Covering parts of Scott, Muscatine and Cedar Counties, Iowa
Published by Hubinger Publishing Co., Davenport, Iowa, 1921
This Atlas is in the Iowa Digital Collection, University of Iowa Library.
Select image group titled Leading Business Houses & Stock Breeders.
Submitted by Lynn McCleary, May 5, 2020
Page 37 (image 4) | Leading Business Houses in Durant, Iowa | |
Mueller Lumber Co. | C. W. (Jim) Harkins, Manager. All Kinds of Building Material, Paints and Oils. Hard and Soft Coal | Durant, Iowa |
Durant Savings Ins. Agency | Insurance. Come in and see us when in need of Insurance. We will write you any kind of known Insurance. Our rates are as low as any, quality considered. | |
Durant Savings Bank | The Durant Savings Bank is glad to prepare for you at all times Contracts, Leases, Deeds or Wills and will act as Administrator or Executor. Photo of bank building. | |
Officers | |
O. W. Schiele | President |
B. C. Denkmann | Cashier |
Henry Paulsen | Vice President |
H. C. Miller | Vice President |
W. J. Meinert | Asst. Cashier |
H. C. Sorgenfrey | Asst. Cashier |
Directors | |
O.W. Schiele | Henry Paulsen |
H. C. Miller | Louis Trede |
Gus Schiele | Louis Sebelien |
Wm. Bierkamp | A. J. Kleinjan |
Wm. Krone | B. P. Otto |
Chas. F. Steffen | |
Statement of Condition Superintendent of Banking Call September 3, 1920 | |
Resources | |
Loans and Discounts | $1,303,382.69 |
U. S. Bonds, Cert. and War Savings Stamps | $99,100.00 |
Real Estate, Fur, and Fixtures | $25,660.70 |
Reserve | $148,486.05 |
Cash | $8,479.30 |
Total | $1,585,108.30 |
Liabilities | |
Capital | $100,000.00 |
Surplus and Undivided Profits | $153,265.24 |
Deposits | $1,271,843.50 |
Bills Payable | $60,000.00 |
Total | $1,585,108.74 |
Durant Mortgage & Loan Co. | Iowa and Southern Minnesota Farm Mortgages. When you have any surplus money to invest you can do no better than buy some of our choice first farm mortgages. Before closing a loan the title to the land is carefully examined and approved by our attorneys. We collect and remit principal and interest without charge to our investors. B. C. Denkmann, Secretary. | |
H. D. Bierkamp | Authorized Agent for the Sale of Ford Cars. Phone 89-A. Genuine Ford Parts. Also a full line of Accessories. Firestone, Goodyear, and Goodrich Tires and Tubes. Oil Station. Seven sizes Avery Tractors. Seven sizes Avery Separators. Fordson Tractors. Full line Oliver Plows. J. I. Case Threshing Machinery and Tractors. Rodwick Lean Special Harros. Sketches of Avery Tractors, Ford Automobile and Threshers farm scene. | Durant, Iowa |
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Page 38 (image 5) | Leading Business Houses in Durant, Iowa | |
Petersen Bros. Garage | John Petersen & E. W. Petersen. Photo of garage building. We carry a full line of Oils, Greases, etc. Also a full line of Auto Tires. Storage Batteries, Acetylene Welding. Automobile and Gas Engine Repairing, Wholesale Oils and Greases. Order Promptly Filled. Phone No. 2 | Durant, Iowa |
Wm. Banks | General Contractor of All Kinds of Mason, Plaster and Carpenter Work. Telephone 97. | Durant, Iowa |
Morton Hotel | Rooms & Meals. | Durant, Iowa |
J. H. Lamp | Scenic Artist. Small scenes enlarged to any size. For First-Class Decorating, Painting and Paper Hanging. Leave orders with Phone No. 48 | Durant, Iowa |
Farmers & Merchants Savings Bank | Photo of bank building. Capital and Surplus, $81,250.00 Officers and Directors: R. Tagge, President; Henry Nitz, Vice Pres.; A. H. Wiebener, Cashier; W. C. Schlapkohl; Asst. Cashier; Albert Otto; Louis Paustian; Herman Meinert; John Wiebener; Theo. Sindt. The Bank of Good Service. | |
Durant Meat Market | Levin and Bauer. Fresh and Cured Meats. Highest Market Price Paid for Hides. | Durant, Iowa |
R. Tagge | Dealer in General Merchandise. Carpets, Rugs, Floor Covering | Durant, Iowa |
Chris. Voss | Contractor and Builder. House Mover. Telephone 19 | Durant, Iowa |
Central Meat Market | Chris. Rahlf, Proprietor | Durant, Iowa |
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Page 39 (image 6) | Leading Business Houses: Durant | Durant, Iowa |
Durant Hardware Company | H. R. Lamp 7 A. J. Mumm. Phone 122. Complet Line of Hardware. Tinware, Harness, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. All Classes of Tools, Stoves, Wash Machines. Repair Work of all kinds done. Imnning and Furance Work. Our prices and goods are always right. | |
Schiele's Garage | Studebaker. An Honest Built Car. The most for the money. Beautiful in Design. Thoroughly Modern. Mechanically Right. Sketch of Studebaker vehicle. That you can operate at a minimum expense. Try one and be convinced. We are equiped to give Expert Service. We also handle High Grade Oils and Greases, Tires and Accessories. | Durant, Iowa |
J. F. Sorgenfrey's Dairy | Breeder of Holstein Cattle. Phone 99 | Durant, Iowa |
Ed Moravek | Barber. First Class Work. Cigars & Candies. | Durant, Iowa |
Louis Trede | Watchmaker and Optometrist. Pianos, Edisons, and Records. Sewing Machines. Diamonds and Jewelry. Phone 61-A | Durant, Iowa |
John Bierkamp | Horseshoer and Blacksmith. Plow Work a Sepcialty. | Durant, Iowa |
Hugo Boldt | Plumbing and Heating and All Kinds of Tin Work. Phone 95 | Durant, Iowa |
R. D. Andersen | Clothing, Furnishings and Shoes. The home of Hart, Schaffner and Marx Style-Plus Clothes | Durant, Iowa |
Hugo Schneckloth | Soft Drinks, Cigars, Candies and Lunches. | Durant, Iowa |
A. J. Kleinjan | Implements, Tractors and Seed. We sell more because our price is less. Ask for prices when in need of anything. Phone 26. | Durant, Iowa |
Meese Millinery Shop & Shoe Repairing | | Durant, Iowa |
D. C. Wunder | Hardware, Furniture and Undertaking. Plumbing and Heating. | Durant, Iowa |
Miller and Petersen | Dealers in Live Stock. Telephones: H. C. Miller, 24 and J. E. Petersen, 55 | Durant, Iowa |
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Page 40 (image 7) | Leading Business Houses: Durant | |
Equity Farmers Co-operative Store | Harry Puck, Manager. General Merchandise. Rock Island Freight. American Express. Photo of store front. | Durant, Iowa |
A. R. Lamp | Dealer in Eggs and Poultry. Telephone 98-A | Durant, Iowa |
Geo. E. Hell | Real Estate and Insurance Agent for Stark Bros. Nursery and Orchard Co. You Should Insure Your Crops in the Grain Belt Hail Insurance Co. Des Moines, Iowa. Inter-State Automobile Insurance Company. Paid-Up Capital $200,000.00. Liablility Insurance Co. Paid-Up Capital $250,000.00. Home Office, Rock Rapids, Iowa Photo of Geo. E. Hell, Agent. Telephone 106 | Durant, Iowa |
H. H. Schafer | Farm Implements. Everything for the Farmer. We Sell: Harvesting Machines, Hay and Corn, Machines, Tillage Implements, Sewing Machines, Plows, Threshers, Binder Twine, Oil Tractors, Oil Engines, Cream Separators, Farm Wagons, Manure Spreaders, Feed Grinders. Phone 44A. | Durant, Iowa |
Wm. Bierkamp | Real Estate and Loans. Photo of Wm. Bierkamp. Phone 64. Reference: Durant Savings Bank. | Durant, Iowa |
L. W. Morton | General Agent for Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Association of Iowa. $50,000.00 Insurnace in force. $3,580,675.39 Paid for losses. $691,205.54 Cash on hand. $17.50 average annual cost. A Farmers' Association owned, managed, and controlled by farmers. The greatest, the best, and the lowest priced. | Durant, Iowa |
A. J. Wunder | Soft Drinks. Cigars and Candy. | Durant, Iowa |
John Schacht | Mason Contractor. Cement Blocks, Brick, Lime, Sand, Gravel. | Durant, Iowa |
H. W. Kretschmar | Auctioneer. Call me or we both lose money. Phone 26 | Durant, Iowa |
Wm. E. Belter | Soft Drinks, Cigars and Candy. Pool. Two Places. | Durant, Iowa |
Durant Farmers Creamery Association | Chas. C. Boettger, President. Herman Thiessen, Vice Pres. A. R. Lamp, Secy, and Treas. Wm. Schurke, Buttermaker. | Durant, Iowa |
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Page 41 (image 8) | Leading Business Houses and Stock Breeders in Durant, Iowa | |
Durant Bottling Works | R. W. Schiele, Proprietor. Try Schiele's. Soda Water and All Kinds of Soft Drinks. | Durant, Iowa |
H. F. Stutzer | Coal. Ice. Tile. All kinds of Heavy and Light Draying | Durant, Iowa |
Miller Drug Company | "The Best in Drug Store Goods" "The Rexall Store" "The Best in Drug Store Service" | Durant, Iowa |
Wm. Luense | Harness and Shoe Repairing. Also New Work. Auto Hoods, curtains, Etc. | Durant, Iowa |
The Durant Star -The Wilton Advocate | Covers the territory of the Tri-County Farmers' Institute. We print all kinds of Sale Advertising | |
Standard Oil Co. | R. Theded, Manager. Use Polarine. Perfection Oil. Red Crown Gas. | |
Durant Equity Shipping Association | We solicit your membership in this organization if you are not already a member, as we ship all kinds of stock and get best market value for same. Whenever you have anything to sell, notify our manager at Durant, Iowa and he will arrange to ship your stock for you. Hugo Lamaack, President; Aug. Treimer, Sec'y; Jacob Carstnes. Mgr. | |
C. H. Burmeister | Cement Blocks, Anchor Continuous Air Space Blocks, Ornamental Work. | Durant, Iowa |
Dr. D. J. Lewis | Dentist | Durant, Iowa |
Opera House Barber Shop | Otto Peters, Prop. First Class Work Done. Cigars, Candy, Pool. | Durant, Iowa |
I. W. Moranville | D. V. M. Phone 96-A, Office. Phone 96-B, Res. | Durant, Iowa |
Otto W. Schiele | Proprietor of Prairie Bovie Ranch. Northof Durant Village Limits. Photo of Schiele Residence. | P. O. Durant, Iowa |
Jim Paustian | Soft Drinks. Cigars and Candy. | Durant, Iowa |
Chas. Boetscher | Breeder of White Leghorn Chickens. For Sale at All Times. Eggs for Hatching in Season. | |
Denkmann Bros. | E. Denkman & F. Eenkmann. Dealers in All Kinds of Grain. Barley a Specialty. | Durant, Iowa |
American Hotel | Rooms & Meals. Cigars and Candy, Ice Cream. Chas. Hagen | Durant, Iowa |
Durant Roller Mills | A. B. Nelson, Proprietor. Manufacturers of Honest Abe - Liberty Bell - King Medias. Rye Meal, Corn Meal, Graham. We exchange on the best of terms. Phone 45. | Durant, Iowa |
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Page 42 (image 9) | Leading Business Houses in Sunbury, Iowa | |
Sunbury Co-Operative Company | Harry H. Voss, Manager. "Welch" Overalls and Jackets. "Sunproof" Paints and Oils. Hardware. Red Crown Gas. Polarine Lubricants & Greases. Groceries. Dry Goods. Wolverine Work Shoes. Goodrich Rubber Goods. Hats, Caps, and Gloves. "The store that returns its profits to its customers". Photo of store front. | |
Ernst F. Petersen | Dealer in General Merchandise. | Sunbury, Iowa |
The Sunbury Savings Bank | Capital $30,000.00. Surplus and Profits $16,000.00. Deposits $400,000.00. We have shown a steady growth since organization and appreciate the support that our friends and patrons have given us. We aim to conduct our business along safe and conservative lines, and solicit your business with this in mind. We do a general banking business, and will act as executor or trustee under your will. 4% Interest Paid on Savings. Photo of banking building. John Iwers, President, Henry Iwers, Vice President, J. H. Soehorn, Cashier. Directors: John Iwers, Henry Iwers, John Soehren, ernst. F. Petersen, A. F. Paul, C. F. Soehren, William Iwers, Henry Miller, A. C. Paustian. | |
Hotel & Dance Hall | A full line of Cigars, Soft Drinks, Choice Candies. Come in and be convinced. Call Phone No. 6. Shipper of Live Stock. Jacob C. Jacobsen. | Sunbury, Iowa |
A. T. Petersen | Barber Shop. Soft Drink and Confections. Billiard Hall. Agent for Victor Fire Proof Safes. | Sunbury, Iowa |
Aug. Bierkamp | General Blacksmith. Horseshoeing, Plow, and Wood Work. | Sunbury, Iowa |
J. H. Soehren | Fire, Life, and Accident Insurance. | Sunbury, Iowa |
Wirth & Griebel | J. C. A. Wirth. Henry Griebel. Automoobile Accessories, Farm Implements, Pumps, Windmills and Repairs. General Auto Repairing. | Sunbury, Iowa |
Farmers Grain and Lumber Co. | Louis Paustian, Pres. H. D. Thiering, Secy. Phillip A. Reinbrecht, Treas. Grain, Lumber, Coal, Sand, Lime, Gravel, Cement, Wire, Posts and Building Material. | Sunbury, Iowa |
James Rohe | Threshing. Corn Shellling. At your service. | Sunbury, Iowa |
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Page 44 (image 10) | Leading Business Houses in Bennett, Iowa | |
Red Star Hotel | Elvin McQuillen, Prop. First Class Hotel at Moderate Prices. Good Meals and Lunches. Headquarters for Auto Tourists. Near R. I. Depot | Bennett, Iowa |
Motz & Franco | Dealers in Windmills, Pumps and Piping. Exclusive Dealers for Aermotor Mills. Phone 25 or 22. We have purchased the Gutter and Eaves Trough business of H. W. Riedesel and can supply your wants in that line. For repairs of all kinds for windmills and pumps - see us before buying. | Bennett, Iowa |
The Bennett Gazette | Published Every Thursday. Subscription $1.50 per year. Fred c. Marble, Editor and Publisher. Job Printing. | Bennett, Iowa |
Dr. W. H. Fitch | Veterinary Surgeon. Telephones, residence 87-A; office 72. Day and night service. | Bennett, Iowa |
H. W. Riedesel | Hardware and Furniture. Paints, Oils, and Glass. Phone 45. | Bennett, Iowa |
Bennett Savings Bank | Capital and Surplus $60,000. Total Resources, $441,521.76. Aug. Hinrichs, President. Fred Schluetter, Vice President. J. B. Vaughan, Cashier. Directors: H. W. Franco, E. G. Dresselhaus, L. E. Conrad, Peter Ruser. Photo of bank building. | Bennett, Iowa |
Duvall Grain Co. Incorporated | Dealers in Grain, Seed & Coal. J. F. Duvall, Pres. P. Duvall, Sec. B. Regennitter, Vice Pres. | Elevators: Bennett, Iowa New Liberty, Iowa |
Bossen Bros. Market | Dealers in Fresh and Salt Meats. Cash Paid for Hides. | Bennett, Iowa |
Kruse Garage & Service Station | Ed. Kruse, Prop. Agents for Nash and Dodge Bros. Cars. Accessories, Tires, Oils. Repairing and Storage. Sketch of automobile. | |
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Page 45 (image 11) | Leading Business Houses in Bennett, Iowa | |
Harry Siemsen Garage | Dealer in Buick and Cleveland Cars. Photo of garage building. Accessories and Oil. U. S. and Fisk Tires. Repairing done At Moderate Prices. | Bennett, Iowa |
Wiemann's Drug Store | R. J. Wiemann, Prop. Registered Druggist. A Store for Everybody. Drugs & Sundries, Paints, Oil & Varnish. Soda Fountain. The Leadiing Brands of Stock Tonics and Hog Remedies. All Kinds of Spray Materials. | Bennett, Iowa |
O. M. Williamson | Barber. Pool, Soft Drinks and Confectionery. | Bennett, Iowa |
Farmers Savings Bank | Photo of bank building. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $39,722.91. Total Resources $304,622.84. "The Bank that Backs the Farmer" H. D. Butterbrodt, Pres. G. C. Bannick, V-Pres. H. W. Schoonover, Cashier. W. H. Witte, Asst. Cashier. Directors: Louis Rekemeyer, Wm. Kreinbring, Henry Ahrens. Always at your service all ways. We want your business. Strenght - Security - Courtesy. | Bennett, Iowa |
Dick Witte | Electrician. Phelps Light and Power Plant. | Bennett, Iowa |
Wm. Ruser | Pool and Confectionery | Bennett, Iowa |
Millard Bros. Garage | Velie Dealers. Automobile Accessories and Supplies, Auto and Storage Batteries. Repairing, U. S. L. Batterries. | Clarence, Iowa |
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Page 46 (image 12)
| Leading Business Houses in Bennett, Iowa | |
Bennett Lumber Company | C. V. Willey, Local Mgr. Dealers in Quality Lumber, Coal and Coke, American Woven Wire Fence, Red Top Steel Posts, Red Cedar Posts, Asphalt and Red Cedar Shingles, Brick, Building Blocks, Drain Tile and Sewer Pipe, Cement, Lime and Plaster, Sand and Gravel. In fact, everything to build anything. When you want Quality Material, call at our yard and let us show you our stock. | Bennett, Iowa |
The Golden Star Creamery | Established 1887. A. R. Christensen, Proprietor. Manufacturers of Fine Pasteurized Creamery Butter. Highest prices paid at all times for cream. Phones: 70-A Office; 70-B Residence. | Bennett, Iowa |
H. W. Schoonover | Established 1887. A. R. Christensen, Proprietor. Manufacturers of Fine Pasteurized Creamery Butter. Highest prices paid at all times for cream. Phones: 70-A Office; 70-B Residence | Bennett, Iowa |
Farmers Co-Operative Exchange | E. H. Bentrott, Manager. General Merchandise. Buy produce of all kinds. Pay highest prices at all time. George Roehlk, President. Chas. Petersen, Vice-President. E. H. bentrott, Secretary. L. F. Anderson, Treasurer. The Store for Everybody. | Bennett, Iowa |
W. N. Petty | Barber | Bennett, Iowa |
Dray Line | George Denneny, Proprietor. All kinds of hauling at reasonable prices. Let me do yours. Telephone 33. | Bennett, Iowa |
A. H. Riedesel | Expert Auto Repairing. Wadhams Oil and Auto Accessories. Agent for Mitchell and Allen Cars. Photo of the building for Dr. W. H. Fitch Veterinary Infirmary & Riedesel Garage. | |
Bennett Rendering Works | Bossen Bros. Wanted: Dead Horses, Hogs, Sheep, Calves & Cows. Highest cash market price paid for hides. | |
Louis Lamp | Soft Drinks, Cigars and Candy. Proprietor of Bennett Opera House. | Bennett, Iowa |
Chas. Leatherby | John Deere and International Implements of all kinds and all prices. Come in and get yours. Ordere repairs now for Sprng work. Prompt Service My Motto. My Harness Shop is now ready for business. Harness Repairs in stock. Located in former Buick Garage building, north of Bennett Depot. | |
Ayres Cream Station | Near Depot. | Bennett, Iowa |
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Page 51 (image 13) | Leading Business Houses: Tipton | |
Ehrke Garage | Buick Garage. Sales. Service. Phone 460. Photo of garage building. | Tipton, Iowa |
Hotel Tipton | L. W. Geer, Proprietor. Forty Rooms. European Plan. Café. Meals all hours. Phone 186. Photo of hotel. | Tipton, Iowa |
Laubscher Auto Company | C. W. Laubscher. Sales and Service. Phone 365. Willys Knight logo. R. & K. Knight. Willys Knight. Overland. | Tipton, Iowa |
Cedar County State Bank | Captial $50,000.00 Surplus $60,000.00 M. H. Miller, President. Wm. T. Gilmore, Vice President. S. G. Frink, Cashier. Emma G. Graybill, Assistant Cashier. | Tipton, Iowa |
W. G. W. Geiger | Attorney-At-Law and Abstractor. The only complete set of abstract books in Cedar County. Oney loaned on Real Estate. Phone 135. Sketch of Law Office building. | Tipton, Iowa |
Laubscher Auto Company | C. W. Laubscher. Sales and Service. Phone 365. Overland logo. R. & K. Knight. Willys Knight. Overland. | Tipton, Iowa |
Argo's Garage | Verne E. Argo, Proprietor. Tires, Auto Accessories, Oils, Etc. Expert Repairing at Moderate Prices. Auto Livery. | Tipton, Iowa |
Fred Bossert | Lumber, Coal, Hardware, Implements, Pints, Glass. Picture of building for Fred Bussert Lumber & Coal. | |
Bolton Battery Station | C. R. Bolton, Prop. Prest-O-Lite Storage Batteries. All Makes of Batteries Repaired. We repair Starters, Generators and wiring of all kinds. All work and repairs absolutely guaranteed. Phone 527. | Tipton, Iowa |
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Page 52 (image 14) | Leading Business Houses: Tipton | |
Blazer-Norris Motor Companty | Ford Authoized Sales and Service. Fordson Tractors. Implements. (Photo of building) | Tipton, Iowa |
John R. France Garage | Expert Repairing on Overland, Willys Knight, R & V Knight Cars. Oils and Accessories. | Tipton, Iowa |
The City National Bank | Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits. $165,000.00. Better Banking. W. J. Moore, President. F. D. Wingert, Vice-President. Chas Swatzlender, Cashier. Harry E. Thompson, Asst. Cashier. Member of the Federal Reserve System. We Combine Proven Strength and Stability With Courteous, Alert, Reliable Service. | |
Laubscher Auto Company | C. W. Laubscher. Sales and Service. Phone 365. Overland logo. R. & K. Knight. Willys Knight. Overland. | Tipton, Iowa |
Bates Steel Mule | "The Most Efficent Tractor in America" Why Bates Steel Mules Offset Farm Labor Shortage All over the country the farm labor shortage is acute. The Bates Steel Mule more than makes up for this labor shortage on every farm on which it is used, BECAUSE: Its speed accomplishes the work of sixteen horses and four men. Its durable Crawlers let it work under every soil condition. Its dust proof, high grade construction always keeps it on the job. and it does not pack the soil. Its front wheels make easy steering and comfortable riding. Have you our proposition? Ask for descriptive catallog. Bates Machine & Tractor Co., established 1883, Joliet, Illinois. Albert Meewes, Agent for Cedar County. Sketches of the Bates Steel Mule tractor and that of a farmer using it in a field. | Tipton, Iowa |
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Page 53 (image 15) | Leading Businesses Houses: Tipton | |
Tipton Nash Company | H. H. Kruse, General Manager. The Nash Six. Perfect Valve-in-Head Motor. Motor Nash Trucks. Dependable Transportation. Value Cars at Volume Prices. Phone 196. | Tipton, Iowa |
Charles Langmann | Hudson, Essex and Accessories | Tipton, Iowa |
The Farmers' Co-operative Exchange | "The Quality Store" M. W. Gillam, Manager. P. E. Wingert, President. J. M. Reeves, Vice-President. Alex Buchanan, Secy.-Treas. | Tipton, Iowa |
Farmers & Merchants Savings Bank | Total resources $548,275.38. Capital $50,000.00. Surplus $29,000.00. Undivided profits (after deducting expenses) $13,980.16. W. W. Little, President. F. B. Cobb, Vice-President. D. L. Diehl, Cashier. | Tipton, Iowa |
Tipton Auto Company | Distributors Stephens Salient Six | Tipton, Iowa |
The Kleanall Agency | H. Hank, Proprietor. Phone 173. Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Repairing. | Tipton, Iowa |
E. Rehbehn | Vulcanizing Shop. Tires and Tubes. Retreadng. Phone 671. | Tipton, Iowa |
Tipton Produce Packing Co. | Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Cream. References: Cedar County State Bank. Telephone 422. | Tipton, Iowa |
Hostler's Vulcanizing Works | Edgar D. Hostler, Proprietor. Tires and Tire Repairing. We Use Factory Methods. All Work Guaranteed. | Tipton, Iowa |
Hamiel & Mather | Attorneys at Law. Abstracts furnished and examined. Farm Loas at Low Rates. Phone 273. | Tipton, Iowa |
Lee S. Maxson | Business Propositions and City Property for Sale or Exchange. Money to Loan on Real Estate and Chattel Security. Real Estate. Loans. Abustracts. Insurance a Specialty. | Tipton, Iowa |
Mearl Clark | Clothier | Tipton, Iowa |
Tipton Brick and Tile Company | Manufacturers Brick, Drain Tile and Hollow Blocks. A Superior Grade of Brick. Drain Tile that has stood the test over 50 years. We ship over C., R. I. & P. and C. N. W. R. R. Sewer Pipe, Flue Lining and Fire Brick always on hand. Office Phone 301. | Tipton, Iowa |
W. B. McBurney | Real Estate, Farm Loans, Insurance. Phone 644. | Tipton, Iowa |
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Page 54 (image 16) | Leading Business Houses: Tipton | |
G. C. Monckmeier | Manufacturer and Owner of Universal Piston Inserters. Piston Ring Remover and Groove Cleaner and Battery Boxes for Fords. Cylinder and Crank Shaft Regrinding and Rebuilding a Specialty. We Aso Make Oversized Pistons from $2 to $4 each. Sketch of Patented GCM. | |
Standard Trunk Co. | Iowa's Largest and Only Trunk Factory. A Trunk for Every Purpose. Wardrobes, Dress and Steamers, Bags, Suit Cases. Insist on Iowa Made Trunks. Photos of two types of trunks. Standard Luggage Trunks Co. logo. For Sale by: | |
Ed Roehlk, Tipton, Iowa | Franchere Co., Cedar Rapids |
Mearl Clark, Tipton | Martin Dry Goods Co., Cedar Rapids |
Dilley Bros., Bennett | Max Furniture Co., Cedar Rapids |
Nicolaus Bros., Wilton | F. Fryauf, Iowa City |
R. D. Anderson, Durant | Rutenberg Clothing Co., W Liberty |
Grover Meyer, Walcott | Walter E. Fogg, West Liberty |
H. F. Haesemeyer, Stanwood | Wirtel Trunk Co., Davenport |
Chas. Stoffel, Mechanicsville | M. L. Parker Co., Davenport |
Bauman Clothing Co., Mt. Vernon | The Luggage Shop, Davenport |
Killian's, Cedar Rapids | |
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Page 78 (image 27) | Leading Stock Breeders in Cedar County | |
The South Prairie Stock Farm | H. D. Butterbrodt, Proprietor. Breeder of Pure Bred Hereford Cattle. Stock for Sale aat all times. Photo of H. D. Butterbrodt's Residence and Barn. Photo of steer Clovis No. 566701. Telephone Tipton. | |
Meadow Ridge Farm | Julius N. Wiese, Owner. Breeder of Polled Short Horn Cattle. Stock for sale at all times. Photo of cow Miss Butterfly No. 8051. Do not saw horns off but breed them off by raising Polled short Horn Cattle. Photo of hog Spotted Jumbo No. 36957. Big Spots, Big Sttetch, Big Bones. Phone 3 on 17 | Bennett, Iowa |
Harry J. Parker | Breeder of Duroc Jersey Swine. Phone 63 on 14. R. F. D. No. 2 | Bennett, Iowa |
Maple Grove Stock Farm | Henry Ruser, Proprietor. Short Horn Cattle. White Wyandotte Chickens. Telephone 366 on 1. R. R. No. 1 | Bennett, Iowa |
Edward F. Rohlf | Section 6 and Walter C. Rohlf Section 7. Stockbreeders Inland Township. R. R. 1 | P. O. Bennett, Iowa |
Fairview Farm | G. C. Bannick, Onwer of herds Short Horn Cattle, Duroc Jersey Hogs, Buff Rock Chickens. Farm 1 1/8 miles East of Bennett. Telephone 266 on 16. R. R. No. 2. Photo of steer Royal Lad No. 815664. | Bennett, Iowa |
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Page 82 (image 29) | Leading Cedar & Scott Co. Stockbreeders | |
Beverly Farm | J. M. Bacon, Proprietor. Village Diamond heads the Herd. A good blocky son of the Great Village Beau. Photo of Village Diamond No. 893811 and Gloster Hope No. 827136. Phone 1199 Route 2. | Wilton Junction, Iowa |
Hartzdale Stock Farm | Cha. H. Hartz, Proprietor. Breeder of Thoroughbred Black Angus Cattle, Duroc Jersey Swine and Barred Plymouth Rock Chickens. Telephone N. W. Photo of farm buildings and residence. | P. O. Durant, Iowa |
Sunny View Farm | E. C. Nienaber, Proprietor. Breeder of Pure bred Hampshire Hogs. The Easy Keeping, Quick Maturing Kind. Telephone A-899. Route No. 2, Box No. 106. Photo of residence and out buildings. | Wilton Junction, Iowa |
Wayside Farm | Herman Kahler, Proprietor. Breeder of Polled Shorthorn Cattle and S. C. Rhode Island Red Chickens. Farm 3 1/2 miles Northeast of Durant, Iowa. Photo of out buidings and residence. | Durant, Iowa |
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Page 87 (image 33) | Leading Cedar County Stock Breeders | |
Maple Grove Stock Farm | Louis Voss, Proprietor. Breeder of Throughbred Hereford Cattle, Poland China Hogs and Single-comb White Orpington Chickens. Telephone 55 Line. R. R. No. 2. Photo of steer. | P. O. Wilton Junction, Iowa |
Lawn Grove Stock Farm | Chas. A. Nienaber, Proprietor. Breeker and Shipper of Pure Bred Hampshire Hogs and Buff Orpington Chickens "Hampshires" "None Better - Few as Good" The Farmer's Friend, The Packer's Favorite. Photo of a sow with piglets. Stock for Sale at All Times. Correspondence-Inspection Invited. Rural Route No. 1. | Durant, Iowa |
Schiele Stock Farm | Gus. Schiele, Proprietor. Home of the Good Ones. Throughbred Percheron Horses. Thoroughbred Hereford Cattle. Phone A-182. R. R. No. 1. Photo of farm hands and cattle. Photo of farm hands and horses. | Durant, Iowa |
Chas. Wieck | Breeder of Chester White Hogs and Short Horn Cattle. Rural Route No. 3. | Wilton Junction, Iowa |
Herman G. Ahrens | Breeder of Pure Bred Shorthorn Cattle. Hampshire Hogs and Plymouth Rock Chickens. R. R. No. 1. Farm located 3 1/2 miles west of Sunbury. Telephone A-50. Photo of hog. | P. O. Wilton Junction, Iowa |
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Page 90 (image 41) | Leading Cedar & Muscatine County Breeders & Business Houses | |
Glenn G. Healy | Breeder of Big Type Duroc Jersey Swine. Shorthorn Cattle and Single-comb Buff Orpington Chickens also Airdale Dogs. Stock for Sale at all times. Visitors always welcome. Inspection invited. Phone No. 1566 Wilton, Iowa. Photo of hog Great Uneeda Sensation No. 359081, Junior Champion at Nebraska State Fair. Photo of hog Sensation's Pansy Fifth by Great Orion Sensation. | Moscow, Iowa |
V. C. Walton, Jr. | Breeder of Hereford Cattle and Duroc Jersey Hogs. Herd Headed by Willetta's Pathfinder. | Wilton Junction, Iowa |
Ravine Stock Farm | Cecil R. Baker, Proprietor. Breeder of Pure Bred Holstein Cattle. Young Stock for Sale. Farm located 7 miles Northwest of Moscow and 10 from Wilton Junction. Telephone No. 8262. Photo of farm and of cattle. | Tipton, Iowa |
Eagle Forest Stock Farm | C. F. Port, Proprietor. Breeder of Sort Horn Cattle, Representing the noted families of Simplicity, Lavander, Victoria and Rose of Sharon. Duroc Jersey Swine and Plymouth Rock Chickens. Rural Route No. 3. Telephone No. 1016. 4 miles North of Wilton Junction, Iowa. Sketch of cattle. | |
H. E. Einfelldt | Breeder of Duroc Jersey Hogs. R. R. 1, Rochester Twp. | P. O. Tipton, Iowa |
C. E. White | Dealer in General Merchandise. | Moscow, Iowa |
The Barnes Garage | Frank F. Barnes, Proprietor. Dealer in Ford Cars and Fordson Tractors. General Repairing, Accessories, Tires and Oil. Sinclair Oil Station. Photo of garage building. Sketch of a car and a tractor. | |
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Page 95 (image 41) | Leading Stockbreeders in Scott, Cedar & Muscatine Counties | |
Pleasant Hill Stock Farm | Ehrecke Bros. Proprietors. Breeders of Shorthorn Cattle, Poland China and Duroc Jerseys Hogs. Bull of Shorhoorn. One mile West oof Blue Grass, Iowa. Telephone, Farmer's Line, Blue Grass and Muscatine. Photo of Commodore Hampton - 508840. Sex-Bull-Red Calved September 8, 1915. Bred and owned by E. Moore & Son, West Liberty, Iowa. Owned by Charles Ehrecke. Photo of calf; mother of this calf: Sylvia Maid, Fifth - 906624. Cow Roan, calved January 7 1918. bred and owned by Loveland Stock Farms, Mr. Pleasant, Iowa. Owned by Edward C. Ehrecke. | |
Linden Grove Stock Farm | Detlef E. Puls, Proprietor. Breeding Stock of the leading strains of Duroc Jersey Swine for sale at all times. Farm 2 miles southwest of Durant, Iowa. Phone 166 on 2. | |
Cottage Hill Stock Farm | Erwin Allbee & Sons. Breeder of Duroc Jersey Hogs and Scotch Shorthorn Cattle. Fulton Township. Montpelier R. R. Photo of hog. | |
Richland Stock Farm | J. H. English & Sons, Proprietors. Breeders of Poland China Hogs and Red Polled Cattle. Farm located 1 mile north of Durant, Iowa. P. E., Durant, Iowa, Rural Route No. 1. Photo of bull Charmers Model - 38884. | |
Harmony Hilll Stock Farm | Gustave Eckermann and Sons. Breeders of Aberdeen-Angus Cattle, Tamsworth Hogs, Buff Orphington Chickens. Young Stock for Sale at all times. Visitors Welcome. Telephone, Eldridge 1107. R. F. D. 1 | Davenport, Iowa |
Sunny Side Stock Farm | Geo. F. Thede & Son. Breeders of Pure Bred Scotch Shorthorn Cattle. Visitors Welcome. Inspection Invited. Farm 4 1/2 miles Northwest of Durant. | Durant, Iowa |
D. W. Gray | About 50 Head in Herd of Bonnie Brae Breeding. Phone Muscatine or Wilton when in need of Horned Herefords. Farm located 1 1/2 miles North of Rainbow on D. and M. R. R. No. 1 | Wilton Junction, Iowa |
Clarence Dice | Breeder of Short Horn Cattle. Farm located 5 miles North and 1 mile East of Wilton Junction. Rural Route No. 2. | P. O. Wilton Junction, Iowa |
Wm. Puck | Breeding Stock for Farm Herds. Farm located 1 mile West and 2 miles South of Walcott, Iowa. Phone, Dav. 1982-M-3. R. R. 1. | P. O. Stockton, Iowa |
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Page 96 (image 42) | Leading Cedar & Muscatine County Stock Breeders | |
Fred P. Paul | Breeder of Pure Blooded Hereford Cattle and Buff Orphington Chickens. Farm located 5 miles North and 1 mile East of Wilton. P. O., Rural Route No. 2. | Wilton Junction, Iowa |
Ed. Wieck | Breeder of Short Horn Cattle and Rhode Island Red Chickens. Farm located 3 4/3 miles North of Wilton. Rural Route No. 3. Photo of bull. | P. O. Wilton Junction, Iowa |
Frank J. Angerer | Belleview Stock Farm. Breeder of Pure blooded Hereford Cattle. Feeder and Shipper. Farm located 2 miles South and 1 3/4 miles East of Wilton Junction, section 17, Wilton Township. Rural Route No. 1. Photo of bull. | P. O. Wilton Junction, Iowa |
Jacob Lett | Breeder of Pure Bred Short Horn Cattle and Barr Rock Chickens. Farm located 3 miles North of Wilton. Rural Route No. 3 | Wilton Junction, Iowa |
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Page 97 (image 43) | Leading Cedar County Stock Breeders | |
H. C. Cosgriff | Proprietor of Edgefield Farm Shorthorns. Leading Scotch Families represented. Poland Chinas and Duroc Jerseys. Young Stock for Sale. Farm located 2 1/2 miles South of Town. | Clarence, Iowa |
Geo. F. Johnson | Big Type Chester White Swine. R. R. No. 2. | Mechanicsville, Iowa |
Green Wood Stock Farm | A. F. Kortum & Son, Proprietors. Breeders of Aberdeen Angus Cattle. Rural Route No. 1. | Stanwood, Iowa |
J. D. Taylor & Son's | Tipton Plain View Stock Farm. Breeders of High Class Chester White O. I. C. Swine and Jersey Cows and Plymouth Rock Chickens. F. R. D. No. 5. | Tipton, Iowa |
T. W. Greig | Prairie Crest Stock Farm. Breeder of Short Horn Cattle. | Clarence, Iowa |
Fred. H. Soll | Breeder of Short Horn Cattle. Rural Route No. 5. | Tipton, Iowa |