Volume 1


Fourth Edition Printed by the Clio Press Iowa City, Iowa 1920
Copyright 1917 by Clarence Ray Aurner

Transcribed by Sharon Elijah, April 2013

PREFACE pgs 5-6

In venturing to offer a book of this kind the author has purposed to introduce the child to the history of his own State. The experiences of a number of years in the public schools have led him to believe that the immediate environment is not advantageously used in instruction. But before entering upon a treatment of local government as expressed in township, in county, or in State organization it seems important to arouse an interest in the events connected with the settlement of the State and in the home building of the early settlers.

Our State is well served by two institutions which have been established to conserve the historical values of the Commonwealth. The State Historical Society was established in 1857 at Iowa City. It has collected a large library of interesting books dealing with State history which is housed at the State University. Under the supervision of Professor Benj. F. Shambaugh the Historical Society publishes many books and articles about Iowa history. These publications along with The Iowa Journal of History and Politics are sent to a large number of libraries in Iowa so that information about the State may be available to many citizens.

The State Historical Department at Des Moines which was organized about 1892 is directed by Curator Edgar R. Harlan. In its building, many books, papers, and pictures have been collected together with many interesting things which were owned by the pioneers. The original articles from which the pictures within the text of this book are taken are all in the State Historical Department at Des Moines. A journal, The Annals of Iowa, is published here and sent to the libraries of the State.

Both these institutions create an interest in the history of the State through the material they collect and through their publications.

A good State map should be at hand in connection with the use of this book. A county road map would be an advantage in supplementing the sections on roads.

Iowa City, Iowa. March, 1917

Page created May 4, 2013 by Lynn McCleary

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