Cedar County, Iowa

Land Records & Maps

Published by
The Huebinger Survey and Map Publishing Co.
Davenport Iowa, 1901


Supplement VI (image 7)

Submitted by Beverly Gerdts, March 20, 2020

CLICK HERE to View Scanned Images from the Univ. of Iowa Library Iowa Digital Collection. Select image titled Business and Farm Directories. There are 17 images in this folder. To view a specific image, click on it, anywhere. To enlarge it further just click on it two more times.


C. O. Boling Attorney-at-Law. All kinds of legal business promptly attended to. Abstracts of land titles furnished and collections made at reasonable rates. Money Loaned on real estate security at low rate of interest. Office: Northeast and opposite New Hotel. Tipton, Iowa
Sherman Yates Editor and Publisher of The Tipton Advertiser Tipton, Iowa
R. R. Leech Attorney-at-Law. W. side of Court House Square Tipton, Iowa
F. W. Casterline Editor and Publisher of the Cedar County Republican; Is the original dollar county paper; Prints all the news and is always bright and up-to-date Tipton, Iowa
T. B. Hanley Lawyer Tipton, Iowa
Preston & Moffit Lawyers; J. H. Preston, Ex-judge 18th Dist. And John T. Moffit; Complete set abstract of all lands and town lots in Cedar County; Offices at Tipton, Iowa, and 2d floor, cor, 1st Ave. and 34St., Cedar Rapids, Iowa Tipton, Iowa
Wright & Wright Attorney-at-Law. Sam S. Wright & J. W. Wright; Specialties probate and commercial law; Local attorneys for B. C. R, & N. and C. M. & St. Paul Rys; Corner 5th and Cedar Sts. Tipton, Iowa
L. J. Rowell Attorney-at-Law. General law business Tipton, Iowa
A. E. Rodgers Physician and Surgeon; Office opp. City Hall; Office hours: 8 to 10 a.m., 2 to 4 p.m.; Sundays, 9 to 11 a.m. Tipton, Iowa
F. J. Casterline Attorney-at-Law. All kinds of legal business promptly attended to. Abstracts of land titles furnished and collections made at reasonable rates. Money Loaned on real estate security at low rate of interest. Office: Northeast and opposite New Hotel. Tipton, Iowa
Chas. J. Lynch Attorney-at-Law. General law business. Settlement of estates. Collections and Insurance. Tipton, Iowa
Henry L. Huber Attorney-at-Law. Tipton, Iowa
Oliver S. Johnson Auctioneer, Farm and live stock; Phone 33 Tipton, Iowa
Miller & Elijah Loans, Real Estate and Abstracts Tipton, Iowa
E. Van Metre Attorney-at-Law. Real Estate and Farm Loans. The real estate agency of E. Van Metre makes a specialty of Iowa Loans. If you have a farm for sale, or wish to buy land anywhere, consult your best interests by consulting me. Tipton, Iowa
The Elwood; 622 Fifth Street, 509 Cedar Street Tipton, Iowa
J. T. Jacobs Photographer; Photos finished in all styles, All work guaranteed first class Tipton, Iowa
S. H. Kauffman & Son Machine and Smith Shop. Special attention given to general repairs and heavy blacksmith work. Engines, Boilers, Gasoline engines, shafting, pulleys, pumps, tanks, pipes, new and second-hand machinery Tipton, Iowa
S. J. Cook Red Livery Barn. Livery, feed and sale stable Tipton, Iowa
Dean & Neiman Dray good, Cloaks, Carpets and wall paper. 508 Cedar St. Tipton, Iowa
Grassell & Hambright Chas. Grassell; E. C. Hambright. Lumber, Coal, Lime. Cement and plaster. One block south of Courthouse Tipton, Iowa
Dr. A. A. Griffis Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office:515 Cedar St., 2d floor. Residence: Cor. Meridian and 7th Sts. Office Hours: 8 to 9:30 A. M., 2 to 4 and 6:30 to 8 P. M., Sundays, 1:30 to 3:00 P. M. Tipton, Iowa
Moylan & Loftus Proprietors of the Central Livery. Sale and feed stable Tipton, Iowa
W. P. Hickey Cash Clothier. Clothing and furnishing goods, hats and caps Tipton, Iowa
F. W. Siepmann Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats. Fish, poultry and oysters in season. Tipton, Iowa
C. A. Diltz Manager of The Diltz Music House, Pianos, organs, musical merchandise and sheet music. Sewing machines and supplies of all kinds also agent for the United States express Co. Tipton, Iowa
E. M. Brink Attorney-at-Law. Abstracts of titles furnished. West side Court House square over H. W. Field's grocery Tipton, Iowa
Reichert & Geller Howard W. Reichert, C. J. Geller. Lumber, Coal, Lime, cement, Sewer pipe, Window and plate glass. Office one block east of C. & N. W. Depot. Tipton, Iowa

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Page created March 20, 2020 by Lynn McCleary