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Advertisements | Location | Page |
Flowers by Dorie - Flowers for all Occasions; Dorie Heisch, Owner. West Main St. | Lowden, Iowa | 7 |
City Cub Studio of Dance & Baton. Audition Placement, Scholarships, Competition Teams. Where the impossible dream comes true…rural children become National Champions. Deb Buttleman, Director. Serving children of Cedar, Clinton, Jackson, Jones & Scott Counties with Ballet, Pointe, Jazz, Tap, Acrobatics, Modern Baton, aerobics, Tots exposure and Baby-mother and Movement. Member USTA, NBTA, WTA & National Dance Assoc. Director holds B.A. Degree, is a certified world twirling assoc. judge and teacher with the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education & Dance. 113 S. Main. | Wheatland, Iowa | 8 |
Neil Voita, Chiropractor. 112 S. Main. | Wheatland, Iowa | 9 |
Lowden Lumber Co., Inc. since 1979. We are proud to be a part of the community of Lowden. We have confidence in the future of Lowden and its community. | Lowden, Iowa | 10 |
Del's Electric; Electrical, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Sales and Service. Delbert Kruckenberg | 12 | |
Clarence Saving Bank. Over 85 years of service to the Community. 24 hour banking with ATM. $100,000 FDIC Insurance for each depositor. Member FDIC | Clarence, Iowa | 12 |
Quaker Oats Company Cob Buying Station. Congratulates Lowden on 125 Years. We convert cobs to the Industrial Chemical "Furfural". Grinding - Wheels - Medicines - Metal Castings - Plastics - Plywood Glue - Textile Dyes - Oil Refining - Golf Ball Covers. If you have cobs to sell contact your local cob trucker of phone 1-800-332-5231. Michael Scheer, local manager | 14 | |
Lowden Historical Society. Congratulations on your 125th year. We are proud to have had he opportunity to preserve many memorable facts and historical items pertaining to Lowden and its community since organizing 9 years ago. Our wish is to continue recording and collection items and events as Lowden advances in historical growth. The Historical Center can be visited during the months of May through October on Sundays from 1:30 to 4 :00 p.m. or by appointment. Appointments can be made by contacting any of the following members: Mrs. Leroy Hansen, Mrs. Noman Kroemer, Mrs. Delbert Kruckenberg. | Lowden, Iowa | 16 |
Wheatland Auto Body, Inc. Repairing - Refinishing - Glass Work - Bear Front Wheel Alignment and Wheel Balancing. Glen Casad. | Wheatland, Iowa | 18 |
Stauffer Seeds. Ray W. Meier, Your Staffer Seeds Dealer. | Lowden, Iowa | 18 |
John E. Hart. Auctioneer, real Estate. Go Hawks! Go Lowden! | Wheatland, Iowa | 18 |
Mary Ann's barber Styles. Haircuts for the entire family | Lowden, Iowa | 19 |
R. R. Schneider Corp. "The Grain Handlers". Grain Drying Bins - Augers - Grain Storage Bins - LEG Elevators - Fans & Heaters - Stirways & Foreways - Bulk Feed Bins - Portable Dryers - Aereation Equipment - Pole Buildings. "Whether It's on the Farm or Commercial, We Have the Grain Systems for You". See us today. | Maquoketa New Liberty, Iowa | 20 |
PRIDE. Trust us for the quality seed you need: corn, soybeans, alfalfa, sorghum, sunflowers. George Scheeper and Gerhardt Scheeper | 20 | |
Parts Service and Sale for White Farm Equipment - For tractors, combines and planters that lead the field in performance. Oliver/White has been in our store since 1935. K Krause - We are the distributor for this fine line of tillage tools. We have every part to keep you going when it counts. Krause has ben in our store since 1953. OMC - A super line of machinery that we have just taken on. Skid steers, hay conditioners, round balers, and mixers that get the job done! And: Knowles - Killbros - Satoh-Mitsubishi - BMB - Hesston - Schuler - Parker - Harvest Hand - Fuerst Harrows - LBI - Marlis Grain Drills. P. W. Stankee Co., since 1920. | Wheatland, Iowa | 22 |
Hintz's Grocery. Harpy 125 Anniversary! | Toronto, Iowa | 23 |
For all Your Building Needs: Like a new Home? Remodel or Addition. Farm Buildings. See W. E. Griesbah Builders, Contractor | Lowden, Iowa | 24 |
Horman Digging - Trenching and Backhoe Work | Lowden, Iowa | 26 |
Na-Churs Plant Food. Helping you make the most of the fields you now best. Terry Kroemer. Congratulations Lowden. | Lowden, Iowa | 26 |
Masonry Construction, Lack Williams. Free Estimates. | Clarence, Iowa | 26 |
Custom Corn Shelling - Fox Shelling Service | Lowden, Iowa | 26 |
Great Plains Bupane Gas - Harvey's Gas. Gary King, owner. Dealer for Bupane 100 lb cylinders. Special rates for your own pick up. | Lowden, Iowa | 28 |
Fred Otte, Lawn Mower Shop. Featuring a Complete Line of Lawn Boy Moers. Will repair all makes and models of hand mowers. | Lowden, Iowa | 28 |
Bowstead Angus Farms. Performance Tested Angus Cattle for over 30 years. Dr. Warren Bowstead and Stephen Bowstead. | Lowden, Iowa | 28 |
Rolling Hills Orchard. Producers of Quality Apples and Cider. 3 1/2 miles north of Lowden. | Lowden, Iowa | 29 |
New Liberty Veterinary Clinic. A Complete Veterinary Service | New Liberty, Iowa | 30 |
Bennett Ford Tractor, Inc. Service - Sales - Parts - Ford - New Holland - Glencoe - Kewanee | Bennett, Iowa | 30 |
Congratulations to the town of Lowden on 125 years from Memorial Park. Come and enjoy Baseball & Softball on our lighted diamonds or picnics & parties at shelters, also Lighted Tennis Courts. | Lowden, Iowa | 30 |
Sales - Ford - Service. Mensing Motor Co. 607 W. Main St. | Lowden, Iowa | 32 |
Congratulations Lowden from Eastern Iowa P.C.A. We're Agriculture's Leading Lending Hand. Production Credit Association. Short and Intermediate Term Credit for Farmers. 312 Cedar St. | Tipton, Iowa | 34 |
Congratulations from Peekenschneider Oil Co., Inc. Amoco Oil Products. Serving Your Community with Pride & Pleasure. Keith - Lowden. Gene Dixon. | Dixon Wheatland Lowden, Iowa | 36 |
Congratulations on your 125th Birthday. Kruckenberg Plbg. & Htg. Sales and Service of Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning | Lowden, Iowa | 38 |
Featuring Land O'Lakes products & Service - Clarence Co-Op Company, Where the Farmer Comes First. See us for all building Materials, Grain, seed, Fertilizer, Feed, Chemicals & Custom Application Grind & Mix. Land Olakes, FEICO. Yard - Elevator - Petro | Clarence Stanwood Olin, Iowa | 38 |
Lions International. "Lions… a human chain of service extending around the globe…" World's Largest Service Organization. Congratulations to Lowden on your uasquicentennial from the Lowden Lions Club | Lowden, Iowa | 40 |
Pioneer Seeds. Larry F. Stolte | Lowden, Iowa | 42 |
Congratulations Lowden - Karl Dickel, Custom Equipment & Repair. Buffalo-Till Equipment - Welding & Repair | 42 | |
Fleck Sales Co. Distributors of Miller High Life - Lite - Lowenbrau Beers | Cedar Rapids, Iowa | 42 |
Photography by Lowell Henry, Certified Professional Photographer. Corner of 4th & Maple. | Maquoketa, Iowa | 43 |
Litton - GE - Amana - Maytag - KitchenAid - Jenn-Air - Speed Queen - Whirlpool. Paint - Hardware - Housewares - Wallpaper - Drapes. Olsen's "We service what we sell" | Lowden, Iowa | 44 |
Classique Beauty Salon. Jan Olsen, Owner. 310 Hall Ave. | Lowden, Iowa | 44 |
Zion United Church of Christ. Rev. Paul Jordan, Pastor. Picture of church and rectory. | Lowden, Iowa | 46 |
Regennitter Electric Inc. Farm - Residential - Commercial. Norman & Craig Regennitter | Bennett, Iowa | 47 |
Lillis-Deerberg Post #366, American Legion. To foster and perpetuate a one hundred percent Americanism. We salute our city of Lowden on its 125th Anniversary. Lillis-Deerberg Unit #366 American Legion Auxiliary. | Lowden, Iowa | 48 |
Dan's Excavating & Grading; Land Clearing - earth Moving. Dan Nietfeldt. | Wheatland, Iowa | 50 |
L. E. Strackbein Construction. New Construction & Remodeling. | Lowden, Iowa | 50 |
For your Real Estate and Auctioning needs, contact Mel Wiebel, Broker and Auctioneer. Mel Wiebel Agency. | Lowden, Iowa | 50 |
Andy's Outdoor Power Equipment, Sales & Service. Small Engine Repair - Lawn Mowers - Chain Saws - Snowmobiles. 105 S. Main St. | Wheatland, Ia. | 50 |
Margaret's Beauty Shop. Permanent Waving, Hair Shaping. Margaret Peterson. | 50 | |
The Insurance Store: Casualty - Auto, Truck, Homeowners, Personal Property. Bonds - Drain Shop Liability, Liquor Bonds, Beer Bonds, Cigarette Bond, Notary Bonds, Administrator Bonds, Guardian Bonds, Sales Tax Bonds, License Bonds, Permit Bonds. Hai - Per Bushel, Percentage. Farm - Blanket Personal Property, Farm Liability, Workman's Comp., Farm Buildings. Business - Commercial Coveral, Furniture & Fixtures, Buildings, Inventory, Burglary, Liability, Workman's Comp. Life - Annuities, Pension Plans. Wm Stout, Agent. Duane Lasack, Agent. Lowden Insurance Agency Inc. c/o American Trust and Saving Bank. | Lowden, Iowa | 52 |
American Trust & Savings Bank. All Deposits Insured to $100,000. Member F.D.I.C. | Lowden, Iowa | 53 |
Congratulations to Lowden on their 125th Anniversary. Chapman Furniture. 25 Years of Progress. Pictures: Early store front then updated photo of building 25 Years of Progress. | Lowden, Iowa | 54 |
Chapman Funeral Homes. Reverent, Beautiful, Comforting Surroundings | Clarence Lowden Wheatland, Iowa | 55 |
Harrison Hardware & Plumbing. Complete Line of Hardware. Plumbing - Heating - Electrical - Air Conditioning - Pump Repair - Backhoe. 116 Main St. | Wheatland, Iowa | 56 |
Dorothy's Beaudry Shop | Lowden, Iowa | 56 |
Iowa Electric Light and Power Company. IE: 1882 - A Century of Service 1982. To Save, it's going to take all of us. | 56 | |
Congratulations to Lowden on their 125th Anniversary! Steven J. Faulkner, D. D. S. | 58 | |
Congratulations to Lowden on their 125th Anniversary. Lowden Medical Corporation. | Lowden, Iowa | 58 |
Truck and Trailer Repair. Factory Authorized Cummins Dealer. West-Side Truck Center, Inc. 793 West Fifth Street. Bob Kroemer. On the farm service of all your Cummins powered equipment. | Lowden, Iowa | 58 |
Trinity Lutheran Church. (The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod) Michael J. Heggen, Pastor. The Church of Radio's "The Lutheran Hour" and TV's "This is the Life". With Gratitude to God, Hearlty Congratulates the City of Lowden on its' 125th Anniversay, July 22-25 1982. We preach a Changeless Christ for a changing world. Pictured a sketch of the church. | Lowden, Iowa | 60 |
Premium Oil Co. Phillips Products | Wheatland, Iowa | 62 |
Myers' Mobil. Mobil Gas & Oil Products | Bennett, Iowa | 62 |
Bennett Locker Plant. Gary Griem, Prop. | Bennett, Iowa | 62 |
Bennett Machine and Fabricating, Inc. 230 Main Street | Bennett, Iowa | 62 |
We Salute the Lowden Community 125th. May the years to come be Prosperous and Successful Bennett State Bank, member F.D. I. C. Bennett Insurance Agency, member F.D. I. C. | Bennett, Iowa | 64 |
Tipton Conservative & Advertiser "Iowa Oldest Weekly". Congratulations to Lowden for 125 Years of Progress. Offering Cedar County News, Advertising and Printing Service. "Read it for More News - See it for More Pictures - Use it for More Business" The Tipton Conservative and Advertiser. Official Paper for Tipton and the County. Cedar County's Better Advertising Medium. | Tipton, Iowa | 66 |
Conrad Electric and Refrigeration. | Bennett, Iowa | 68 |
Congratulations. Liberty Trust & Savings Bank, Durant, Iowa. Office at New Liberty, Iowa. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp | Durant New Liberty, Iowa | 68 |
Sharon's Gift Shop. Green Plants. Blooming Plants. Main Street | Lowden, Iowa | 68 |
Kerri's Kut Hut. Kerri Timmerman Owner-Operator. Open Wednesday - Saturday a.m. | Bennett, Iowa | 68 |
Janis' Beauty Shop. Men & Women's Perms - Colors - Style Cutting. We Appreciate Your Business. | Lowden, Iowa | 69 |
Mary Kay Cosmetics. Christine Meyer, Professional Beauty Consultant. For Appt. or Interview. 123 Grant Avenue. | Lowden, Iowa | 70 |
Wiebel Seed Co. Dekalb Seen Corn - Agripro Soybeans. Good Seed Doesn’t Cost - It Pays! | Wheatland, Iowa | 70 |
Kirchhoff Distributing Co. This Buds For You! | Maquoketa Clinton Dubuque, Iowa | 70 |
Hasenbank Feed Service Inc. "Your Friendly Purina Dealer". Custom Grinding Service. Grain - Fertilizer - Pride-of-The-Farm. | Clarence, Iowa | 70 |
Lowden Jaycees. A Community Service Organization. The Jaycee Creed We Believe: The faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life; That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations; That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise; That government should be of laws rather than men; That earth's greatest treasurer lies in human personality; And that service to humanity is the best work of life. | Lowden, Iowa | 72 |
Clothing - Shoes - Furnishings. Everything for the Well Dressed Man. Clarence Clothing Co. Henry R. Thies, Prop. Red Wing Work Shoes. | Clarence, Iowa | 72 |
Hamilton's Women Apparel. 100 S. Main. Marge (Von Roden) Easton, Prop. | Maquoketa, Iowa | 74 |
Dubuque Packing Company. Buyer & Manager, Rick Yutesler. | Lowden, Iowa | 74 |
Crow's Stress-Proved Hybrids. Crow's Hybrid Corn. Gold tag Beans. Floyd A. Hansen. | 74 | |
Congratulations to Lowden's 125th Year. Standard Chemical Mfg. Co., Omaha, Neb. Serving 13 State and Canada. Mfg. Plants and Warehouses Located in Algona, Iowa; Billings, Montana; Carthage, Missouri; Omaha, Nebraska; Leoti, Kansas; Lexington, Nebraska; Malver, Iowa; Marshall, Minnesota; Muscatine, Iowa; Newton, Kansas Complete Protein - Pre-Mixes and Liquid Supplement For all Livestock and Poultry. C. W. "Cornel" Paulsen, Your Standard Representative for the last 29 years. | Lowden, Iowa | 76 |
Quality Control… a way of life at Yoder Feeds. Better Quality - Yoder Feeds - A Division of Yoder Incorporated. Almost 50 years of working directly with farmers. See or Call Bob Stuhr, Bennett Ia. or Dave Doser, Stanwood, Ia. | Bennett, Iowa Stanwood, Iowa | 76 |
New Liberty Sale Barn. Auction Every Friday. Fat Cattle Sale Tuesday. Ron Wingert - Glen Heber | New Liberty, Iowa | 80 |
Davis Farm Equipment Co. 102 Cedar Street, Tipton. International Harvester, Bobcat, and Bush Hog | Tipton, Iowa | 80 |
Jacques Seeds. Framers Feed the World. Alfalfa - Soybeans - See Corn. Don Boedeker, Dealer | 80 | |
John (Bill) Hardison. Lime and Rock Hauling | 80 | |
Colonial Is Good Bread | Cedar Rapids, Iowa | 80 |
Manatt's Concrete Company. Ready Mixed Concrete - Septic Tanks - bagged Dry Concrete - Well Pits - Reinforcing Rod & Mesh. | Tipton, Iowa Clarence, Iowa | 82 |
Paul's Trucking. Livestock and Grain Hauling. Paul Schmalfeldt. | Lowden, Iowa | 82 |
On the Go With Amoco. For all your fertilizer, Chemicals, soil test call Amoco Oil Co. Harold Beuthien, Mgr. | Wheatland, Iowa | 82 |
If You Haven't Tried "Dekalb" It's Time You Did. "Dekalb" is a registered brand name. Seed Corn - Alfalfa - Sudax - McCubbin Seed - Soybeans - Oats. Robert L. Licht | Lowden, Iowa | 82 |
Ken's Paint & Body. Ken Hayden - Owner. | Oxford Junction, Iowa | 84 |
Coon's Corner Store. General Merchandise - Groceries - Wayne Feeds | Oxford Junction, Iowa | 84 |
Sportsman's Den Bar & Grill. Good Food & Drinks. Friendly Atmosphere. | Oxford Junction, Iowa | 84 |
Benhart Feed & Produce. Hubbard Sunshine Feed. Jim Benhart | Oxford Junction, Iowa | 84 |
Plant Cargill Hybrids for High Yields. See Robert Kruckenberg. | Lowden, Iowa | 86 |
See Us For … Broilmaster Grills - Motor fuel equipment - Charmglow grill parts - also 20 lb. Cylinder fill plus many other appliances and heating equipement. Wheatland Skelgas Service. Bill Lingle, Mgr. | Wheatland, Iowa | 86 |
Rex Feed & Elevator Company. Kent Feeds - Grain Handling - Custom Grind & Mix - Animal Care Products - Klein Livestock Equipment | Lowden, Iowa | 86 |
Menke's Super Valu - You're Always First. | Wheatland, Iowa | 88 |
Insurance - Public Sale Clerks. Rowold Agency, Main Street, Wheatland, Iowa. Alfred (Shadow) Rowold, Founder (1904-1981. Richard Rowold, Your Independent Insurance Agent, service you trust. Serving the Wheatland Area for Over 50 Years. | Wheatland, Iowa | 88 |
The First Trust and Savings Bank. Member F.D.I.C. Congratulations to the Lowden Community in celebration of their Quasquicentennial - 125 Years. We've got it all - Full Service Banking - right here for you. Come in for Complete Banking Service. | Dixon Wheatland Lost Nation, Iowa | 90 |
Lowden's Proud and So Are We. United Telephone System, United Telephone Company of Iowa. Congratulations on 125 Years of Community Progress | 90 | |
Heavy's - Your Favorite Food and Beverage. | Bennett, Iowa | 91 |
Congratulations Lowden on 125 Years. Licht's Dept. Store. Joey & Janise Wenndt | Lowden, Iowa | 92 |
We at Hargrave Company Inc. in Tipton, Iowa, Congratulate Lowden, Iowa for 125 Prosperous Years | Tipton, Iowa | 94 |
Cedar Johnson Farm Service Co. West 6h Street, Tipton, Iowa. Branch offices Lowden - Bennett - Mechanicsville. FS Congratulation Lowden FS | Lowden Bennett Mechanicsville, Iowa | 94 |
Congratulations to the City of Lowden on your 125th Anniversary. Best wishes for continued happy and many prosperous years to come. From the folks at Lowden Plumbing and Heating Company. Dealers in sales and services of water systems, electrical goods, and plumbing and heating supplies. | Lowden, Iowa | 96 |
Pepsi. Pepsi's got your taste for life! | Cedar Rapids, Iowa | 98 |
Good Luck Lowden Quasquicentennial. Lowden Barber Shop. Henry Twachtmann. Facial Foliage on Beaver Beauties Pruned and Removed. I Do Appreciate Your Business. | Lowden, Iowa | 99 |
Krohn Feed Service. Golden Sun Feeds and Livestock Equipment. | New Liberty, Iowa | 100 |
Happy 125th Birthday. Mac's Triangle. Verna McDonald 106 W. Lincolnway, Wheatland. "Dine Out - At Least Once a Week". | Wheatland, Iowa | 100 |
"It's Just As Good As W48". How many times have you heard this? Why plant, "Just like," or "Almost like" or "As-good-as" Hybrids? You can plant the Real thing W48. Try this other hybrids that are W48 caliber, but are different maturities. W14 - W21 - W26 - W34 - W54 - W60 - W61 - W65. WYFFELS Hybrids. Kevin Hartwig. | Bennett, Iowa Atkinson, Illinois | 102 |
Fill'er up with Golden Harvest for golden yields. Family Seedsman, Still in touch with the land. Ralph G. King, dealer. Golden Harvest. Golden Harvest, Golden Yields. Golden Seed Co., Inc. | Cordova, Illinois | 104 |
Lowden's oldest business establishment proudly states that we have been serving he Lowden Business Community 107 yeas out of the 125 years that Lowden is celebrating. Our Aim is to continue serving this community for many more years in the future. Chevrolet Sales & Service. Zenith T-V - Goodyear Tires. Kemmann Chevrolet Inc. "Since 1875" | Lowden, Iowa | 106 |
Oscar Mayer. Bob Menke Station Manager. | Bennett, Iowa | 108 |
Superior Trailer Sales, Inc. Horse - Stock, Grain and Flatbed Trailers. Bob Menke, Sales Manager. R R #2, Box 128 | Wilton, Iowa | 108 |
Mike's Garage. Service & Body Work. | Elwood, Iowa | 109 |
Amvets Post No 16. (1952-1982) American Veterans, AMVETS of World War II, Korea & Viet Nam. Amvets Auxiliary No. 16 (1946-1982) "We Waited Together, Now Let's Work Together." | Lowden, Iowa | 110 |
Otto Koranda D-X Service Station. A friendly Smile to Each Customer. | Oxford Junction, Iowa | 111 |
Reliance Tap. Best Beer In Any League … Schmidt Beer. Kuba Distributing Co. | Cedar Rapids, Iowa | 114 |
Bins or Farm Buildings. Your Butler Agri-Builders Has the Best of Both! Also a Full Line of Hutchinson Augers - Kan-Sun and Farm Fan Dryers. Sales-Service-Design. Agricultural Building Service Co. 200 West South. See Salesmen: Gary Kline - Ron Petersen - Rob Bohnsack | Tipton, Iowa | 116 |
E. Von Muenster. Pioneer Seed Corn - Alfalfa - Soybeans. Living, Learning & Planting. Pioneer Brand Seeds. | New Liberty, Iowa | 118 |
John Deere Farm Equipment. We are proud to be a part of the community of Lowden. Congratulations from all of us at Strackbein's on the special 125th anniversary. Orville Wulf - Verle Shaffer - Rolland Davis - Chuck Breneman - David Jurgens - Cheryl Boedeker - Robert Hamdorf - Allen Hamdorf - Todd Rohling - Luvern McVay - Nancy Nietfeldt - Victor Hein - Jess Axline. Stackbein's Inc. Erwin Strackbein. Tom Schwarz. | Lowden, Iowa | 120 |
Woods' Auction Service. Larry Woods, Auctioneer. Consignment Auction 1st Saturday Every Month. | Blue Grass, Iowa | 122 |
M and L Grain Co. Lyle and Maurine McQuillen. R.R. 1 | Bennett, Iowa | 122 |
H. H. Stuhr Const. General Contractor. | Bennett, Iowa | 122 |
Congratulations on Lowden's 125th Anniversary. Rixe - Lausen American Legion Post #104 | Bennett, Iowa | 122 |
Trojan Pfizer Genetics Seed Corn - Seed Beans. Wendt Bros. Seed. Steve, Larry, Mike | 124 | |
William Brockmeyer. Limestone & Road Rock Hauling Excavation Works | 124 | |
Congratulations to Lowden on your Quasquicentennial. Goldtag Ferry -Morse See Company. Gary A. Thomson, D.S.M. & Floyd Hansen | Lowden, Iowa | 124 |
Congratulations to Lowden on your 125th Anniversary. Satisfied Customers Are Our Best. Lowden Meat Market. Don Lange. Choice Meats - Cut to Order - | Lowden, Iowa | 125 |
Sun-News. A Consolidation Of: The Clarence Sun - Founded 1879 and The Lowden News - Founded 1902. Your Hometown Newspaper. Official Newspaper For: Cedar County - Clarence -Lowden School District - City of Clarence - City of Lowden. Congratulations, Lowden on your 125th Anniversary! | Clarence Lowden Cedar County, Iowa | 126 |
Congratulations to the City of Lowden on your 125th Anniversary. From the gang at Lowden Fertilizer Ltd. See us For your complete line of Fertilizers & Chemicals, Custom Application & Spraying. Thermogas Dealer for Lowden & Surrounding Area. Lowden Fertilizer Ltd. | Lowden, Iowa | 128 |
24 hr. Wrecker Service. Amoco Motor Club. Automatic Car Wash. Lowden Standard Truck Stop, Hiway 30 | Lowden, Iowa | 130 |
Arrow Café. Home Style Cooking. Pies Our Specialty. Hiway 30 | Lowden, Iowa | 130 |
Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer. Established in Milwaukee 1844. "Give That Man A Blue Ribbon!" D & E Distributing Company | Cedar Rapids, Iowa | 132 |
E & A Café. Edgar & Annie Hintz. We are proud to have served you for the past 10 years and our aim is to continue serving you in the future. | Lowden, Iowa | 134 |
Dixon American Legion, Post 353. Catering to banquets and receptions | Dixon, Iowa | 136 |
Hostmann General Store. Woody and Elba Horstmann. | Big Rock, Iowa | 136 |
Free Estimates. Morris Excavating. Bulldozing and Backhoe Work. | Big Rock, Iowa | 136 |
For Furnace Old call Reuben's Furnace Oil. | Lowden, Iowa | 136 |
Glenn's Conoco Service Station | Bennett, Iowa | 137 |
Games - Poll. Best Wishes to Lowden. Meet Your Friends at Denny's Reliance Tap. The Fun Place. Refreshments - Pizza | Lowden, Iowa | 138 |
Bennett Feed Service. Custom Shelling & Hauling | Bennett, Iowa | 140 |
Horstmann's Trading Post. Groceries - Meats - Sundries - Beer - Ice | Bennett, Iowa | 140 |
Jesse Kohl. Local Farm Work - Bulldozing - Fence Line - Crane Work | 142 | |
North Cedar County Artificial Breeding Assoc. Carnation Genetics. Modernize Your Beef and Dairy Herd. Call Wayne Paul | Clarence, Iowa | 143 |
Airless Spray Painting - Water Pressure Cleaning - Interior Painting and Wall Cleaning by Machine. Duayne Walter, Painting Contractor. Serving Eastern Iowa Over 25 Years. R.R. 1 | Bennett, Iowa | 144 |
Herb Bryan. Painting and Decorations | Bennett, Iowa | 146 |
Harmel Implement. Buy & Sell all Kinds of Used Machinery. 2 miles east of Bennett, Iowa on Route 130. Bob Harmel, Ken Armus, Jerry Harmel | Bennett, Iowa | 146 |
Tues., Thru., Fri. & Sat. Steinke's Barber & Style. Appointments available. RK Scientific Hair Care Center, 518 Cedar, Tipton, Iowa. Harley Steinke | Tipton, Iowa | 146 |
D and P Printing. Dick and Dorothy Sennett. 703 McKinley Ave. | Lowden, Iowa | 147 |
Lincolnway Sheep Farm. Gary A. Thomson & Family | Lowden, Iowa | 147 |
Butch's Pub | Bennett, Iowa | 148 |
Lowden Family Skin & Hair Center. Serving the Whole Family Professionally. Full Services: Facials for skin firming - Skin care service by Aloe Vera Products - Manicures - Ear piercing - Unwanted hair removal - Perming, cutting, coloring. | Lowden, Iowa | 151 |
Wilkin Elevator Inc. Lowden Feed Service. Golden Sun Feed. Custom Grinding & Mixing. Congratulations to Lowden on 125 yrs. of Progress | Lowden, Iowa | 152 |