a = acres | H&L = home and lot | Ret = retired |
bds = boards | Fre = Fremont Township Road No 10 | T = tenant |
B tel = Bell telephone | O = owns | 4h = 4 horses |
ch = children | R1 = Rural Route No 1 | 2c= 2 cattle |
The abbreviations used for the Townships of Cedar County area follows:
Cass – Cas | Gower – Gow | Red Oak – Rd Ok |
Center - Cen | Inland – Inld | Rochester – Roch |
Dayton – Day | Iowa – Iowa | Springdale – Sprdale |
Fairfield – Fair | Linn – Lin | Springfield – Sprfld |
Farmington – Farm | Massillon – Mas | Sugar Creek – Sug Crk |
Fremont – Fre | Pioneer – Pion | |
Names in CAPITALS are those of Farm Journal subscribers always the most intelligent and progressive people in any county.