CENSUS: 1856 State Census; Ripley Twp., Butler County, Iowa ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES PROJECT NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://usgwarchives.net/ ************************************************************************ The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner. All submissions become part of the permanent collection. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Rebecca Seehusen, Sept 2000 ____________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: For more information on Butler, Iowa Please visit the Butler County, IAGenWeb page at http://iagenweb.org/butler/ ____________________________________________________________________________ BUTLER COUNTY IOWA -- 1856 CENSUS -- RIPLEY TOWNSHIP Transcribed by Rebecca Seehusen (Not Verified) September 2000 Approx. 80 names The submitter has granted permission to the IAGenWeb Project to utilize the files permanently for free access on IAGenWeb state or county pages. ============================================================================= K E Y PP . . . . . . Printed Page Number WP . . . . . . Written Page Number DW . . . . . . Dwelling Number FM . . . . . . Family Number AG . . . . . . Age X . . . . . . Sex C . . . . . . Colored M . . . . . . Married W . . . . . . Widowed YI . . . . . . Years In State BIRTH . . . . State or Country born in V . . . . . . Native Voter A . . . . . . Alien M . . . . . . Militia D . . . . . . Deaf & Dumb B . . . . . . Blind N . . . . . . Insane T . . . . . . Idiotic L . . . . . . Owns Land ======================================================================================================================================================================= START Town/Ship PP WP DW FM SURNAME GIVEN NAME AG X C M W YI BIRTH OCCUPATION V A M D B N T L COMMENTS Ripley 546 1 1 Hites John C. 32 M 1 1 Ohio Farmer 1 1 1 Ripley Hites May A. 25 F 1 1 Ohio Ripley Hites F. M. 4 M Ohio Ripley Hites Elizabeth 2 F Ohio Ripley Hites George M Iowa Ripley Hites Daniel 18 M Ohio 1 Ripley 2 2 Innman John S 26 M 1 New York Farmer 1 1 Ripley Innman Catherine 25 F 1 Ohio Ripley Williams Perry 7 M Indiana Last name written over Ripley Watkins M. J. M Indiana Ripley Ulrey George 62 M 1 1 Maryland Farmer 1 1 1 153 acres unimproved land Ripley Delrimpel Margaret 40 F 1 Ohio Ripley Delrimpel A. J. 12 M Indiana Ripley 3 3 Parker James 24 M 1 1 Ireland Farmer 1 1 1 1 275 acres unimproved land Ripley Parker Jane L. 32 F 1 1 Vermont Ripley Parker S.W. 1 M 1 Ill Ripley 4 4 Hites Christian 56 M 1 1 Virginia Farmer 1 1 Town/Ship PP WP DW FM SURNAME GIVEN NAME AG X C M W YI BIRTH OCCUPATION V A M D B N T L COMMENTS Ripley Hites Levi 23 M 1 Ohio Ripley Hites Elijah 19 M 1 Ohio Ripley Hix Martha 47 F 1 1 Pennsylvania Ripley Hix R. H. C. 21 M 1 Ohio Ripley 5 5 Heartgrave Nicholas 34 M 1 1 North Carolina Farmer 1 1 58 acres of unimproved land Ripley Heartgrave S. M. 25 F 1 1 Indiana Ripley Heartgrave Delila 8 F Iowa Ripley Heartgrave Clarissa 5 F Iowa Ripley Heartgrave Marion 1 M Iowa Ripley 6 6 Heartgrave Noah 29 M 1 9 North Carolina Farmer 1 1 Ripley Heartgrave H_(?) 17 F 1 New York Ripley Heartgrave I. B. 11 F Indiana Ripley Heartgrave M. R. 7 M Iowa Ripley Heartgrave Charles 9 M Indiana Ripley Heartgrave Phebe 5 F Iowa Ripley Heartgrave I. N. 2 F Iowa Ripley Riddle William 19 M Indiana 1 Ripley 7 7 Worthington William 29 M 1 1 New York Farmer 1 1 1 110 acres unimproved land Ripley Worthington L. A. 29 F 1 1 New York Town/Ship PP WP DW FM SURNAME GIVEN NAME AG X C M W YI BIRTH OCCUPATION V A M D B N T L COMMENTS Ripley Worthington C. H. 4 M 1 Ill Ripley Worthington S. A. 3 M 1 Ill Ripley Worthington Almina F Iowa Ripley Miller John 82 M Germany Ripley 8 8 Hesse Andrew 29 M 1 1 Germany Farmer 1 1 240 acres unimproved land; Nat. Cit. Ripley Hesse Catherine 24 F 1 Ohio Ripley Hesse Lewis A. 3 M Ohio Ripley 9 9 Hunter James 30 M 1 1 Ireland Farmer 1 1 Nat. Citzen Ripley Hunter Caroline 24 F 1 1 Indiana Ripley Hunter William 3 M Indiana Ripley Johnson Charles 16 M Sweden Ripley Glover S. W. 7 M Indiana Ripley 548 10 10 Constantine Michael 66 M 1 1 Ireland Farmer 1 110 acres of unimproved land; Nat Cit. Ripley Constantine Mary 49 F 1 Maine Ripley Constantine John 30 M Nova Scotia Ripley Constantine Michael 17 M Nova Scotia Ripley Constantine Patrick 14 M Nova Scotia Ripley Constantine Joseph 10 M Nova Scotia Ripley Constantine Mary 19 F Nova Scotia Town/Ship PP WP DW FM SURNAME GIVEN NAME AG X C M W YI BIRTH OCCUPATION V A M D B N T L COMMENTS Ripley Constantine Peter 8 M Nova Scotia Ripley 11 11 Moffitt William C. 51 M 1 England Farmer 1 Nat. Citizen Ripley Moffitt Martha 43 F 1 England Ripley Moffitt S. J. 17 F Massachussetts Ripley Moffitt C. W. 15 M Massachussetts Ripley Moffitt Frederick 8 M Massachussetts Ripley Moffitt Frank 3 M New York Ripley 12 12 Mason William 47 M 1 England Farmer 1 Nat. Citizen Ripley Mason Amelia 41 F 1 England Ripley Mason Daniel 18 M Ohio Ripley Mason Mary A. 16 F Massachussetts Ripley Mason George 14 M Massachussetts Ripley Mason Martha 13 F Massachussetts Ripley Mason W 8 M Massachussetts Ripley Mason Ella 3 M Massachussetts Ripley Mason Amelia 1 F Massachussetts Ripley Mason James 6 M Massachussetts Ripley 13 13 Hoisington Ephraim 61 M 1 1 Vermont Farmer 1 1 Nat. Citizen Ripley Hoisington John 12 M 1 Michigan Town/Ship PP WP DW FM SURNAME GIVEN NAME AG X C M W YI BIRTH OCCUPATION V A M D B N T L COMMENTS Ripley Hoisington L. A. 7 F 1 Michigan Ripley 14 14 Kimmel Samuel 41 M 1 1 Ohio Farmer 1 1 1 Ripley Kimmel Jane 41 F 1 1 Pennsylvania Ripley Kimmel Susann 16 F 1 Ohio Ripley Kimmel Zachias F. 14 M 1 Ohio Ripley Kimmel George W. 12 M 1 Ohio Ripley Kimmel Mary Jane 11 F 1 Ohio Ripley Kimmel Maria 8 F 1 Ohio Ripley Kimmel John 5 M 1 Ohio Ripley Hites Joseph 21 M 1 Ohio 1 1 Ripley 15 15 McConnell George W 35 M 5 Pennsylvania 1 1 1 Town/Ship PP WP DW FM SURNAME GIVEN NAME AG X C M W YI BIRTH OCCUPATION V A M D B N T L COMMENTS END Sept. 6, 2000 Kermit Kittleson, kermit-k@juno.com