Volume 2


Printed by the Clio Press Iowa City, Iowa 1918
Copyright 1918 by Clarence Ray Aurner

Transcribed by Sharon Elijah, June 21, 2013


This volume is designed to continue Book One and to interest the young reader in the origin and organization of his own State. The material has been arranged with that end in view.

If it is thought advisable, the chapter on county organization may be passed, and then brought up after some of the chapters following have been read. If falls naturally where it is placed, and it should be readily understood when a State map with county boundaries well marked out is used in connection. The author has selected such details as in his judgment are best suited to arouse an interest in what may be called the State’s claim to historical consideration in the grades of the public schools.

In the preparation of this volume many favors have been received from associates, and friends in different section of the State. Their cooperation and assistance have been greatly appreciated.


Page created June 22, 2013 by Lynn McCleary

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