The Farm Journal Illustrated
Rural Directory
Cedar County
1919           Iowa           1924

Submitted by Lenore Schlimmer October 14, 2011

 Definition of Abbreviations 
a = acres H&L = home and lot Ret = retired
bds = boards Fre = Fremont Township Road No 10 T = tenant
B tel = Bell telephone O = owns 4h = 4 horses
ch = children R1 = Rural Route No 1 2c= 2 cattle
Cass – Cas Gower – Gow Red Oak – Rd Ok
Center - Cen Inland – Inld Rochester – Roch
Dayton – Day Iowa – Iowa Springdale – Sprdale
Fairfield – Fair Linn – Lin Springfield – Sprfld
Farmington – Farm Massillon – Mas Sugar Creek – Sug Crk
Fremont – Fre Pioneer – Pion  

Y - Z

Names in CAPITALS are those of Farm Journal subscribers
always the most intelligent and progressive people in any county.

Page Surname Given Name Wife Children Notes
99 Yager E. H. Jessie   mgr Tele Co. T H&L Railroad St Lowden.
99 Yanita John     farmer O 300a 10h 55c R3 Tipton Cen 14 Ind tel.
99 Yarrington Archie Zella Mildred laborer T H&L R3 Tipton Roch 12.
99 Yeater L. W. Margaret Russell, Velma carpenter T H&L R3 Tipton Cen 52.
99 Yehman P.     farmer 60a R2 Tipton Fair 21.
99 Yerington Charles     farm hand R1 Atalissa Iowa 69 Ind tel.
99 YERINGTON D. W. Nina Nira, John, Charles, Ruth farmer O 15a 4h 4c R1 Atalissa Iowa 44.
99 YERINGTON GEORGE W. Hazel Robert, Archie, Marvin, Tessie, Ruth farm hand R2 West Liberty, Iowa 22 Ind tel.
99 YERKES H.     Clarence.
99 Yetter C. B. Lucy Wayne, Marie, Shirley drayman T S Downey St West Branch Ind tel.
99 Yetter J. F. Mae Harold, Bernice carpenter O 90a H&L W Main St West Branch Ind tel.
99 Yetter Theo. Ida May Thomas A., John L. farmer T 232a H&L 7h 50c R3 West Branch Gow 48 Ind tel.
99 YETTER W. F. Abbie Frank, Mary gen store O 280a H&L 20h 60c Plato Gow 49 B. tel.
99 Yettes George Myrtle   laborer O H&L Orange St West Branch Ind tel.
99 Yock Charles Martha Loren ret T H&L Clarence Day 71.
99 Yock Harry Neoma   drayman O H&L 4h Clarence Day 42 Ind tel.
99 Yock William Alice Roland L. farmer T 240a 6h 45c R1 Stanwood Day 12-1/2 Ind tel.
99 Yocum C. R. Alma Inez, Earl farming T 80a 3h 15c R1 Lowden Mas 62.
99 Yocum L. P. Mary   horse buyer O H&L Clarence Day 63 Ind tel.
99 Yoder E. L. Jennie Otho traveling salesman O H&L E Main St West Branch Ind tel.
99 Yonkin O. F. Delilia   conductor R4 West Liberty Sprdale 77 Ind tel.
99 York Chas. A. Ella Chas Leroy, Mary Marguerite farmer T 160a H&L 8h 20c R2 Mechanicsville Rd Ok 21 Ind tel.
99 York   Mrs. Elva Charles R2 West Liberty Iowa 36.
99 Yost Chas. F. Jane Josie, Paul, Jack, Genevieve farmer O 199a 18h 36c R3 Mechanicsville Lin 33 Ind tel.
99 Young A. D. Sadie Lois, Irma, Alberta farmer O 92a 7h 12c R1 Clarence Day 39 Ind tel.
99 Young Chas. J. Iva   cleaning & pressing T Maple St Bennett Ind tel.
99 Young Chas. Ida Fay city marshall O H&L Mechanicsville Ind tel.
99 Young Dan.     farmer O 23a R1 Tipton Cen 48.
99 Young Florence     principal of school R1 West Branch Sprdale 48 Ind tel.
99 Young G. B. Alice De Wald, Ruth farmer T 320a 9h 10c R1 Lisbon Pion 10 Ind tel.
99 Young   Mrs. Harriet   O H&L Mechanicsville.
99 YOUNG HARRY H. Elizabeth   ch farmer T 160a 5h 14c R2 Mechanicsville Rd Ok 21 Ind tel.
99 Young Sam   Truman, Donald, Max, Gladys, Bertha horse dealer O H&L Mechanicsville Ind tel.
100 Young Will Blanche Marshall, Velma, Harlon, Devere road supt O H&L 3h Mechanicsville Ind tel.
100 Yule   Mrs. Adda Park O H&L Mechanicsville Ind tel.
100 Yule F. W. Gertrude Winifred, Ralph farmer O 0a 3h 1c R2 Mechanicsville Fre 55 Ind tel.
100 Zajicek A. J.     farmer R1 Solon Cas 9 Ind tel.
100 Zearing H. J. Mary William, Virginia, Katherine farmer T 82a 6h 2c R1 Lisbon Pion 27 Ind tel.
100 Zeisig Chas. Julia Chas. farmer O 120a 10h 15c R1 Moscow Roch 41 Ind tel.
100 Zellmar Julius Mary 5 ch gardener T 10a 2h R3 Wilton Junction Sug Crk 40.
100 ZENISHEK GEO. Anna Frank, Albert, Tina, Toney, Anna, Mary, Margaret farmer O 203a 8h 30c R2 Lisbon Pion 41-1/2 Ind tel.
100 Zerbe S. A. Jennie   ret T H&L Mechanicsville Ind tel.
100 Ziesman Henry Leona Elizabeth, James farmer O 200a 10h 25c R2 Clarence Fair 26 B. tel.
100 Zilskey Herman Alberta James farmer O 80a 4h 6c R2 Clarence Fair 26 B. tel.
100 Zilskie F. Martha   farmer O 240a 12h 40c R2 Clarence Fair 22 Ind tel.
100 ZOUSEL JOHN Fannie Ralph, May farmer O 120a 7h 4c R3 West Branch Gow 48 Ind tel.
100 Zousel J. D. Emma George, Lizzie farmer O 120a H&L 4h 18c R3 West Branch Gow 31 Ind tel.
100 Zrahos Joe     farm hand R1 West Branch Sprdale 56 Ind tel.
100 Zuck J. Henrietta Emma Lou, James farmer T 180a 10h 8c R2 Tipton Fair 26 B. tel.

Page created October 15, 2011 by Lynn McCleary

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