Cedar County, Iowa

Durant Centennial Book
Celebration July 31st to August 1, 1954


This book is dedicated to all people who have lived in this small Midwest Iowa Town and to its children of today who will be the citizens of tomorrow and our hope for the future. We believe that a child growing up in such ideal surroundings receives a special start in life and a greater understanding of what true Americanism means.

We regret that only a limited amount of the material collected and reviewed could be incorporated into this history, but lack of space prevented the use of a great deal of information that was both interesting and significant. The omission of any name or event or date of importance to you was not intentional we assure you.

We express our sincere thanks to our advertisers and friends who help finance this undertaking and to all committee members and to everyone who helped make the Durant Centennial a success.

The Durant Centennial Committee
Raymond H. Christensen, General Chairman


Here’s to the very best people,
In the very best town I know –
Where we meet and greet and life is more sweet
For the lilt in each friend’s “Hello”

Yes, we know all about each other
And we’re loved for what we’re worth
In kindness and living service –
Not for wealth and treasures on earth.

It’s the friendly smile and the handclasp,
Not the cut of your coat or gown,
That endears you and makes life worth living
‘Mong the folks of your old home town.

Mrs. Frank Norris
(Taken from the Chicago Tribune)

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