Cedar County, Iowa

Lowden, Iowa

A History Of The Years 1957-1982

Transcribed by Sharon Elijah, November 25, 2021

Page 3

    This history, written for Lowden’s 125th birthday, is intended as a sequel to the Centennial booklet printed in 1957. The committee is indebted to the Sun-News office for the use of its files, to other publications, to the Lowden Historical Society and to scores of individuals who shared pictures and information. We regret that limitation of space did not permit us to use all of the offerings.

    Special gratitude goes to the following:

            Photographs: Ruth Boedeker, Don Meier and Wm. Stout

            School pupils who submitted poetry

            Sandra Schwarz for the cover design

            Steven Gottschalk for his weather research

Booklet Committee:

Arthur Fisher Emma Lange
Rev. Paul Jordan Jeanette Ruprecht
Deloris Kahl Ann Schoff
Ruth Kruckenberg Janise Wenndt

    Drawing of banner by Anita Diane Kruckenberg, April 11, 1982

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Page created Novemeber 25, 2021 by Lynn McCleary

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