Billhimer Barbara Butler but56but.txt Billhimer Christopher Butler but56but.txt Billhimer Henry Butler but56but.txt Blair Jos Butler but56but.txt Blake Elizabeth Butler but56but.txt Blake James Butler but56but.txt Blake James Butler but56but.txt Blake Jasper Butler but56but.txt Blake Mary E. Butler but56but.txt Blake Peter H. Butler but56but.txt Blakely David Butler but56but.txt Blakely Julia A. Butler but56but.txt Bond_(Dond?) Nelson Beaver but56bea.txt Bonwell Cas N. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Bonwell Elizabeth Des Moines but56dsm.txt Bonwell Elizabeth Des Moines but56dsm.txt Bonwell Elizabeth Des Moines but56dsm.txt Bonwell James Des Moines but56dsm.txt Bonwell John Des Moines but56dsm.txt Bonwell Margaret Des Moines but56dsm.txt Bonwell Mary Des Moines but56dsm.txt Bonwell Robt A. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Bonwell Susanna Des Moines but56dsm.txt Bonwell Wm E. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Bonwell Amanda Butler but56but.txt Bonwell Chas E. Butler but56but.txt Bonwell Harley D. Butler but56but.txt Bonwell S. Butler but56but.txt Bonwell Wm H. Butler but56but.txt Boorom John Des Moines but56dsm.txt Boorom John Des Moines but56dsm.txt Boorom Smith Des Moines but56dsm.txt Boylon Asa West Point but56wes.txt Boylon Asa West Point but56wes.txt Boylon Catherine West Point but56wes.txt Boylon Daniel West Point but56wes.txt Boylon Eliza West Point but56wes.txt Boylon George West Point but56wes.txt Boylon Hanah West Point but56wes.txt Boylon Hannah West Point but56wes.txt Boylon Isaac West Point but56wes.txt Boylon James West Point but56wes.txt Boylon John West Point but56wes.txt Boylon John West Point but56wes.txt Boylon Jonas West Point but56wes.txt Boylon Malinda West Point but56wes.txt Boylon Margaret West Point but56wes.txt Boylon Nancy West Point but56wes.txt Boylon Nelson West Point but56wes.txt Boylon Nelson West Point but56wes.txt Boylon Sarah West Point but56wes.txt Boylon Sarah West Point but56wes.txt Boylon Thomas West Point but56wes.txt Boylon Wm West Point but56wes.txt Brown Rebecca Des Moines but56dsm.txt Brown Samuel Des Moines but56dsm.txt Brown Sarah Des Moines but56dsm.txt Brown Alfred Butler but56but.txt Brown Catherine Butler but56but.txt Brown Elizabeth Butler but56but.txt Brown H. R. Shell Rock but56she.txt Brown Hamilton Butler but56but.txt Brown John R. Butler but56but.txt Brown Mary H. Butler but56but.txt Brutofs(?) E. C. Beaver but56bea.txt Burley C H. Butler but56but.txt Burley H J Butler but56but.txt Burley J W Butler but56but.txt Burley Mrs. C. E. Butler but56but.txt Burress Ellen H. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Burress Hannah Des Moines but56dsm.txt Burress Jno W. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Burress Levi Des Moines but56dsm.txt Burress Nancy J. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Burress Robert M. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Burton C.N. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Burton Clement Des Moines but56dsm.txt Burton Geo H. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Burton H. F. L. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Burton Martha A. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Burton Mary E. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Burton Rachal Des Moines but56dsm.txt Burton Sarah P. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Burton William E. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Burton Jas M. Butler but56but.txt Burton John M. Butler but56but.txt Burton Mary Jane Butler but56but.txt Burton Nancy Ann Butler but56but.txt Burton Sarah E. Butler but56but.txt Butler James Des Moines but56dsm.txt Butler Mary E. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Butler Mrs. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Butler R. W. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Butler Rean Des Moines but56dsm.txt Butler Willis Des Moines but56dsm.txt Caldwell Emily Monroe but56mon.txt Caldwell James M Monroe but56mon.txt Caldwell Lilley M Monroe but56mon.txt Caldwell Sarah Monroe but56mon.txt Call Peter John Monroe but56mon.txt Camron Alexander C West Point but56wes.txt Camron Nancy West Point but56wes.txt Camron William West Point but56wes.txt Carter Elonzo Des Moines but56dsm.txt Carter Jas A. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Carter Jasmima Des Moines but56dsm.txt Carter Js. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Carter Lemuel Des Moines but56dsm.txt Carter Maria J. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Carter William Des Moines but56dsm.txt Case A J Shell Rock but56she.txt Case Julia A Shell Rock but56she.txt Case Morris Shell Rock but56she.txt Case O.F. Shell Rock but56she.txt Case Prentice Shell Rock but56she.txt Casper Margaret Des Moines but56dsm.txt Chambers Daniel H Butler but56but.txt Chambers J? Butler but56but.txt Chambers J? Butler but56but.txt Chambers Miss Butler but56but.txt Chambers Mrs. Butler but56but.txt Champlain Almira Shell Rock but56she.txt Champlain William Shell Rock but56she.txt Champlain William Shell Rock but56she.txt Churchill Carlte Beaver but56bea.txt Churchill P. M. Beaver but56bea.txt Cinnamon Barnabas Monroe but56mon.txt Cinnamon Eliza J Monroe but56mon.txt Cinnamon Ellen J Monroe but56mon.txt Cinnamon Leonard F Monroe but56mon.txt Cinnamon Nancy E.R. Monroe but56mon.txt Cinnamon Rebecca Monroe but56mon.txt Cinnamon Richard Dolney Monroe but56mon.txt Cinnamon Solomon Monroe but56mon.txt Clark A. G. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Clark Catharine Des Moines but56dsm.txt Clark Elizabeth Des Moines but56dsm.txt Clark Lydia Des Moines but56dsm.txt Clark Malinda Des Moines but56dsm.txt Clark Saml P. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Clark Sarah S. J. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Clark Susan P. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Clark Thos. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Clark Thos. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Clark Thos. A. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Clark William Gilbert Des Moines but56dsm.txt Clayton Daniel W. Monroe but56mon.txt Clayton George W. Monroe but56mon.txt Clayton Henry C. Monroe but56mon.txt Clayton Nancy M. Monroe but56mon.txt Clayton Rachael E. Monroe but56mon.txt Clayton Ruth E. Monroe but56mon.txt Clayton Sarah A. Monroe but56mon.txt Clayton Walter Monroe but56mon.txt Clayton Winfield S. Monroe but56mon.txt Clock Elvin C Shell Rock but56she.txt Clock Lucy Shell Rock but56she.txt Clock Lucy C Shell Rock but56she.txt Clock Nathan Shell Rock but56she.txt Colborn B F West Point but56wes.txt Colborn Delia West Point but56wes.txt Colborn George West Point but56wes.txt Colton A. D. Beaver but56bea.txt Colton Charles M. Beaver but56bea.txt Colton Frances A. Beaver but56bea.txt Colton Gaylord M Beaver but56bea.txt Colton Isaac S Beaver but56bea.txt Colton Theodore L Beaver but56bea.txt Colton W. L. Beaver but56bea.txt Colton William K Beaver but56bea.txt Con-------a Polly Beaver but56bea.txt Con------a Ada J. Beaver but56bea.txt Con------a Julia L. Beaver but56bea.txt Con------a O----n J. Beaver but56bea.txt Con-----a Alonzo Beaver but56bea.txt Con-----a Orlin Beaver but56bea.txt Constantine John Ripley but56rip.txt Constantine Joseph Ripley but56rip.txt Constantine Mary Monroe but56mon.txt Constantine Mary Ripley but56rip.txt Constantine Mary Ripley but56rip.txt Constantine Michael Ripley but56rip.txt Constantine Michael Ripley but56rip.txt Constantine Patrick Ripley but56rip.txt Constantine Peter Ripley but56rip.txt Cook Albert Shell Rock but56she.txt Cook Augustus A Shell Rock but56she.txt Cook Hadson D Shell Rock but56she.txt Cook John C Shell Rock but56she.txt Cook Seretta Shell Rock but56she.txt Copland George Shell Rock but56she.txt Copland Mrs. S Shell Rock but56she.txt Copland Thos Shell Rock but56she.txt Copland Willis D Shell Rock but56she.txt Cornell Amy West Point but56wes.txt Cornell Elizabeth West Point but56wes.txt Cornell James West Point but56wes.txt Cornwell Ashbel Beaver but56bea.txt Cornwell Loren Beaver but56bea.txt Couch Aaron Shell Rock but56she.txt Couch Addele Shell Rock but56she.txt Couch Albert Shell Rock but56she.txt Couch Edmond_(?) Shell Rock but56she.txt Couch Hannah Shell Rock but56she.txt Couch Ira L Shell Rock but56she.txt Couch Irene Shell Rock but56she.txt Couch Luther Shell Rock but56she.txt Couch Manderville Shell Rock but56she.txt Couch Minerva Shell Rock but56she.txt Couch Orin D. Shell Rock but56she.txt Couch Rose Shell Rock but56she.txt Couch Sarah M. Shell Rock but56she.txt Couch Wilson Shell Rock but56she.txt Cramer Ada Beaver but56bea.txt Cramer Adam Beaver but56bea.txt Cramer George Beaver but56bea.txt Cramer Margaret Beaver but56bea.txt Cramer Mary Beaver but56bea.txt Cramer Peter Beaver but56bea.txt Cramer Samuel Beaver but56bea.txt Cramer Thomas Beaver but56bea.txt Crowell Jas W. Butler but56but.txt Crowell Lucretia C. Butler but56but.txt Crowell Robert T. Butler but56but.txt Crowell William Butler but56but.txt Curtiss Melinda Monroe but56mon.txt Curtiss Wells Monroe but56mon.txt Daniels Charlotte Beaver but56bea.txt Daniels G. W. Beaver but56bea.txt Daniels Marinda Beaver but56bea.txt Daniels Melvina Beaver but56bea.txt Davis James H. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Davis M. J. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Davis Nancy J. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Dawson Benjamin Shell Rock but56she.txt Dawson Elizabeth Shell Rock but56she.txt Dawson Geo W. Shell Rock but56she.txt Dawson Henry C Shell Rock but56she.txt Dawson Jane Shell Rock but56she.txt Dawson Martin Shell Rock but56she.txt Dawson Nancy Shell Rock but56she.txt Dawson Sarah Shell Rock but56she.txt Dawson William Shell Rock but56she.txt Dearmond Cinderella West Point but56wes.txt Dearmond Esther West Point but56wes.txt Dearmond Samuel West Point but56wes.txt Dearmond William West Point but56wes.txt Delker Bridie Shell Rock but56she.txt Delker Catharine Shell Rock but56she.txt Delker Johna Shell Rock but56she.txt Delker Lydia Shell Rock but56she.txt Delker Mary Ann Shell Rock but56she.txt Delker Susanna Shell Rock but56she.txt Delrimpel A. J. Ripley but56rip.txt Delrimpel Margaret Ripley but56rip.txt Demos James West Point but56wes.txt Demos Jane West Point but56wes.txt Demos Jonas West Point but56wes.txt Demos Thomas West Point but56wes.txt Denson Mary E Shell Rock but56she.txt Denson Preston E. Shell Rock but56she.txt Denson Rebecca A Shell Rock but56she.txt Denson Samantha J Shell Rock but56she.txt Dimick C H Shell Rock but56she.txt Dimick Harmon Shell Rock but56she.txt Dimick Rachal Shell Rock but56she.txt Dollison Geo. W. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Doolittle Adaline Des Moines but56dsm.txt Doolittle Alice Des Moines but56dsm.txt Doolittle Edwin Des Moines but56dsm.txt Dow Isabella Monroe but56mon.txt Dow Margaret Monroe but56mon.txt Dow Robert Monroe but56mon.txt Dryer Clarissa Shell Rock but56she.txt Dryer Electa Shell Rock but56she.txt Dryer Gor Shell Rock but56she.txt Dryer Jno M. Shell Rock but56she.txt Dryer Laura Shell Rock but56she.txt Dryer Martha Shell Rock but56she.txt Dryer Sally Shell Rock but56she.txt Dryer William Shell Rock but56she.txt Durand Ancil West Point but56wes.txt Durand George West Point but56wes.txt Durand Hiram R West Point but56wes.txt Durand Sarah West Point but56wes.txt Early Caern_(?) West Point but56wes.txt Early Elizabeth West Point but56wes.txt Early Henry A. West Point but56wes.txt Early John West Point but56wes.txt Early Susan West Point but56wes.txt Early Thomas West Point but56wes.txt Ebersold David Des Moines but56dsm.txt Ebersold Emily Des Moines but56dsm.txt Ebersold Kate Des Moines but56dsm.txt Ebersold Laura Des Moines but56dsm.txt Ebersold Lily Des Moines but56dsm.txt Ebersold Mary Des Moines but56dsm.txt Ebersold P.J. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Eddy Abel Butler but56but.txt Eddy Adalucia Butler but56but.txt Eddy Chas Butler but56but.txt Eddy Cheney Butler but56but.txt Eddy Chester Butler but56but.txt Eddy Eustacia Butler but56but.txt Eddy Harriet Butler but56but.txt Eddy John Butler but56but.txt Eddy Lucien Butler but56but.txt Eddy Lydia Butler but56but.txt Edson Barry Beaver but56bea.txt Edwards Mary E. Butler but56but.txt Elam Alfred M. Butler but56but.txt Elam Alice M. Butler but56but.txt Elam Annetta Butler but56but.txt Elam Barbereta Butler but56but.txt Elam Catherine Butler but56but.txt Elam Clay Butler but56but.txt Elam Unice Butler but56but.txt Ellis Ann B. Butler but56but.txt Ellis Jeremiah Butler but56but.txt Ellis Louisa A. Butler but56but.txt Embody Anna Monroe but56mon.txt Embody Joseph Monroe but56mon.txt Embody Michael Monroe but56mon.txt Embody Obadiah Monroe but56mon.txt Endsley Andrew E. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Endsley Elizabeth Des Moines but56dsm.txt Endsley Elizabeth L. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Endsley Jane Des Moines but56dsm.txt Endsley Phebe L. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Endsley Rachal Des Moines but56dsm.txt Endsley Ruben Des Moines but56dsm.txt Endsley Samuel Des Moines but56dsm.txt Endsley Sarah E. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Fague Angeline Butler but56but.txt Fague Daniel Butler but56but.txt Fague Dilileh Butler but56but.txt Fague Mary J Butler but56but.txt Fague Wm E Butler but56but.txt Farlow Abagail G. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Farlow Absolem Des Moines but56dsm.txt Farlow Alfred Des Moines but56dsm.txt Farlow Almaretta Des Moines but56dsm.txt Farlow Dianna Des Moines but56dsm.txt Farlow George Des Moines but56dsm.txt Farlow John Des Moines but56dsm.txt Farlow Laura Des Moines but56dsm.txt Farlow Leander Des Moines but56dsm.txt Farlow Sarah Des Moines but56dsm.txt Farlow Sarah A. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Farlow Tillman Howard Des Moines but56dsm.txt Farlow Uriah Des Moines but56dsm.txt Farlow William Des Moines but56dsm.txt Ferris Albert Beaver but56bea.txt Ferris Delia Beaver but56bea.txt Ferris Ellen Beaver but56bea.txt Ferris George Beaver but56bea.txt Ferris Mary Beaver but56bea.txt Ferris Roseltha Beaver but56bea.txt Ferris Theodore Beaver but56bea.txt Fletcher J. R. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Flinn Edward Beaver but56bea.txt Flinn Mary Beaver but56bea.txt Flinn Mary Beaver but56bea.txt Flinn P. Ann Beaver but56bea.txt Flinn Pat Beaver but56bea.txt Flinn Patrick Beaver but56bea.txt Flood William Butler but56but.txt Frow Ada J Shell Rock but56she.txt Frow Antenetta Shell Rock but56she.txt Frow Frederick Shell Rock but56she.txt Frow Sarah Shell Rock but56she.txt Garrison John A. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Gee Jonathan Monroe but56mon.txt Gee Margaret Monroe but56mon.txt Getchel William Butler but56but.txt Gilbert Jonathan Butler but56but.txt Gillard Emily Monroe but56mon.txt Gillard Guletty M Monroe but56mon.txt Gillard Margret Monroe but56mon.txt Gillard Samuel Monroe but56mon.txt Gillcrease Ias. W. Butler but56but.txt Gizer Henry Butler but56but.txt Glover S. W. Ripley but56rip.txt Gough Caroline P. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Gough Susan Des Moines but56dsm.txt Gough Wm Des Moines but56dsm.txt Gough Wm C. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Gra------ William Beaver but56bea.txt Greaves E.D. Shell Rock but56she.txt Greaves T. H. Shell Rock but56she.txt Greaves Thos W. Shell Rock but56she.txt Gross Jas M Shell Rock but56she.txt Gross Thos T Shell Rock but56she.txt Hackett Thos Butler but56but.txt Hagen Lycurgus P Monroe but56mon.txt Hale Margaret F. Butler but56but.txt Hale Mary J. Butler but56but.txt Hale Nancy Butler but56but.txt Hale Sarah E. Butler but56but.txt Hale Thos J Butler but56but.txt Harlan Catharine West Point but56wes.txt Harlan Clarinda West Point but56wes.txt Harlan George West Point but56wes.txt Harlan James West Point but56wes.txt Harlan John West Point but56wes.txt Harlan John J West Point but56wes.txt Harlan Malissa West Point but56wes.txt Harlan Matilda West Point but56wes.txt Harlan Nathan West Point but56wes.txt Harlan Susan West Point but56wes.txt Harlan Susanah_(?) West Point but56wes.txt Hass Calvin Beaver but56bea.txt Hass Jacob Beaver but56bea.txt Hass Jane Beaver but56bea.txt Hass Laura Beaver but56bea.txt Hass Milton Beaver but56bea.txt Hass Nancy Beaver but56bea.txt Hass Rerly Beaver but56bea.txt Hawker Wm West Point but56wes.txt Hays Elizabeth Shell Rock but56she.txt Hays Rachal Shell Rock but56she.txt Hays Wm Shell Rock but56she.txt Heartgrave Charles Ripley but56rip.txt Heartgrave Clarissa Ripley but56rip.txt Heartgrave Delila Ripley but56rip.txt Heartgrave H_(?) Ripley but56rip.txt Heartgrave I. B. Ripley but56rip.txt Heartgrave I. N. Ripley but56rip.txt Heartgrave M. R. Ripley but56rip.txt Heartgrave Marion Ripley but56rip.txt Heartgrave Nicholas Ripley but56rip.txt Heartgrave Noah Ripley but56rip.txt Heartgrave Phebe Ripley but56rip.txt Heartgrave S. M. Ripley but56rip.txt Heath Fanny Des Moines but56dsm.txt Heath Jesse Des Moines but56dsm.txt Heery Arthur Des Moines but56dsm.txt Heery Catharine Des Moines but56dsm.txt Heery John Des Moines but56dsm.txt Heery Peter Des Moines but56dsm.txt Henderson Isaac Butler but56but.txt Henderson James J Butler but56but.txt Henderson Sarah M Butler but56but.txt Herley Ben F. Butler but56but.txt Hery John Des Moines but56dsm.txt Hery Theo Des Moines but56dsm.txt Hesse Andrew Ripley but56rip.txt Hesse Catherine Ripley but56rip.txt Hesse Lewis A. Ripley but56rip.txt Heston Ellen Shell Rock but56she.txt Heston James Shell Rock but56she.txt Heston Susan Shell Rock but56she.txt Hewitt Catherine West Point but56wes.txt Hewitt Jane West Point but56wes.txt Hewitt John West Point but56wes.txt Hewitt Mary West Point but56wes.txt Hewitt Sophia West Point but56wes.txt Hewitt Thomas West Point but56wes.txt Hicks Barbara Butler but56but.txt Hicks Geo H. Butler but56but.txt Hicks Ida Butler but56but.txt Hicks John Butler but56but.txt Hicks Joseph V. Butler but56but.txt Hicks Kate Butler but56but.txt Hicks Mary Butler but56but.txt Hicks Mrs. Gertrude Butler but56but.txt Hilton Amanda Butler but56but.txt Hilton Asberry Butler but56but.txt Hilton Freeborn M. Butler but56but.txt Hilton Henry Butler but56but.txt Hilton Matilda Butler but56but.txt Hilton Sarah R. Butler but56but.txt Hilton Susanna Butler but56but.txt Hilton William B. Butler but56but.txt Hites Christian Ripley but56rip.txt Hites Daniel Ripley but56rip.txt Hites Elijah Ripley but56rip.txt Hites Elizabeth Ripley but56rip.txt Hites F. M. Ripley but56rip.txt Hites George Ripley but56rip.txt Hites John C. Ripley but56rip.txt Hites Joseph Ripley but56rip.txt Hites Levi Ripley but56rip.txt Hites May A. Ripley but56rip.txt Hix Martha Ripley but56rip.txt Hix R. H. C. Ripley but56rip.txt Hoadley Eliza A. Monroe but56mon.txt Hoadley Sidney C. Monroe but56mon.txt Hodgson Asa Des Moines but56dsm.txt Hodgson Caroline Des Moines but56dsm.txt Hodgson Elizabeth Des Moines but56dsm.txt Hodgson James Des Moines but56dsm.txt Hodgson Melinda Des Moines but56dsm.txt Hodgson Samuel Des Moines but56dsm.txt Hodgson Sarah J. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Hoisington Ephraim Ripley but56rip.txt Hoisington John Ripley but56rip.txt Hoisington L. A. Ripley but56rip.txt Holdman Isiah Beaver but56bea.txt Hollenbeck Alice Shell Rock but56she.txt Hollenbeck Angeline Shell Rock but56she.txt Hollenbeck Elsey Shell Rock but56she.txt Hollenbeck Lorinjo B. Shell Rock but56she.txt Hollenbeck Lucinda Shell Rock but56she.txt Hollenbeck Michael Shell Rock but56she.txt Hollenbeck Ramango Shell Rock but56she.txt Hollenbeck Rogehie Shell Rock but56she.txt Hollenbeck Willard Shell Rock but56she.txt Honie_(?) Walter H Beaver but56bea.txt Horr Recellus R Monroe but56mon.txt Houch Elizabeth Butler but56but.txt Houch Thos Butler but56but.txt Houch William Butler but56but.txt Houghton John C. Butler but56but.txt Houghton John E. Butler but56but.txt Houghton Julia Butler but56but.txt Houghton Mary Butler but56but.txt Houston Elizabeth Jn. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Houston Jas M. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Houston Margaret Des Moines but56dsm.txt Houston Margaret Ann Des Moines but56dsm.txt Howard Anthony Monroe but56mon.txt Howard David A Monroe but56mon.txt Howard James N Monroe but56mon.txt Howard Martha L Monroe but56mon.txt Howard Rachael A. Monroe but56mon.txt Howard Robert Monroe but56mon.txt Howard Sabrina Monroe but56mon.txt Howard Sarah Monroe but56mon.txt Howard Sarah A. Monroe but56mon.txt Howard Susan J. Monroe but56mon.txt Howard Wm A Monroe but56mon.txt Hughs Isaac West Point but56wes.txt Hull Catherine Shell Rock but56she.txt Hull Hiram Shell Rock but56she.txt Hunt H. D. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Hunt Nancy Des Moines but56dsm.txt Hunt Sarah A. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Hunt Thos Des Moines but56dsm.txt Hunt Thos Des Moines but56dsm.txt Hunter Chas B. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Hunter Caroline Ripley but56rip.txt Hunter James Ripley but56rip.txt Hunter William Ripley but56rip.txt Iash Catherine S. West Point but56wes.txt Iash Geo West Point but56wes.txt Iash Henrietta West Point but56wes.txt Iash Hortense West Point but56wes.txt Iash John West Point but56wes.txt Iash Margaret West Point but56wes.txt Iash Oliver S. West Point but56wes.txt Iash Oran S. West Point but56wes.txt Ingraham_? N.D. Butler but56but.txt Inman Alpheus Monroe but56mon.txt Inman Anna Monroe but56mon.txt Inman Benjamin Monroe but56mon.txt Inman Edward Monroe but56mon.txt Inman Freelove Monroe but56mon.txt Inman Roxcy Monroe but56mon.txt Innman Caroline Shell Rock but56she.txt Innman Cassino Shell Rock but56she.txt Innman Catherine Ripley but56rip.txt Innman Chester Shell Rock but56she.txt Innman Franklin Shell Rock but56she.txt Innman Geo Shell Rock but56she.txt Innman Harriet Shell Rock but56she.txt Innman John S Ripley but56rip.txt Innman Lydia Shell Rock but56she.txt Innman Willard Shell Rock but56she.txt Isabel Emma A Beaver but56bea.txt Isabel Gary F Beaver but56bea.txt Isabel Martha J Beaver but56bea.txt Isabel Phebe Beaver but56bea.txt Isabel William Beaver but56bea.txt Jackson Cynthia A. West Point but56wes.txt Jackson Thomas West Point but56wes.txt Jamison IsabelIa West Point but56wes.txt Jamison John West Point but56wes.txt Jamison Leander West Point but56wes.txt Jamison Ross West Point but56wes.txt Jamison Samuel West Point but56wes.txt Jamison Sarah West Point but56wes.txt Jamison Wm R West Point but56wes.txt Jaquith Nancy Shell Rock but56she.txt Johnson Charles Ripley but56rip.txt Jonson Anna West Point but56wes.txt Jonson Anna West Point but56wes.txt Jonson Christina West Point but56wes.txt Jonson Elizabeth West Point but56wes.txt Jonson Josephine West Point but56wes.txt Jonson Lewis West Point but56wes.txt Jonson Paul West Point but56wes.txt Jonson Peter West Point but56wes.txt Jonson Sever West Point but56wes.txt Keller Catharine Des Moines but56dsm.txt Keller Richard Des Moines but56dsm.txt Kemerer Caroline Beaver but56bea.txt Kemerer Edward Beaver but56bea.txt Kemerer Jacob L Beaver but56bea.txt Kemerer William Beaver but56bea.txt Kikoff Westly B. Butler but56but.txt Kilson Albert West Point but56wes.txt Kilson Anna West Point but56wes.txt Kilson Caroline West Point but56wes.txt Kilson Lewis West Point but56wes.txt Kilson Martha West Point but56wes.txt Kilson Stephan West Point but56wes.txt Kimmel George W. Ripley but56rip.txt Kimmel Jane Ripley but56rip.txt Kimmel John Ripley but56rip.txt Kimmel Maria Ripley but56rip.txt Kimmel Mary Jane Ripley but56rip.txt Kimmel Samuel Ripley but56rip.txt Kimmel Susann Ripley but56rip.txt Kimmel Zachias F. Ripley but56rip.txt Kimmins John Des Moines but56dsm.txt Kimmins Synthia Des Moines but56dsm.txt Kinsley Danl Des Moines but56dsm.txt Kinsley John A. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Kinsley Mary Des Moines but56dsm.txt Klinetob Belinda Butler but56but.txt Klinetob Geo P. Butler but56but.txt Klinetob John Butler but56but.txt Klinetob Lydia Butler but56but.txt Klinetob Mary J Butler but56but.txt Klinetob Rachal Butler but56but.txt Klinetob William Butler but56but.txt Knight Charles Shell Rock but56she.txt Knight H G Shell Rock but56she.txt Knight Lois E Shell Rock but56she.txt Knight Melinda Shell Rock but56she.txt Lenhart Almeda Butler but56but.txt Lenhart Henry Butler but56but.txt Lenhart John Butler but56but.txt Lenhart Margaret Butler but56but.txt Lenhart Nancy Butler but56but.txt Lenhart Samuel Butler but56but.txt Lenhart Sarah J. Butler but56but.txt Lenhart Susanna Butler but56but.txt Lenhart Wellington Butler but56but.txt Leverich Frances D Shell Rock but56she.txt Leverich James A. Shell Rock but56she.txt Leverich Lewis Shell Rock but56she.txt Leverich Loretta Shell Rock but56she.txt Leverich R.B. Shell Rock but56she.txt Leverich Sarah Shell Rock but56she.txt Leverick July Ann Shell Rock but56she.txt Levrich Elizabeth Shell Rock but56she.txt Levrich John Shell Rock but56she.txt Levrich Lucy A Shell Rock but56she.txt Linn Harriett Monroe but56mon.txt Linn Milicent A Monroe but56mon.txt Linn Nathan Monroe but56mon.txt Linn Rachael E Monroe but56mon.txt Linn Sophia Monroe but56mon.txt Linn Wm Pernett Monroe but56mon.txt Lister Anderson H Butler but56but.txt Lister Anna Butler but56but.txt Lister Francis L Butler but56but.txt Lister Geo W. Butler but56but.txt Lister Hannah A. Butler but56but.txt Lister Samuel Butler but56but.txt Loomis Burton Des Moines but56dsm.txt Loomis George Des Moines but56dsm.txt Loomis John Des Moines but56dsm.txt Loomis Sarah Des Moines but56dsm.txt Lowe Amelia Butler but56but.txt Lowe Asa Butler but56but.txt Lowe Emma Butler but56but.txt Lowe Wallace Butler but56but.txt Luck Greenleaf West Point but56wes.txt Luck Susan West Point but56wes.txt Lyle Cornelia Des Moines but56dsm.txt Lyle Elwood Des Moines but56dsm.txt Lyle Herman G. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Lyle Olive A. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Mann Lucinda Butler but56but.txt Mann Lucinda Butler but56but.txt Mann Unice Butler but56but.txt Mann Warren P Butler but56but.txt Mann Washington Butler but56but.txt Marquart Milton Des Moines but56dsm.txt Martin David Des Moines but56dsm.txt Martin Hannah Des Moines but56dsm.txt Martin Hannah Des Moines but56dsm.txt Martin Henry Des Moines but56dsm.txt Martin Henry Des Moines but56dsm.txt Martin Lewis C. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Martin Mary Des Moines but56dsm.txt Martin Mary A. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Martin Thos Des Moines but56dsm.txt Mason A. L. Shell Rock but56she.txt Mason Amelia Ripley but56rip.txt Mason Amelia Ripley but56rip.txt Mason D. B. Shell Rock but56she.txt Mason Daniel Ripley but56rip.txt Mason Daniel Shell Rock but56she.txt Mason Ella Ripley but56rip.txt Mason George Ripley but56rip.txt Mason Harriet Shell Rock but56she.txt Mason Harriet Shell Rock but56she.txt Mason Ira S. Shell Rock but56she.txt Mason James Ripley but56rip.txt Mason Julia Shell Rock but56she.txt Mason Martha Ripley but56rip.txt Mason Mary Shell Rock but56she.txt Mason Mary A. Ripley but56rip.txt Mason Milton M. Shell Rock but56she.txt Mason Samantha Shell Rock but56she.txt Mason W Ripley but56rip.txt Mason William Ripley but56rip.txt Mason Wm M Shell Rock but56she.txt Mather Caroline H. Butler but56but.txt Mather Chas.T. Butler but56but.txt Mather Dan Butler but56but.txt Mather Milo Butler but56but.txt Mather Roxanna Butler but56but.txt Mather Stephen Butler but56but.txt McBarnard Patde Butler but56but.txt McBarnard William Butler but56but.txt McBarnhard John Frances Butler but56but.txt McBarnhard Lyia Butler but56but.txt McBarnhard Mary Jane Butler but56but.txt McClellan Eliza Butler but56but.txt McClellan Geo Butler but56but.txt McClfresh John P. Butler but56but.txt McConnell George W Ripley but56rip.txt McCray Fanny L. Des Moines but56dsm.txt McKiney James M. West Point but56wes.txt McKinley Elizabeth R. Monroe but56mon.txt McKinney Abraham West Point but56wes.txt McKinney Anna West Point but56wes.txt McKinney C A West Point but56wes.txt McKinney Christina West Point but56wes.txt McKinney Ephraim West Point but56wes.txt McKinney James West Point but56wes.txt McKinney James West Point but56wes.txt McKinney Lovier West Point but56wes.txt McKinney Mary E. West Point but56wes.txt McKinney Mary Jane West Point but56wes.txt McKinney Susan West Point but56wes.txt McKinney Wm West Point but56wes.txt McKinnon David Butler but56but.txt McKinnon Franklin Butler but56but.txt McKinnon Nancy Butler but56but.txt McLyle Joseph Des Moines but56dsm.txt McMahon Hannah Monroe but56mon.txt McMahon John Monroe but56mon.txt McMahon Mary Monroe but56mon.txt McMahon Peter Monroe but56mon.txt McMahon Thomas Monroe but56mon.txt McMarrow Patrick Butler but56but.txt McNamara Thos C Butler but56but.txt Melvin Joseph West Point but56wes.txt Mercer Jane Butler but56but.txt Mercer John W Butler but56but.txt Mercer Levi Butler but56but.txt Mercer Willimetta Z Butler but56but.txt Merril Jo West Point but56wes.txt Messer Elizabeth Des Moines but56dsm.txt Messer Isaac Des Moines but56dsm.txt Michler Angeline Des Moines but56dsm.txt Michler Jonas Des Moines but56dsm.txt Michler Sarah Des Moines but56dsm.txt Miller Catherine West Point but56wes.txt Miller James West Point but56wes.txt Miller John Ripley but56rip.txt Miller Mary West Point but56wes.txt Miller Milo West Point but56wes.txt Miller Phillip West Point but56wes.txt Miller Walter West Point but56wes.txt Mills Sidney Butler but56but.txt Mitchen Daniel West Point but56wes.txt Mix Chas E Butler but56but.txt Mix Edgar H Butler but56but.txt Mix Edward H. Butler but56but.txt Mix Isabella C. Butler but56but.txt Mix Leonard C. Butler but56but.txt Mix Rosa A. Butler but56but.txt Mix Thos M. Butler but56but.txt Mix Virginia R Butler but56but.txt Mix Walter P. Butler but56but.txt Mix Wm N Butler but56but.txt Moffitt C. W. Ripley but56rip.txt Moffitt Frank Ripley but56rip.txt Moffitt Frederick Ripley but56rip.txt Moffitt Martha Ripley but56rip.txt Moffitt S. J. Ripley but56rip.txt Moffitt William C. Ripley but56rip.txt Monroe Caroline Monroe but56mon.txt Monroe Caroline Monroe but56mon.txt Monroe Charlotte Monroe but56mon.txt Monroe George Monroe but56mon.txt Monroe George W. Monroe but56mon.txt Moore Eliza Ann Shell Rock but56she.txt Moore James Shell Rock but56she.txt Moore Sarah J. Shell Rock but56she.txt Mootes David West Point but56wes.txt Mootes John West Point but56wes.txt Mootes Martha West Point but56wes.txt Mootes Mary West Point but56wes.txt Mootes Mary West Point but56wes.txt Mootes Samuel West Point but56wes.txt More G C Shell Rock but56she.txt More Lorinda Shell Rock but56she.txt More W H Shell Rock but56she.txt Morris A H Shell Rock but56she.txt Morris Frederick Shell Rock but56she.txt Morris Sarah Shell Rock but56she.txt Morton Elizabeth Butler but56but.txt Morton Ina W. Butler but56but.txt Morton Kate Butler but56but.txt Morton Margaret Mary Butler but56but.txt Murphey Emeline Des Moines but56dsm.txt Murphey Henry Des Moines but56dsm.txt Murphey Jane Des Moines but56dsm.txt Murphey Jas Des Moines but56dsm.txt Murphey John Des Moines but56dsm.txt Name No West Point but56wes.txt Nash Alfred Monroe but56mon.txt Nash Cyrus Monroe but56mon.txt Nash David Monroe but56mon.txt Nash Hugh Monroe but56mon.txt Nash Isabells Monroe but56mon.txt Nash James Monroe but56mon.txt Nash Mary A Monroe but56mon.txt Nash Thomas Monroe but56mon.txt Nash Thomas A Monroe but56mon.txt Nelson Amanda Butler but56but.txt Nelson O.T. Butler but56but.txt Nepp Lydia Des Moines but56dsm.txt Nepp Susanna Des Moines but56dsm.txt Neuhard John Des Moines but56dsm.txt Newhard John A. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Nice **ipna West Point but56wes.txt Nice Ararilla West Point but56wes.txt Nice Martha J West Point but56wes.txt Nice Nathaniel West Point but56wes.txt Nice Thelma West Point but56wes.txt Nicholes Melvina A. Butler but56but.txt Nichols Edythe West Point but56wes.txt Nichols Elizabeth West Point but56wes.txt Nichols John G West Point but56wes.txt Nichols Lucinda West Point but56wes.txt Nine Emma J. Shell Rock but56she.txt Nine Keannah Shell Rock but56she.txt Nine Samuel Shell Rock but56she.txt Norton Byron Shell Rock but56she.txt Norton E L Butler but56but.txt Norton Edwin Shell Rock but56she.txt Norton Edwin A. Butler but56but.txt Norton Francis Shell Rock but56she.txt Norton Laura Shell Rock but56she.txt Norton Leroy Shell Rock but56she.txt Norton Lydia Shell Rock but56she.txt Norton Lyman Shell Rock but56she.txt Norton Mary J. Butler but56but.txt Norton Sabrina Butler but56but.txt Norton Seldon Butler but56but.txt Norton William Shell Rock but56she.txt Nygena_(?) Thomas West Point but56wes.txt Olmstead Henry W. Beaver but56bea.txt Olmstead Louisa B Beaver but56bea.txt Olmstead Rob L. Beaver but56bea.txt Olmstead William M Beaver but56bea.txt Olsen Caroline Beaver but56bea.txt Olsen Esther Beaver but56bea.txt Olsen Hortense Beaver but56bea.txt Olsen L.S. Beaver but56bea.txt Olsen Ludlo Beaver but56bea.txt Palmer Dwight Butler but56but.txt Palmer Ella Butler but56but.txt Palmer Flora Butler but56but.txt Palmer Francis Butler but56but.txt Palmer John Butler but56but.txt Palmer William Butler but56but.txt Park Eliza West Point but56wes.txt Park Isaac West Point but56wes.txt Park James West Point but56wes.txt Park James G West Point but56wes.txt Park John West Point but56wes.txt Park Margaret West Point but56wes.txt Park Martha West Point but56wes.txt Park Mary M West Point but56wes.txt Park Wm West Point but56wes.txt Parker Lois Des Moines but56dsm.txt Parker Mary Des Moines but56dsm.txt Parker Arilda Butler but56but.txt Parker Asakel West Point but56wes.txt Parker Daniel West Point but56wes.txt Parker Elias West Point but56wes.txt Parker Elizabeth West Point but56wes.txt Parker Elizabeth West Point but56wes.txt Parker Geo W. West Point but56wes.txt Parker George West Point but56wes.txt Parker Green West Point but56wes.txt Parker Ira West Point but56wes.txt Parker Ira West Point but56wes.txt Parker James Ripley but56rip.txt Parker Jane L. Ripley but56rip.txt Parker Lewis West Point but56wes.txt Parker Martha Beaver but56bea.txt Parker Mary West Point but56wes.txt Parker P. P. Beaver but56bea.txt Parker Pauley West Point but56wes.txt Parker Rachel West Point but56wes.txt Parker Rylda West Point but56wes.txt Parker S.W. Ripley but56rip.txt Parriott Abigail Monroe but56mon.txt Parriott Anthony J Monroe but56mon.txt Parriott Jasper Monroe but56mon.txt Parriott Louisa Monroe but56mon.txt Parriott Lucinda Monroe but56mon.txt Parriott Marion Monroe but56mon.txt Parriott Newton Monroe but56mon.txt Parriott Richard Monroe but56mon.txt Parriott Roby Monroe but56mon.txt Parriott Roby R Monroe but56mon.txt Parriott Wesley Monroe but56mon.txt Parriott William Monroe but56mon.txt Parsons Austin Monroe but56mon.txt Perrin Elizabeth Des Moines but56dsm.txt Perrin Elizabeth Hanna Des Moines but56dsm.txt Perrin Jeremiah Des Moines but56dsm.txt Perrin Mary A. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Peterson Daniel Monroe but56mon.txt Peterson Henry W Monroe but56mon.txt Peterson John W. Monroe but56mon.txt Peterson Joseph H Monroe but56mon.txt Peterson Mary Monroe but56mon.txt Peterson Nathan Monroe but56mon.txt Peterson Selestia A Monroe but56mon.txt Peterson Silas Monroe but56mon.txt Pittenberger Phebe Des Moines but56dsm.txt Poisall Rachal L. Butler but56but.txt Poisall William Butler but56but.txt Porch John E. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Prat Hannah Beaver but56bea.txt Prie Wm. H. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Pringel George Des Moines but56dsm.txt Pringle Elizabeth Des Moines but56dsm.txt Pringle Emma Des Moines but56dsm.txt Pringle James Des Moines but56dsm.txt Pringle Robert Des Moines but56dsm.txt Pringle Wm Des Moines but56dsm.txt Quinn Hervey Monroe but56mon.txt Quinn John C Monroe but56mon.txt Quinn Maria Monroe but56mon.txt Quinn Nancy J Monroe but56mon.txt Quinn Rachael Monroe but56mon.txt Quinn Rebecca Monroe but56mon.txt Quinn Sarah Jane Monroe but56mon.txt Quinn Thomas N Monroe but56mon.txt Quinn Wm J Monroe but56mon.txt Rawson Kate W. Butler but56but.txt Rawson Sarah E. Butler but56but.txt Rawson Thos. T. Butler but56but.txt Ray Andrew M. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Ray Emma J Des Moines but56dsm.txt Ray Jno H. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Ray John Des Moines but56dsm.txt Ray Sarah G. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Ressler Albertine Shell Rock but56she.txt Ressler Amos Shell Rock but56she.txt Ressler Atline Shell Rock but56she.txt Rice Lewis Des Moines but56dsm.txt Rice Miriam Des Moines but56dsm.txt Rice Walter Des Moines but56dsm.txt Rice Walter A. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Rice Arma West Point but56wes.txt Rice Asa Butler but56but.txt Rice Clara West Point but56wes.txt Rice Elizabeth Butler but56but.txt Rice Elly A. Butler but56but.txt Rice Geo West Point but56wes.txt Rice Hannah M. Butler but56but.txt Rice James B. Butler but56but.txt Rice Julia A. Butler but56but.txt Rice Nancy J. Butler but56but.txt Rice Narias Butler but56but.txt Rice Orson West Point but56wes.txt Rice Orson West Point but56wes.txt Rice William W. Butler but56but.txt Riddle William Ripley but56rip.txt Riden Beaula Butler but56but.txt Riden Harvey Butler but56but.txt Riden Sarah Butler but56but.txt Riden William A. Butler but56but.txt Rnefhals Frederick R. West Point but56wes.txt Rnefhals Henry West Point but56wes.txt Roberts Benjamin Shell Rock but56she.txt Rossleer Nelson Des Moines but56dsm.txt Rothrock Isaac Butler but56but.txt Rothrock Mary Butler but56but.txt Royce Albert O Beaver but56bea.txt Royce Amos O Beaver but56bea.txt Royce Elmira A Beaver but56bea.txt Royce Ezra & Emery Beaver but56bea.txt Royce Ira O Beaver but56bea.txt Royce Mary Ann Beaver but56bea.txt Royce Mary M Beaver but56bea.txt Royce Olive Beaver but56bea.txt Royce Wilson E Beaver but56bea.txt Ruff Edward Des Moines but56dsm.txt Rush Elizabeth West Point but56wes.txt Rush Lland West Point but56wes.txt Russell F. M. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Santee Josep Shell Rock but56she.txt Sapp John Des Moines but56dsm.txt Sapp Terr Des Moines but56dsm.txt Sapp William Des Moines but56dsm.txt Sarber Adam West Point but56wes.txt Sarber Clinton West Point but56wes.txt Sarber John West Point but56wes.txt Sarber Mercyann West Point but56wes.txt Sarber Rebecca C. West Point but56wes.txt Sarber William West Point but56wes.txt Shadbolt Ida Maria Butler but56but.txt Shadbolt Jerome Butler but56but.txt Shadbolt Jerome B. Butler but56but.txt Shadbolt Louisa Butler but56but.txt Shadbolt _____ Butler but56but.txt Shaffer Benjamin Butler but56but.txt Shaffer Jacob Butler but56but.txt Shaffer John Butler but56but.txt Shaffer Sarah Butler but56but.txt Shelhummers Samuel Des Moines but56dsm.txt Shippy Jno T. Butler but56but.txt Shippy Marquette Butler but56but.txt Shippy Matilda Jane Butler but56but.txt Shippy Nathan Butler but56but.txt Shippy Sarah Butler but56but.txt Shippy Thomas M. Butler but56but.txt Shirk David Des Moines but56dsm.txt Shirk Jacob Des Moines but56dsm.txt Smith Azial Shell Rock but56she.txt Smith Dexter Shell Rock but56she.txt Smith Elizabeth Shell Rock but56she.txt Smith Ester J Shell Rock but56she.txt Smith George H. Monroe but56mon.txt Smith Issac A Shell Rock but56she.txt Smith James Shell Rock but56she.txt Smith John A Monroe but56mon.txt Smith Justice Shell Rock but56she.txt Smith Lewis West Point but56wes.txt Smith Mary A Shell Rock but56she.txt Smith Melinda A Monroe but56mon.txt Smith Rolla Shell Rock but56she.txt Snoted Geo Butler but56but.txt Soliss John Monroe but56mon.txt Spangler Elizabeth Monroe but56mon.txt Spangler Melinda S Monroe but56mon.txt Spangler William Monroe but56mon.txt Spawr Elizabeth Des Moines but56dsm.txt Spawr John Des Moines but56dsm.txt Spawr Jos G. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Spawr Mary E Des Moines but56dsm.txt Spawr Peter Des Moines but56dsm.txt Spawr Peter M. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Spawr Rebecca Des Moines but56dsm.txt Speedy Manfred Butler but56but.txt Stafford Chas Des Moines but56dsm.txt Stafford Wm. H. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Standard Asa Shell Rock but56she.txt Standard Carbon Shell Rock but56she.txt Standard Synthia Shell Rock but56she.txt Steward Charles Shell Rock but56she.txt Steward Chas Shell Rock but56she.txt Steward Elizabeth Shell Rock but56she.txt Steward Geo E Shell Rock but56she.txt Steward James Shell Rock but56she.txt Steward Jno W. Shell Rock but56she.txt Steward Joel A Shell Rock but56she.txt Steward Margaret Shell Rock but56she.txt Steward Mary A Shell Rock but56she.txt Steward Wm H Shell Rock but56she.txt Stewart B B Shell Rock but56she.txt Stewart Emeline Shell Rock but56she.txt Stewart William Shell Rock but56she.txt Stocdale William Monroe but56mon.txt Stone Henry Monroe but56mon.txt Stone Magdalene Monroe but56mon.txt Stone Robert B. Monroe but56mon.txt Stormans Amy West Point but56wes.txt Stormans Asa West Point but56wes.txt Stormans Christin West Point but56wes.txt Stormans Delila West Point but56wes.txt Stormans Emily West Point but56wes.txt Stormans Emmanuel West Point but56wes.txt Stormans George West Point but56wes.txt Stormans Ira West Point but56wes.txt Strong Amanza Des Moines but56dsm.txt Strong Austin Des Moines but56dsm.txt Strong Emily Des Moines but56dsm.txt Strong O. A. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Strong Ezra West Point but56wes.txt Strong Frances West Point but56wes.txt Strong Mary West Point but56wes.txt Strong Mary West Point but56wes.txt Strong Nelson West Point but56wes.txt Strong Seth West Point but56wes.txt Strong SiIas West Point but56wes.txt Suttle Go H. Butler but56but.txt Suttle Horace H. Butler but56but.txt Suttle Jas E. Butler but56but.txt Suttle John Butler but56but.txt Suttle Lucretia A. Butler but56but.txt Suttle Mary Ann Butler but56but.txt Suttle Soponia B. Butler but56but.txt Sweitzer Charles Shell Rock but56she.txt Taylor Ellen J. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Taylor Hester Ann Des Moines but56dsm.txt Taylor James R. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Taylor M.A. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Taylor Nancy Des Moines but56dsm.txt Taylor S.H. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Taylor Theng A. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Taylor Wm R. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Taylor Amos Butler but56but.txt Taylor Ann E. Shell Rock but56she.txt Taylor C. Henry P. Butler but56but.txt Taylor James D. Shell Rock but56she.txt Taylor Jeremiah C. Butler but56but.txt Taylor M. D. L. Butler but56but.txt Taylor Malinda Butler but56but.txt Taylor Marion Butler but56but.txt Taylor Mary Butler but56but.txt Taylor Mary Butler but56but.txt Taylor Oliver Butler but56but.txt Taylor Phebe Butler but56but.txt Taylor Regina Butler but56but.txt Taylor Sarah Butler but56but.txt Taylor Wm C. Butler but56but.txt Taylor Zachary Butler but56but.txt Tennant Hester Des Moines but56dsm.txt Tennant John E. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Tennant Milford H. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Terry Frederick Butler but56but.txt Thomas Amanda A. Butler but56but.txt Thomas Chas Butler but56but.txt Thomas Hannah Butler but56but.txt Thomas Hiram Butler but56but.txt Thomas Hough A. Butler but56but.txt Thomas Hugh Butler but56but.txt Thomas Liverton Butler but56but.txt Thomas Rachal Butler but56but.txt Thurmball Christiana Butler but56but.txt Thurmbull Edward C. H. Butler but56but.txt Thurmbull Matthew M. L. Butler but56but.txt Thurmbull Matthew M. L. Butler but56but.txt Trobasco Frances Des Moines but56dsm.txt Trobasco Joseph Des Moines but56dsm.txt Trobasco Mary M Des Moines but56dsm.txt Ulrey George Ripley but56rip.txt VanDorn Aaron Des Moines but56dsm.txt VanDorn Abington D. Des Moines but56dsm.txt VanDorn Cornelius W. Des Moines but56dsm.txt VanDorn Elizabeth Des Moines but56dsm.txt VanDorn John H. Des Moines but56dsm.txt VanDorn Mary E. Des Moines but56dsm.txt VanDorn Peter A. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Vincent John M. Butler but56but.txt Vincent Mary M. Butler but56but.txt Vincent Sally Butler but56but.txt Vossler John Des Moines but56dsm.txt Wapple Jacob Des Moines but56dsm.txt Wapple Mary E. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Warner Daniel D. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Warner Robt G. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Washburn Greenleaf Butler but56but.txt Washburn Jane Butler but56but.txt Watkins M. J. Ripley but56rip.txt Weaver A. H. Beaver but56bea.txt Welch Ashley E Beaver but56bea.txt Wheeler Abraham V Beaver but56bea.txt Wheeler Caroline Beaver but56bea.txt Wheeler Joseph Beaver but56bea.txt Wheeler Labora Beaver but56bea.txt Wheeler Lafayette Beaver but56bea.txt Wheeler Lydia Beaver but56bea.txt Wheeler Richard C Beaver but56bea.txt Wheeler Solomon Beaver but56bea.txt Wheler George W Beaver but56bea.txt Whimple Caroline Beaver but56bea.txt Whimple Catherine Beaver but56bea.txt Whimple Charles Beaver but56bea.txt Whimple Frances Beaver but56bea.txt Whimple Henry Beaver but56bea.txt Whimple Jonathan Beaver but56bea.txt Whimple Linly Beaver but56bea.txt Whimple Lucy Ann Beaver but56bea.txt Whimple Margery Beaver but56bea.txt Whimple Mary Jane Beaver but56bea.txt Whimple Susan Beaver but56bea.txt White Daniel Shell Rock but56she.txt White Sarah Shell Rock but56she.txt White Silas Shell Rock but56she.txt Whiteman Peter Beaver but56bea.txt Whitled Elizabeth Shell Rock but56she.txt Whitled Geo W. Shell Rock but56she.txt Whitled Lewis C. Shell Rock but56she.txt Whitled Noah Shell Rock but56she.txt Whitled Oliver Shell Rock but56she.txt Wickham Abisha West Point but56wes.txt Wickham Benjamin West Point but56wes.txt Wickham Dina West Point but56wes.txt Wickham Elizabeth West Point but56wes.txt Wickham Ervin West Point but56wes.txt Wickham Lester West Point but56wes.txt Wickham Margaret West Point but56wes.txt Wickham Sarah West Point but56wes.txt Wickham Wm West Point but56wes.txt Wightman (Baby) Monroe but56mon.txt Wightman Adelia Monroe but56mon.txt Wightman Albert M Monroe but56mon.txt Wightman Harriett A Monroe but56mon.txt Wightman Montford S. Monroe but56mon.txt Williams Abagail Des Moines but56dsm.txt Williams Amos Des Moines but56dsm.txt Williams Clerinda Des Moines but56dsm.txt Williams George Des Moines but56dsm.txt Williams Henry Des Moines but56dsm.txt Williams Jns Des Moines but56dsm.txt Williams Leah Des Moines but56dsm.txt Williams Mary Des Moines but56dsm.txt Williams Nancy Des Moines but56dsm.txt Williams Rachal Des Moines but56dsm.txt Williams Rebecca Des Moines but56dsm.txt Williams Thos Des Moines but56dsm.txt Williams Wm A. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Williams Catharine C. Butler but56but.txt Williams Edwin Beaver but56bea.txt Williams Eliza Butler but56but.txt Williams Frances Butler but56but.txt Williams Henry H Butler but56but.txt Williams James Beaver but56bea.txt Williams Jane Beaver but56bea.txt Williams Mary Beaver but56bea.txt Williams Mary Butler but56but.txt Williams Orrilla Beaver but56bea.txt Williams Perry Ripley but56rip.txt Williams Richard Butler but56but.txt Williams Sophie A.(?) Butler but56but.txt Williams William Butler but56but.txt Wilson Dr. J. R. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Wineship Ezra Shell Rock but56she.txt Wineship Lydia J. C. Shell Rock but56she.txt Woods Andrew West Point but56wes.txt Woods George West Point but56wes.txt Woods Henrietta West Point but56wes.txt Woods James West Point but56wes.txt Woods Martha West Point but56wes.txt Woods Mary West Point but56wes.txt Woods Melisa West Point but56wes.txt Woods Mercy West Point but56wes.txt Wortham Jeremiah Butler but56but.txt Worthington Almina Ripley but56rip.txt Worthington C. H. Ripley but56rip.txt Worthington L. A. Ripley but56rip.txt Worthington S. A. Ripley but56rip.txt Worthington William Ripley but56rip.txt Wright Franklin Shell Rock but56she.txt Wright Henry M Monroe but56mon.txt Wright Maria E. Monroe but56mon.txt Wright Mary Monroe but56mon.txt Wright William Shell Rock but56she.txt Wygle Catharine J. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Wygle Corban Des Moines but56dsm.txt Wygle Franklin P. Des Moines but56dsm.txt Wygle Lemuel Des Moines but56dsm.txt Wygle Phebe Des Moines but56dsm.txt