Cedar County, Iowa

Land Records & Maps

Published by
The Huebinger Survey and Map Publishing Co.
Davenport Iowa, 1901


Supplement XIX (image 13)

Submitted by Beverly Gerdts, March 26, 2020

CLICK HERE to View Scanned Images from the Univ. of Iowa Library Iowa Digital Collection. Select image titled Business and Farm Directories. There are 17 images in this folder. To view a specific image, click on it, anywhere. To enlarge it further just click on it two more times.

page 3

The Cedar County State Bank (Successor to Cedar County bank) Capital-$50,000.00 Surplus- $2,500.00 Depsoits- $375,000,000
Officers: Wm. Dean, Pres.; J. H. Reichert, Vice-Pres.; S. G, Frink, Cashier
Directors: J. W. Reeder, W. T. Gilmore, C. M. Cook, M. H. Miller, A. C. Reeder, J. W. Casad, Alex Spear, John T. Moffit, Montgomery Fraseur
Four per cent interest on time deposits
Tipton, Iowa
J. W. Dean Groceries and Queensware Tipton, Iowa
Dr. Besse S. Casebeer Dentist Tipton, Iowa
Dr. R. A. Nash   Tipton, Iowa
C. M. Cook Hardware Implements, Seeds, Grocery Annex
Plumbing, Gasoline Engines, Roofing, Pumps, Spouting and Tin work, belting, Guns and Ammunition
Tipton, Iowa
Tipton Conservative M. R. Jackson, Editor and Publisher. Job printing, best advertising medium in Eastern Iowa, circulation twenty-one hundred, guaranteed Tipton, Iowa
N. Staininger Fine Watches and Jewelry - All kinds of repairing Tipton, Iowa
D. Campen Suits made from $22.00 up, pants made from $4.50 up, Reeder Block. My Motto: Honesty and Reliability Tipton, Iowa
The Chicago Store B. F. Roberts, Prop. G. W. Rigler, manager. Dealers in General Merchandise. New phone 60. First door north of post-office. Tipton, Iowa
H. R. Porter Justice of the Peace, Attorney -At-Law. Abstracts, collections and insurance. Telephone: office 98- residence 165
Ferguson & Callen Miss E. Ferguson, Mrs. T. F. Callen - Osteopathic graduates. Main office Tipton Iowa, Branch offices Stanwood and Clarence, Iowa. All diseases treated successfull. Will be at Hotel Stanwood on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week. Consultation free. Tipton, Iowa
C. E. Hobstetter Practical Blacksmith and Ironworker. Careful horshoeing a specialty Tipton, Iowa
M. C. Pruyn Queenware, C. C. Glassware. Staple and Fancy Groceries - Green and Dried Fruits Tipton, Iowa
Roy McKee Jewelery Tipton, Iowa
The Fraternal Brotherhood of the World J. E. Williams. Grand secretary Tipton, Iowa
T. D Farrier Proprietor of Tipton Bakery, Fine Cakes, Fruit, etc., a Specialty Tipton, Iowa
The Clarence Sun Chas. A. Seaton, Editor. $1.50 per year. Seaton's Printery in connection. Up to date equipment, examine work bearing imprint of Seaton's Printery Clarence, Iowa
M. F Bunker Proprietor of Bunker Hill Stock Farm. First prize marble beef steer at International Live Stock Exposition, Chicago, December 1900, Fairfield Township, P. O.: Tipton, Iowa. Photos ~ Of steer Tipton Lad & handler, 3 steers with handlers posed infront of home, young steer named Sam with handler, portrait of M. F. Bunker. Tipton, Iowa
The Union Savings Bank A. B. Leith, President. H. Wildasin, Vice-President. W. D. Harris, Cashier. A. W. Bannick, Assistant Cashier. Surplus and Undivided Profits $8,000. Paid up capital $40,000. Collections a Specialty Wilton, Junction, Iowa
Wilton Savings Bank F. A. J. Gray, Pres. Geo. Bannick, Vice-Pres. J. M. Rider, Cashier.
Statement at the close of business Thursday March 7, 1901: Capital - $30,000.00, Deposits- $248,269.74, Profits - $4724.20
Wilton Junction, Iowa
C. F. Peabody Co. Furniture dealers and undertakers Clarence, Iowa
The People's State Bank Established 1868. Capital Stock $50,000, Surplus $10,000
Thos. Birkett, President. A. H McClean, Vice Pres. H. W. Hise, Cashier. W. S. Luse, Asst Cashier.
Foreign exchange bought and sold. Interest paid on time deposits. Careful attention given to all maters entrusted to us.
West Liberty, Iowa
C. E. Martzahn Dealer in General Merchandise
T. F. Roche Notary Public and Justice of the Peace. Special Agent for the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. Fire and Tornado Insurance in the Leading Companies Solicited. Collections will receive prompt attention Clarence, Iowa
F. M. Scott Dealer in Farm Machinery, Buggies and Wagons. In Buggies “The Anchor.” In wagons “TheCcapital.” Wilton, Iowa
H. J. Orelup Good Shoes Tipton, Iowa
Griff Johnson Live Stock Auctioneer Wilton Junction, Iowa
The Wilton Advocate-Review Published each Saturday, One dollar per year. A good medium for advertisers. S. W. Clark, Publisher and Proprietor. Wilton Junction, Iowa
The Iowa State Bank Your banking, No matter how small. No matter how large. Will give it careful attention. This message applies to men and women alike. Interest paid on time deposits.
Officers: A.A. Aikin, President, C. M. Nichols, Vice President, L. A. Nichols, cashier, Irwin Aikin, Asst Cashier
West Liberty, Iowa

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Page created March 26, 2020 by Lynn McCleary