![]() | Cedar County, Iowa
Tipton City Directory, 1933 |
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Adams | Charles | 613 E 5th; oc. retired farmer; wf. Emma; ch. Forest, Guy |
Adams | Mrs. Frank | 56 Orange; oc. city employee; wf. Hattie; ch. Wilbur |
Adams | Fred | 410 W 2nd; oc. wood sawer; wf. Ellen; ch. Mildred, June |
Adams | John | 414 W 2nd; oc. stone quarry worker; wf. Edith; ch. Buddy, William |
Adams | Joseph | 122 E 10th; oc. unemployed; wf. Cora; ch. Evelyn, Gerald Joseph |
Adams | Mrs. Mattie | 51 Orange; ch. Arthur |
Aker | Lloyd E. | 1010 Cedar; oc. proprietor of Cleaning and Pressing establishment; wf. Eleanor; ch. Joanne |
Albaugh | Mrs. Emma | 106 Cedar; oc. clerk; ch. Dorothy |
Albaugh | Mrs. Mable | lives with Jacob Koblentz; oc. waitress; ch. Arthur, Albert, Edith |
Albert | Gus | 212 E. 8th; oc. retired farmer; wf. Anna |
Allen | Alfarata | rooms with Mearl Clark; oc. grade teacher |
Angel | M. L. | 402 Spruce; oc. cabinet worker |
Argo | Orian | 502 Mulberry; oc. day work; wf. Cora |
Argo | Verne E. | 205 E 5th; oc. garage proprietor; wf. Eva; ch. Dorothy, Helen |
Atkins | E. L. | 406 W 7th; oc. day work; wf. Nora; ch. Stella |
Bagley | Mrs. Anna | lives with Ralph E. Kent |
Bailey | Lois | rooms with James C. France; oc. teacher |
Baker | Charles A. | 402 W. 4th; ch. Madge A. Hepner, (niece) |
Baker | Mrs. Nettie | oc. practical nurse |
Baker | Mr. Seth | 58 Orange; oc. day laborer; wf. Nettie; ch. Agnes, Mary, Alice |
Baker | Miss Theresa | lives with Mrs. A. B. Wilcutt; oc. housework; high school student |
Balluff | Ruth | rooms with E. C. Hobstetter; oc. Junior college and high school teacher |
Bandy | Dr. R. S. | 602 Cedar; oc. Dentist |
Banks | Dr. Carl H. | 302 Walnut; oc. veterinarian; wf. Ada; ch. Robert, Max |
Barclay | B. F. | 311 Sycamore; oc. retired; wf. Ruby |
Barewald | A. H. | 323 1/2 Cedar; oc. retired; wf. Charlotte |
Barewald | Lewis | 305 Sycamore; oc. works in Post office; wf. Ina; ch. Robert, James |
Barnes | William, Sr. | 423 W 6th; oc. section foreman; wf. Nancy; ch. Helen, Thomas, William Jr., James |
Barry | Chester | Mulberry; oc. Junior high teacher; wf. Florence |
Bartley | Mrs. Anna | lives with Fred T. Challis |
Bates | Lorna | oc. high school teacher |
Beatty | George | rooms with Mrs. Margaret Johnson; oc. retired farmer |
Behrends | Fred | 623 W 5th and Lemon; oc. laborer; wf. Edna; ch. Robert, Melvin, Evelyn, Arline, Leland |
Belgard | Charles | 117 E 2nd; oc. clerk; ch. Dorothy, Peter |
Bell | Mary | 609 Mulberry |
Benson | Mal | oc. drayman; wf. Cora; ch. Evelyn, John, Ramona |
Benner | John | 108 1/2 E. 5th; oc. butcher |
Bevins | Becky | rooms with Mearl Clark; oc. grade teacher |
Biggs | Charles T. | 710 W 1st; oc. section foreman; wf. Bertha; ch. Julian, Fay, Wayne, Jean, Carl |
Bigger | Mrs. Grace | lives with Charles W. Edwards; ch. Ione |
Biggs | Max | 601 Lynn; oc. Post office clerk; wf. Marian; ch. Marilyn, Beverly |
Bitner | Mrs. Eva | 50 S. Walnut; ch. Mildred |
Birss | Wm. | lives at Tipton Hotel |
Blackman | Mrs. Ida | 1105 Cedar |
Blair | Mrs. Mary | lives with Mrs. Bertha Ford |
Blaney | Jack | lives at Tipton Hotel; oc. manager of Hardacre theatre |
Bleasdale | O. A. | 11 W 8th; oc. retired; wf. Anna; ch. Mary Louise Newson |
Blodgett | Mrs. Myrtle | 407 E. 3rd; oc. chiropractor |
Blodgett | Dr. W. A. | 601 W 6th; oc. chiropractor |
Blodgett | Wilfred | 601 W 6th; wf. Helen |
Bock | Henry | 811 9th and Locust; oc. retired farmer; wf. Henrietta |
Bock | Vera | rooms with W. H. Bock; oc. linotype operator |
Bock | William | 506 W 9th; oc. Radio shop proprietor; wf. Mabel |
Bolin | Eugene | rooms with Clarence Rickard; oc. proprietor of battery station |
Boling | C. O. | 106 W 7th; oc. lawyer; wf. Mayme; ch. Kathleen |
Bolton | Charles | 206 Spruce; oc. proprietor of Exide Battery station; wf. Ethel; ch. Phyllis |
Bolton | Harry | 1111 Cedar; oc. plumber; wf. Minnie |
Bolton | Robert C. | oc. works by the day; wf. Golda; ch. Richard |
Boone | Cyrus | 502 Sycamore; oc. retired farmer; wf. Belle |
Borts | Howard | 408 E 5th; oc. proprietor Skelgas Stove store; wf. Violet; ch. Marjorie, Evelyn, Richard |
Bossert | Fred | 423 W 3rd; oc. proprietor Bossert Lumber Yard |
Boyles | David | rooms with Frank H. Hansen; oc. printer |
Britcher | James | 202 W 8th; oc. retired farmer; wf. Clara |
Brommell | Harry | 209 Walnut; oc. Implement man; wf. Merta; ch. Margaret, William |
Brown | Charles E. | 322 W 7th; oc. plumber; wf. Martha |
Brown | Mrs. Elizabeth | 418 W 5th; ch. William |
Brotherlin | Mrs. Ella | 801 Cedar |
Brunswold | Maurine | rooms with Elmer Maxson; oc. works in sheriff's office |
Bryant | James | rooms with Miss Alice Owens; oc. partner in Tipton Food store; wf. Margaret |
Buck | Edith | 309 Sycamore |
Buck | Lee | 601 Cedar; oc. surveying; wf. Nellie |
Bucher | Wm., Sr. | rooms with Albert Zajicek; oc. barber; ch. William Jr.,. Margaret |
Buckner | Mrs. Mabel | lives with Mrs. Frank Spence; oc. laundry employee; ch. Raymond |
Bunker | Mrs. Louise | 120 E 6th |
Bunker | Peter O. | 414 W 5th; oc. retired; wf. Jane; ch. Bertha |
Burch | J. N. | 511 W 5th; oc. butcher; wf. Millie; ch. Gloria |
Burroughs | James | 603 Meridian; oc. proprietor produce station; wf. Edith; ch. Dorothy |
Cairns | Robert | lives with Burton Smith; wf. Fanny |
Calvin | Everett | 907 Sycamore |
Call | Lambert | oc. operator of Gas service station; wf. Jessie; ch. Catherine |
Campbell | Mrs. Martha | lives with Charles Belgard; oc. telephone operator; ch. Gloria |
Campen | D. | 1106 Lynn; oc. tailor |
Carey | Forest | 422 W 4th; oc. clerk |
Carey | John | 202 W 3rd; oc. constable; wf. Minnie; ch. Howard |
Carey | Mrs. Lora | 422 W th |
Carl | Clarence | 604 Meridian; oc. retired; wf. Nora; ch. Genevieve |
Carl | Grant | 116 E 8th; oc. retired farmer; wf. Josephine |
Carlisle | Loren | lives with Mrs. Lena Roberts; oc. city employee; wf. Katherine; ch. Patricia, Mary Jane |
Carlson | Edwin | 402 E 7th; oc. city mail carrier; wf. Myrtle; ch. Virgnia, Beverly |
Carney | John | 100 S Mulberry; oc. junk cealer; wf. Lillian |
Carstensen | Mrs. Emma | 708 Plum; ch. Marjorie, Mildred |
Carroll | J. W. | 1005 Cedar; oc. car dealer; wf. Bess; ch. Florence |
Cary | Geo. | lives with Geo. Garey; oc. school student |
Casad | Russell | 403 W 3rd; ch. John |
Casterline | Frank J. | 400 E. 4th; oc. retired lawyer; wf. Linnie |
Casterline | Lloyd E. | 404 E. 4th; oc. lawyer; wf. Myrtle; ch. James, Chleo, Rhea Marie, Ruby |
Challis | Fred T. | 320 E 8th; oc. Insurance and nursery salesman; wf. Grace, ch. Frederick |
Chamberlain | Everett | 504 Walnut; oc. publisher Tipton Advertiser; wf,. Nita |
Chamberlain | Forest | 610 Mulberry; oc. publisher Tipton Advertiser; wf. Edna |
Chamberlain | Walter | 320 Meridian; oc. driver of grocery truck; wf. Maedelle |
Chamberlain | William I. | 101 E 2nd; oc. painter; wf. Agnes; ch. Ralph |
Chappell | Misses Elsie & Emma | 207 S Mulberry |
Chappell | Misses Susie & Elsie | 610 Meridian |
Chappell | Mrs. Jennie | 121 E 2nd; ch. Ada Mae |
Christian | W. W. | 118 W 4th; oc. sheriff; wf. Fanny; ch. Edna, Raymond |
Clark | Mearl | 105 E 8th; oc. proprietor of Clothing store; wf. Anna |
Clover | O. I. | 605 Meridian; oc. day work; wf. Gertrude; ch. Ruth, Gertrude, Paul |
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Cobb | Forest B. | 523 W 4th; oc. proprietor of coal and brick yard; wf. Alice |
Cocking | Ethel | rooms with Mearl Clark; oc. grade teacher |
Collins | E. Emmor | 606 Meridian; oc. retired farmer; wf. Myrtle |
Cook | Roy S | 307 Walnut; oc. partner in Hauck-Cook Dry Goods store; wf. Lillian; ch. Sanford |
Cook | S. J. | 205 Mulberry; oc. retired farmer; wf. Mary |
Cosgriff | Wm. | 710 Meridian; oc. retired farmer |
Cosmos | Speros J. | 118 1/2 E 5th; oc. proprietor Chocolate shop; wf. Olga; ch. Stanley |
Cottrell | Charles | 211 Walnut; oc. retired Implement dealer; wf. Lucinda |
Cottrell | Gertrude | 308 E 9th; oc. dairy business; ch. Roberta, Ward |
Countryman | Lee F. | 302 W 7th; oc. billiard hall proprietor; wf. Elsie; ch. Eloise, Blanche, Robert, Hilbert, Clarence, Florence |
Coutts | Miss Mattie | lives with Mrs. Ida E. Nash |
Cowan | Clay W. | 321 E 4th; oc. high school principal and Dean of Junior college; wf. Winifred |
Crary | M. A. | 1203 Mulberry; oc. agriculture teacher; wf. Olive; ch. Donald, Ryland |
Craven | Geo. | 319 W 3rd; oc. proprietor Produce station and Variety store; wf. Mathilda, ch. Rosemary |
Crawford | Charles C. | 201 2nd and Sycamore; oc. Implement dealer; ch. Edith, Norine |
Crawford | Max | 108 1/2 E 5th; oc. barber |
Crosby | George M. | 306 Walnut; oc. proprietor of grain elevator; wf. Anna; ch. Helen |
Crispin | G. D. | 408 W 8th; oc. trucking; wf. Ruth; ch. Carl, Max, Vesta, Rose, Merta |
Dallas | Henry E. | 208 E 8th; oc. City Mayor; wf. Sarah; ch. Margaret |
Darner | Lucile | oc; phys ed. teacher |
Dauber | Dan | 507 Locust; oc. retired farmer; wf. Belle |
Davis | Harold, Sr. | rooms with Clarence Carl; ch. Harold Jr. |
Dean | Mrs. Anna | 611 Mulberry |
Dean | Dr. Archie L. | 905 Lynn; oc., dentist; wf. Vivian |
Dean | Dwight | lives with Ed. S. Dean; oc. barber |
Dean | Ed S. | 901 Lynn; oc. store proprietor, wf. Mary |
Dean | Miss Lillian | 302 W 8th |
Dean | J. W. | 811 Lynn; oc. clerk; wf. Myrtle; ch. Edith |
De Nune | Mrs. Beulah I. | lives at Hotel Tipton; oc. proprietor Hardacre theater |
Dice | Clarence | 111 Locust; wf. Lola; ch. George, Hilbert, Kenneth |
Dice | Mrs. Emma | 615 W 5th |
Dice | Dr. Guy K. | 200 Sycamore; oc.dentist; wf. Marie; ch. Guy Junior |
Dice | Harry | 514 W 5th; oc. Ice truck driver; wf. Ethel |
Dickey | Adam G. | 3rd and Lynn; oc. day laborer; wf. Ella; ch. Irving |
Diehl | D. L. | 557 E 4th; oc. retired; wf., Sally; ch. Delbert |
Dishman | Hyman | rooms with Ernest Wisener; oc. Junk dealer |
Dixon | Dr. James | 300 Meridian; oc. veterinarian |
Dodds | Charles | 600 E. 7th; oc. retired farmer; wf. Susan |
Donohue | Hiram J. | 208 E 7th; oc. retired farmer; wf Lydia |
Drake | Edward | lives at Tpton Hotel; oc. hotel janitor |
Duncan | A. | 314 W 9th; oc. retired; wf. Ermina |
Dunn | Alex | 503 W 6th; oc. retired farmer; wf. Anna |
Duncan | Ben | 101 Walnut; oc. Stone Quarry worker; wf. Mary; Ch. Avery |
Duncan | James A. | 55 Orange; oc. day laborer; wf. Anna; ch. Albert |
DuVall | J. T. | 502 Mulberry; oc. manager of feed grinding machine; wf. Katherine |
Earle | Agnes | 106 Meridian; oc. clerk |
Ebert | Mrs. Ida L. | 318 W 9th; ch. Glen, Marion |
Edwards | Charles W. | 120 E 10th; wf. Carrie; ch. Milton |
Eiben | Augusta | lives with Rev. Carl Jacobi; oc. Junior college student |
Ehresman | Alex | 51 Walnut; wf. Loretta; ch. Gladys, Dale |
Ekstrand | Fred O. | 307 Walnut; oc. athletic coach; wf. Maude; ch. Doris |
Elwood | Charles | 400 W. 4th; oc. retired |
Emerson | John | 200 E. 2nd and Walnut; oc. retired farmer; ch. Ethel, Pearl |
Escher | Mrs. Carrie | 102 W 7th |
Fell | Mrs. Ella | ch. Harold, Mary |
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Ferguson | John | 306 Mulberry; oc. retired farmer; wf. Add. |
Fields | William R. | 312 E 4th; retired grocery store proprietor; wf. Hattie |
Finefield | Miss Carrie | Lives with Mrs. Dora Lyle |
Fisher | J. W. | 109 E 8th; oc. harness maker; wf. Wilda |
Foote | Edward | 522 W 9th; oc. day worker; wf. Rose; ch. Luela, Laura Belle |
Ford | Mrs. Bertha | 218 6th; ch. Herbert, Wilbur |
Ford | Hilbert, Jr. | 218 6th; oc. trucking; wf. Ina; ch. Hilbert, Jr. |
France | Henry | 61 S Cedar; oc. operates filling station; wf. Elizabeth |
France | James C. | 811 Cedar; oc. lawyer; wf. Mary |
France | James D. | 811 Cedar; oc. Sec'y to Rep. E. C. Eicher |
France | Margaret | lives with Ozias France; oc. secretary |
France | Ozias | 504 Sycamore |
Franco | Fred C. | 510 W 9th; oc. garage foreman; wf. Bessie; ch. Kathryn |
Franco | H. W. | 122 W 9th; oc. retired farmer; wf. Emma |
Franco | Lester | 309 E 8th; oc. road maintainer; wf. Rena; ch. Ruth, Lucile, Bettey, Frances, Pearl, Hope, Elaine |
Fraseur | Lon | 609 Cedar; oc. retired farmer; wf. Lou |
Fraseur | Mrs. Lucy | 601 W 6th; ch. Fred |
Frederick | Bert | 301 E 8th; oc. grain elevator worker; wf. Helen |
Frederick | Carl | 218 W 8th; oc. oil station attendant; wf. Pearl |
Freeman | R. D. | 509 E 3rd; oc. day work; wf. Lorena; ch. Wilfred, Dorothy, Marjorie, Donald |
Frink | Spencer G. | 401 E. 8th; oc. retired; wf. Blanche |
Fulwider | Bert | E 5th & Cedar; oc. repairman; wf. Helen; ch. Ralph |
Fulwider | Roy | 615 W 8th; oc. school bus driver; wf. Enis; ch. Margery, Jean |
Furnish | William M. Sr. | 220 E. 6th; wf. Jean; ch. Mary, Betty, William Jr. |
Galbraith | Mrs. Sophia | 501 E 7th |
Ganiere | Gladys | rooms with Clare S. Miller; oc. teacher |
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Gardner | E. C. | 709 Cedar; oc. County Farm Bureau agent; wf. Flora; ch. Margaret |
Gardner | Marion | rooms with Roy. S. Cook; oc. grade teacher |
Gardner | Fred | 601 E 3rd; oc. day work; wf. Martha; ch. Ruth, Clarence, Elsie, Edith |
Garey | Geo. | 300 E 4th; retired farmer; wf. Lucy |
Garlic | James | 100 Walnut; wf. Fanny; ch. Margaret, Virginia, Harlan, Frances, Betty, Raymond |
Gay | E. S. | 510 Sycamore; oc. oil station proprietor; wf. Luzetta; ch. Ferne |
Geiger | Marguerite | 610 Cedar; oc. lawyer |
Geller | Charles | 607 Sycamore; oc. retired; wf. Dessie; ch. Laura |
Geller | Geo. | 601 Sycamore; oc. partner in coal and lumber yard; wf. Zola |
Geller | William | 306 Sycamore; oc. retired carpenter; wf. Elizabeth |
Gerber | Gilman | 622 W 2nd; oc. day work; wf. Abbie; ch. Frank, Joyce |
Gesme | M. L. | 210 W 6th; oc. proprietor of dry goods store; wf. Leone; ch. Luella |
Gibbons | A. S. | 116 E 7th; oc. proprietor of drug store; wf. Helen; ch. Charles, Nancy |
Gillam | E. C. | 611 Orange; oc. Justice of Peace |
Gilliam | M. W. | lives with E. C. Gillam; wf. Clara |
Gilmore | William T. | 300 E. 8th |
Gladfelter | Roy | 314 W 4th; oc. unemployed shoe repairer; wf. Genevieve; ch. Bonita, Martha, Opal, Donald |
Glick | Roy | 1012 Lynn; oc. Florist; wf. Edith; ch. Oscar |
Goodale | Roy | 401 E 4th; oc. mail carrier; wf. Jane |
Gordon | Frank R. | wf. Margaret; ch. Roland |
Gordon | Sam | 512 1/2 Cedar; oc. proprietor Rexall Drug store; wf. Henrietta |
Gouldy | Mrs. Katherine | 104 Mulberry |
Graham | Anna Marie | lives with F. H. Montgomery; oc. Junior college student |
Graybill | Anna | 306 Meridian |
Graybill | Emma | 306 Meridian; oc. retired |
Greve | Wilfred | 317 W 8th; oc. works in lumber yard; wf. Zella; ch. Louise, Clyde, Keith |
Griffis | Dr. A. A. | 504 E 4th; oc. medical doctor; wf. Addie |
Griffis | Joseph | 403 W 9th; oc. day |
Groul | George | lives with John Clemmens |
Grove | Dr. W. A. | 308 E 4th; oc. dentist; wf. Clara |
Hamiel | Mrs. Ella | 522 E 4th |
Hamiel | Evelyn | lives with Mrs. Ella Hamiel; oc. stenographer |
Hamilton | Howard | 519 W 3rd; oc. county clerk; wf. Ann |
Hamilton | William | 1017 Sycamore; oc. laborer; wf. Frieda; ch. Dale |
Hamor | Mrs. Alice | 624 E 5th; oc. housekeeper |
Handley | Ray | 51 E S; oc. rural mail carrier; wf. Genevieve; ch. Jack, Guyford |
Hansen | Frank H. | 406 Sycamore; oc. publisher of Conservative; wf. Emma |
Hartog | Walter | 54 S Cedar; oc. bakery proprietor; wf. Bessie; ch. Gerald |
Hatch | Dorothy | rooms with Mr. Ed S. Dean; oc. teacher |
Hauck | Rudolph H. | 1000 Cedar; oc. partner Hauck-Cook dry goods store; wf. Mary |
Hayes | Miss Ora B. | rooms with Mrs. Jane Dean; oc. high school techer |
Hecht | Miss Eleanor | 509 Walnut; oc. stenographer |
Hegarty | Brady | 506 Mulberry; oc. retired farmer; wf. Lellie |
Hegarty | Misses Jessie & Addie | 421 E 3rd |
Hegarty | Mrs. Nelle | 307 Lynn; oc. sewing |
Hendrickson | Edwin H. | 544 E 4th; oc. teacher; wf. Mabel; ch. Edwin Jr. |
Henry | Wayne | lives with Grant Carl; oc. Standard oil agent |
Hepner | David S. | lives with Charles A. Baker |
Heston | Mrs. Lillian | 307 Lynn |
Hetzer | Arthur | 533 E 7th; wf. Martha; ch. Max Werling |
Heuer | Miss Emma | lives with Henry Heuer |
Heuer | Henry | 409 Walnut; oc. well driller |
Heyden | Otto | 911 Lynn; oc. paper hanger; wf. Edna |
Hickey | Harry | 103 Cedar; oc. city employee; wf. Mary |
Hicky | Mrs. May | 404 Lynn; ch. William, Olive |
Highly | Bert | 608 Sycamore; oc. oil station; wf. Viva; ch. Luella, Lee |
Highly | J. T. | 304 Meridian; oc. Tinner; |
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Highley | Mrs. Katherine | lives with Mrs. Ella Baker |
Hill | Miss Edith | 603 W 5th; oc. lawyer |
Hill | Gale | 605 W 5th; oc. mechanic |
Hill | Verda | 603 W 5th; oc. stenographer |
Hilmer | Gertrude | rooms with Ed. S. Dean; oc. teacher |
Hines | Charles J. | 108 Walnut; oc. day work; wf. Elsie |
Hipple | Charles C. | 108 Spruce; oc. blacksmith; wf. Lena; ch. Lester, Helen, Donald, Shirley |
Hobstetter | A. P. | 411 Walnut; oc. city marshall; wf. Belle; ch. Florence, William |
Hobstetter | C. E. | 310 W 4th; oc. blacksmith; wf. Myrtle |
Hoffman | Dr. P. M. | 103 W 8th; oc. medical doctor; wf. Jessie; ch. Paul |
Hohnbaum | T. J. | 523 W 5th; oc. barber; wf.Ortha; ch. Darlene, Robert, Margaret |
Hokinson | Emil | 122 W 8th; oc. retired; wf. Mayme; ch. Helen Shipley |
Hoon | Miss Emeline | 502 W 2nd |
Hoon | Everett | 203 W 2nd; oc. day work; wf. Hulda |
Hoon | Harry | oc. clerk; wf. Laura; ch. La Vonne, Marilyn |
Horn | Gus J. | 307 Plum; oc. clothing store proprietor; wf. Norma; ch. Margaret, Robert, Maxine |
Horn | Mary | 323 W 3rd; ch. Homer, Edward |
Horrigan | Mary | lives with Michael T. Horrigan |
Horrigan | Michael T. | 50 S. Meridian; oc. city employee; wf. Elizabeth |
Hostler | Clifford | 103 Meridian; oc. proprietor radio and battery shop; wf. Cora; ch. Adelaide, Lawrence |
Hostler | Mrs. Mary | 107 E 4th; oc. chicken hatchery proprietor; ch. Donald, Robert |
Hougland | Forest | 507 Walnut; oc. road work; wf. Thelma |
Howe | Rufus | 123 W 3rd; oc. agent for Vita-Noid-Electric belt; wf. Myrtle; ch. Carol, Marlin, Clarence, Martha, Catherine |
Hubert | A. L. | 409 Sycamore; oc. real estate agent; wf. Inez |
Ingeldo | Thomas | 54 Orange; oc. day laborer |
Ingman | Francis | lives with Frank Spence |
Ingman | Grant | rooms with Henry Yetter |
Innis | Harold | 201 Lynn; wf. Clara |
Innis | Mrs. Mina | 205 Lynn |
Irwin | Miss Cora | oc. grade teacher |
Jacobi | Rev. Carl Sr. | 109 W 7th; oc. Minister; wf. Mary; ch. Carl Jr. |
Jacobs | Donald | 400 Meridian; oc. proprietor Shoe store |
Jacobs | Mrs. Emma | 400 Meridian |
Jeffers | Everett | 208 Walnut; oc. proprietor Jeffers' confectionery; wf. Helen; ch. Patricia, John |
Jenks | Dr. W. H. | 809 Sycamore; oc. medical doctor; wf. Frances; ch. Janet, Beverly, Frances |
Jennings | A. E. | 1010 Lynn; oc. day worker; wf. Bertha; ch. Herbert, Forest |
Jennings | Mearl | 1011 Lynn; oc. repairman; wf. Berniece; ch. Howard |
Joenk | John | 601 E 7th; oc. retired farmer; wf. Anna |
Johnson | Alvin | 214 W 3rd; oc. painter; wf. Lillian |
Johnson | Mrs. Margaret | 122 W 6th; ch. Laurel |
Johnston | Joe | corner 2nd & Lynn; oc. trucking; wf. Clara; ch. Marjorie, Mary Lou, Margaret, Elizabeth, William |
Jons | Mrs. Minnie | lives with Mr. Gus T. Horn |
Kautz | Albert | E 5th; oc. drayman; wf. Eva; ch. James, Allen, Marjorie |
Kautz | Elmer | 421 E 2nd; oc. partner in Grocery store; wf. Violet; ch. Paul, Wallace |
Kautz | Charles | 200 E 8th; oc. retired; wf. Louisa |
Kautz | Anna | 200 E 8th; oc. partner in Grocery store |
Keane | George | 611 W 9th; oc., mechanic; wf. Ruby |
Keller | A. G. | 220 E 3rd; oc. mason; wf. Emma |
Keller | Russell | oc. clerk; wf. Margaret |
Kelley | D. J. | 1002 Cedar; oc. school superintendent; wf. Anna |
Kelley | Edward | rooms with A. P. Hobstetter; oc. proprietor of Electrical shop |
Kennedy | Miss Dorothy | 315 W 8th |
Kent | Leland | 113 E 6th; oc. salesman; wf. Pearl |
Kent | Ralph E. | 113 E 6th; oc. proprietor of Kent's Café; wf. Susan |
Kern | Henry | 223 W 4th; oc. retired farmer; ch. Clarence |
Kerns | John | 49 Orange; oc. carpenter |
Kier | Walter H. | 503 Walnut; oc. operates truck transfer; wf. Lennie; ch. Rosalie Ann |
Kimberling | Irvin | 1104 Cedar; oc. painter; wf. Elma; ch. Ferne, Lois |
Kingsbury | Mrs. Adelaide | lives at Tipton hotel; oc. waitress; ch. Everett, Max |
Kingsbury | Joseph | 548 E 4th; oc. retired farmer; wf. Ida; ch. Everett |
Kirkpatrick | H. E. | 706 Cedar; oc. carpenter; wf. Florence; ch. Kenneth, Glen, Maud, Maurine, James |
Kirkpatrick | J. C. | 408 Mulberry; oc. retired; wf. Agnes M. |
Knott | Joseph | lives with Miss Bessie Ochiltree; oc. janitor; wf. Bertha; ch. Mildred, Joan |
Koblentz | Jacob | 622 W 5th and Lemon; oc. retired; wf. Ida |
Kohl | Dan Sr. | Muberry; oc. day work; wf,. Alice; ch. Wm., Dan Jr., Roger Williams |
Kohn | John | 402 W 9th; oc. day work |
Kopf | Geo. | 711 Cedar; oc. proprietor Kopf's Jewelry store; wf. Pearl; ch. Norman |
Kress | Roy | lives at Hotel Tipton; oc. oil truck driver |
Kroeger | Mrs. Sophie | 604 Sycamore |
Kuhn | Clarence | 307 Locust; oc. partner in Kuhn's Variety store; wf. Margaret; ch. Muriel |
Kuhn | Clyde | 304 Walnut; oc. Grocery store proprietor; wf. Harriet; ch. Elaine, Shirley, James |
Kuhn | L. F. | 211 Sycamore; oc. partner Kuhn's Variety store; wf. Carrie |
Lafferty | Ralph | 514 W 7th; oc. railroad agent; wf. Delia; ch. Arline |
Lafrenz | Jacob | 610 W 4th; oc. retired farmer; wf. Christine |
Lambach | Paul | 223 W 3rd; oc. drug store proprietor; wf. Blanche |
Lang | Albert | 602 W 2nd |
Lang | Charles | 602 W 2nd |
Lang | John | 711 W 1st; oc. section worker; wf. Lena |
Lange | John | Hobstetter apartments; oc. athletic coach; wf. Helen |
Langmann | Arthur | rooms with O. Shank |
Langmann | Cecil | 504 Sycamore; oc. Deputy auditor |
Langmann | Mrs. Derlie | 123 W 6th; ch. Ruth Alcorn; Thelma Alcorn |
Lant | Isaac | rooms with Mrs. Martha Wilkerson; oc. retired |
Larkin | Frank | 122 W 3rd; oc. retired railroad man; wf. Anna |
Larsen | John M. | 114 W 8th; oc. garage proprietor; wf. Helen; ch. Nadine, John Jr. |
La Rue | Everett | 623 W 2nd; oc. day laborer; wf. Velma; ch. Dorothy, Lucile, Betty, Beverly |
La Rue | Guy | 611 W 2nd; oc. draying; wf. Linn |
Lash | Bruce | 1011 Cedar; oc. retired farmer; wf. Addie; ch. Gladys |
Laubscher | Mrs. Emma | 810 Walnut; ch. Clifford |
Launtz | Arthur | 117 E 6th; oc. painter; wf. Katherine |
Leahbart | Herman C. | 810 Mulberry; oc. partner in Horn-Leabhart Clothing store; wf. Florence; ch. Richard |
Leabhart | Mrs. Fannie | 810 Mulberry |
Leatherberry | J. C. | 511 Lynn; oc. carpenter; wf. Matilda; ch. Geraldine |
Leatherby | Charles | 406 Walnut; oc. proprietor of radio shop; wf. Jessie; ch. Paul, Melvin |
Lemke | Fred | 1014 Cedar; wf. Dorothea; ch. Elta Jean |
Lietz | Miss Emma | 522 W 8th; oc. laundry work |
Lind | Robert | 1008 Sycamore; oc. repairman; wf. Stella; ch. Robert, Lloyd, Viola, Esther, James, Dorothy, Edna |
Linn | John | 11 Sycamore; oc. road maintainer; wf. Iva; ch. Lucile, William, Alice, Clarence |
Long | Hilbert | 202 Plum; oc. disc grinder; wf,. Zella; ch. Vernon, Dorothy, Betty, Margery, Rebecca, J. Benedict, Nancy |
Long | Orville | 412 E 3rd; oc., school bus driver; wf. Beulah; ch,. Lois Jean, Shirley |
Long | W. A. | 420 S and Plum; oc. brick-layer; wf. Etta; ch. Lucille, Victor, Elwyn, Elaine |
Longerbeam | Mrs. Clara | Meridian; oc. laundry work |
Lorenzen | Esther | oc. nurse |
Lund | Arthur | 540 E 4th; oc. lawyer; wf. Emma |
Lyle | Mrs. Dora | 120 Meridian; ch. Vera, Edna |
Mahoney | Mrs. T. F. | 22 W 4th; ch. Eileen, Francis, Thomas Jr., Loretta |
Maley | Joe | 320 E 7th; oc. mason; wf. Christina |
Makemson | William G. | 305 Mulberry; oc. proprietor of barber shop; wf. Ida |
Lionel | Marquett W. | 1108 Lynn; oc. repairman; wf. Hazel; ch. Helen, Alice, Doris, Wesley, Lesley, Phyllis, Vera (sequence of listing as written) |
Marquis | Ralph | 614 E 5th; oc. road grader; wf. Mildred; ch. Jean, Keith |
Martin | Harry | 510 Lynn; oc. city employee; wf. Pearl |
Masden | Miss Velma | rooms with Miss Edith Buck; oc. grade teacher |
Mason | Charles | 608 Meridian; oc. retired farmer; wf. Ida |
Mathews | Augusta | 416 E 4th |
Mathews | Bertha | 1004 Cedar; oc. overseer of poor; ch. Dorothy |
Mathews | Lewis | 502 E 4th; oc. farmer |
Mather | Carl H. | 429 E 4th; oc. lawyer; wf. Jennie; ch. Bethany |
Maurer | James Jr. | 400 W 4th; oc. road work; wf. Betty; ch. James Jr. |
Maurer | Raymond | 210 W 8th; oc. proprietor of tire and radio shop; wf. Alice |
Maxson | Elmer | 215 W 8th; oc. railroad tie hauler; wf. Francis |
Maxson | Foster | 600 N. Meridian; wf. Gussie; ch. Clara |
Maxson | Lee S. | 309 E 4th; oc. Insurance salesman; wf. Rose; ch. Virginia |
Mayes | Milton H. | 709 Meridian; oc. retired farmer; wf. Minnie |
Mayfield | Al | 506 E 5th; oc. county work; wf. Lena; ch. Glen, Minnie, Lois, Reva, Wendell, Dorothy, Margaret, Wm. |
Melson | Foster | 318 W 3rd; oc. rural mail carrier; wf. Helen; ch. Norma |
Melson | Ira | 407 W 3rd; oc. rural mail carrier; wf. Mary |
Messner | Albert | 616 E 5th; oc. road work; wf. Gertrude; ch. Glen, Roger |
Miller | Clare S. | 104 E 7th; oc; Manager of Cedar county Abstract Co.; wf. Winifred |
Miller | Clarence | 100 Locust; oc. barber; wf. Ruth; ch. Clara, Evelyn |
Miller | Fred | 204 Spruce; oc. painter; wf. Mabel; ch. Audrey, Alvin, Clara, Richard, Foster |
Miller | John | 110 W 9th; oc. retired farmer |
Miller | Roy | rooms with Lewis Townsend; oc. oil station attendant |
Miller | Walter | 611 Sycamore; oc. garage proprietor; wf. Ann; ch. Wayne |
Mitchell | Mrs. Nelia | oc. day work; ch. Lawrence Jr., Rebecca, Carl |
Mitchell | Talbert | 519 W 7th; oc. constractor for limestone; wf. Susie A.; ch. Dorothy, Helen, Mildred, Donald |
Mockler | M. E. | 1012 Cedar; oc. retired farmer; ch. Louise |
Moeller | G. W. | 1015 Cedar; oc. salesman; wf. Hilda; ch. George, Armund |
Moffit | Judge John T. | 100 E 9th; oc. Judge; wf. Winifred |
Moffit | Thompson C. | 910 Meridian; ch. Duane, Margaret, Virginia, Winifred, Jean, Jeanette, Tommy, Mary |
Montgomery | Forest H. | 536 E 4th; oc. proprietor of Grocery store; wf. Margaret; ch. Miriam, Warren |
Moon | Richard | 309 Plum; oc. road maintainer; wf. Gladys; ch. Richard, Marilyn, Robert, Randall, Gerald |
Moore | Thomas | lives at Tipton Hotel; oc. oil truck driver |
Moore | Wallace | lives with Ida E. Nash |
Moorehouse | Klein | lives with Henry Townsend; oc. retired |
Morehouse | 701 Lemon; ch. Vernon | |
Moreland | Andrew | lives with Mrs. Ida Blackman; oc. Insurance salesman; wf. Mabel |
Morden | W. E. | 515 W 9th; oc. day work; wf. Daisy; ch. Dorothy, Martha, Florence, Harold, Helen, Pauline, Arline |
Morden | William | 311 W 8th; oc. truck driver; wf. Osceolo; ch. Roger, Elsie, Jane, Louise, La Verne, George, Robert, Marjorie |
Moriarity | Rev. M. | 200 Meridian; oc. Priest |
Morningstar | Jacob | 202 Lemon; oc. retired farmer; wf. Amelia |
Morton | Earl J. | 22 W 5th; oc. teacher; wf. Verna; ch. Pauline, Roger, Jessie |
Mott | E. W. | 207 Walnut; oc. day worker; wf. Alice; ch. Lucile, Lyle, John, James |
Murray | C. E. | 103 E 4th; oc. proprietor of café |
Murray | Charles F. | 219 W 5th; oc. night watchman; wf. Ethel; ch. Charles Jr., Betty, Bonna |
Murray | Lloyd E. | 201 E 4th; oc. machinist |
Murray | Mrs. Lyle | 1100 Cedar |
Murray | Miss Pearl | 201 E. 4th |
Myers | Jeff | 401 W 4th and Locust; oc. street man; wf. Ona |
McAfee | Ben | 104 Lynn; oc. day laborer; wf. Mary; ch. Warren, Ruth, Ray, Elmer |
McCormick | Andrew M. | 508 Plum; oc. Undertaker and Furniture dealer; wf. Lucy; ch. Martha Jane |
McCormick | Jane | lives with Andrew McCormick; oc. County Supt. of Schools |
McCormick | Joe | 209 E 8th; oc. retired farmer |
McLain | Mrs. Mary | 624 E 5th; oc. proprietor of rooming and boarding house; ch. Elsie, Marjorie, Nola |
McLennon | Miss Katherine | rooms with John M. Larsen; oc. teacher |
McClellan | W. H. | 1009 Cedar; oc. retired farmer; ch. Lawrence, John; wf. Margaret |
McNamara | Harry | 114 W 9th; oc. City clerk |
McKee | Roy | 113 E 4th; oc. retired; ch. Katherine |
McKinley | Geo. | 100 Plum; oc. teaming; wf. Austa; ch. Dorothy |
McQuillen | Clare | lives with C. F. McQuillen; oc. dairy worker; wf. Bernice; ch. Donald |
McQuillen | C. F. | 109 S Mulberry; oc. high line worker; wf. Millie; ch. Orville |
McQuillen | E. E. | 406 W 7th; oc. retired farmer; wf. Mary |
McQuillen | Jesse C. | 223 S. Sycamore; oc. trucking; wf. Edna; ch. June, Mary Ellen, Betty Lou |
McQuillen | John | 110 Plum; oc. retired farmer; wf. Addie |
Naber | William H. | 422 W. 7th; oc. assistant County Engineer; wf. Maude; ch. John, Grace, George |
Naber | Stella | lives with William H. Naber; oc. school girl |
Nadler | Mrs. Agnes | lives with Oscar Wills |
Nahrgang | Mrs. Emma | 810 Cedar |
Nash | Mrs. Ida E. | 501 E 4th |
Nauman | T. J. | 545 E 4th; oc retired farmer; wf. Emma; ch. Mildred |
Nebergall | Mrs. Ada | 522 W 6th; oc. quilter; ch. Leo, Ihlo Fae |
Neessen | E. W. | 213 E 4th; oc. manager Iowa State telephone; wf. Gertrude; ch. Lois, Frances |
Nelson | D. O. | 213 E 8th; oc. works in Nelson Hdw. Store; wf. Evelyn; ch. Donald Louis, Richard |
Nelson | O. W. | 213 E 8th; oc. proprietor of Nelson Hdw. store; wf. Clara |
Nelson | Walter | 310 W 8th; oc. road work; wf. Luella; ch. Donald, James, Wallace |
Nephew | Harry | 510 W 8th; oc. road grading; wf. Esther; ch. Oliver |
Nesmith | William D. | 302 Sycamore; oc. tinner; wf. Irma; ch. John |
Ochiltree | Bert | 123 W 8th; oc. proprietor Jewelry shop; wf. Nettie; ch. Marjorie |
Ochiltree | Bessie | 206 W 2nd |
Ochiltree | Charles | 313 E 4th; oc. retired farmer; wf. Fannie |
Ochiltree | Ernest | 415 W 3rd; oc. Cream truck driver; wf. Margery; ch. Keith, Rhoda |
Ohlinger | Henry | 522 W 3rd; oc. City employee; wf. Etta; ch. Margaret |
O'Neal | Dr. H. E. | rooms with Roy Cook; oc. physician |
O'Neil | Marie O. | rooms with Richard Moon; oc. Jr. college student |
Onken | Hermann | rooms with Mrs. John Willer; oc. county auditor |
Osborn | Chet | 105 Locust; wf. Birdie; ch. Bonita |
Ottesen | Jacob | lives with Wm. Ottesen |
Ottesen | Wm. | 306 Locust; oc. Insurance salesman; wf. Laura |
Overman | Harry | 411 W 8th; oc. school bus driver; wf. Melba |
Owen | Alice | 201 Cedar |
Owen | Mrs. Myrtie | 537 E 4th |
Owen | Miss Myrtle | 407 Mulberry |
Paterson | Mrs. Ella | Tipton Hotel; oc. proprietor Tipton Hotel |
Paterson | J. A. | Tipton Hotel; wf. Ella |
Paterson | J. D. | 310 W 5th; oc.clerk in Jacob's Shoe store; wf. Anna; ch. Carl, Maurice |
Paterson | Mary | 623 7th and Lemon; ch. W. R. Paterson |
Paxson | A. S. | 305 Lynn; oc. Real Estate dealer; wf. Anna; ch. Grace |
Pehrson | Olivette | rooms with Bert Ochiltree; oc. domestic science teacher |
Peters | Dr. R. A. | 114 W 5th; oc. Medical doctor; ch. Pauline |
Pfaff | Miss Carrie | lives with Charles Dodds |
Pfaff | Mrs. Clara | 1015 Cedar |
Pfaff | Mrs. Elizabeth | lives with Howard Reichert |
Pfaff | John | 211 W 8th; oc. retired farmer; wf. Fanny |
Pfarr | Jacob | 123 W 9th; oc. retired farmer; wf. Minnie |
Piatt | Mrs. Sarah | 220 E. 6th |
Pierce | A. E. | 414 W 4th; oc. proprietor barber shop; wf. Alice |
Pierce | Bessie | 406 1/2 Meridian |
Pierce | George | 710 8th and Lemon; oc. teaming; wf. Susan; ch. Florence, Edward, Helen, Donald, Louise, Lawrence, Max, Louise, Raymond |
Pieruccini | Fred | 902 Lynn; oc. proprietor Ice Cream parlor; wf. Mae; ch. Frederick, Peter, Andrew |
Pirie | Forest E. | 415 W 8th; oc. plumbing; wf. Eva; ch. William, Robert |
Plank | Charles | 501 Mulberry; oc. retired farmer; ch. Margaret |
Porter | Mrs. Flora | 508 Lynn; ch. Charles |
Postal | Vern | 423 W 5th; wf. Elda; ch. Virginia, Twila, Ivah, Ione |
Poston | Rev. H. N. | 609 Mulberry; oc. Minister; wf. Sarah; ch. Janet Johnston, Ruth |
Potter | Mrs. Emma | 504 Sycamore |
Powers | Charles | 304 Lynn; oc. proprietor Produce co.; wf. Mildred; ch. Wilbur, De Elda |
Puck | Harry | 414 W 7th; oc. deputy treasurer; wf. Louise; ch. Mary Louise |
Purviance | J. T. | oc. farmer; ch. Roger, Bethany, Irene, Marjorie |
Pryor | Oliver | 605 E 3rd; wf. Antoinette; ch. Richard, Robert |
Randa | Joe | rooms with Mrs. I. McLain; oc. partner in Randa Meat Market |
Randa | Milo | 404 Meridian; oc. proprietor Butcher shop; wf. Margery; ch. Adelaide, Marnette |
Randall | Walter | 401 W 4th; oc. mechanic; wf. Dorothy |
Reed | J. W. | 607 Lynn; oc. minister; wf. Vernie; ch. John Watford |
Reed | Mrs. Stella | 419 Mulberry; oc. day work; ch. Raymond |
Reeder | Arthur | 319 W. 9th; oc. farmer; wf. Bertha; ch. Betty Lee |
Reeder | A. F. | 609 Orange; oc. retired farmer; wf. Edith |
Reeder | Charles | 506 Locust |
Reeder | Donald | 306 7th; oc. road work; wf. Gladys; ch. Delaine |
Reeder | Herb | 506 Locust |
Reeves | Dale | 503 W 5th; oc. day work; wf. Edith; ch. Margery, Dorothy, Delbert, Robert, Marilyn, Eldora, James, Jack |
Rehbehn | Elry | 121 E 6th; oc. manager of Skelly Oil station; wf. Florence |
Rehbehn | Roy | 117 E 4th; oc. proprietor Illinois Oil station; wf. Hulda |
Reichert | Howard | 306 W 5th; oc. city assessor; wf. Agnes |
Reid | Charles | 532 E 4th; oc. painter; wf. Philomeana; ch. Thersa |
Rice | Dr. Alfred G. | Hobstetter apartments; oc. physician; wf. Mary |
Richards | Herbert | 408 Meridian; oc.mechanic; wf. Edith; ch. Mary Louise, Shirley Ann, Beverly Jean |
Richards | Paul | 300 Sycamore; oc. mechanic; wf. Mildred; ch. Marie |
Rickard | Clarence | 506 Lynn; oc. oil station attendant; wf. Bernice; ch. Marvel |
Ridenour | C. A. | 110 E 10th; oc. retired farmer; wf. Elizabeth |
Ridenour | Ray | 603 Lynn; oc. county employee; wf. Ferne; ch. Rae Louise, Marion, Maurine |
Rife | Hugh | 58 Lemon; oc. day laborer; wf. Charlotte; ch. Glen, Mary, Elva, Hazel, Paul, Dorline |
Ripley | Harry R. | 711 Lynn; oc. retired; wf. Edith |
Rismiller | Harvey | 1005 Sycamore; oc. carpenter; wf. Gertrude; ch. Irvin, Walter, Donald, Dorothy, Robert, Jean |
Roberts | Mrs. Lena | 508 Meridian; oc. practical nurse |
Roberts | Lucien | 112 1/2 W 5th; oc. school bus driver; wf. Holllice |
Roberts | Geo. | Lives with Mrs. Lena Roberts; ch. Roberta |
Rochholz | W. P. | 711 Meridian; oc. retired farmer; wf. Laura |
Rodgers | Donald | 118 W 6th; oc. oil truck driver; wf. Betty; ch. Donald Jr., Dolores Mae |
Rogers | Ernest | 514 W 1st; oc. carpenter; wf. Louise; ch. Alfred, Armoral, Fred |
Ross | Howard | 102 Lynn; proprietor of Thiel-Ross Drug Store; wf. Mary |
Ross | J. O. | 611 Cedar; oc. retired farmer; wf. Julia |
Ross | Mrs. Julia | 403 1/2 Cedar |
Rumble | A. E. | 321 E 6th; oc. bookkeeper; wf. Jane; ch. Allen |
Safley | Alford | 702 E 7th; oc. retired farmer; wf. Mayme |
Sailsbury | A. B. | 214 W 7th; oc. creamery manager; wf. Blanche; ch. Jerald, Allen, Sally |
Sanders | Mrs. Mary | 1011 Sycamore |
Sanley | Charles | 301 E 4th; oc retired farmer; wf. Cora |
Sargeant | O. E. | 306 Lynn; oc.Pool hall; (wf. Johanna, per 1930 census) |
Sargeant | Guirney | W 5th; oc. Pool hall proprietor; wf. Elsie; ch. Corrine. proprietor; wf. Johanna (as written) |
Sarvey | Fred | lives with Fred Pieruccini; oc. school student |
Satterlee | R. H. | 104 E 5th; oc. proprietor Red Star Café; wf. Libby; ch. Leo |
Sawyer | Mrs. Emma | rooms with Miss Merry Bell |
Schaedler | Louis | 602 W 4th; oc. day work; wf. Elizabeth |
Schell | W. C. | 423 W 8th; oc. laborer; wf. Elsie |
Schemmel | Harry P. | lives with Orian Argo; oc. barber; wf. Hazel; ch. Wm., Mearl, Richard, Betty Jane |
Schisler | Mrs. Mary | 100 Lemon |
Schnack | Hans | 222 W 8th; oc. unemployed; wf,. Emma; ch. Ella, Hilda |
Schriver | Miss Helen | 311 Orange; oc. county recorder |
Schriver | Mrs. Mary | 311 Orange |
Schroeder | Helen | rooms with Mrs. Jane Dean; oc. music teacher |
Schweitzer | Claus | 507 Walnut; oc. retired farmer; wf. Lena |
Schweitzer | Wm. | 1006 Lynn; oc. laborer; wf. Alma; ch. Russell, Marian, Warner, Elaine, Orey, John |
Sechler | Gregg | 1008 Lynn; oc. janitor; wf. Artie |
Seitsinger | Miss Lena | rooms with Mrs. Derlie Langmann |
Shaffer | Russell | 211 Locst; oc. rural mail carrier; wf. Zella; ch. La Vonne, Dolores, Robert |
Shaffer | Wm. | 808 Cedar; oc. city electrician; wf. Martha; ch. Verlene, Clarence, John, James, Jean, Albert |
Shank | George | 406 W 4th; oc. mechanic; wf. Helen; ch. Evelyn, Albert Therman |
Shank | O. O. | 406 Meridian; oc. road work; wf. Dora; ch. Harold |
Shantz | Harley | 2nd and Walnut; oc. manager of Cedar County Produce; wf. Mildred; ch. Berno, Betty, James, Joyce |
Sharp | Mrs. Elvira | 54 Walnut; ch. John, Edward |
Sharp | Mrs. Mary | 300 Meridian |
Sharpless | name not listed | 1118 Lynn; oc. painter; wf. Tessie |
Shawver | Elmer | 229 W 9th; oc. retired farmer; wf. Dora; ch. Lester, Clarice |
Sheets | Clare | 711 Cedar; oc. undertaker; wf. Josephine |
Sheets | Preston E. | 402 Mulberry; oc. clerk; wf. Bertha; ch. Merdedith, Jack |
Shepherd | William | Walnut; wf. Maude; ch. Richard |
Sherwood | Fred | 221 E 3rd; wf. Pearl; ch. Helen |
Shima | F. F. | 509 E 4th; oc. retired farmer; wf. Emma |
Shultz | Margaret | 615 W. 8th |
Simmermaker | Charles F. | 301 Sycamore; oc. real estate dealer; wf. Mildred |
Simmermaker | Fred | 809 Walnut; oc. farmer; wf. Lotta |
Simpson | W. H. | 319 W 5th; oc. proprietor of R Grocery Store; wf. Nina; ch. Frederic, Frances, William, Virginia, Robert, Donald, Roger, Richard |
Sindt | Paul | 219 W 2nd; oc. mechanic; wf. Nettie; ch. Audrey, Evelyn, Marian |
Sissel | Geo., Sr. | oc. mechanic; wf. Luella; ch. Melvin Leroy; George Jr. |
Sissel | Jefferson | 522 W 9th; oc. day laborer; wf. Ruth |
Sissel | Wm. Sr. | 611 Meridian; oc. painter; wf. Daisy; ch. Alice, Maxine, Dale, Gale, Jean, Betty, William Jr., Mae |
Smith | Mrs. Anna M. | 610 Mulberry; ch. Estella |
Smith | Burton R. | 600 Meridian; wf. Belle |
Smith | J. S. | 308 E. 8th; wf. Margaret |
Smith | L. R. | oc. farmer; wf. Bertha |
Smith | Mrs. Minnie | 203 W 4th |
Smith | Mose | 508 W 2nd; oc. day laborer |
Smith | Mrs. Prudence | 1009 Sycamore |
Smith | Walter | 810 Sycamore; oc. bank accountant; wf. Vilda; ch. Chauncey, Jane |
Soll | Lily | lives with Mr. Roy Glick; oc. works in green house |
Stanton | Ed. L. | 622 7th and Lemon; wf. May |
Stark | John | lives with Ed. L. Stanton, 622 7th and Lemon; oc. day work; wf. Esther; ch. Mary |
Statts | Walter | 107 Lemon; oc. unemployed day worker; wf. Josephine; ch. Calvin, Carl |
Steele | George | 1007 Cedar; oc. retired farmer; wf. Martha |
Stevenson | Max | rooms with Miss Alice Owen; oc. clerk |
Steward | Francis | rooms with Gertrude Cottrell; oc. dairyman |
Stiles | Benjamin F. | 711 8th and Locust; oc. cleaning and pressing; wf. Wilhemina; ch. Lawrence, Naomi, Rachel, Vanita, Oma |
Stofflet | Edward | 11 W 4th; oc. proprietor of laundry; wf. Bertha |
Stonerook | Harry | 503 Mulberry; oc. trucking; wf. Vera |
Stoltenberg | Al | 211 W 3rd; oc. carpenter; wf. Minnie |
Stoltenberg | Peter | 422 W. 8th; oc. carpenter; wf. Norma |
Stonerook | Orb | 549 E 4th; oc. retired farmer; wf. Rae |
Stotler | Mrs. Sadie | 611 W. 7th |
Stout | Ed. | 423 W. 9th; oc. day work; wf. Hattie |
Stout | Miss Sadie | rooms with Miss Edith Buck; oc. grade teacher |
Straub | Wm. | 211 Lemon; oc. retired farmer; wf. Mary |
Stubbs | Mrs. Kate | 710 Sycamore; ch. John E. |
Studebaker | Geo. | 108 Walnut; oc. truck driver; wf. Elizabeth; ch. Charles Foy |
Spear | Alex | 120 E 9th; oc. retired farmer |
Spear | Charles | 400 E 9th; wf. Zela |
Spear | Forest | lives with Alex Spear; oc. farmer manager; wf. Gertrude |
Spear | Mrs. Lucy | 801 Mulberry |
Spear | Thomas | 200 E 9th; oc. farmer; wf. Mattie |
Spence | Frank | 107 Sycamore; ch. Sidney |
Spencer | Hiram | 1007 Lynn; oc. basket weaver |
Spencer | M. S. | 710 Orange; oc. retired farmer; wf. Merta; ch. Kenneth |
Sproat | Charles | 401 Lynn |
Sproat | Emmareece | 401 Lynn |
Sproat | Gertrude | 401 Lynn |
Swanson | Mabel | rooms with Roy S. Cook; oc. grade teacher |
Swartzlender | Chas. | 411 Mulberry; oc. banker; wf. Temperance |
Swartzlender | R. D. | 210 Plum; oc. bank cashier; wf. Pauline; ch. Charles, Richard Jr., John |
Sweet | Mrs. Anna Mae | 201 Lemon; ch. Aurdina |
Swift | Mrs. Verda | Tipton Hotel; ch. Leland |
Taylor | Mrs. Jennie | 308 Lynn; oc. saleswoman |
Templeton | Mrs. Mary | 308 Orange; ch. Samuel, Arline |
Thede | Mrs. Alvina | 605 Locust |
Thomas | S. R. | 57 S Mulberry; oc. day laborer; wf. Martha; ch. Rutha, Earl |
Thordsen | Hans | 711 8th and Sycamore; oc. retired farmer; wf. Anna |
Thorenson | Carl | lives with Edwin H. Henderickson; oc. Junior college student |
Thurston | Sam | 59 Lemon; oc. rock crusher; wf. Leona; ch. Marie, Violet, Elma, Margaret |
Townsend | Henry | 200 E 7th; oc. retired farmer; wf. Lilliam |
Townsend | Louis | lives with Henry Townsend; oc. proprietor Standard Oil station; wf. Agnes |
Tracy | Robert | 305 E 8th; oc. assistant postmaster; wf. Pearl |
Turner | Albert | 47 Orange; oc. stone quarry worker; wf. Isabelle; ch. Robert, Harold |
Tuttle | Mrs. Agnes | 52 Orange |
Van Buren | Rev. W. E. | 302 W 9th; oc. retired minister; wf. Elia |
Van der Vort | Frances | rooms with Dr. W. A. Grove; oc. teacher |
Von Gruenigen | Rev. A. | 110 W 8th; oc. Minister; wf. Vera; ch. Robert |
Van Horn | Ernest | 504 Mulberry; oc. mechanic; wf. Mary; ch. Arline, Anita, Phyllis, Twila |
Van Metre | Dr. E. J. | 221 E 6th; oc. medical doctor; wf. Etta |
Van Zee | Jessie | rooms with Roy S. Cook; oc. Jr. college and high school teacher |
Voss | Albert | 223 W 5th; oc. painter; wf. Mrs. A., ch. Darlene, Lester, Vivian |
Wade | Will Sr. | 102 Walnut; oc. stone quarry worker; wf. Dora; ch. Wilbur, Paul, Wm. Jr., Louise, Margery, Winifred |
Wagner | Floyd | 518 W 7th; oc. timber worker; wf. Dollie; ch. Florence, James |
Walker | Dr. Ethel | 319 1/2 Cedar; oc. chiropractor; ch. Kenneth |
Walter | Herb | 300 Walnut; oc. cream truck driver; wf. Edith; ch., Virgil, Duane |
Walters | Mrs. Jenny | 517 E 7th |
Walter | J. H. | 311 Locust; oc. retired; wf. Ellen; ch. Anna |
Walters | Miss Mae | 606 Sycamore; oc. dressmaker |
Walters | Miss Mayme | 517 E. 7th; oc. City librarian |
Warfield | John | lives with Mrs. Mary Sanders |
Warner | Mrs. Cliff | 416 E 4th; oc. teacher; ch. Otto Ray |
Warren | Glen | 122 E. 4th; oc. proprietor barber shop |
Webber | Mrs. Anna | 1003 Cedar |
Weih | William | 314 W 3rd; oc. retired farmer; wf. Rose |
Weller | Mrs. Mary | 907 Sycamore |
Werling | Mrs. Genevieve | 319 1/2 Cedar; oc. registered nurse |
Werling | Miss Lena | lives with Mrs. Ella Hamiel |
Werling | Louis | 510 E 6th; oc. salesman; wf. Leone; ch. Lucile, Wesley |
Werling | Mrs. Margaret | 909 Lynn; ch. Mildred |
Westphal | Frank | 421 W 8th; oc. printer; wf. Elizabeth; ch. Dorothy |
Whan | William F. | 300 Mulberry; oc. carpenter; wf. Anna |
White | Lester | lives with R. E. White; wf. Gladys |
White | R. E. | 218 W 7th; oc. station agent of C.R.I. & P. R.R.; wf. Mary; ch. Richard |
Wilcutt | Mrs. Amanda | 407 Walnut |
Wilcutt | Guy | 112 E 8th; oc. cemetery sexton; wf. Alice; ch. Donald |
Wilkerson | Henry | oc. blacksmith; wf. Etta |
Wilkerson | John | blacksmith; wf. Gladys |
Wilkerson | Mrs. Martha | 510 W 5th; oc. keeps roomers |
Will | R. Abner | 407 W 8th; oc. road work; wf. Jessie; ch. Robert, Wilma, Mary Ellen, Patricia, Frank, Eldon, Lee, Earl, Frederick |
Willer | Ed | 115 W 8th; wf. Jenny |
Willer | John | 610 Lynn;. oc. retired farmer; wf. Carrie |
Willer | Julia | lives with Mr. Jacob Pfarr |
Willer | Peter | 807 Lynn; oc. retired farmer; wf. Mary |
Willey | Charles | lives with Harman Willey; oc. carpenter; wf. Blanche |
Willey | Harman | 810 Meridian; oc. carpenter; wf. Emma |
Williams | Clare | 104 Spruce; oc. painter; ch. Cyril, Marjorie |
Williams | Ed. | 121 E 4th; wf. Nettie |
Williams | Mrs. Eliza | 115 W. 9th |
Williams | Everett T. | 1015 Sycamore; oc. machinist; wf. Ruby |
Williams | I. Z. | lives with Everett T. Williams; oc. woods foreman |
Williams | Mrs. Nettie | 216 W. 7th |
Walker | Mrs. Kathryn | 541 E 4th; oc. practical nurse |
Wallick | Oren F. | 513 E 4th; oc. proprietor barber shop; wf. Maude; ch. Junior |
Walters | Henry | 610 Cedar; oc. banker; wf. Helen |
White | Grant | 1204 Mulberry; oc. Insurance salesman; wf. Edna; ch. Marilyn, Winferd |
Williams | Albert | 118 W 4th; oc. day work; wf. Laura; ch. Peggy Ann |
Williams | Sherman | 102 Meridian; oc. janitor; wf. Emma; ch. Raymond, Carrie |
Williams | Verner | Walnut; oc. surveying; wf. Maude; ch. James, Dolores |
Williams | Ward | 303 Meridian; oc. painter; ch. De Lette |
Wills | Mrs. Jesse | 322 W 2nd; ch. Maude |
Wills | Oscar | 102 W 9th; oc. lumber & Coal dealer; wf. Nellie |
Wilson | Fred | 412 E 5th; oc. Undertaking and Furniture dealer; wf. Verda; ch. John |
Wilson | Otis E. | 320 E 9th; oc. plumber; wf. Martha |
Wingert | Mrs. Emma | 508 E 4th |
Wingert | John | 811 Meridian; oc. retired farmer; wf. Josephine |
Winslow | D. B. | 109 Locust; oc. stock raiser; wf. Mabel; ch. Fay |
Winslow | Ralph | 410 Sycamore; oc. drives school bus; wf. Maxine |
Winslow | Selma | 104 1/2 E 5th; oc. waitress |
Winslow | Thelma | 104 1/2 E 5th; oc. waitress |
Winter | Frank | 202 E 2nd; oc. proprietor of Electric shop; wf. Eliza; ch. Clifford, Kenneth |
Winter | Fred | 118 W 6th |
Winter | Sam | 106 Walnut; oc. retired farmer; wf. Lena; ch. Roscoe |
Wirick | Frank | rooms with Mrs. Margaret Johnson; oc. tinner |
Wisener | Ernest | 124 Meridian; oc. manager of rooming house; wf. Tillie |
Wisener | Mrs. Mary | lives with James Britcher |
Witmer | Forest | 1015 Mulberry; wf. June; ch. Mary Louise, Calvin |
Witmer | Frank | 510 Meridian; oc. stock raiser; wf. Lorena |
Witmer | Harry | 556 E 4th; oc. proprietor of Monument works; wf. Rena; ch. Helen |
Witmer | Nevin | 525 E 4th; wf. Grace |
Wolf | Mrs. Sophia | 402 Mulberry |
Woode | Mrs. Mary | 603 W 5th |
Woods | Mrs. Martha | lives at Hobstetter apartments; oc. night telephone operator; ch. Charles |
Wright | Mrs. Ida | 305 E 8th |
Wright | Mrs. Mae | 711 8th and Orange; oc. practical nurse; ch. Bernard |
Yater | David | oc. day work; wf. Alva; ch. Charles, Alvin, Bertha, Howard, Millard, Julia, Robert, Mary |
Yates | Sherman | 504 E 4th; wf. Helen |
Yetter | Henry | lives with Lee F. Countryman; 302 W 7th; oc. works in billiard hall; wf. Mary |
York | Lester | oc. draying coal; wf. Mabel; ch. Anise, Clara, Roger, Wm., Marie, Darline |
Zajicek | Albert | 1008 Cedar; oc. real estate and Insurance; ch. Francis, Clarence, Alma, Eleanor |
Zerkle | Mrs. Lulu | 506 Locust |
Zimmerling | Raymond O. | 202 W 7th; oc. County Engineer; wf. Grace; ch. Raymond Lee |