CENSUS: 1856 State Census; Monroe Twp., Butler County, Iowa ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES PROJECT NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://usgwarchives.net/ ************************************************************************ The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner. All submissions become part of the permanent collection. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Rebecca Seehusen, Sept 2000 ____________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: For more information on Butler, Iowa Please visit the Butler County, IAGenWeb page at http://iagenweb.org/butler/ ____________________________________________________________________________ BUTLER COUNTY IOWA -- 1856 CENSUS -- MONROE TOWNSHIP Transcribed by Rebecca Seehusen (Not Verified) September 2000 Approx. 140 names The submitter has granted permission to the IAGenWeb Project to utilize the files permanently for free access on IAGenWeb state or county pages. ============================================================================= K E Y PP . . . . . . Printed Page Number WP . . . . . . Written Page Number DW . . . . . . Dwelling Number FM . . . . . . Family Number AG . . . . . . Age X . . . . . . Sex C . . . . . . Colored M . . . . . . Married W . . . . . . Widowed YI . . . . . . Years In State BIRTH . . . . State or Country born in V . . . . . . Native Voter A . . . . . . Alien M . . . . . . Militia D . . . . . . Deaf & Dumb B . . . . . . Blind N . . . . . . Insane T . . . . . . Idiotic L . . . . . . Owns Land ======================================================================================================================================================================= START Town/Ship PP WP DW FM SURNAME GIVEN NAME AG X C M W YI BIRTH OCCUPATION V A M D B N T L COMMENTS Monroe 544 Wright Mary 28 F 1 0 Ohio Monroe Wright Henry M 4 M 0 Ill Monroe Wright Maria E. 1 F 0 Ill Monroe Parsons Austin 18 M 0 Vermont Laborer 1 Monroe 6 8 Clayton Walter 39 M 1 3 NY Farmer 1 1 Monroe Clayton Rachael E. 28 F 1 3 NY Teacher 1 Possible land owner? Monroe Clayton Ruth E. 16 F 3 NY Monroe Clayton George W. 15 M 3 NY Monroe Clayton Sarah A. 12 F 3 Wisconsin Monroe Clayton Nancy M. 10 F 3 Wisconsin Monroe Clayton Henry C. 5 M 3 Wisconsin Monroe Clayton Daniel W. 3 M 3 Wisconsin Monroe Clayton Winfield S. 1 M 1 Iowa Monroe Call Peter John 27 M 0 Sweden Laborer 1 1 Monroe 6 9 Hoadley Sidney C. 24 M 1 0 Vermont Carpenter 1 1 Monroe Hoadley Eliza A. 21 M 1 0 Massachusetts Teacher Monroe 7 10 Howard Robert 42 M 1 10 Ohio Farmer 1 1 1 Monroe Howard Rachael A. 28 F 1 20 Maine Monroe Howard Wm A 19 M 10 Ill Laborer 1 Town/Ship PP WP DW FM SURNAME GIVEN NAME AG X C M W YI BIRTH OCCUPATION V A M D B N T L COMMENTS Monroe Howard David A 18 M 10 Ill Laborer 1 Monroe Howard James N 16 M 10 Ill Monroe Howard Sarah A. 14 F 10 Ill Monroe Howard Susan J. 12 F 10 Ill Monroe Soliss John 7 M 7 Iowa Monroe Howard Sabrina 4 F 4 Iowa Monroe Howard Martha L 1 F 1 Iowa Monroe 8 11 Howard Anthony 65 M 1 1 Virginia Farmer 1 1 Monroe Howard Sarah 68 F 1 1 Virginia Monroe 9 12 Spangler William 57 M 1 2 Penn Shoemaker 1 Monroe Spangler Elizabeth 52 F 1 2 Penn Monroe Spangler Melinda S 17 F 2 Ill Monroe Stone Robert B. 31 M 1 2 Penn Farmer 1 1 Monroe Stone Magdalene 23 F 1 2 Penn Monroe Stone Henry 0 M 0 Iowa Monroe McKinley Elizabeth R. 10 F 2 Ill Monroe Stocdale William 28 M 1 Ireland Farmer 1 Monroe 10 13 Monroe George W. 37 M 1 0 NY See Notes 1 Woolen Manufacturer Monroe Monroe Caroline 35 F 1 0 NY Town/Ship PP WP DW FM SURNAME GIVEN NAME AG X C M W YI BIRTH OCCUPATION V A M D B N T L COMMENTS Monroe 538 1 1 Cinnamon Solomon 49 M 1 1 Conn Farmer 1 1 80 acres unimproved land Monroe Cinnamon Rebecca 37 F 1 1 NY Monroe Cinnamon Barnabas 17 M 1 NY Laborer 1 Monroe Cinnamon Nancy E.R. 15 F 1 NY Monroe Cinnamon Leonard F 11 M 1 Wisconsin Monroe Cinnamon Ellen J 10 F 1 Wisconsin Monroe Cinnamon Richard Dolney 8 M 1 Wisconsin Monroe Cinnamon Eliza J 1 F 1 Wisconsin Monroe 2 2 Inman Benjamin 45 M 1 0 NY Farmer 1 1 Monroe Inman Freelove 36 F 1 0 NY Monroe Inman Anna 5 F 0 Michigan Monroe Inman Alpheus 1 M 0 Michigan Monroe 3 Inman Edward 70 M 1 0 R.I. Farmer 1 Monroe Inman Roxcy 56 F 1 0 NY Monroe 3 4 Nash Thomas 41 M 1 1 Penn Farmer 1 1 1 Monroe Nash Isabells 37 F 1 1 Va Monroe Nash Alfred 20 M 1 O Laborer Monroe Nash Cyrus 18 M 1 O Laborer Monroe Nash David 14 M 1 O Town/Ship PP WP DW FM SURNAME GIVEN NAME AG X C M W YI BIRTH OCCUPATION V A M D B N T L COMMENTS Monroe Nash Hugh 10 M 1 O Monroe Nash James 9 M 1 Ill Monroe Nash Mary A 6 F 1 Ill Monroe Nash Thomas A 2 M 1 Ill Monroe 4 5 Caldwell James M 30 M 1 1 Georgia Farmer 1 1 Monroe Caldwell Sarah 32 F 1 1 O Monroe Caldwell Emily 5 F 1 Ill Monroe Caldwell Lilley M 19 F 0 Tenn Monroe 5 6 Gee Jonathan 24 M 1 1 Tenn Farmer 1 1 1 Monroe Gee Margaret 23 F 1 1 Tenn Monroe 5 7 Quinn Rachael 48 F 1 0 Penn Monroe Quinn Hervey 28 M 0 Ohio Farmer 1 1 1 Monroe Quinn Sarah Jane 23 F 0 Ill Monroe Quinn Maria 21 F 0 Ill Monroe Quinn Rebecca 19 F 0 Ill Monroe Quinn Nancy J 16 F 0 Ill Teacher Monroe Quinn Wm J 15 M 0 Ill Laborer Monroe Quinn John C 13 M 0 Ill Monroe Quinn Thomas N 10 M 0 Ill Town/Ship PP WP DW FM SURNAME GIVEN NAME AG X C M W YI BIRTH OCCUPATION V A M D B N T L COMMENTS Monroe 540 Monroe George 16 M 0 NY Laborer Monroe Monroe Charlotte 13 F 0 NY Monroe Monroe Caroline 11 F 0 NY Monroe 11 14 Peterson Daniel 38 M 1 1 VA Blacksmith 1 1 1 208 acres of improved land Monroe Peterson Mary 33 F 1 1 O Monroe Peterson Joseph H 11 M 1 O Monroe Peterson Henry W 10 M 1 O Monroe Peterson John W. 8 M 1 O Monroe Peterson Nathan 6 M 1 O Monroe Peterson Selestia A 4 F 1 O Monroe Peterson Silas 1 M 1 Iowa Monroe 12 15 Linn Nathan 37 M 1 1 O Farmer 1 1 1 Monroe Linn Sophia 35 F 1 1 O Monroe Linn Milicent A 15 F 1 O Monroe Linn Rachael E 12 F 1 O Monroe Linn Wm Pernett 10 M 1 O Monroe Linn Harriett 3 F 1 O Monroe 13 16 Embody Joseph 30 M 1 1 NY Millwright 1 1 1 Monroe Embody Anna 30 1 1 NY Town/Ship PP WP DW FM SURNAME GIVEN NAME AG X C M W YI BIRTH OCCUPATION V A M D B N T L COMMENTS Monroe Embody Obadiah 7 M 1 NY Monroe Embody Michael 5 M 1 NY Monroe 14 17 McMahon Peter 32 M 1 0 Ireland Farmer 1 1 nat. cit. Monroe McMahon Hannah 27 F 1 0 Penn Monroe McMahon John 9 M 0 Penn Monroe McMahon Mary 5 F 0 Penn Monroe McMahon Thomas 1 M 0 Penn Monroe 15 18 Parriott Roby R 47 M 1 1 Va Farmer 1 1 Monroe Parriott Abigail 42 F 1 1 O Monroe Parriott Richard 25 M 1 Indiana Farmer 1 1 1 Monroe Parriott Anthony J 23 M 1 Ill Laborer 1 1 Monroe Parriott Lucinda 18 F 1 Indiana Monroe Parriott Newton 19 M 1 Indiana Laborer 1 Monroe Parriott Roby 16 M 1 Indiana Laborer Monroe Parriott Marion 15 M 1 Ill Monroe Parriott Louisa 12 F 1 Ill Monroe Parriott Jasper 10 M 1 Ill Monroe Parriott Wesley 8 M 1 Ill Monroe Parriott William 6 M 1 Ill Town/Ship PP WP DW FM SURNAME GIVEN NAME AG X C M W YI BIRTH OCCUPATION V A M D B N T L COMMENTS Monroe 542 Bebee Silas 19 M 1 Ill Laborer 1 Monroe Constantine Mary 22 F 0 Nova Scotia Monroe 16 19 Gillard Samuel 38 M 1 0 England Farmer a 1 Monroe Gillard Margret 36 F 1 0 Scotland Monroe Gillard Emily 13 F 0 NY Monroe Gillard Guletty M 6 F 0 Wisconsin Monroe Dow Margaret 9 F 0 Scotland Monroe Dow Robert 7 M 0 Scotland Monroe Dow Isabella 3 F 0 Ill Monroe 17 20 Smith John A 33 M 1 0 O Shoemaker 1 1 Monroe Smith Melinda A 34 F 1 0 NY Monroe Smith George H. 7 M 0 O Monroe Curtiss Melinda 75 F 1 0 Conn Monroe Curtiss Wells 24 M 0 NY Wheelwright 1 1 Monroe 18 21 Wightman Montford S. 29 M 1 0 NY Farmer 1 1 Monroe Wightman Adelia 27 F 1 0 NY Monroe Wightman Albert M 6 M 0 NY Monroe Wightman Harriett A 4 F 0 NY Monroe Wightman (Baby) 0 M 0 NY Monroe 19 22 Hagen Lycurgus P 30 M 0 NY Surveyor 1 1 Monroe Horr Recellus R 21 M 0 NY Laborer 1 Town/Ship PP WP DW FM SURNAME GIVEN NAME AG X C M W YI BIRTH OCCUPATION V A M D B N T L COMMENTS END Sept. 6, 2000 Kermit Kittleson, kermit-k@juno.com